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Pissed Off At Everything

Sometimes I feel when things are going well that the other shoe is about to drop, that part of the balance of life means good things and shitty things come my way. After a bunch of good things or great things, a bunch of shit is on its way well its here........   Last week I discovered a problem with some of my staff and the staff of another organization that we do business with. We are a not for profit so it is a small gossip filled world. Well on Monday at 2:00 I am meeting with the people of this other organization and will be put in a position to defend my staff and their actions. I need to be politically correct so that no negative information gets back to my manager or CEO.   Yesterday my neighnour yelled at me because my dog got out of my yard, and found her way to his patio. The thing is I was in the yard with the dog, as soon as she took off I started calling her name and chased after her, she can run faster than me and got to his patio about 10 seconds before me.   My ex and I get together about every three weeks for breakfast. A few years ago he moved to Georgia and moved in with this woman that he had dated in highschool, after they met up again on the internet. He moved back to Ontario Canada about 8 months later when it didnt work out. SInce he has been back he hasnt mentioned that hes been seeing anyone. Well I got a call from a friend of mine who saw an article in the paper about him. His car had been stolen a few days ago with his dog inside. The article mentioned him and his wife. Turns out he moved in with the woman who he was cheating with when I left him 10 years ago. The article appeared in 2 papers, and a follw up article will appear in our local paper, as the dog was found safe and sound. I feel like I was cheated on again.




Meeting the Bandsters

Saturday July 28th was going to be very exciting. I would be travelling about 20 minutes north east to meet a group of local bandsters for lunch. I decided to have optifast for breakast. This was all very exciting as I could actually feel myself taking steps into my new and improved life. I had ordered the Magic Bullet to go (the cordless/rechargeable) a few days prior, and like the optifast it arrived very quickly. One shake for brekkie, not too bad. Could I really do this?   The bandster lunch was awesome. Everyone was so nice, supportive, helpful and friendly. I was hoping to meet some people, at least one from my town. It would be cool to have a fellow bandster to walk down to starbucks by the lake.   Had a very sensible salad for lunch. Was very curious to see what the banded crowd ate. Ranged from soup, to pasta, to a hamburger!   Connected with a couple of bandsters who really made an impact on me, and I have found myself watching for there posts.   Lots of bandsters had same doc as me, and were very happy. A couple of us talked about how much of a hottie he is. I wouldnt throw him out of bed for eating crackers, if you know what I mean.




In spite of myself

I feel thinner, despite my cheating on optifast. Yesterday I was going to have a complete optifast day....I had breakfast and lunch optifast, but I felt like my insides were freezing, despite it being a heat wave, and the whole GTA is under a heat advisory.   When I got home, I had to give my puppy her medicine, she got a form of kennel cough at the groomers last week. She's a pretty good pill taker, but she needs 3and a half pills at a time, I felt sorry for her, especially those half pills cos I bet it tastes nasty.   A few days ago I bbq'd some of these nice beef and bluecheese burgers for her, so I would have something to hide the pills in and it would be a nice treat for the poooper doglet. Well after cutting a few chunks of burger for her pills, I proceeded to eat one of those burgers. She gave me the strangest look. Like...Hey what's going on, I thought that was my plate of burgers in the fridge.   Well I ate the whole burger. Why did I teach that dog not to jump up and grab food out of my hand/plate. Perhaps if I would have let her steal my food from the beginning, I would not need to pay 16 thousand for the lapband. LOL.   Seeing my GP this afternoon, very excited. I'm getting my preop done so one step closer to surgery. WOOOOHOOO. I hope that my healthier eating habits have paid off in my cholesterol results. I dont think my blood sugars have improved, mostly due to my leaky liver.   I bought a scale at JYSK which is still in the trunk. I will get weighed at Docs office today and then calibrate scale, I'm gonna put it in the laundry room so I'm not tempted to jump on it every 5 minutes.   I really need to get ready for the cottage, as I am heading up north right after docs appt and still have about a bizillion things to do.




Fear and Optifast

Doc ordered 2 weeks of optifast pre-op. In my zest to begin the process of being banded, I orderd the optifast right away, and it was delivered at lightning spped. Unfortunately I was not home, and hod to go to purolator to pick it up. This was not a big deal because it was literally a few minutes (like 3) up the street by car. However when I got there and the uniformed lady handed me the box, I was horrified to see that it said optifast weight loss such and such in huge writing all over the box. I mean I know it is not secret that I am fat, but I really hated the fact that the contents were explicitly described on the outside.   That was friday July 27th. I decided not to wait until August 01, but to try the optifast sooner. THe thought of quitting food, (my friend, lover and constant companion) cold turkey terrified me to death. It should be stated here that I quit smoking cold turkey back in April of this year. Letting go of the food is so different.   My plan was, and still is to ease into optifast, and actually to cheat. There I said it. I am going to cheat, I am not going to give up food for 14 consecutive days in exchange for a packet of powder.




Confessing a secret

I first met with Doc on July 20th. Even before that, I knew that I was going to keep the lapband thing a secret from as many people as possible. Yet ironically I am journalling on the world wide web.   Although the procedure is outpatient, the clinic has strict rules that you cannot drive yourself ortake a cab home. You must travel home with an adult that you know and trust, and someone must agree to stay with you for 24 hours. The clinic needs to know the name and phone number of the person. THe clinic verifies that they have agreed to monitor you for 24 hours.   Okay, so now to I have to tell someone. Someone with a car, a drivers license, and the ability to leave work early to pick me up, and the ability to leave their near and dear home alone for 24 hours. Sounds easy enough.   Well LW is getting married soon, and will flip out that I am having surgery so close to the wedding since I am MOH. Rule out LW   Then there is JLY, she recently started a new job, cant take time off work so soon after starting. Rule out JLY   NS is having outpatient surgery of her own the day before mine, and will not be able to drive. Rule out NS   WLS is unable to drive temporarily due to a medical condition. Rule out WLS   Aha I have it.... P & D - they are a fantastic couple whom I have been friends with for 7 years, not as long as most of my other friends, but who are like family to me. (in a good way lol).   I invite them to a BBQ at my house, and tell them about the surgery. There reaction was really funny. First of all P guessed that I was having weight loss surgery as soon as I said " I have something to tell you". Then she misheard the price, and thought I said sixteen HUNDRED dollars instead of sixteen THOUSAND dollars. "I wish" I said as I was double over in fits of laughter.   D was telling me to try weight watchers and take up cycling. Please been there done that, about 10 years ago I would do at least one long (150 km) bike ride each summer. Well I tried, successfully not to be angry at his attitude. After all he knows about as much about having a weight problem as I know about the plight of the pine bug as it tries to survive in the diminishing forests.   They are the bestest. P was very supportive, and although D did not seem to "get it" was supportive just the same. He is going to pick me up at the clinic, and stay over night at my place my first night home. This will include of course taking the pooper dog for a walk and picking up the poopers. This I realize is quiet a gift from a friend who does not share his abode with a furry canine.   What a relief... a confession, and the first 24 hours of recovery sorted.



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