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Post op day 3

Day 3 already, I was more sore today in my lower tummy. (my surgeon removed my stomach thru another incision lower from a prev surg I had) so I am assuming this is the more painful site, mostly hurts when I try to get off the couch or out of chair. I did sneeze today and whoa that sucked. But its nothing constant. I was expecting more pain and am sooo grateful I have had the easy time I have had. The only meds I took today is the omeprizole for acid. I will take the phenergran at night because I believe a full night sleep is extremely important. I am sleeping on the couch, so I can stay upright and not take in any air. I did not nap today which is different.   I had my first "outting" today, my mom picked me up and we went to costco had my heart set on some premier protein shakes. My surgeon gives his patients food for pre and post op. All of it has protein. I tried the soup today and was horrified by it. It was disgusting and made me nauseous. I can handle the gelatin with protein. they want me eating 4 servings a day. So I decided to go with what I like. I walked the store with my mom twice, it was tough going by all the stuff I used to by there. Smelling the food. I don't believe it was real hunger I was experiencing. But today I noticed the fatigued feeling others have posted. Which in turn put me in a piss poor mood. I felt like I had nothing in my body to fuel it. So I stopped and got some campbells chicken noodle soup and strained it. It tasted wonderful. I was only able to eat a small portion and didn't push it. that took care of my mood. My goal tomorrow is to push myself walking, I need to build some stamina for monday going back to work. I have been really good about getting my fluid in, thanks to crystal light of course.




one month out, seeing the scale move again

Well Monday was 4 weeks exactly, things are well here, I am slowly trying new foods. Finding my restriction(whew), for some reason I was too worried that my tummy was big. Well it isn't, because I have spent so long on liquids and softies that I never really felt full. Now I am learning to SLOW DOWN, I have become that annoying person at the dinner table with my phone in my hand. Partly because it makes me put my fork down, I play a game or just fart around with it so that I don't wolf down my food. It absolutely amazes me how little food we can survive on. I made egg salad last night for the first time. But less than an hour later it vacated the premesis!!! First bout with dumping for me. Not sure why but I guess I will give it a rest and maybe in a week or 2 try again. I am officially down 22lbs! The scale hasn't moved much in a couple weeks but I was not going to whine or cry about it because I saw change elsewhere and EVERYONE says it will happen. But I am totally satisfied with my progress. Today I got on the scale and was down 3 overnight! Amazing. I have seen a lot of people post that and thought well I will be one of those that will see half pound here half pound there but I got a smile on my face this morning after seeing 3 gone!!! My manager has asked me every day "so what have you lost, how are you doing"?? SO ANNOYING, she was also the reason I didn't say anything prior to my surg. Oh well. I will eventually post before and during photos but will prob wait till 8 weeks out. (I apologize for this rambling but the enter key will not start a new paragraph!) I started walking yesterday, I have 2 dogs and have totally slacked on walking them, it has cooled down enough here to do so, I got the app map my walk, just hit go and did my usual walk, well turns out it was over a mile! I always thought less than that but whoo hoo, as long as it stays a fairly reasonable temp. I will continue it daily. For some reason hitting the gym is making me cringe so as long as the weather holds up I will walk my booty off! Its a start and could also be why I saw movement on the scale. Then maybe eventually I will do the couch to 5k, but I would rather hit my finger with a hammer than run, so until that changes so be it. I am looking into some yoga classes offered thru community ed, and in November a friend of mine does a butts/guts class so those are both possibilities. One of my goals this fall will be to buy a pair of tall leather boots that I see everyone wearing but never could because I have cankles and man calves!!!




First official entry.....pre-op appt today and the awesome pre-op diet begins, thought I would write a few things down...

OK so where to start.....I have been on the site since late november of 12 and here I am 9 months later ready to embark on the journey of the sleeve. I am on here just about everyday and have not done one of these yet. I guess I would like to have something to look back on during and after my transformation.(sounds like I am going to a sex change or something!!) Anyway, I completed my 6 month ins requirement, had to walk the fine line of not dropping below a 40 bmi and not gaining, I started at 5'7' 258(40 bmi) and bounced up to 262 then back down to 257. Ins took about a week which surprised me, thought I would get declined or have to wait a month. Must say that was the most anxiety of this whole process, the insurance. Now onto today I had a 4 hour pre-op appt, was given my pre-op post-op food, and all my paperwork as to the dos-donts of sleeve land.......   My other stats are I'm a 33 yr gal married to wonderfully supportive hubby who is more than anxious about my doing this. No kids yet but after I have lost enough to be healthy then we will try. I have a gordon setter named Cooper who is a 75# lapdog and my baby. I also have a 11yr old akita who I feel has probably been with me in another life. She is an old soul who just "knows" me. And anyone who has ever experienced that with a dog/animal knows exactly what I'm saying. Shes beginning to fail and I find myself taking extra moments out of my day to appreciate her. Last but not least is Buddy, hes my african grey parrot and hes a trip.   My fatness......well my fatness goes back to one of my first memories going to the doctor for shots and the doctor saying I was overweight, no more apple juice or graham crackers, my mom was a health nut there was never anything unhealthy around. My mom pushed me hard and before you knew it I was sneaking food and hiding to eat. I could think of nothing else but food. I stayed overweight till college when waitressing for 12 hrs and aerobics class took over. Oh yeah and that stuff called ephedrine that was miracle for me. I prob at that point got to my lowest in years around 170-180 and was never aware that I was thinner. I still had the monkey on my back, and I am worried that will be my biggest thing to overcome as the weight comes off. The Fat girl mentality., I must admit, I have the whole self loathing problem, can't make eye contact with people in certain settings, avoid having pics taken. My poor husband, has dealt with me withdrawing from the bedroom due to this as well. I am done hiding!!!!   So here starts my new journey, I have butterflies but I am not too freaked out. Considering I am having most of a major organ removed. hhhmmm I am going to take some pics(gasp) and measurements. I have also tried to keep this secret from most everyone. Only my mother and husband know, afterwards I may come clean because at that point it won't matter if theres negativity, whats done is done. I work in a cardiology office and have many people around me who have no filter in there heads and say whatever comes to there tiny little brains......and if I hear "easy way out" again I may scream!! So my surg date is Aug 5 730am sharp!!! I am so ready to get a move on. Sorry for the lengthy post(or not) I will try to post the day of and after, because I know how much seeing those posts have helped educate me and prepare me for whats coming. Till next time




Day 7 post op, made it thru first day of work!

Well technically I am still here but taking a break. I was busy with patients this morning till about 1130 and I handled well. Just glad I was able to sit my butt down after that, Now I am sore from head to toe. My back is sore(prob from spending so much time on my butt) and my gut feels like I have won the guiness world book of sit ups! I got 2 protein shakes down and 48oz of fluid, going to fill er up and get to 64oz before 5 I hope. Whats good is I did not get that low bloodsugar feeling that I was having a couple days ago. I did break out into sweat a couple times but forced myself to slow down. Tonight I plan on puttin something super comfy, (getting this damn bra off) and chillaxin till bedtime. I consider today a success.   Also I have dropped the bomb at work about my surg. Told my manager and a few other coworkers. So far everyone has been supportive (theres prob a big buzz of whispering going around the office regarding me but let them!) I knew I would be able to deal with talking to people about this afterwards better than before hand and I was right.   I noticed a difference in my scrub bottoms today, they were not so "bust the seam" tight. Victory! The scale has moved 15lbs total since pre-op(in which I gained oops)   Anyway, off I go




Day 25 I broke the stall!

So just wanted to comment that yesterday I got on the scale and it was down a half pound and today a whole other pound.(Down 19 total in just over 3 weeks) I was shocked. I lost 17 really fast the first 8 days then I stopped for over a week. I am almost a month out and the scale finally gave in. I am noticing changes to. I am still on softies for another 2 weeks then I think I am released for regular food. I admit I have had regular food a couple times and just chewed the dickens outta it. I do have restriction, and I do get hungry, no where near what I used to but if I go too long between meals I can tell, but by 3-4 bites it is over. We are going camping for the holiday weekend and I am going to be naughty and have a cocktail. Prob something with crystal light. I have been really good with no carbonation. This is the longest I have been with out pop!!!. I don't really miss it, I am getting really sick of crystal light, need to find new flavors. I have done excellent with protein intake and make a smoothie every morning, mostly eating chick salad tuna salad soup and refried beans, getting more creative all the time. No complaints here, the annoying nagging voice in my head that always wanted to eat more has been very quiet, maybe I gave myself the reins for once and it seems to be working. SW 265 CW 246




Day 17, first post op appt

Haven't posted in awhile, things are going really well, I am a little over 2 weeks out and down 17 pounds, haven't moved from that in 4 days so I figure the dreaded 3 week stall is hitting. Oh well, I have learned its very common.   Went to see my surgeon today and dietician. My surgeon was amazed at my recovery,(I must say he is a cutie too!) I have not had any issues, besides nausea with the celebrate vitamins. I am transitioning according to plan. He said "you are what we like to see with this surg" that made me feel good. I have been following rules, although I snuck a peanut butter cracker in the other day. Chewed it till it was mush. I must say it was delightful! But I was satisfied with that amount, unlike before where I would have eaten 15 of them. I asked the surgeon how he closed the stomach after he cut it, (I like gory details) He said he uses titanium staples which are permanent, also sutures a type of goretex material that dissolves along the incision, and he takes some of the omentum(tissue throughout the abdomen) and sutures it around the stomach to keep it in place.(this helps with nausea) These are techniques that are fairly new and that he and his partners created and are being used around the country.   The dietician has given me the ok for soft foods and purees, what I don't get is they do not allow eggs, like egg salad or scrambled. But I can have tuna or chick salad. That was weird. I will stay on this for 4 more weeks before real food happens. I have tried mashed potatoes, refried beans and creme of wheat already no issues. I am slowly understanding the feeling of restriction now with this new food. I like to know its there. That is what keeps me on track. I do not have problems with sugar(kinda wish I did) I had a 70 calorie orange creme cicle, and no problems with it.   What I am really struggling with is the no drinking during meals, I find myself with dry mouth post op so I always have a glass of water/crystal light around. It is so hard not to reach for the glass during the meal or right after. But I am working on it.   I have noticed a change in appearance, nothing substantial, but heck I'm only out 17 days. I do tend to be a bit impatient........   This weekend could be a challenge, sat we may be going to a pig roast for a birthday, no one there knows and I don't feel like telling the story 80 times, but if I do not have a beer in my hand they will all think I am pregnant. Ugh so I may just have to pretend I am drinking. Then sunday we are going to see my husbands grandparents and take them out for their birthdays. Also, folks I don't feel like telling, number one because well people from that generation do not understand weight loss surg, and I don't feel like trying to explain myself 20 times because of hearing aids. But I also know his grandma will be pushing food on my like crazy so I may have to give in on that.   Anywho, just though I would update things. I have found a routine, I am making my own protein shakes in the morning and saving the packaged ones for at work or on the go so I don't get too tired of them. I use half a banana, one scoop unflavored unjry, one container of 100cal greek yogurt(berry) and 1/3 cup skim milk and ice. Tastes great and good consistency. Plus its like 36grams of protien. Great start to the day.   Till next time.....




8 weeks out, officially hit the 30 pound mark, slow and steady wins the race....

Haven't posted in a while mostly because well nothing too exciting happening. Staying the course with my diet. I am still doing a morning shake everyday. I use a scoop of unflavored unjury, skim milk and ice and a couple packets of truvia then add coffee, its been something I actually look forward to. I still have yet to find any food that does not agree with me. (not always a good thing) I find that bread and potatoes fill me up to the point of being uncomfortable so I just stay away, but things like chips and crackers do go down easy so I am not letting those come into the house. I am having fun with cooking, using the recipes I find on theworldaccordingtoeggface blog. I made some lettuce wraps that turned out great the other day. My husband even liked them. We grilled steak this weekend and it was amazing! I only have to buy one steak now and we split it. My exercise is still low key, I walk 3-5 times a week with a coworker, I need to turn it up a bit and get weights in but the weather has been so nice I want to enjoy it to the bitter end! I have all winter to be inside in the gym. As of today I am down 30 pounds and I am 8 weeks out. My closet is starting to not yield much to wear. I have this gap of clothing the "too big" stuff is being thrown into a pile for friends and goodwill, and the "I will get there" clothes are still out of reach and there's not much in-between. I am down to one or 2 pairs of jeans that I can fit. I never realized how long I went wearing clothes that were too tight simply because I couldn't wrap my head around buying the next size up! I may do a big overhaul on the closet this weekend. in 2 weeks I go on a girls trip and we will be hitting some outlet malls, I won't go crazy buying stuff but need to get a few things., I like how shirts are fitting me now. I am top heavy and have lost almost 2 cup sizes, the girls are a bit lower but still look nice in a bra! LOL, I managed to find 2 old bras that I had stashed because they were too small so that has saved the pocket book. My progress remains at 1-2 pounds a week. Sometimes with an extra bonus pound in there somewhere. So I am not the fast loser I hoped I was going to be but this is the fastest I have ever lost weight in my life and kept it off! And for once there's no end in sight, no rebound with binges because I can't handle being no carb or so super food restrictive that I just crash into a bag of McDonalds like a raving lunatic! I look at food for nutrition but I also allow for what I am craving. Partly because its such a small amount. I can usually curb a craving with a sugarfree popsicle, or a couple crackers with peanut butter. I have stayed away from all the cider doughnuts that keep making their way into my office. I did have a minisnickers but kept it to just that one! Which was a feat in itself. I am keeping with the mantra of protein first, and have not had a problem sticking to it. It doesn't really require much thought anymore. I know I am still in the "honeymoon" phase, I have no real hunger just a weird feeling when I go too long between meals. I love the little blue diamond 100 calorie almond packets. I usually have one between my morning shake and lunch, I also have been making mini rollups for a quick protein snack. I take a mini dill pickle, half of a slice of deli ham and a teaspoon of low fat cream cheese, roll it up and its a perfect quick grab snack. This is becoming quite long winded(and I can't separate paragraphs for some reason) I feel good about my future feeling optimistic. So on that note I will end this




2nd day post op

Well I made it to the sleeve side. Had my sleeve early monday morning. Everyone at the hospital was super nice, I was taken in on time. Dont remember much after they gave me something to "calm my nerves". Next thing I remember was waking up in my room. My throat was sore and my belly was a bit sore. That was it. I told them ahead of time that I was sensitive to pain meds and anesthesia. I got up from bed and walked around my room, spit up some blood which was nasty. My nurse said it was from the breathing tube. I was only allowed ice chips for the rest of the day. I became really nauseous after some ice one time and the saliva came pouring out! I am assuming this is the slimies. I was given Levasin drops for nausea which worked. They had me up and walking every couple hours which was no problem. I had a pain pump with IV dilaudid(I can't take vicodin) I think I only hit the button a couple of times. But I am sure the anesthesia was still in my system too. The surgeon said he had to fix a hiatal hernia as well. monday night they came and drew blood from me, said they would only have to do a leak test if my white count was up and my pain was bad. tues morn I was up early, walking and walking. I never really had any gas pain. Except when I would swallow my ice chips I could feel the air bubble trying to work itself out which hurt like crazy. But a small belch would happen and it would go away right then. My lower belly was pretty sore but totally tolerable. they had me on a version of iv tylenol which helped with that. Both the pa and the surgeon came in and said I was ready to start drinking my protein. So they made up my shake and some crystal lite to work on. I did pretty well. I think I was more scared to put anything in my new tummy. It never hurt. But some air bubbles would try to work their way out and that was painful. they told me that since I had done so well they would let me go home tues afternoon. My mom picked me up around 530 and brought me home. At home I drank some g2 which was good. I am not getting alot down but I am slowly working at it. I am using the pain meds for night time only right now. And I am using an ice pack for my stomach at times. Its wed morning now and am feeling better trying to get more down for protein and liquids. The gas is starting up today more, I find myself burping and passing gas a little more than before. I do not have a scale at home. I have one right outside my office door at work(doctors office) so I am going to wait to weigh at all till monday. that is when I go back to work. I have no urges for regular food at all. Even though its plastered all over the tv! Till next time




25 down as of day 36

Stop go, stop go, stop stall stall, go, that is how my weight loss has been. I am completely happy with my results. But like others I've seen on here, I am as impatient as a child on Christmas morning! Today I stepped on the scale and saw a movement of 2 pounds in one day. Wow, that's crazy. So that will boost my efforts to exercise, I have begun walking with a friend from work, this way it gets done before I even get home. Only walked a mile yesterday, but I figure its better than sitting on the couch. I have felt great, have no complaints. No pain, no pukies but I do notice if I take that one bite too many or too fast it sits in my esophagus for a bit which is unpleasant. Looking forward to expanding my food horizons, but have to wait till my next appt on the 17th. My surgeon said after 6 weeks I am considered healed. I am noticing a difference in my shape. So far have kept my boobs but they seem to be migrating south, sigh. My legs have thinned and I can see muscle again. My problem area which is my tummy or spare tire will be the last to go, but has shrunk some. My goal will be able to go into a different size by oct 17th. I am going on a girls weekend with my mom, we rented a beautiful chalet on lake Michigan right near Michigan city. There are wonderful outlet malls there galore so hoping I can find some deals. Staying the course with my morning protein shake, and soft foods, the never ending liquids and so on.



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