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Entering into another realm.

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feeling great!

It's two months and 2days since i'v had my surgery. I have lost a total of 40lbs. I feel great! I enjoyed a half of hoagie on wednesday, and i was so full until thursday afternoon it was a great feeling. My close are very loose. I was a size 24,now i'm a size18. i can't wait until i'm a size 14. I have a big wedding on the 1st of Decemberand i want to be down at least 65lbs. the only exercise i'm doing right now is walking the dog 7 days a week , and he's even lost 8 lbs. :clap2:I'll let you know how i'm doing at a later date. i thank GOD for the lapband, I have so much energy and i'm looking forward to even more. GiGi

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


loving the band

I know i haven't updated in a while, so i thought i'd jump on now for acouple of minutes. I had my first fill on the 19th of october. I am currently down 35.5lbs , I think this is a great invention. I can pretty much eat anything except grapes i slime with them! But it's alright , I am never hungrey , but i do eat lunch and dinner with a cup of tea in the morning. I eat a plate of dinner and i'm usually full until lunchtime the next day. I'm really glad i didn't stray from what the doctors told me to eat and when. i have friends who haven't lost as much and always feel hungrey, because they cheated so, they most likely stretched their band out already. I 'm going back to my second job on the 4th and i'll pretty much be back to normal. i gat a walk in every morning and then i've been really cleaning my house. The trash men aren't to happy , but i can run through my attic without falling over alot of junk. I'm gonna be starting a gym the first of December, so that will helpme too. Thank GOD for edies sf ,ff vanilla and chocolate ice creams . there the best in a crunch. We'll i'm making halloween cookies and i want to get back to it. It's amazing i'll eat 2 and be full. I've been telling everybody about the band and i've even showed the little scars that are left on my stomach. there not gonna be there much longer. coco butter and neo sporin! I 've got a hugh wedding coming up onthe first of December i 'm shooting for a whole 50 lbs off!! see ya.

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


Fantastic Start

:)I really like my band so far. I went for my first check up yesterday,and the doctor said i'm doing fantastic i'm down16.9lbs And the doctor's gonna let me stay home acouple more weeks. I'm getting paid too. sweet! I found if i eat more than a cup of anything i'm stuffed .I'm on phase 3 so everything is pureed. but i'm getting cottage cheese and riccotta cheese now and other foods . I'm hoping to lose another 15lbs by the middle of october , and since i'm averaging 1lb aday i see it being possible. i'm gonna get my first fill on October 19th,I'm hoping to be down a full 30lbs by then. Today was the first day i was actually hungrey, so i had 2 eggs and i put them in the pureer . they were so good:eyebrows: I'll get back to you later.

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea



I woke up this morning with my period I just had it 2 weeks ago. My stomach is black and blue and swollen where the port is. The doctors office told me it was alright. I'm starting to get hungrey again and this time it's for normal food a ham and cheese hoagie with mayoand fresh tomatoes. I better drink more protein shakes. I can't wait until next week , I can go to phase 3. I am up and moving around but i'm very tired and can't sleep. I've got the whole house to my self too. I forgot the dogs here but he is sleeping. This is a lesson in self perseverance.:think

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


Learning how to use my band!

:whoo:Septemeber 5th, I arrived at the hospital at 11am, they took me right in a prepped me for surgery. I removed all my clothes put on there lovely hospital gone, it covers everything. they put special knee highs on me and then socks . They started an IV, and gave me a hepperan? shot for blood clots. Then i waited, I was suppose to go in at 1pm but the girl before me ran into problems, she was having the full gastric bypass. I finally got in at 2:50pm they wheeled me into the operating room, They put my arms out straight onto a extension of the table, they then told me they were gonna start to give me something to sleep. I woke up later, they told me the surgery was great. They put me in recovery. I fell back asleep i didn't wake up until 7pm. My husband took me home. I didn't even go upstairs i laid on the sofa and fell back to sleep. I stayed there for 2nights and 2days. Friday night i slept in my bed, ilove my bed:).Iwoke up Saturday morning took a shower and felt better . I had a cup of tea and 15minutes later i ate some cream of wheat. My husband went to the store last night and he bought me all the stuff for my liquid diet. I am hungry though. I wish i could have a scrampled egg. I know it would take the edge off. But i'll do what they tell me to because i want to wear my size 8 jeans again and i didn't put all this effort in to blow it. I'm going to the wal-mart tonight to get vitamins and some other things i need. I hope the soreness in the port area gets better soon , the area stings where the hepperan was administered.I've been putting neosporin on it. The hard thing is i want to drive my car and get out of the house and they told me no driving for 2weeks. But i'll survive, as always!:car::car::car::car::car::car::car::car:

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


Night Before Surgery

The journey up to this point has taught me food goes on easy and it doesn't want to come off. The impact of all my weight has left my feet, knees and legs in pain. Today I went to the podiatrist and he injected my left foot with a cortizone shot , my heels wrapped up. I don't think the'll leave my bandages on through surgery, but I know when they wake me up to walk after surgery it's probably going to be hard to walk.The liquid diet i'm on has been a test of my will power. But I came through and it's only the beginning of a new way of eating. Tomorrow I can't have anything to eat before the surgery, no liquids , no foods. I'll probably wake up wanting pancakes. I 'm gonna go now and i'll be back tomorrow.:whoo:

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


Working towards a goal..

I've been on this liquid diet now for 3 days, I only screwed up 1 time yesterday {Sunday}. I was so hungary I ate a salad. I've really been good today. I still don't know how i'm supposeto do a liquid diet before and after! I mean isn't food the reason i'm in this ordeal? If fat people could do a controled diet for a substantual amount of time then they wouldn't need help like the lapband! It just amazes me that there would be a restiction like this. We'll here I am 3rd day into it, go figure, see ya .

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


floating away on liquid 's- heading for the main event!

:whoo:Yesterday, I spent several hours at the doctors office. They were going over everything with me. Today I started my liquid diet, it wasn't to bad . I had to catch myself, it's hard to not eat when your cooking for everyone. But I actually did pretty good. I am hungry though. I went to the hospital and had my blood work done today. The doctors office said I neededa Physical consultation still. They don't no how I was approved without it. But I think it's because I have a trainer. The doctor still wants a physical consultation. I have to pay 200.00 out of pocket for that. I already spent alot for my trainer. But , they did send me for the blood work today. so, I'm thinking about just proceeding as is. I 'm hoping since the insurance approved it the'll go ahead with it.

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea



:clap2:We'll today I got the call, the insurance company approved my lapband surgery. i'm very lucky, there going to cover everything! I have my pre-op and a class withmy doctor on Thursday. Friday i have pre admission with the hospital it's amazing I feel like I'm gonna have a big burden lifted off of my shoulders and at the same time i'm going to mourn the lose of a friend"food". I know from other people that it's not an easy thing, but i'm looking forward to the challenge. All those years of gaining and losing weight are going to be dealt with in a little round band! Am I up for this or, is the band up for this ? We'll I guess i'll see. 5 day's of a liquid diet, i'm guessing it's not Pina Coladas!

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


The Wait is on..

:confused:I've been waiting for 2 weeks for the Drs. office to call, tomorrow i'm going to call them and find out my status. If they they don't have any idea them i'm going to call health and wealthfare. They might know!This is probably the most anxoius waiting for the yes or no. Everybody keeps asking me when i'm gonna have it done I just tell them i'm working on it.I think the majoritie of them are curious about the band its self. I mean most humans are curious by nature, or nosey as my mom would say. But i don't mind i'm the type of person that would pull the shirt up and show them the marks. So here I sit, waiting for the insurance company to say yes or no.

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea


Along road in,

I've been on this road for about 12years.I didn't gain alot of weight until I got married. I was 149lbs. when I got married 12yrs.ago. My son came and my daughter,:)Then I had abad car accident and was out of work for 7months. I.ve lost and gained. and lost and gained. A year and a half ago I went through everything, and was even approved for Gastric Bypass. The day before , I canceled! The girl across the street from my mom had had the surgery 5months before and she died that morning from complications. I was very upset! I saw an article on T.V. and asked my doctor about it. It's been a journey since April. I had my initial visit and now I'm down to the waiting for the insurance company. I hope it gets approved , i'm worried because I dropped out at the last minute. I'm also concerned with the liquid diet , but i"ll cross that bridge when it happens one thing I like is my liquid diet seems to have more choices then other people have.:eek:

Gi Gi Brea

Gi Gi Brea

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