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If I'm Lucky, I'm A Loser!

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My "Team" Experience....

First of all, I awoke last night with a full blown panic attack about this LB! I had dreams of going to "gatherings" with my sister Jane, and came to find out we were the "guests of honor." Everyone there had been banded and wanted to sing the praises of banding to us... It was ok until we wanted to leave.... and they wouldn't let us! It was a big struggle...   I ended up staying home from work all day -- just too worn out from my night!   I went to my 4-hour Team appt. Two others showed up - all of us were interested in Lap Banding... We met with a nurse practioner, signed some forms, found out about the cost of surgery... detailed break down... Dr Sunby came in to talk to us, and seemed "friendly" enough.   Shirley Shelly: From there I met with a dietician. She asked me to explain the lap band as I understood it... and the food routine. I did very well. :car: She did contradict what Dr. S said... water up to meal, nothing for 2 hrs after. (He said 30 min before and after).... hm... She also stressed that I will never be allowed to eat anything other than three meals a day. Very adamant about that... hm... We talked about my chem panel, and what supplements I should be on... suggested if I feel I need a medicine to help with hunger during the 2 weeks prior to surgery, to see Dr. Becx at Fish Hatchery. He's an endrocronologist. I am pre-diabetic... : ( Hopefully that will straighten out with diet.   Dr. Scott Bohon: Next I met with a psychiatrist. I liked him a lot. I did break down a little bit when I talked about Dick's depression and his suicidal thoughts. He was pleased to hear that he's working with Dr. Ishii. I talked to him about my panic attacks... and said they are triggered by breathing problems (root canal was the 1st... last night was in part due to the cold I have, and "stuffy" breathing/coughing...   Then to a computer True/False questionaires... 700+ questions on one test... @200 on the other. The psychologist said I did just fine... no red flags. She said she could tell I'm on the shy side...   The team will meet on Monday to discuss the three of us... so I guess I'm on the track for now - will see what happens next.   Misc. things I found out: keep options open to gastric bypass
band is a tool (I knew that)
the work is up to me... surgery just puts the tool there
only THREE meals a day - NO SNACKS!
lots of support groups available
my time w/WW was not all for nothing... it proved I could stick with a program (loyalty)...
i could die in surgery (psych)
breakdown of costs
i need to contact Aetna, and get a printout of their requirements and give them to Theresa
protein is most important because it's one nutrient the body can't manufacture on it's own
no fruits or veggies will be off limits (unlike Atkins) with the exception of stringy things like Celery
exercise is key - make it a priority (PAC, here I come)!




So Long Soda!

Today is my first soda-free day...   My plan of attack is this:   Month One: cut out all soda Month Two: cut out all candy Month Three: cut out soft mushy breads ------- and then I'll see where to go next!




Can I do this?

I received a packet from the WMT* yesterday... my 4-hour appt. is coming up on Aug 7... this just explained where to go and reminded me to do my food journal for 3 days... Got that started... : )   Every meal I have now, I think about how it is going to change... We had steaks from the grill the other night and I told Dick I'd never be able to eat this again... now I realize I'm wrong.. I will be able to eat it, just not the WHOLE blessed thing!   "Big Medicine" was on last night... A Father/Son doctor team doing bypass surgeries on 500-600 pound men and their sister/daughter had to fly in due to problems with her lap band. She needed an "unfill" and the doctors in Ohio didn't know what to do or how to do it. 30 sec. with her brother, and it was done! Like she really needed it... he high weight was 185 and she's now 135... cute as a button! They didn't show "before" pictures, but I wish they had. I'd be DELIGHTED to weight 175!!!!   Another show about a bariatric center with bed-ridden folks weighing in at 700 pounds! Now, I didn't need to see that!   Or maybe I did... maybe that's the kick in the butt I needed to get this in gear, going the downward direction! I worry about being able to do this... and can't wait at the same time!   *Weight Management Team





http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/pb-worse-experience-my-life-15400/ pb




In-Take and Taking In (information)-

I'm 5'5½" and weigh 314.75 pounds! BMI = 51.1% and a "goal weight" of 160 will put in at BMI of 26... perfectly fine! I met with Teresa (NP) at Dean East today... we went through my entire 17 pages of Q/A... and she ordered all sorts of blood work. It'll take about a week for the results - she'll call me and also mail a hard copy. When Gil (asst) gets back tomorrow, they will schedule me for a 4 hour appt. at Dean East... I'll meet with the nutritionist, surgeon, and psychiatrist... wow! They do this on Tuesday afternoons... so I'm on hold til I know that date. Not sure if I'm supposed to make an appt. with a nutritionist first, or not! Hm... I have to keep a three day food journal... it will be used as a tool with the nutritionist. T wants me to do two work days and one weekend day. The diet I will adopt "for life" is similar to Atkins... mainly pushing protein, avoiding carbs... I can do that! I am weaning myself off of diet soda, learning to love water again. She said I can "practice" the diet - eating without liquids, chewing a LOT, etc. We talked about my past attempts at dieting, she asked that I get a letter from Dr. Searles - and document anything I can w/old notes from him. Here is a summary of my "to do list": I had my intake appt. this a.m... and I am PSYCHED! With or without insurance restrictions, they (The Weight Management Team) like to take a 6 month approach to the surgery to assure the best results. I am totally fine with that! The counselor was totally impressed with all the research I've done here... Thanks LBT!!! My To-Do List Intake appt: DONE
Bloodwork: DONE (fasting lipid paned, comprehensive metabolic panel, TSH, HgbAIC, Vit B1, B12, Vit D-25, Iron, Iron Binding and Folate)
4 hour appt: includes paperwork and program overview, meet & greet the surgeon, Nutrition Eval, Psych Eval, and computerized psych testing. Scheduler will call me tomorrow (I have to keep a food diary for 3 days for the nutritionist)
The TEAM meets the following Monday to talk about me
PCP Letter: his recommendation and history of weight appts I've had with him in the past:I will email him now to ask for that
Attend a Support Meeting: Going next Wed! They will submit to the insurance co. NOW, and expect they'll respond with a list of requirements... which should be part of their plan anyway...   These six months will include monthly meetings/weigh-ins - more counseling and help getting my head screwed on straight so that I succeed... I'm psyched and ready! I'm sure this could happen sooner if I pushed for it... I just want this to work - and will do whatever it takes!   I was given a book written by a nurse who has had LBS... Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding by Jessie H Ahroni... along with some literature from the lb manuf. WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!    




Knowledge is Power!

I have learned SO MUCH here, it is amazing. I just finished watching both surgery videos and have read thousands of posts (well, maybe only one thousand... or two)...   now I know what my innards will look like, how the band is stitched into place... how the port is fastened down and accessed... why to diet before the surgery (liver size)... why to take it easy for six weeks after surgery, before the first fill... what makes me feel full and what is going to make me fail...   I went to Amazon.com to look for a book on LBS... and decided it would be a WASTE... everything I need to know is here - or there are links to it HERE...   The more I can VISUALIZE this WHOLE thing, the stronger I feel to suceed at this... I just can't wait!!!




Beginning 7/14/07

I love this website... There is more here than imaginable - and I'm discovering new things each day!   I am meeting with Theresa Lenghan (Dean Clinic's Weight Managment team) on Tuesday for my "in-take" appointment. I had to fill out a 17 page questionairre and take a quick survey to see where I sit "emotionally," I think... I'll know more on Tuesday!   What made me decide this is the path for me? Well - a couple of things... mainly the scare I had mid-June with the pain down my right leg due to sciatic nerve problems... Dr. S gave me 4 prescriptions, advised bed rest and heat... and I feel better. As he said, "we've treated the symptoms, not the cause." I know what that means!   Dick started off with this stupid leg pain back in 1998... look at him today! Two back surgeries, a hernia, a cervical spine surgery, foot reconstruction, and more... He's on over $25,000 worth of prescriptions a year (thank GOD for insurance)... and is in constant pain. He has been unable to work since 2002... and had to officially retire 9/1/06 with a medical disability. He's on medicare --- unable to exercise or move much... and is getting heavier all the time.   I know he wants to lose weight... and I'm sure many of his health issues would ease up if he did... but right now, food is his only outlet - well, there is ME and the KIDS and the GRANDKIDS....   Anyway --- I'm sick and tired of being so fat! Tired of ALWAYS on a diet - yet gaining weight year after year....   so the journey begins... I've been reading TONS of posts here in LapBandTalk.com... so happy to have found this site! I feel like I have a very clear understanding of the surgery, the lifestyle changes to come and am excited to get on board!



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