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The seminar went GREAT!

I went to my seminar today and it was GREAT! The Dr. and I agreed that this is what I need to lose weight. This will be a great tool for me to use to achieve my goal. So now its a waiting game for the insurance company...and they require a psych eval. so i gotta do that and whatever hoops they make me jump through...we'll see!




On the road to a new me

Well, today I went to my family Dr. and asked him for a referral letter..although I dont think that my insurance requires it I just wanted to be prepared for Friday the 27th when I have my new patient seminar and one on one with the Dr. I am SOOOO excited...but nervous...I have thought about having this done for a year now... I am totally disgusted with the way i look!!! I can't wait until we schedule a date for the surgury...My biggest fear at this point is that they will make me do one of the 6 month diet/exercise plans...I think I'd cry if they told me that...I want this so badly and I want it now or at least in the next 3 months!!! I want to feel better, I want better self esteem, I want to be healthy, to be able to have more energy, to look normal instead of like a heffer... I want to feel attractive to my husband...even thought i know he would love me no matter what I look like...i want to be able to wear little skimpy nighties and just feel like awoman my age should (23) ok thats all for today ill update more friday!:kiss2:



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