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VSG Journey

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298 Down to 98 - Can't Believe It!

I have the greatest NSV news ever! I got the results of my first labs post-op and my triglycerides went down from a whopping (for me- I know I wasn't the worst) 298 high risk to a normal range 98!!! My overall cholesterol count is now 178, down from 260. My LDL And HDL have also vastly improved. I was so happy I thought I might just float away!   The last time those numbers were in the healthy range for me was in 1998, so you can understand my excitement If I ever had any doubts about having the sleeve, it would be because "what if my cholesterol stays the same? Will it be worth the risks just to come out of it with the same CHD risk factor?" Now I have my answer! If I never lose another pound, another inch or get back any discernable muscle tone, it has officially all been worth it to have been sleeved.   I was 3 months out on August 6th: I am now 186 lbs and bought my first pair of size 14 pants yesterday. My bra size has decreased from 44DDD to 38DD and shirt size down from 2X to XL.   Thanks to my sister for suggesting I look into the sleeve option and to Dr. Snyder for giving me this opportunity for better health and a longer life! Love to my sweet husband, family, friends and coworkers who have been positive and awesomely supportive from day one. I am truly blessed.   I am sending out positive vibes to all my current and future sleeve sisters and brothers for success in your personal journeys, as well! Don't worry about speed, just stay focused on progress - no matter how incremental - and stay positive~   HappyCat xxx





It has been almos ten weeks since I was sleeved and I have been having frequent moments of thankfulness for this gift:   My husband can wrap his arms around me when we hug My feet don't hurt anymore first thing in the morning so I don't hobble around My brain isn't so foggy at work I am gaining confidence I can tie my gym shoes without losing my breath I don't crave nor miss sweets My ankles aren't swollen at the end of the day every day So I bought some cute sandals and got a teal pedicure! My eyes look bigger and not "hooded" anymore So I bought new make up and feel beautiful (lovely husband says I have always been beautiful even - and especially - without make up. Love love love him!!!) No more buffalo hump No one has been negative I don't snore anymore (that one never gets old!) Not one migraine I have more flexibility I am more inclined to go to the gym My husband said I get up from the couch or bed faster and no longer use my arms to brace or balance myself (I never even realized I did that before) I feel younger My friends and colleagues have been so supportive and complimentary, which feels good My clothes are almost all too big, even the ones that were too small two months ago   I am just so lucky and thankful for getting through the surgery safely, the first part of recovery that was so scary in the week after, having no complications and getting to this point. If I never lose another ounce, I am so much better off than I was before surgery for so many years. I am now 197 lbs and the size 16 clothes that I have are too big (I plan to go shopping this weekend). When my husband married me nine years ago I was 206 so he has never known me any smaller or healthier. He always said he wanted us to go running together but I never thought that could happen. Now it seems possible. I just signed up for a 5K in January 2014 and have started training for it already. That is a huge deal for me.   I am not interested in perfection because that is unrealistic. I am happy to be healthier and to appreciate the mobility that I am gifting to my future golden years. I heard somewhere that thankfulness is essential for good mental health and happiness. So, I am truly grateful for my life and the second chance that I have been given to live it.      




It's A Beautiful Day!

I am just feeling so darn good today, I had to get back on here to share I had the day off work yesterday and did a big spring cleaning, including packing up two large bags of clothes that are now too big and will take them too Goodwill today. Then I had half a lean cuisine meatloaf slice (10 G protein) and headed to the gym in my apartment building for some treadmill action. I know some on here are doing way more challenging work outs, but don't worry, I will get there! For me, ratcheting up the incinerator and upping the speed really gave me a needed boost and I am finally feeling strong. I used to just drag myself to the gym and it felt forced, not fun. I guess this is what being motivated feels like!   Then, for the past three days in a row I have had normal, regular bowel movements not at all like the puny, rabbit-like results that had been the norm since being sleeved lol! AND... Wait for it- I broke through my stall this morning! I weighed every time I had a BM with the scale never moving, but when I weighed myself this morning, I was 2 lbs down, yay!   My husband has been so supportive of my struggles to lose weight since we met and has encouraged me every step of this journey. He has always made me feel sexy and loved (I'm gonna cry now) and lifted me up whenever I've gotten down. We were married June 22, 2004 after dating only a short while and there has never been a moment of regret. I was 38 and hopeful of having at least one child (never married before and no children), but was diagnosed with infertility (PCOS, endometriosis plus "advanced age") and it broke my heart. We went through unsuccessful fertility treatments in the first few years and then decided to just enjoy life together with our furry cat-child, Sashi.   So, today is our 9-year anniversary, I haven't felt so good physically in a long time, I am losing weight (and it shows!) and I am going to test the theory on sex being better after VSG tonight!   Wishing everyone a great weekend ~      




#5 Allergies, Anyone?

Oh, boy. Well, since the day after the surgery, I noticed some pimply looking bumps here and there on my stomach, arms and legs. I understood this was normal in some sense, as such a major shock to the body would manifest in many ways. I didn't worry about it too much. Then, last night I started itching all over madly and noticed many more bumps, plus raised welts all over my stomach, top of my legs, underarms, back and especially painful welts all over/under my breasts. I took a cool shower and applied hydrocortisone wherever I could see redness, but still woke up in the middle of the night, scratching. By this morning I woke up in considerable pain and horrible itchiness. Even my scalp was affected by then. So, I called my surgeon's office to find out what I should do. Apparently, I have developed an allergy to something as yet unknown. Since I had recently started taking the Centrum chewable vitamins, the nurse told me to stop taking them immediately. I may have an allergy to one of the dyes or other ingredients. As soon as we figure it out, I will update this post.   They did not want to put me on prednisone so soon after my surgery, so it's children's liquid Benadryl every four hours, a daily 10mg of Zyrtec, Aveeno oatmeal baths, aloe vera and calamine lotion for the duration. Sidebar: children's liquid anything (besides grape Dimetapp) is a form of cruelty! Yuck! After an oatmeal bath and slathering of calamine lotion and the two meds, I am feeling much less itchy and was able to take a much needed nap.   So, the adventure continues... And I'm off for another bath.   Have a great afternoon/evening, everyone and thanks for listening




Two Weeks Post Op

Ok, so I am two weeks and one day into my new sleeved life. I am feeling great in general and am so glad to be moving forward. I haven't posted anything much until now as it has been enough of a challenge getting fluids in and doing my best with the protein intake. I was so looking forward to the puréed stage of the diet and wanted to start getting protein in other forms besides the shakes, but I am still having a hard time even getting an ounce of puréed anything down. I feel full on so little - and although I enjoy the taste of the soups (blended) and thinned mashed potatoes with puréed chicken, I know when the stopping point has to be. So, I have returned to the land of the shakes! In order to increase the protein and making the shakes more palatable, I mix Lucerne protein fortified fat-free milk with one-third of a protein shake every morning and every evening. That wayI can experiment with other puréed foods during the day. I don't mind taking the next six weeks slowly   My doctor gave me the go ahead to hit the treadmill and elliptical machines at the gym, so that is the goal for this week. I don't have an excess of energy (did a few things around the house and pooped out over the weekend) so plan to take baby steps so I don't collapse. I do make the rounds in the hallways of my apartment complex and went down four flights of stairs last night to check the mail (elevator back up).   Good things are that I am down to 215 and can see my clothes are fitting loosely already. Also, weirdly, I used to be a big time snorer and have not snored since the surgery. I am sure that is why I am sleeping more soundly at night. What an unexpected blessing! I also met a couple of old friends I hadn't seen in years: my ankle bones!   I travel a lot with my job in the spring and fall, so I look forward to fitting in an airplane seat without having to ask for a seatbelt extension Last year, I actually delayed a puddle jumper flight because they ran out of seatbelt extensions (flight full of husky oil and gas workers took all the available supply!). I was mortified when they made the delay announcement - never again!   So this entry is a bit of positive musing ~ I am happy with my decision to take this leap of faith to change my life and get healthy. If you asked me last week if it was the righ decision for me, I would have had to think about it... But, today I can unequivocally say YES!    




#3 Rollercoaster City

Wow. Talk about a life changing experience on Wednesday! I think I had a full blown panic attack during my discharge. Everything hit me all at once about the finality of this decision and that there is no turning back. I think the pain and nonstop nausea depleted my ability to stay positive and forward-thinking. I am so going to start attending a support group in my area (1st Wed of every month) and seek counseling if necessary to keep this from happening again. I have never felt so terrified in my life! Thank God I had the benefit of a nurse (bariatric program director for my program ) who came by to give me her card during my 1st post op day while,I was still in the throes of yay- I did it! And under the last vestiges of anesthesia. Boy oh boy was she right about the first four days being hell, although it started on day two for me. I was able to connect with her yesterday several times as well as stayed in communication with my sister and mom for extra moral support at that critical time, emotionally for me. My husband was a life saver and had a front row seat for my little melt down. I don't know how I would have coped without this support network the past three days. I am physically doing as well as can be expected and concentrating on following the clear liquid diet up until tomorrow when I start adding the protein shakes. The nurse said I would definitely feel better after that. I trust her opinion since she just had the sleeve done herself about three weeks ago. I can hardly believe she is already back at work! As much as I hanker for positive posts, I also believe it is good to be as honest as possible about the bumps in the road, too. Now I understand why everyone calls this a journey and I feel in my bones that it is not anywhere near being an easy way out. So, from now on, I look forward and keep survival and optimum health as my holy grails. RIP recreational/emotional eating; hello food as fuel to nourish my body. Looking forward to exploring new hobbies. Baby steps, baby steps.




#2 Surgery This Morning: I Am Sleeved!

Greetings from my hospital bed: I am absolutely flabbergasted at how good I feel, already! Didn't sleep much more than an hour last night and arrived at 5:00 am to the pre surgical unit. I distracted myself with a book for some of the waiting time, and ended up not needing any anti-anxiety medication other than what was already in the plan. Yay me!   I woke up in the recovery room with a sore, dry throat and had already been given a pretty awesome painkiller by IV (some kind of pump). I am on a strict day of nothing by mouth and will be administered the leak test tomorrow morning. After that it will be clear liquids as tolerated for a couple of days.   The doctor said everything went well in the surgery so I am one Happy Cat! My husband has been an angel and helped me to the bathroom twice and took my arm for two short walks in the corridor. Other than a little dizziness and minimal nausea, I am truly blessed to be feeling great at the end of the first day of the rest of my life   I hope my sleeve sisters and brothers out there had the same experience, but I know that another phase will start tomorrow and am praying for the best!   Good night all and sleep tight xxx




Entry #1 Here We Go!

Well, hello out there~   This is my very first blog, ever, and it happens to be on the day before my gastric sleeve surgery. I am less nervous than anytime before since being approved for this surgery and hope that this calm, positive, forward-looking feeling stays with me all the way to the anesthetic! I have had other surgeries before, so I know what to expect in that regard (always a couple of nerves during the medical history/IV pre-surgical stages). For now, I am visualizing my success through the first phase of the post-surgical diet and walking every two hours. I have started packing my bag for the short hospital stay and organized a shelf in the fridge for my shakes and drinks, plus one in the cupboard for the protein powder and broths.   Something I found yesterday at Target was a 42-gram protein shake from EAS Myoplex in strawberry cream flavor that may be the best tasting protein shake, ever! Really tasty! If you are tired of chocolate and vanilla this is for you, and better than the Slimfast strawberry flavored shake (plus, 42 grams of protein in one bottle is hard to find).   That being said, I did not realize how bad my breath was from the protein shakes in general, until my husband said something. I thought the aftertaste was just something I could detect, myself. Apparently, it rivals my cat's breath (I checked, he's right) so my nutritionist recommended breath strips. I sure hope the bad breath is a temporary side effect that will go away after the protein shakes are no longer such a big part of my diet!   Good luck to everyone out there who has had or will have a gastric sleeve! I truly wish success for all of us~ I hope that if anyone posts a comment on my blog that they will be positive and supportive (thanks in advance!).



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