I can't believe it's been a month already!! Life is so much like normal now. I can eat out, go to parties with no issues, etc. I am down 29 pounds and feel great. I went to a communion yesterday and was able to find enough friendly protein to eat. I think the hardest part this week has been to eat enough! My calorie intake is not high enough so I have hit a plateau. I ate some shredded cheese in between lunch and dinner today, let's see how that works. It's very hard to make yourself eat when you really don't want it .... I guess that's always been my issue though. Does anyone have any snack ideas?
I haven't been on here but for no other reason then I have been so busy! I am officially down 40 pounds and I am so happy!! We are away on vacation in Europe the next 2 weeks and so far so good. London has been excellent to get my walking in and as far as eating goes, I eat pretty much whatever I want now just in smaller quantites. I just can't eat much so I need to snack in between meals. I packed lots of granola bars and have been ordering cheese platters! LOL. Getting enough exercise in at home has been the toughest part Now that the summer is here, I will be using the pool more than ever! My hair has been falling out more than i would like but everyone tells me it won't be for long. I have upped my vitamins and biotin intake and am using a special medicated shampoo. I must say that I am shaving my legs much more than usual so I guess something is working! LOL. We leave London tomorrow for Barcelona to get on the Disney ship for 12 days. It's weird but I can't wait to be able to have fruit and cheese readily available! I am hoping to be down another 10 lbs by month 4 so we will see .... I really need to join the YMCA as soon as I get home to keep things going. Talk to everyone soon! Hope everyone else is doing just as well!!
Well, it's been a week and my life is already different ... in a good way that is My husband and I took a ride in our new car since it hit finally hit 75!! What a beautiful day. We even went to a pizzeria and I had broth with a smile, didn't even crave the pizza!! I decided that I need to go about my life as if I would normally or else I may fall into a rut. We have lots coming up soon with family and friends and I will be @ all Have a great night everyone!! Getting ready to have some broth while the family has greek chicken for dinner.
I started working from home today and that sure did make the day go by much faster. I didn't blog yesterday since I had a busy day. My sister was kind enough to take me to get a pedicure and manicure since they scraped my gel off my fingers prior to surgery. It was quite a comedy scene since she is 9 months pregnant and I am not walking 100% (a bit hunched over). We must of looked like a coupe of losers. Her 3 year old daughter fell asleep in the car and we had no stroller. Since I would normally just carry her and let her sleep on me, it was my sister's turn since I can't lift anything over 10 lbs for 2 more weeks. What a show we gave the ladies in the nail salon! Too funny!
Today was a pretty successful day, I started skim milk which went well. Then tonight for dinner my family was having chinese food so I decided to have some broth. It was so nice to taste something different even though it was only 8 teaspoons full! LOL
I also wanted to remind everyone to make sure they take their measurements!! I did that on Saturday and cannot wait to see what they are in a month
Have a great night all!!!
ok ok, I have to admit something ... I cried today! I just had the ultimate meltdown, I was feeling so down and I honestly don't even know why. Sort of like when you're pregnant and you just cry for no apparant reason. I was second guessing my decision and all but here I am better again and back on track. I absolutely did NOT get all of my protein in today AGAIN!! GRRRR. My nutriionist says I should be taking in 2 ounces of liquid every 15 minutes ... WELL, by hour 4 this am I thought I was going to explode! I cannot take that much in so I cut it back to one ounce every 15 or two ounces every 30 and that seems to be ok. I introduced some broth today and that felt like a treat to taste something different for a change! LOL. I really hope my sister takes me to get my nails done tomorrow since that is becoming a neccesity! I hope everyone is staying strong today unlike myself!
If you asked me this morning I would say there was no way I could handle this. However, I feel so much better this evening! Yay me!! I showered, which I think was the best part of the day's progress!! LOL. The gas is slowly but surely getting better. I ate some protein, definitely need to get much more in tomorrow. I kept my water up pretty well, got in about 45 ounces, I know I need to get more in but it's only been 3 days. Tomorrow I plan on trying some decaf tea. Then Sunday I plan on trying some skim milk. I figure as long as I give myself a goal a day I can get through this. I go to the Dr on the 19th and that is when I can start soft foods again, that should be a whole new world but until then I plan on a new liquid a day to mix it all up a bit I hope this is what I should be doing. I walked around alot today and that definitely helped! The fact that it was warmer out today was nice. I hope to sleep well tonight with all the fresh air and walking I did today. I can't believe how much I am looking forward to drinking tea tomorrow! LOL. The little things in life, as they say! I hope everyone is well tonight!
Here I am suffering from these stupid gas pains! I must say that the surgery went much smoother than I thought it would. I was only in my hospital bed for 24 hours then back home I went. The only problem seems to be these gas pains. My incisions look perfect and I have no pain that requires "pain pills". I have only been sipping on water today since I was pretty nauseas yesterday so I couldn't drink much. Tomorrow I will introduce some protein, nutritionist said to try 2 ounces an hour with water every 15 minutes in between. I have only been able to get one ounce down at a time so far without feeling bloated so we will see. I have no desire to eat regular food yet so that's a positive! My husband has been so supportive and said to me tonight that he can't wait for me to be able to go to the gym with him. When we first met, I was the gym fanatic, he never worked out before that. All I am waiting for is the gas to go away!! Anyone have any ideas of how to make this subside quicker???