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Rena's Journey

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Stupid 6 month diet requirement!

Finally got my PCP doctor to refer me for weight loss surgery, and am just now starting the 6 month diet requirement. I think this requirement is absolutely rubbish. I need the sleeve now!   My PCP did a whole bunch of lab work on me, and my pre-diabetes is almost to the point where it IS diabetes. She put me back on Metformin...yuk! That stuff is difficult for my body to tolerate initially. I had to take half a day off work today sick with nausea and the runs. She also put me on Vitamin D, Lipitor, Thyroid meds, and Iron. Sigh...   At least she told me that she has to get me healthy to get ready for the surgery. That made me feel better at least.     My new cpap machine is wonderful, and I'm glad to have it, but the sleep mask hurts my face. I've swapped it out for a smaller one, and that one isn't much better. Still sooo tired....   Six months seem so long.....

Rena's got this

Rena's got this


Soooooo many requirements!

Oh my gosh.... its going to be a busy month. I had my initial consultation with my surgeon and got the ball rolling. I've set up appointments with the nutritionist, the psychologist, with a physician for sleep apnea testing, and had my first weight watcher's meeting, beginning the six month weight loss management requirement (BCBS of Alabama).   I felt really guilty during the Weight Watcher's meeting, knowing that I was just going through the motions, but who knows, maybe I'll actually lose more than 9 pounds this time.   Looking back on my medical history I actually found that I'd been diagnosed with GERD in 2011, so that is one more co-morbidity that could help my case for getting my insurance to cover this surgery.   I still have to get with my primary care physician and get her to monitor my 6 month requirement. She still doesn't know that I want to do this, and I'm afraid she'll try and talk me out of it. She is one of these tall willowy types, never ever been overweight, but she does make comments every now and then about my weight, so maybe....

Rena's got this

Rena's got this


Start of the journey

This week I'll have my first consultation with my weight loss surgeon, Dr. Wes Turton. Like most of us, I've struggled with weight for most of my life. The older I get it seems the faster the weight comes on, probably due to the fact that I'm exercising less and less. When I hit menopause, the gains seemed to go into overdrive. I don't recognize myself.   I haven't always been morbidly obese. In fact, I was in the Army and most of the time I was within body fat limits. I was never able to meet the limits just by weight only, but always had to do the "Pinch Test" with calipers. In my minds eye, I still weigh around 150, and although I'm around 235 now at 5'4" tall, I still see myself as not that fat.   I feel guilty about the fact that I can't lose this weight on my own. I've tried Nutrasystem, Weight Watchers, Adkins, and even used medically supervised prescriptions such as pentermine and Ionamine. All the results were short lived, and I quickly put back on the weight plus more. Still, I feel that weight loss surgery must be for people much heavier than me. Of course, that doesn't make sense at all.   At this point, I look forward to getting this "tool" to help me with my weight loss. Even though I feel embarrassed at having to resort to this, I need to do it for my health. I'm pre-diabetic, have high cholesterol, low thyroid, and my knees are giving out. Diabetes runs heavily in my family and it is only a matter of time before I develop this devastating disease.   Wish me luck...I'm just getting started!

Rena's got this

Rena's got this

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