It's been a very eventful few weeks. I went for my GI consult and had my endoscopy. He also scheduled me for a colonoscopy since my hemoglobin levels have been low. The endoscopy went well. It was the first time I had IV sedation...very strange feeling. I was surprised to learn I had gastric erosions. I guess it's good I gave up coffee for a while. Looks like I might have to stay off coffee for good! I have an appointment next week to see if the biopsies they took show anything. The colonoscopy went fine, another first for me. I also had my sleep study done. I was actually a little relieved when the tech came in at 1:30am to wake me up and put a bi-pap mask on me. The official report isn't ready yet but she did say she saw sleep apnea and I need that co-morbidity for insurance clearance. I saw my primary medical doctor, who I have know for over 25 years. I have been his official patient for about 7 years. When I told him abut my plans for gastric sleeve surgery he said to me "all you need to lose is 70lbs. Just don't eat bread. That's all you need to do"....really? If only it was that easy! But he also said that he will support me in whatever I choose to do, so he filled out the letter of medical necessity and scheduled me for a stress test and echocardiogram for my cardiac clearance.
I saw my surgeon for the 2nd pre-op visit and he said with a BMI of 37 and sleep apnea, he is fully convinced he will have no problem with NJ Direct covering the surgery. April 12th is the big day!
I just made an on-line photo album entitled "Before and After". Of course, right now I only have before pics in there. I am so embarassed by my size. I cropped most of them but I left 2 of them so I can compare myself to other "normal" sized people. I am horrified. If I ever start to question if I am doing the right thing by having weight loss surgery, all I need to do is go back to those pics. It's quite a motivator. I never realized how much I cross my hands over my belly, as if I'm going to cover that massive size!!
I had my first consultation with Dr. Sadek in Somerset, on January 21st. According to his scale, my BMI is 37. There is no guarantee of insurance coverage with a BMI less than 40. Over 35 requires a co-morbidity. My BP and cholesterol have always been fine, so we will see what my sleep study shows. If I have sleep apnes, even mild, he said he will be able to get coverage. I have seen the nutritionist on January 28th. I lover her!! She is very supportive and non-judgemental. I also had my psych consult on January 31st. She remembered me from when I worked with her about 15 years ago. She asked alot of questions and wrote down everything. She said she would send her consult to Dr Sadek and she sees no problem with me having the surgery. Of course I didn't disclose EVERYTHING she asked, because I want to keep this pre-approval process as smooth as possibe. I know what I need to do for my mental health.
My next clearance appointment is with the pulmonologist on February 11th. I need to schedule a sleep study ASAP as my clearance depends on the result. I hope I can schedule that sleep study by the end of the month. I also see my PCP the following week, the 18th. I think he will be supportive of surgery. I return back to Dr. Sadek on February 28th. I think as soon as he had the nutritionist report, psych eval, PCP approval and slep stufy result his office will send it to the insurance. After that, it is just my GI eval/EGD and cardiology clearance, which I have the entire month of March to get that done. Pending insurance approval, I am scheduled for April 12th at Centrastate! I am so glad I didn't have to have it done at RWJ, as I know far too many people who work there, especially in the OR and PACU. Even if I made it thru pre-op and post-op without recognizing somebody, I would be so paranoid about running into someone I know in the hallway. Even though it's only a one night stay, I think I will be much more relaxed at Centrastate.
So far only my husband and 3 children know about my pending surgery. Right now I don't want anybody else to know. I love my in-laws but they are very judgemental and I don't think mom would not be able to tell her brother and sister, and maybe one or two other people. If I tell people, I will now when the time is right but for now, it's mine to tell. My husband and kids understand that.
I saw the GI doc last Saturday, 2/10. My EGD is scheduled for this Thursday already. He also wants to do a colonoscopy the following Monday because I told him about 2 months ago I tried to give blood but my hemoglobin was low, around 10.5. It's usually borderline, around 11.5. He said that's still too low. I'm not worried about it, just thought I wouldn't have to bother for another 2 years until I turn 50. Better safe than sorry! I'm not sure how I'm going to take those 2 days off from work on such short notice. I hate calling out but I will do that only as a last resort. I also saw the pulmonologist this past Monday. He cleared me with no problems. My sleep study is Thursday also. As crazy as it sounds, I'm hoping I have at least mild sleep apnea so that I don't have a problem with insurance covering it. This month is just flying by with all the appointments I have had! The next 2 weeks will be plenty busy with more appointments!