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hmmmm...maybe not SO easy

Ok so, two days post op. I was discharged yesterday and hone by like 1:30-2:00. Lots of sleep since then. Still getting up and walking on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes at a time. Funky starting to move some gas so that's a relief! I'm having a he'll of a time getting anything in. Liquids and protein are like impossible. I'm just not hungry. Everything I make tastes terrible, I really need to get some recipes or ideas that are low volume but high protein ...not so much luck on that right now. I either end up with what feels like could be 3 days of protein shakes. Or like an ass flovered paste lol. Hopefully this gets easier!





Ok, so I'm in a stall...have been for about 3-4 days now, and today- now up 1# from my lowest that I hit last week.....I know everyone says to expect stalls...but I'm so frustrated. I'm down 23# (up from being down 24#), what did you guys do to re-kickstart your weightloss?? I'm so terrified of this failing, this is only adding to my worry....




Differences in Life

Well, first a few REALLY exciting things...this morning the scale dropped again to 177, meaning a total loss of 78 pounds, 63 pounds post op. The other day I put on AND ZIPPED UP a pair of size 8 jeans...I've never been in a size 8...I honestly can't remember being one anyway.... so that is all great exciting stuff for this week   The last two weeks it seems eating has become hard again, I realized as I sat with not really an upset stomach, but just feeling generally crappy after about 3 bites of dinner last night...I HATE EATING. I only do it to live now. It's weird to think of it that way. I used to really enjoy a really good meal, or a really yummy snack..and don't get me wrong- I'll still totally indulge in a brownie or something sweet and good like that- but generally speaking- I only eat to live. I never thought I'd see that day. It's a totally different world than the one I used to live in. I never really "crave" anything anymore- my husband hates that he asks me 'what do you want to eat?" and my genuine answer is "I don't care"....although I do care- b/c it can't be anything with too much bread, or anythig high in sugar, or carbs- lol- my stomach just doesn't tolerate those things anymore. To be honest though, I don't mind, I don't really miss it- I wasn't eating executive chef meals everynight- so if Taco Bell no longer sounds appetizing, I can handle that   The saying is true- nothing tastes as good as skinny feels




Seeing the #s change, but not feeling it?

So, got on the scale today- (after being a little scale-obsessive last week), and 221 popped up. Pre-op was 240, surgery was 2/28- can't complain- it's exciting to see the continual downward trend of the scale. I still have been lower in the last year or so just working out and dieting alone, so I'm not as proud of myself as my hubby thinks I should be. I seem to be adjusting to the new diet well, I'm kind of running out of things to make- trying the famous "Ricotta bake" tonight, we'll see how that goes. I'm still struggling to get in all my fluids- seemed to have beaten the curse of trying to get in the protein and that seemed to help jump the weight loss again this week...but for only 2 1/2 weeks out, to be down almost 20# is really exciting....so why don't I FEEL like it? I don't see any change in my body, my clothes fit a bit looser, but really- I haven't even had the fun of dropping down a size yet- my stuff just went from way tooooo tight to a little loose- so I know that's still movement in the right direction. Anyone else have that "just don't feel 20# lighter" feeling? lol I'm not cleared for full workouts yet- so I'm walking as often as I can, I'm in Michigan so it's cold and wet and sputtering snow/ice as often as possible as well, which sucks. Treadmill walking just isn't as rewarding if you ask me!!   How is everyone else doing on this journey?!?!




Hi there, emotional basketcase here.....

I've read from a few other posters that after surgery for some reason, they have some emotional unbalance...depression, etc. OMG- I've been the crabbiest, crybaby ever the last solid 24 hours. Yesterday I was EXTREMELY tired...and slept a good part of the day (on an upnote- went in for my first pre-op check...surgery was 2/28, pre-op visit yesterday had me down 10# from Wednesday!!) Today, everything makes me angry, being angry makes me feel overwhelmed, being overwhelmed- makes me cry...so that's fun. Today is also my first full day back to work- have gotten little to nothing done at this point, and frankly- I stopped caring about 4 hours ago. I'm just really cranky and want to crawl into bed and be left the hell alone.   IS THAT NORMAL?! lol :wacko:




woo! 60# down post op (75# total)

Hit another milestone this morning Down 60# since my surgery, 75# total...it's amazing to look back through pictures and see the transformation that I've made. I'm so much happier than I used to be. I'm more active, I'm more outgoing- and everything I do- I realize I do with more pep in my step, more sparkle in my eye- and just generally more enjoyment and appreciation. This is without a doubt the best decision I've ever made for myself. Hope you all are doing just as well!!!!




back in the hospital :(

So, I had been running an extremely low grade fever post op....between 99-100, however the doctor said that was okay since my body was healing. Yesterday was my first full day back to work, I work at home at a desk job but was still expecting some discomfort. But it just seemed like as the day wore on I felt worse and worse my pain was more and more intense.... just all in all a crummy day. Finally 530 rolled around and I basically crawl to the couch to spend the rest of my night. Got in about a quarter cup to a half cup of soup.... and started literally shivering and shaking because I was so cold. Took my temp and it was 101.3.... which is high enough that I am supposed to notify my doctor My doctor called me right back and discuss the potential for a leak although was sure to mention that my surgery went extremely well.... but the pain that hadn't seen to subside since surgery, and now with a growing fever he suggested I go to the emergency room to be checked out. I was terrified They ended up doing a barium and IV contrast CT scan, and discovered I have a 7 millimeter kidney stone.... that is not passing on its own :"( So they admitted me last night from the emergency room and I am awaiting surgery for my kidney stone today... the good news is my surgery was a success and there is no issues with a leak or anything along those lines. However I certainly feel the saying, "when it rains it pours" sure is fitting today this is not how I wanted to get 2 weeks off of work :/




one more night here...

The surgery yesterday evening went well, they were able to get the kidney stone out, so that's good. I'm still uncomfortable, and running a fever on and off due to the infection it caused. My blood pressure is kind of all over the place, one reading high- the next might be low- the next normal...so between that and the fever, they're keeping me one more night to make sure they get all the antibiotcs on board that they wanted to. (P.S.- these liquid meds TASTE TERRIBLE! lol) As much of a bummer as it is to have kindey stones, I really took a lot of comfort in knowing, I have no remaining issues from surgery. The pain I thought I was having b/c of it turned out to be kidney stone, so I'm completely healed and doing well with my sleeve itself. I've also found now that the stone is out- and the pain is down, I'm much better at getting my fluids in- still working on the protein angle, but it's hard to fill that order at the hospital- I've been using muscle milk for now- just to get something in.   Thanks all for the support and well wishes the other day! Best of luck to the rest of you sleevers!




Somehow still not fast enough...

I debated on posting this, because I KNOW how crazy it sounds..but does anyone else just feel like- this weight isn't coming off fast enough? When I look back on it- I was sleeved 2/28, and I'm already down 48 pounds POST OP...which is like...amazing. I'm a totally different person, yet so much of me is like- get to the "normal" size already. I think there is so much pressure on myself to be the size I want to be that I'm taking for granted the major changes and steps that I've taken this far. On the flipside of that it's also frustrating to be like- wow I've lost almost 50 pounds...yet I'm still overweight. It's an odd place to be...on one hand- I'm happy with the weight loss, I'm down several sizes, and I feel SO much better...but then on the other hand I'm like- yeah but this is good not great- you're still not where you should be. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change one second of this choice, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself, and wouldn't undo it if I could. I love my new lifestyle. I know it sounds crazy...but I also promised myself that I'd blog through this entire journey, pre op- through my surgery, and post-op...so I can look back and see my journey, but also in the hopes that I can connect with a few folks that are thinking this choice over...or that are going through what I am...so...   Anyone else have that struggle?




Holy approved financing Batman! :D

Just got the call from my bank!! I'm approved!! SURGERY IS OFFICALLY A GO! I never thought this would happen so fast! It's something I just started really investigating in January, and it looks like I'll be signed tomorrow, and can schedule surgery as early as the end of this month... Funny, all those nervous feelings are gone- I'm totally confident in the choice I'm making, and frankly, I'm ready to have my LIFE BACK. I'll keep you posted!!





So excited to share that I got on the scale this morning and I've hit ONEDERLAND! I was really getting frustrated, seems I've been fighting this same 5-10 pounds for what feels like forever. I know a lot of folks on here have been so supportive, and have tried to help keep me in the reality of "two pounds a week" is a great loss, and more than I'd have lost before-- but it's easy to get wrapped up in getting on the scale and not seeing what we deem a "significant" enough change. I guess that's part of my own downfall that I still need to work on. My sisters especially have mentioned it- seems I'm never happy with the way I look, that even after losing 56# (which is my total loss now ... 41 since surgyery) that I just find the next thing wrong. I've already talked a bit about this in my previous posts, so I'm not going to go on and on about it- but it kind of seems to stick in the back of my mind lately. I've also found myself having a hard time just saying, "Thank you, I've worked hard" when someone notices my loss- seems I'm always quick to be like "Oh tahnks, but I have a lot more to go", or "Oh thanks, but I still look terrible" I've been making an effort when someone notices my loss to simply tell them, Thank you mention that I've been working on it- etc, and take the compliment for what it is. It's weird to have to force yourself to think that way honestly. Started a new work out routine too- makes me feel a lot more accountable for my weight loss as well, it's the 30 day ab and 30 day squat challenge...it's no joke, and I've added my own arm work outs to it as well, hoping to tone up this lose skin. I'll keep everyone posted on the progress as I go, right now I'm only on day 7, but it feels good!!   Best of luck fellow sleevers, hope to hear back from you soon!!!





So sorry it's been forever- life seems to creep up on you and next thing you know- you don't have 3 seconds to sit down and blog. lol So- I've hit and passed my dr's goal, and my own goal...I'm currently at 149, in a size 4/6 pants, and a Medium shirt. I've lost a total of 106#, 8-10 pant sizes and 4 shirt sizes   I'm saving up to have breast augmentation...they're WRECKED and I'm trying to figure out if my insurance will cover a tummy tuck, or if I'll have to fund that myself as well. I have lost over 100# so I think they might cover it, but they didn't cover my surgery- so I'm doing leg work on that right now. I'm with Blue Care Network in Michigan...so I'll keep everyone posted on that. Life is amazing. I'm happier than I've ever been...I feel good, I look good- I have more energy- I'm motivated...this decision has changed my entire life, in every single aspect. I recently re-started a 30 day challenge, and have been working out everyday, I'm waiting for this TERRIBLE Michigan weather to break so that I can start walking...and hopefully running outside this Spring/Summer....I'd like to try doing a 5k this year- that's my goal...so here's to that!   Here is a progress picture I wanted to share with you too. Thanks to each of you that offered support, encouragement, or just an ear when I was having a hard day (or a good day!!).   I'm going to make a better effort to keep blogging here too- my journey is not over..no way! This year is just the start of the rest of my life




Here goes nothin'

Well, I've never been a "blogger" but I've always been a writer, so hopefully this will be something I can keep up with, and keep track of this entire journey. As of right now, I'm still pre-op. I decided in early January 2013 that I'd had enough. I've done the diets, I've done the exercise routines, boot camps, pills, programs, shakes...nothing works. It's the same 20 pounds I've been losing and gaining for years now. I'm tired of working my butt off, and not showing any results, or showing results- and the second I back the plan to a livable level- boom, the weight is back on. I've struggled with my weight my entire life- and I decided 2013 will be the year I change that.   I met with my PCP already, she agrees, we've been working on my weight loss for almost 2 years now, and she sees my work, my diets, my programs, and the failures they've all been. I was referred to Bilal Kharbutli who works out of Henry Ford Wyandotte. I contacted them the same day- I was excited, and nervous- but ready to at least get more info. That's actually how I found this site...digging for more info. The permanent nature of this surgery has me a little freaked out, to be honest. I contacted Dr. Kharbutli and they said I needed to attend a seminar, coming up on 1/15- I signed up- asked my husband to come along so he knew what we were getting me into (lol), and found a sitter for my son. I was more than nervous when the day came, and it was just the seminar!! I was surprised how many people were there, shocked at the information that was given to us- the obesity rates in the US are OUTSTANDING...it brought me a lot of information, a lot of comfort too- I walked out of there ready to "do this". I'm a little scared, every once in a while I think..what if I get this surgery and hate my life - this is forever, this isn't something you can go- "oh well, that didn't work out- on to something else" this is a MAJOR lifestyle change, and it's forever. The other side of me says- you need this, you haven't been able to get it done any other way- and a major lifestyle change is in order. I called the next day to set up my direct one on one consult with the surgeon, they never called me back. I called again today and got a receptionist- told her I wanted to set up my initial consult, and she explained they needed to run my info through insurance first to find out if it's covered...i asked- how can you find out if I'm covered, when you don't know my bmi? She asked for an approximate weight and height...which bothered me a bit. I've always called myself 5'7, but what if I'm only 5'6? The reason I stress about this- is that I'm JUST barely qualified for this surgery- at this moment. I've been qualified in the past, but decided this was the LAST option, and kept up dieting/exercise/Adipex daily. Anyway- I'm technically qualified if I have one or more health conditions-- other than head splitting migrains and daily back aches...I do'nt have the typical high bp, diabetes, etc- actually my dr said- I do'nt understand your weight struggle...when you look at your info on paper- your blood values, diet and exercise program, stats- you should be a healthy weight person...but I'm not...no clue why...? (very annoying to hear this btw). So at this point, the surgeon's office is contacting my doc to get records of my past diet and exercise programs, and then they're supposed to call me back for my first 1 on 1 consult. They've said I need to pay my deductable, and that my insurance then covers 50%, with a coinsurance limit of $1500...I'm not sure what that means exactly...either I'll end up paying less than $2,000 out of pocket, or could be paying like $5,000-$6,000 out of pocket- I need to figure that out   I guess that's it for today, at this point, I'm eating whatever I want..and feeling terrible about myself. I know that sounds crazy, but the dr said honestly with me being as close to just no questions asked "covered" by my insurance, a few extra pounds won't hurt my case. BLAH...as much as I enjoy digging into those yummy foods and stuff when the mood strikes, I find myself feeling crappier and crappier everyday- I hate seeing my body slipping back to the worst it has ever been- it's a not so great feeling, and I sure hope I don't need to keep this up for the next 6 months or whatever- I hear wait periods on all this process can be killer.   Here's to hoping I get a quick response from the doc today-




New Lifestyle

Well, I hit ONEDERLAND on June 6th, and have dropped another 3 pounds since then. It feels great to know that those #s are behind me, and will be gone for the rest of my life now. I'm 6 pounds away from hitting 50# total loss post-op. It's a great feeling being more active, wanting to work out, knowing that each healthy choice I make is finally actually making a difference in my end weight...whereas before it felt like all work and no pay off. I'm so glad I made this decision for myself, there has not been one day of regret so far. My sisters and my dad are all talking about having the surgery now too, which makes me feel good, like I made the right choice- and they can see the positive changes it's made in my life- and they want it too. My size 14 jeans are literally falling off of me, but I HATE to buy new jeans, knowing soon enough- they're going to be too big too...random, isn't it?!   Just wanted to check in, I told myself that I'd blog as much as I could on this journey to keep folks informed, and maybe someone out there deciding on the surgery will be able to see this thing through from my perspective, and it'll help them make their own decisions.




I get knocked down...but I get up again

LOL   Sorry for the lame blog title- but I've been singing the song all day, not sure if it was a subliminal thing, or if I heard it on hold-music while I was working   Sounds like my insurance is going to give me the full run-around and after feeling like the wind had been taken out of my sails yesterday, I set out today looking for the next option.   I'm excited to say, while I did look into some options in Mexcio- I couldn't shake that ultra-nervous feeling I had about it- so I opted to trust my gut and look here in the US. I figured even if it's not within state, it'll still be closer than Mexico. Luckily- my search led me to two places here in MI. One was the Barix Clinic in Ypsilanti, however, they wanted $25,500 for the surgery- and that is just wayyy to out of the budget for me to self-fund. I did find Pleatman Surgical Center in Bloomfield Hills, called and spoke to the nurse- I'm qualified for their program, and even set up my initial consult...this is really happening!! I'm so excited to move forward on this journey. I'm trying to get the time arranged off work but as of right now, the morning of 2/6 will be my big date to meet my surgeon and schedule my surgery-- fingers crossed!   I'd like some feed back on this dr/location if anyone has any- I'm all ears..(and smiles today)




ALMOST there

OK- when I say "there" I don't mean my final goal- but I do mean ONEDERLAND! Weighed in today at 204....I have been trying so hard to stay on track and push this extra weight off...I'm about 1/2 way to my actual goal- and saying as it's only been 9 1/2 weeks, I'm pretty proud to report that   I'm excited to go through my summer stuff- and toss/donate all the old clothes from fall/winter that are now way too big, and dig out the summer clothes that I've been storing for years (that used to be too small), telling myself that "eventually these WILL fit again". I'm down 3 sizes since my surgery- which is a great feeling...and even if it was an XL, I bought a new summer dress for myself in the juniors section the other day (little victories make this so much more fun!) I'm a little worried that those that knew me best were right, that I've become so hyper-critical of myself that I'm still not pleased with what I see. I feel better- don't get me wrong, but I'm already mentally planning to get pretty much a full-body makeover when I'm at my goal. A plastic surgeon in the area does what he calls a "Mommy Makeover"...tummy, arms, thighs, boobs...SIGN ME UP. Anyone else feel that way? Anyone else a little worried that you'll NEVER look in the mirror and just be happy with what you see??




Class Reunion :)

So, my 10 year class reunion was last weekend...I was excited to go- but still very nervous. As I've said a hundred times before- I've been overweight most of my life- and while I was excited to show off the new me...many people from high school hadn't seen me at my heaviest point, which came a few years after my son was born- so I wasn't sure they'd notice any major change- like those that really know me did. Boy, was I wrong. EVERYONE had nice things to say about how great I looked, and it was nice to go and enjoy the evening and NOT feel like everyon had something rude to say- or was watching me. It was nice to just be one of the crowd, and not feel like I stood out. Hubby looked awesome as usual, and we made a cute couple that I was proud to show off It was great catching up with some long-lost friends and reconnecting with some folks I hadn't talked to in the last 10 years as well.   I felt like getting to go and ending the night not being totally panicked about what everyone else was thinking was my biggest accomplishment thus far.   Me and my best bud from high school before the reunion   5 month photo change!!




Still not seeing it...?

So, I'm excited to announce I'm over my very first stall, as stressful as it was, and am now officially down 26#! I had no pre-op diet, and was sleeved on 2/28. I'm pretty happy to see these kind of results in 5 weeks, way better than I'd been doing before with just the same ol' diet/exercise routine, The weather is also starting to break so I've been able to get out and hit the pavement...I bought myself a pair of expensive shoes I've been eyeing up for literally a year now...I walked my last pair of shoes right to pieces, and felt it was a good way to reward myself for hitting the 25# mark, while giving myself a tool to keep moving forward with the loss I'm pretty excited about it honestly. That being said- I FEEL a lot better, I'm in a smaller size jeans (Actually 2 sizes smaller from pre-op)...but I still don't SEE it. Today I was out walking with my dogs and my daugher and my own sister drove right past me, after waving and waving she finally turned around and said she didn't even recognize me! It felt great to hear that- but I seriously can't see it in myself...is it that I'm just so mentally warped on my own body image that I can't see the improvement? Is anyone else having this issue? I feel like I look exactly the same, in the mirror, in pictures, etc- I see NO change.....?   Am I crazy??? lol




on the road..

As long of a journey I was expecting this to be....I'm on the way to the hospital right now for surgery. I'm excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time....and I'd kill for some breakfast lol. Yesterday was hard, only clear liquids. My Dr didn't provide me with any other preop diet...just to try and lose something and keep walking. I'm not sure how those folks on clear liquids for weeks on end do it! Surgery is scheduled for 9:30, I need to be there at 7:30...of course Michigan is dumping a nasty winter mix on us...so now I get to add worrying about being late to everything else...oh well, it's something else to focus on, right?! See ya on the flip side




hospital stay

Ok, so I'm officially a 'sleever'! My preop nurses were AWESOME! My anesthesiologist....AMAZING! My surgery took about 30 minutes and I've had an amazing recovery. Up walking for 15 minutes at a time every hour. Have only had to have a few doses of pain meds. Things are going very well. It's amazing to experience this like instant change in my outlook, attitude, and really ....my life. Walking along today slow and steady I couldn't help but smile and congratulate myself for being strong enough to make this choice and I can't wait to share my journey with you all as I go tucking myself in now to get some much needed rest. Nighty Night sleevers!




That punch in the gut feeling....

As I had said earlier, follow up will be my key to success on this journey. I called my PCP today to make sure they'd gotten the paperwork that the bariatric place said they'd fax over on Thursday- they said they'd check and let me know. I just got a call from my doctor's assistant (I know her on a first name basis, since I've been seeing my PCP for two years now trying to get this situation under control). She said she talked to my bariatric clinic, and they're needing documention of 6 months consecutive follow up with my doctor for weight loss. Well, since I've been on the program for 2 years now, I don't see my PCP every month, she'll refill my script for 2-3 months at a time, since I've never had any complications with the Adipex she had me on. The girl says, I'm sorry - but they want us to document now through June of you seeing us every month...I asked, can't they take into consdieration the total duration of this program? That I've been doing this for TWO YEARS now? She says- I'm sorry- if you find anything out, and if there is anything we can do to help you, please just call us and we'll make sure it's done, but your that's what your insurance company is saying. I guess my next call is to my inusrance company to see if they even look at the last two years of work I've put into this program. I feel so bummed out- like a sucker punch in the gut. I've been so excited and looking forward to what this has to offer for me, and I've read SO many people that have dealt with delay after delay with their insurance...I'm hoping I'm the lucky one that gets through this without a total loss of my sanity Here goes a call to my insurance...wish me luck :/




Taking inventory in life

Good morning! After a solid week of battling the same damn pound, I dropped it Monday, and two more since then It is a great and rewarding feeling to get on the scale and see those changes. It makes the extra time it took to dig out a weight watchers recipe and cook versus grabbing fast food that much more rewarding. The weather is finally breaking here in Michigan, and it's beautiful out!! Can't wait to get out and walk every single day again- I miss it sooooo much! I'm back horseback riding again, which wasn't something I had given up due to my weight or anything...but I kind of see now, looking back, I gave up a lot of stuff indirectly becuase of my weight. I didn't feel like going out, I wasn't in the mood, didn't have the energy, etc. I love getting out now- getting dressed and going out in the world. I'm almost to my 1/2 way point in my journey...down 49# total, with 56# more to go. I'm excited to start seeing myself IN pictures with my kids, instead of just standing behind the camera all the time. I'm excited to get dressed and know that nobody is noticing me for what is or isn't showing- it's like an entirely new outlook on life. I have always had my weight weigh really heavily on my mental well-being and my attitude, so I'm glad to see as I shed pounds, my attitude changes, my life is better, and I'm so much happier!   Had to share some uplifting stuff today- I know that I haven't been on as much, and I want to be able to track my journey on here as well as maybe help someone out that is questioning if this is the right choice for them or not. I know everyone is different, but I would do this for myself 100xs over if I had to. I finally have my LIFE BACK   Have a great day y'all!




Some days I see it, some days I don't...

So far, I'd consider my surgery the best decision of my life. I'm down a total of 71 pounds, 56 pounds post op. I've gone from a size 18/20 to a size 12. From xxl shrits to m/l. There are days that I see pictures of me and literally just stop and stare for a bit- I hardly recongize myself...but when I look in the MIRROR....I don't see much of a change. Anyone else finding this on their weightloss journey? I see that clothes are too big, and I happily went through my summer and winter clothes pulling out STACKS of stuff that I'm proud to say will never fit me again...but there are times where I throw on a shirt, and just automatically start pulling on the fabric to "stretch" it so it'll lay without touching my stomach so that it doesn't look too tight. I'll come out and my husband or a friend or my sister will say- WOW YOU LOOK AMAZING!! I'll still end up changing, because I think it looks terrible on me. I know I still need to adjust to my new body and my new life..I'm proud of what I've lost- I know I've lost it...but sometimes it doesn't register when I look in the mirror...anyone else have that problem?




ALMOST there

ALMOST there!! Hit the scale today at 175, that means a total loss of 80 pounds since my pre-op weight (65 post op). I'm comfortably in a size 8 (from a size 18/20)...and I'm loving my new life. I was blessed with a recent change to meet my all-time FAVORITE band (Rascal Flatts) just this past month. I was so happy to be able to go and enjoy myself and take pictures and not worry about how I looked, or what people were thinking. It's amazing how much this life-change has really put my entire life in a new perspective. I didn't realize how lacking my confidence was...actually I always prided myself on being a confident woman, but I didn't see how much I was holding back until I lost the weight. I had the joy of attending my daughter's Back-To-School Night last week, her 2nd grade teacher (from 2 years ago) didn't even recognize me. For those of you that are struggling or are in the early stages of this change...keep the faith- you CAN do this, and I promise you it will be worth it's weight in gold when you are living your new life. For those of you debating on doing it...I cannot promise you an easy path, I can't say for certian you won't have complications or problems- but I can tell you- without any doubt, this is the best thing I've ever done for myself, for my children, for my family, and for my own happiness.   Ok, just wanted to drop a quick update on everyone- OFF TO WALK ON LUNCH!!! XOXXOXOXO



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