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My Goals
Entries in this blog
Six Months - Is that All?
Have lost more weight than I have to lose - that will be in two more pounds - but it is a day I am so looking forward to...
Get rid of any and all clothing with an X after the size (it's an emotional attachment - none of them fit me any more)
Do a zip-line - that's been on my list for a while - gonna knock it off this summer
I'll post more when I have time to think about them. Life is simply too busy right now to think straight. Oh - one interesting thing happened last weekend. We went to a party and after my boyfriend mentioned that it seemed like I really had a good time. I told him that before my surgery I dreaded these kind of events because I felt so self conscious and worried about taking up too much space in the crowded room, and I simply got tired of standing all night. Now I have none of those thoughts/worries/issues. He was surprised to hear me say this - I guess I really did suffer in silence for years!
5 Months Done - Happy Happy Happy!
Increase H2O consumption by half
Journal ALL caloric intake
Things I look forward to doing in the next 5 months: Never see the 200's again (sustain wt. loss)
Go ziplining
Lay out at the beach
Wear a sleevless shirt
lower my BMI below the "obese" range
Get to the point where the weight I've lost is a higher number than the weight I have left to lose (be more than half-way to my goal)
Ultimately I knew from the beginning that this journey was going to take a while. Sure - I had dreams about being one of those people who lose all the weight in 6-8 months, but I've also learned that I cannot allow myself to think that any pound lost (no matter how quickly or slowly) is anything but a success. When I hit the one year mark I hope to be very close to my goal - but if it takes longer then I will just keep on plugging along.
Update on Progress Towards Goals
Almost 5 Months ... And I Will Never Be The Same Again!
My Weight Loss Surgery Story
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