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Follow me as I embark on this crazy thing I call my life. I have heart failure. I need a new heart. I weigh to much to be elegable for a new heart... so we're gonna sleeve me and pray I loose enough weight in time.

Entries in this blog


Day 7 Post Op! Aka " Nausea, Waterloged , And Everything Between.

This will be a quick one guys. sry. I'm exhausted. :D I made it to day 7 post op! :D   Come to think of it why wouldn't I have made it. I am an Amazon Warrior after all, in the heat of a weight loss battle for my new heart and to improve my self image and love myself.   So let me update you on .   It gets a little bit better everyday but when I have to take my potassium i get so nauseous and start dry heaving. Tonight I split that liquid into two cups and lemonade on top of it and siped it in all it's sour turn my stomach goodness.    Still fighting the nausea monster. being a heart patient my liquid intake makes it hard to get all my protein in but I got 67 g's today. Pretty damn proud of that. I did however go over my liquid limit by 500 cc's which had made me feel like a beached whale.   I called my Dr. about not having a bowl movement, hung up to go make some more protien and barely made it to the restroom. My lifes funny like that. Most of the time i'm exhausted but I get up and do my walking in.   That's all for not.. im about to crash. Night -G




Post - Op Day 4

YES! I'm finally post op. Day 4 to be exactly, but I could use a little help.   1. How many ounces should I be sipping each time I take a 'sip'. I don't know if i'm trying to take in way to much liquid to quickly or what because It'll stay down for an hour or two and then it will come right back up, but it's always like 1 to 2 oz that comes back up.   My Dr. said every patient spits up until they find out how they respond to diffrent sippings at diffrnent times.   Now , see, with me you can't just tell me to figure it out and hope that you pick the right amount and times.... it's more like with me I need a checklist that tells me to drink this much at this time.   My guess is i'm trying to drink to much to fast.   2. Is this what you guys call gas pains when you feel so full and bloated that you'd give anything to burp? because i'd give anything to be able to burp and get this full feeling off my belly.   As a heart patient its taking my body a while longer to get used to things.... I haven't even farted or passed a bile movement one.   Answers? Help? What's good for a distressed belly?




12 Hours To Go Till I Begin My Journey To Memphis , Tn For My Sleeve

Today is sunday, that means clear liquids all day. For a heart patient with a fluid restriction of 1000ccs or, 33 fl oz per day this is rather an impossible task.   Let me back up and tell you about what happened in 2009. I had graduated four days earlier with my Bachlor of Fine Art in Photography. I had everything lined up, a job, an apartment all those grown up things.I thought I'd come to visit home for a few days before going back to the place I was going to be working. At 9am in the morning at my mothers house I started to feel faint. Thank God there was a phone beside my bed but the numbers looked so foreign. All that got my mom on the end of the line was me remembering the pattern of her phone number. If not for that ... I wouldn't be typing this here now. She called an ambulance and came home right away.   After many tests and lots of pain the ER Doctor said I had heartfailure. An unknown virus had attacked my heart for what seemed like 1 or 2 years and as it slowly ate the muscle wall it caused my heart to jump up to 275bpm on that day.   Fast foward 2.5 years and here I am needing a new heart. However, I weigh to much to be put on the eligibility list. So my Cardiologist suggested that I have a Gastric Sleeve to loose weight rapidly to get on the list quicker because my time is short.   And that ladies and gentalman leaves me driving to memphis at 3am tomorrow morning to have this life saving gastric sleeve operation.   The liquid diet is killing me, I have horrable heartburn and my stomach is all messed up from the magnesium citrate I drank earlier. As miserable as I am I know that everything will be worth it in the end. I can use all the support I can get, so please add me as a friend! -G



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