still having pain under left rib cage. dull ache all the time sharp pains sometimes. Getting in fluids, vitiams, and most of protein. Eating pureed and still shakes for protein. Having problems with constapation, and energy leave, not sleepy just blah. Had lap band revison, still better than lap band. But tired of pain and discomfort. Any help thought are welcome. Thanks
4 weeks out drank a sweet drink tonight. Caused vomiting, bad stomach pain when touch area around large incesion on left, pain when moving. Stomach just hurts. should I go back on all liquads for a few days?
I am 3 weeks out going from band to sleeve. Still have pain under left rib cage. Just started pureed and hurts under shoulder. Have no energy. Trying to get everything in(protein, fluids) but makes me uncomfortable. Also, still have nausea issuse. Anyone else have this at 3 weeks?