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The Journey Begins!

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Surgery And School!

Hey There all!!   I am having surgery November 15 and I am currently still in school. Surgery will be close to the end of the semester, however, I will still have a few weeks of school left. All those who have had surgery any advise for me? What can I expect? I'm kind of nervous, and I really don't like pain. I was thinking about taking a week off to heal.   This has been a long time coming. I finally decided to take control of my life and invest in myself. I'm going to document this so you all can see my journey. Life can be relatively hard being a large person. I feel as though my weight holds me back from doing a lot of the things I want in life. Things like being able to run and do activities for a period of time with out getting tired quickly. Have you ever wished that instead of being behind the pack you could run up front or alongside of them? I do all the time. How bout looking in the mirror while trying on a really cute dress you like only to realize it doesn't look as cute on you as it did on the manikin? Yup.   The real reason as to why i'm doing this isn't just to look better or to run faster, but more so to feel better about myself. I need a change in my life. I couldn't keep doing the same thing and feeling the same way. I was going insane. Hopefully, this journey will give me the courage to do the things i've always wanted and to be the person i've always wanted to be. I feel that by taking this plung, I will be giving myself options that i never had before. Wish me luck! Can't wait to hear all of your feedback!! Toodles.




Sleeved On Thursday 11/15!

Hello all, on Thursday November 15, 2012 I will be officially sleeved!! It has been a long time coming and it is finally here. I feel like I am about to open up a new chapter in my life. I can't wait to feel comfortable doing the things I've always wanted to do like wearing a cute little mini dress of going to the beach in a BIKINI. That would be amazing or how about even doing the everyday things like riding in those tight seats on the airplane and amusement park rides. I can't wait for my clothes to start loosing up on me because right now they are kind of tight, lol. I can't wait to finally wear shorts without feeling mortified that my thighs look all jiggly and gross. Most of all, I just can't wait to finally feel comfortable with myself and the skin that I'm in. I'm in college right now and finishing my last semester, so I will be missing a few days of school. I hope my recovery time won't be too long because my plan is to go back to class on Monday. Any advice for me? My soon to be fellow sleevers. What to expect? Will the pain be bad? How long do I have to wait before doing physical activity, like playing basketball? Wish me luck all!!!




Sleeved On Thursday 11/15!

I'm am so excited, I don't know what to do!! I'm having gastric sleeve surgery on Thursday in Mexico, with Dr. Jose Rodriguez. I can barely contain myself, I can expect minimal amount of sleep for the next few days. So sleevers!! Any advice for me? Will the pain be bad? I also go to school and I'm trying to go back to class on Monday, how will that be? Also, when did you guys start doing any physical activity? I want to start playing basketball again as soon as possible, how long should I wait? Any advice helps sleevers!! Will keep you guys updated on my status!! Toodles!!




Sleeved In Mexico Thursday 11/15!

Sleevers!! I'm getting sleeved in Mexico on Thursday!! I'm real scared!! My mom decided that it would be a good idea to call me and put the fear of God inside me 2 days before my surgery. Ugh, have any of you guys gone to Mexico for your surgeries?! If so how was it? Did you feel safe/unsafe? Did everything go as planned with no complications? If so, what happened. Any advice and opinions would help!! I'm real scared now and I don't want to chicken out because mama decided to put all these doubts in my head, but I'm freaking out now and I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP!!! ANYBODY!!




Hair Loss Prevention!

Hey all, I've heard some scary stories of people who have gotten sleeved and experienced some really bad hair loss. My hair is just touching my shoulders and I absolutely do not want any of my hair falling out. I've heard of zinc and biotin helps to prevent hair loss, also to make sure i'm getting my protein. I'm kinda scared and don't want to loss any of my hair. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!



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