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11-11-2007 pm

Just wanted to thank those of you who've given me some nice comments. It's really appreciated. It's amazing that just last week I was kind of in a funk and thinking that somehow this (the lap band) wouldn't work for me, and now I am totally re-inspired. If I didn't have the band I would have started the eating funk that got me up to 295lbs. But the band makes it to where I just can't eat what I used to. I get full very quickly. And since I really don't want to PB (productive burp) I stop eating when I feel full. I did have some chocolate cake last week. I started to beat myself up over it but that line of thinking has just got to change. We can't eat perfect all of the time. As long as I'm not eating cake or other high calorie/high fat foods everyday. Luckily I'm not a big sweet person. Once every couple of months usually does me good. I thought that I'd post what I ate today to give an idea of how my diet has changed since started the soft food stage. 8am 1/4 c. oatmeal 2 oz nonfat milk 2 Tbs sugar free maple syrup 10am 3oz of light tuna w/ 1 Tbs mayo 1pm 1 scoop whey protein powder 4 oz nonfat milk 5pm 3oz hamburger pattie (pureed) 2 Tbs brown gravy 2 mushrooms (all of this blended together) 2 Tbs. mashed potatoes I at half of this at 5 and the other half around 7pm 9pm sugar free fudge bar   So my total caloric intake was 850 calories and 83 grams of protein. It's so amazing that I am full on this amount of food. Oh- and I did ride my bike today for 30 minutes. Goodnight everyone! Take care.  





I am in the 250s today. I weighed this a.m. and weighed 259. I am down 11 lbs since the surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago and 36lbs total. I have been exercising daily. Only for a 1/2 hour on the stationary bike but it is a workout. Anyway things are good. Until next time....





Start weight: 295 day of operation: 270 3 weeks post-op: 261 I had my first doc. appointment since getting banded today. My three week check-up. Everything is fine. I have lost 9lbs since getting banded. I am happy to get to move onto pureed foods. I had pureed a few times this last week and told the doc. He said that it was okay because I didn't have it until after the second week. I'm still ready to chew my own food but at least I get real food now. I've exercised all but two days so far this month (today being one of them). I don't have to keep track of my diet journal except for 1 week prior to my appointments. I haven't decided if I'm going to do it anyway or not. I probably will once I start on all real food. Hope everyone out there is doing good! Take care!





I haven't wrote for a couple of days. Not that I've been that busy, I've just not been up to it. Things are okay. I am so ready to just be able to eat food and just eat less. I am sick of just drinking my meals. My caloric intake went up beyond what it has befor the past two days (not including today). I still consumed less than 1000 calories on those days but I had some good liquid/pureed food. I had a small (about 1/4 cup) of this Mexican casserole one day. It was really good. And yesterday I made my hubby seafood alfredo pasta. I had about 1/4 cup of the sauce. It had minced crab in it and was soooo good. It just made me want food more. Not a lot of food, just real food. Just a couple more days then my diet can increase. I didn't exercise yesterday but today my hubby and I took our baby on a walk down to our towns little park. We walked for a little over a half hour. It was a beautiful day. I consumed 640 calories today: 6:00am 2 scoops whey protein shake mix 8oz nonfat milk 11:00am 8oz chicken broth 1/4 cup instant mashed potato's in it 3:00pm 1 can ready to drink slimfast 6:00pm Dannon light and fit smoothie That's it that's all for today!! Take care all!!  





I think I may have over shot my weight loss goal for Thanksgiving. I want to drop 13lbs in three weeks. Granted one of those weeks I'm still on the liquid diet and the other two I'm on mushies but that's a lot of weight. I thought for some reason I had one more week in there. Well, we'll see how it goes. I am exercising daily again at 30 minutes a pop. Maybe that's why my hunger kicked up a notch today. For the first time since being banded I was really hungry. So I added peanut butter to my last protein shake (vanilla flavor) of the day. It was soooo good. It tasted like the inside of a reeses peanut butter cup to me. 6 weeks ago it probably would've tasted like crap to me but since I haven't had any real food for so long it was quite a tasty treat. It did up my calories for the day. But I am still consuming less than I have since I was probably like 8 years old. So in summary I consumed 940 calories and rode my bike for 30 minutes.





Start weight: 295 surgery weight: 270 2 weeks post-op: 263 total loss so far: 32lbs Well, I am down 3 more lbs this week. My BMI has dropped 5 points since beginning the pre-op diet. Amazing really. My goal is to be down to 250 by Thanksgiving. I haven't weight below that for about 3 years and then that was only because I got down to 247. Before that it's been about 6 years since my lowest weight which was right around 235. So, It will be so exciting to get below 235. I haven't been below that since 1998. It seems like there is so far to go. And there is. But each day I am losing little by little instead of gaining. I am so happy to be going in the right direction. Yesterday I consumed 784 calories. I'll probably update more tonight. It's later.... I've challenged myself to work out between 19-23 times this month for at least a half hour each time. I rode my bike for 30 minutes. I consumed 740 calories today.  





Today was a better day. The morning ritual of getting on the scale had better results. I won't post what they were until Thursday, which is my weigh-in day. But it makes me feel better. I am ready to be off of liquids. 8 more days to go. Then I'm on mushies for at least three weeks. My caloric intake can go up a bit then. I'm pretty sure my body is freaking out a bit from the lack of calories for the past 6 weeks. I've tried to up my intake to closer to 800 a day. I'm not hungry. I miss eating though. Oh- I made my hubby chicken fried steak tonight with country gravy and had a couple of spoonfuls of the gravy. YUM!! I make a mean homemade country gravy. Good thing I only make any kind of gravy every couple of months. It could be addicting. I am so greatful to have the band. I am also greatful that I am in the mind space to work with it. As I've stated befor I don't ever expect to be super skinny but I will be healthy again. Sometimes I feel impatient and wish it was instantanious. But getting my butt this big didn't happen overnight so I must be patient. I'm still having trouble drinking the amount of water I'm suposed to. I've drank around 30oz so far tonight and am gonna try to get another 12-16oz down befor I go to bed. I consumed 760 calories today. Goodnight!





Today was kind of a bummer day. Three days in a row and the scale hasn't moved. I know I shouldn't weigh everyday but I am a slave to the scale. It just seems that if I'm only drinking 700 calories or less a day that I should lose weight even if my body is in some sort of starvation mode. I am getting my protein. Usually I get right around 70grams of protein a day. I could drink more water. I guess I'll make that my goal for now. To get at least 48oz preferably 64oz of water a day. I think I strained something in my tummy yesterday. We were trying to load a couple of our steers up to go to the butcher and I yanked on this gate that was stuck in some mud a couple of times befor I realized it probably wasn't a good idea. Today I have pain on the center left side of my upper abdomen. I haven't taken any pain for it. I want to be able to feel exactly what's going on in case it gets worse and needs some kind of attention. I need to remember to take it easy. So needless to say I didn't ride my bike today. I think I'm gonna wait one more week or so. I had started riding really slow and only for 10 minutes at a time. Now I want to wait until this new pain goes away. Calories today: 645 but I'll probably have some broth befor bed. Take care all!





Not much to say today. Incisions are looking good. I had no stiches- they just glued them back together. I still have a couple of small scabs. I feel good. I'm really greatful I never had to deal with any of the gas that a lot of bandsters talk about. I have been able to pick up my 1 yr old since day 5 post-op. I do it very carefully only from positions were I'm using mostly my arm strength only. Today I consumed a few more calories. Around 700. I haven't done a total yet so I don't have an exact number. Until next time....





Well it is the 28th and not the 27th as I posted but this is my journal entry for yesterday. I could not get logged onto LBT. I assume from the lack of journal entries I wasn't the only one? Anyway, yesterday was probably my hardest day since the surgery. I really wanted food. I haven't eaten for close to a month now with the exception of the chalupa I had after losing my 25 lbs 2 days befor surgery. And I just wanted something, anything. But I made it through the day. I didn't get any exercise in. I was just lazy I guess. I didn't make it a priority. I consumed 600 calories. I am ready for November 8th to be here. That is my first post-op appt and when I'll be allowed to go on mushies. I would just LOVE a scrambled egg! I will write today's entry later. Until then..........





I am so glad to have my baby back. Grandma and Grandpa brought her back a little after 4pm this afternoon. I miss her so much when she is gone even for just a day. She really is the light of my life. She has started walking everywhere... finally. She was a late walker. She's been cruising since right around 12 mos. but it has taken her until now 4 months later to start really walking independently. I wasn't in a real hurry for her to walk (she's getting harder to catch ):girl_hug: but I was gonna start worrying if it didn't happen in the next couple of months. Now I can relax and just enjoy her toddling around. Today was good. I've been really good at maintaining the house. I've used this time off from work and reorganized everything. I am at much more peace when my house is in order. Everything looks so nice. I rode my bike for 10 minutes and consumed 560 calories. Goodnight all!





One week post-op today. :girl_hug: Start weight: 295 surgery weight: 270 1 week post-op: 266 Today was a very busy day. I didn't have much time to eat... I mean drink very much. I only drank 540 calories today. We went to Boise and dropped the baby off at Grandma and Grandpa's for the night. We are so lucky, Angelina has wonderful Grandparents. Then we went shopping all over town. Hubby and I had a really good day. Lots of visiting, joking and laughing. There was a long while where I wasn't much fun to be around because I was so miserable with myself. I feel like I've got a new lease on life. I've actually been happy lately. It may sound weird but I haven't been happy in a long time. It is amazing how doing something good for yourself and your life can give you an entirely new perspective. Things are good. I didn't ride my bike today but we walked around alot. We walked enough that my tummy started to ache a bit. I took a pain pill when I got home and reminded myself that I still need to take it easy. Good night all!  





I survived the jerky incident. Thank God. Today was pretty good. Not much to say. I rode my bike for 10 min. I will work up slowly as I heal. I consumed 650 calories today. Tomorrow is my weigh day. We'll see how much I've lost my first week of being banded. Until next time....





Okay so I freaked myself out bad tonight. We recently got a food dehydrator and have always wanted to make jerky. Well, I made jerky. And I decided to just chew a piece.... just chew, to see how it tasted. I was planning on spitting it out and then OOPS down the throat it goes! and it wasn't even very well chewed yet. That was two hours ago. I keep waiting for terrible chest pain, or a PB or something. I think I might be in the clear but am not sure yet. I'm scared to drink very much. I can just see it now: "33yr old woman admitted to emergency. Patient was recently banded(less than a week ago) and now has a chunk of jerky stuck in her band. It has been decided that the band must be removed..." These are the thoughts going through my head. I'm not going to feel in the clear until the morning. I'm also not going to sample anymore jerky. What a dumb ass. Other than that today has been good. I am really amazed at how well the holes in my belly are healing. Only one of the incisions has a bruise. The rest look like 1 inch scratches- except for the one that is about 4 inches long. I have 5 incisions total. My port is under my left breast. I would say below but I sag a bit so actually it is under. :phanvan I went for about a 10 minute walk this afternoon. We have been having wonderful weather for October. It was 70 degrees today. And consumed right around 700 calories. Until next time........:girl_hug:





4 days post-op. I didn't take any pain meds today. I can definitely feel something in my chest. It's like pressure or tightness- I don't know if it's always been there and I'm just feeling it now since there's no pain medicine in my system or what. I'm still not regularly exercising although I am anxious to get back to it. My caloric intake was at 705 today. Here's what I had and it's pretty typical of what I've been drinking each day. 8:30am- whey protein 1 scoop w/ 4oz nonfat milk and 4oz water 11:00am- slimfast 1:30pm- 8oz cream of chicken soup 3:30pm- whey protein 1 scoop w. 4oz nonfat mild and 4oz water 6:00pm- Dannon light and fit strawberry smoothie (which I water down and drink like juice because it's to thick otherwise). I haven't had much of an issue with hunger and when I do I wouldn't know what to eat anyway even if I could. I usually just drink something and it goes away anyway. It seems to work best for me to have something to always sip on. I am so excited for the scales to start descending. I hope my journal entries help those of you who are starting out. I started them in hopes of giving new people good details of my journey and what you could possibly expect on yours. I can't believe that I am blessed enough to have been able to have the band "installed". The difference this is going to make in my life is a miracle really. For the first time in a long time I am feeling a sense of well being about myself... and a sense of hope.... and that's just a damn beautiful thing!!:girl_hug: Good luck to all of you on your journeys! ~Tina





It is day three since being banded. Today I only took one pain pill when I got up and then just took one because I am getting ready for bed. I have still been a little tired throughout the day. I still have my butterfly type bandages on my bigger incision. The others have the band aids I put on them yesterday. I have drank a little over 700cals today. Sometimes I think I could eat but I am not starving. I am not near as hungry as I was on the pre-op diet. So I guess things are good. I finally had a bowel movement for the first time in over four days. It was a little odd looking. I won't go into any more detail I'm just glad to know things are moving again. Although I did get on the scale today I'm not going to pay very much attention to it accept for on Thursdays which will be my weigh day for my ticker. They might switch to Sundays after that because that's when I weigh in for another log that I keep. We'll see. I can feel something in my lower/mid chest at times. I guess it's the band. I don't think what I'm feeling is restriction. Maybe it is. It's hard to tell. I'm still trying to figure out this new part of me. But I'm very happy to be where I am right now. I'm very content and very excited at the same time. Well- Good luck All!!!





I'm a little dissappointed. It is day 2 post-op and I weigh 5 pounds more than I did the day of my operation. I've had over 60grams of protein each day and less than 650cals each day. What the hell? I don't really expect my weight to just fall off nonstop but it would be nice to at least be where I started. I guess I should just weigh myself weekly. My first doctors appointment is November 8th. That is three weeks from now. I am not in much pain today. I only took pain meds as needed- only three times all together today. Which is better compared to every four hours the day befor. My incisions look pretty good. They are itchy. The big one is a little red. I worry about infection so I'm not messing with it. My hunger isn't bad. I just keep the protein drinks I need to consume around so I sip on them all day. I'm eating about the same things I ate on my pre-op diet only less. I can't wait to be all healed up. It will be nice to exercise again. This is such an exciting journey... I'm on the BANDWAGON! and I can't believe it.





Okay... time for the details of surgery day. My Grandmother and I left for the hospital around 5:45am. We arrived there at 7am and went to the surgery waiting area. It was a really nice area. They had tv screens with each patients abbreviated name and time they go into pre-op, then surgery, and then recovery. A little after 7 a nurse came and got me. I was weighed and vitals were taken. They had me empty my bladder then took me to my little area.. partition #16. There they went through the lovely task of trying to get an IV in me. I've never been a good IV patient. I don't care about getting one it's just that they can never find my veins. They only had to try twice. So I only have two large bruises on my arms. After all of this the anesthesiologist came and talked to me as well as the surgeon. They made sure I didn't have any questions or concerns. Everyone was very nice. Around 8:30am they let my Grandma and my Hubby come back and visit with me for a bit. Then some time after nine they sent them off and by 9:30 I was headed back to the operating room. The gals told me to take some deep breaths of oxygen and befor I knew it I was being woke up befor being wheeled into recovery. I was a little nauseous and in pain. They immediately gave me something extra for both. Within a few minutes they wheeled me into recovery. It was 11am. The nurse offered me ice chips and water right away. I was very thirsty. My family came back into sit with me as I recouped from surgery. I was told that as soon as I drank 500ml (without any problems) I could go home. I took slow steady sips. It took four hours befor I went home. I dozed in and out a lot the first couple of hours. After that I really focused on drinking my fluids. I was ready to get home. The worse pain that I had was in my middle back. My upper stomach area was also pretty sore but not as bad as my back. I had a hard time getting comfortable on the hospital bed. That was one of the main reasons I just wanted to get home. When I finally got home I was in pretty good shape. Some people I have read about have said that the surgery was worse than a c-section. But mine wasn't even half as bad as my c-sections was. On a scale of one to ten with ten being the worst. I'd give it a six or seven. But then again I haven't had any gas pains in my shoulder and I've been taking my pain medication as prescribed. I'm not into unnecessary suffering.:girl_hug: Today I was a little more sore. I feel like someone punched me in the tummy a few times. But nothing intolerable. I haven't been hungry. Thirsty a lot though. Yesterday I drank my protein shake, some broth and a slimfast. Total cals:565 and 48grams of protein. Today I had 615 cals and 60.5grams protein. Things are great. Take care everyone!! ~Tina  





I am Banded!! It wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. I am tired though. I will give a more detailed account of the ordeal tomorrow! :girl_hug: ~Martina





Well, tomorrow morning is the big day. I can't believe that it is finally here. I haven't been very nervous today. My Grandma being here probably helped with that. She is very supportive. I have packed my bag for the hospital. I have to get up at 5:15 in the morning. We have to leave here by 6a.m. just in case of traffic or any other delays to be to the hospital by 7:30. I don't know much of what to say... I'm kinda speechless. I think I am in denial about what is really happening. It must be some sort of defense mechanism so I don't freak out. Either that or I've just accepted what is happening and that's that. Either way the next time I post I will have joined the band wagon! Take care everyone!:car:   Here are my measurements: 9-18-2007 10-18-2007 weight: 295 BMI: 46 w: 270 BMI: 43 bust: 53 1/2 in bust: 51 1/2in waist: 55 in waist: 50 in hips: 57 in hips: 56 in thigh: 35 in thigh: 33 in calves: 21 in calves: 20 in arms: 17 in arms: 16 1/2in   I'll have to figure out next time how to post this so it shows up in columns. Oh well:phanvan





My pre-op appt went great! The doc's scales said the same as mine.... 25lbs gone!! Yippee! So I am going into surgery weighing 270. I was so proud of myself for losing all the weight that he asked me to. I go into surgery at 10:15am on Thursday. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 am. That means we have to leave my house at 5:30 or a little after. Yuck! But it will be worth it. I had told myself that if I reached the 25lb mark I would let myself have something to eat. So I had a taco bell chalupa. It tasted good and filled me up so fast considering I haven't really eaten in just shy of a month. Then it made my tummy hurt. Kinda ticked me off... I just wanted to enjoy it. I skipped my last slimfast. I haven't calculated my caloric intake yet with the chalupa in it. Probably still under 1500 cals. I didn't ride my bike today as I was gone from 11 this morning until 8 pm tonight. Now I have some last minute cleaning to do befor Grandma arrives in the morning. It is impossible to describe the emotions I am going through. I've only gotten really nervous once... so far. I was happy to hear that they give an anti-anxiety pill at the hospital befor to long after you get there if you want. I want. Give me happy pills!! I know that this is the best thing I could do for myself but it still freaks me out a bit as the time gets closer and closer. I will post a detailed entry of my experience after the surgery. I will also remeasure myself tomorrow to show the loss I've had thus far in inches. I hope everyone is doing great. Good luck on your journeys!





I can't believe that my little countdown ticker says only three days to go. And really it's only two because today is about over and I have to be at the hospital by 8am on Thursday. A little bit ago I went through a big old case of the nerves. And all I wanted was pizza and to forget the whole thing. This breaking up with food is getting to me. But I've come this far and I'm not backing down now. I don't want to be morbidly obese which I am now. I want to be attractive and healthy. I want to tie my shoes without it feeling like yoga. I consumed 840 cals today and am going to ride my bike for 30 minutes after this entry. Good luck everyone!    





Four more days until bandland! Today my hubby and I spent cleaning up around the house. I got almost all of the laundry done, got my room cleaned, etc. I have to kick out the floors in the house tomorrow night. No problem. Yesturday we got all the shopping done for after the surgery. I did forget to get surgar free popcicles. I'll definately have to get some when I go to my doc. appt. on Tuesday. I have lost the 25lbs my doc wanted me to lose befor the surgery, at least according to what my scale says. So I definately should be within the 5lb range he requires befor surgery. I didn't ride my bike again today but did around 4 hours of busy housework. I consumed 840 cals.





Only five more days to go. So hard to believe. I am excited. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like it's real. It's so hard to believe I'm actually taking this step in my life. I have for the first time so many hopes and thus am beginning to dream about the future. Before I just focused on the next meal or thing I could put in my mouth. My husband has never known me thin. The smallest I've been since we've been together is about 230. Which actually I feel pretty good at that weight. I still feel attractive for the most part. I quit feeling attractive a long time ago. It is going to be so much fun to watch the transformation take place. It has already begun. My hubby said today he could tell I've lost weight. Nice to hear. If I wasn't having surgery I'd probably start to sabotage myself since I'd received a compliment. That's what I've done in the past. Once people start to notice I start to feed myself a little more each day until the weight is back. But not this time. This time I have begun to visualize what I used to look like in high school and have begun picturing myself that size again. I want it. I have a lot of things that I planned to do in my life that have gotten put to the way side because of my weight. Horses is one of the major things. It's always been a dream. but now I have them but can't do anything with them because my butt is inhibiting my agility, movement and motivation to go out and do anything with them. But that is going to change. And in 5 days I am getting the tool to help me achieve this goal. How great it is! I've got to put the baby to bed. I haven't ridden the bike yet today. If hubby goes to bed early enough I will ride it then. I consumed 840 cals today. Take care of yourselves! :car:   http://tickers.tickerfactory.com/ezt/d/4;41;93/st/20071018/e/surgery/dt/-2/k/68c5%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Ca%20href=http://www.tickerfactory.com/weight-loss/wwNunKT/%20target=_blank%3E





I didn't write last night. By the time all was said and done for the day I was just too pooped to get on the computer. I am down to 273 this morning! That's good. I've lost 23 lbs in the last 24 days. As I said befor not the healthiest way to lose weight but it has to be done for the pre-op requirements my surgeon has. I am starting to relax about meeting the goal of 25 lbs. I have 4 days until my last pre-op appt. and I have to be within 5 lbs of the goal and I am sooo...:clap2: I'm starting to do some of the extra housework and planning for my surgery. I've got to kick out all the laundry I can today so that I only have a couple loads next week. My bedroom is the biggest challenge. Ever since I had my baby it has become kind of a storage area/bedroom. And Angelina is now 16 months old. I've done some of it but I want it to be a bedroom again. I also want my house in good arrangement for when my Grandmother comes up. She is the cleanest, most organized person I've ever met. Unfortunately I didn't inherit that from her. But I like to put on a half assed attempt when she comes to visit. I don't want her to feel all those chores and special cleaning techniques she taught me growing up went to waste. :car: She is really the best though. I love and appreciate her sooo much. I've got lots of shopping to do to prep. my cupboards for the surgery. We are doing some of it tomorrow and I'll do the rest when I go into Boise for my last pre-op appt. Cals consumed yesterday: 820 Rode bike 30 minutes. Today consumed 900 cals and rode bike 30 min.    



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