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July 27, 2008

Well my appt last Thurs with my surgeon was good. I keep losing every week. I am down to 227 from 295. My surgery date was Oct 18,2007. My home scale must be brocken. It has said 230 lbs (give or take a pound or two) for over 3 months. Yet everytime I go to the doc. I've gone down. I usually am only losing a pound a week. The least I've lost in a month is three. The most is eight. I can't complain I guess. If I didn't have the band I know that I would be as big as I was if not bigger. Sometimes I want quicker results. But I don't do anything to acheive that... you know... like excersize. I do have that in my future plans though. I also drink a couple times a week, which makes it nearly impossible for me to lose any quantity of weight. But, as long as the scale keeps trickling downward then all is good. I should come on here and blog more often and be involved with the posts. It would do me good to take advantage of all the support offered here and yet I don't. I need a swift kick in the arse. Well, I hope all of you out there are doing well. Take care everyone!!





starting weight: 295 today: 231 Well, I'm going down again albeit slowly. I knew the day would come to were I would actually have to use the band as the tool it was meant to be. Up until 6 weeks or so ago I didn't really have to even try to lose weight. Now I'm having to track my diet and actually concider exercise. Thank goodness the good weather is here and I garden a lot. I also found my favorite palates tape that I need to start doing again. Anyway, just a quick check up. Take care all.





starting weight: 295 current weight: 234 surgery date was 10/18/2007 So my doctor appointment was okay. The one thing that drives me really nuts is the fact that my port sight always hurts. It's a pulling type pain. It's kind of hard to explain. but it hurt like this before it flipped and now it hurts a lot again since the surgery where they redid it. I just worry it will be a life long issue. I guess I'm gonna have to use this to track what I eat. I usually use slimfast.com but they have been down for almost a month now. I really need to start tracking what I eat. I PB to often. I think I might be too tight. But my doc said to track what I eat and how I feel. It's hard to get into the habit of documenting what I'm eating again. Here's today: 6am- coffee with nondairy creamer and splenda 8am- same lunch- 5 oz tuna w/mayo and mustard 1pm- coffee as above dinner 4 oz hamburger, 1/2 an advocado If I have a snack tonight it will be my protein shake. until next time





April was a very slow month for weight loss. I only lost three lbs. I have so much restriction. I just don't always eat that great. I don't eat real bad though either. I'm just wondering if my body is slowing down for a little while. I know my new job doesn't help. I now have an office job and just sit on my butt for 8 hours a day. Having the scale not reward me weekly is getting me motivated to take some serious action. I need to get moving again. The weather has finally started to get nice so I have been working outside a lot on the weekends and in the evenings. I'm not looking forward to my doctor appointment on the 8th. My doctor is so funny, if I lose 6 lbs and say I ate the way he wants me to eat (basicly atkins) then he compliments me and says I'm doing great.... that I'm "right on track". But one month I lost 8 lbs and was honest about sharing a milkshake with my hubby and eating a sandwhich or something like that and he gave me a bunch of crap. So this is the first month I haven't had pretty significant results and I'm not sure what to expect. I know sure as hell that no more fluid is going into this thing. I can't eat until almost noon as it is. And if I eat the wrong thing or accidentally swallow something before it is chewed to oblivion then I about die. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I've still got a few days before my next appt. maybe I'll drop a lb or two. Until next time................





I am over the half way point to my weight loss goal. I've lost 58lb and have 57 more to go. I've been hovering right at 240 for a couple of weeks. I started drinking my protien again last week. I dropped three pounds... yippee! I still have a long way to go. My doctor is happy with my progress. He thinks I'll be under 200 by July. I haven't weighed under 200lbs since 1993. It's crazy to think about. My port area has that "pulling/sore" sensation that I had befor my port flipped. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. I can't afford to have it done again. The last time was out of my pocket. I'll be making payments on that for a while. Anyway, I've got to get to work. I hope everyones lapband journey is going well! Until next time.... Band-day: 10-18-2007 starting weight: 295 pre-op weight: 270 5 mos. post-op: 240 12-05-2007 first fill of 2cc's 12-20-2007 second fill 1cc total of 3cc 3-6-2008 surgery for flipped port and third fill 1cc total of 4cc





wt: 240   Since my surgery and last fill I have definitely experienced a lot of restriction. Salmon the other night I thought was going to kill me. Today almost everything I ate bothered me. I'm pretty sure I'm a little too tight. I'm hoping though that my stomach is just irritated and from the salmon and more sensitive. I'm going to do just liquids and soft foods tomorrow. I have a post-op appt. on the 25th. If things aren't better by then I'll have him take some fluid out. I started a 7 day cleanse today. It's supposed to be all natural and not too harsh. I've never done one and am terrified I will end up with the sh*ts at work. I just started the job last week. It would be a great impression on all the office gals. Both my husband and I are doing the cleanse. We have slowly been switching our diet to a healthier one. First we quit buying anything with enriched flour or hydrogenated anything. Now we are buying primarily organic. It is so expensive. I paid $6.89 for two (granted they were huge) red peppers. I about passed out. I haven't switched to organic meat yet. Our beef already is (we raise it ourselves). Boise is supposed to be getting a Whole Foods soon. I'm looking forward to that. Until next time.




3-7-2008 Port flipped

So I went in for my check-up on the 4th. My doctor wanted to give me a fill. But after poking and digging around forever he sent me to get x-rays taken. And yes, my port had flipped. I went into surgery yesterday for the revision. He cut along the same scar as before. Of course the pain isn't nearly as bad as after getting the band "installed". It is frustrating because I have to pay for all of this. My insurance doesn't cover any complications from getting the band. I'm not sure the hospital fee but my doctors is $1200. So I'm setting up a payment plan... yippee. :confused_smile: I do try to look on the bright side of things though. I mean I'd rather have this happen than have my band slip or erode. I just worry it'll happen again. Other than that things are okay. I got a third fill during the surgery. I am up to 4cc's in a 14cc band. I only ate solid food once today. I'll have to wait and see how this fill works. Up to this point I've been able to eat basically whatever I've wanted. Sometimes I want more restriction and other times I'm glad I can eat toast if I so choose. Yet, it would be nice to lose a little faster. I'll just have to wait and see how things go. Hope all of you bandsters and soon to be/hoping to be bandsters are doing well. Take care!





Just a quick little update. All is going well. I have my monthly appointment next week with the doctor to see how my weight loss is going. I've lost 7 lbs since I saw him three weeks ago. I don't think I need another fill. I can overeat if I want to (not like before but more than I should). I just try to stop when I am full. I seem to eat small snacks throughout the day mostly. I usually try to consume less than 2000 calories a day- but it's normally between 1200-1500 a day. I still don't exercise like I should. One of these days... right? Hope all of you out there are doing good on your band journey. Take care.  





Start weight: 295 Surgery weight: 275 Current weight: 245 Monthly measurements Start/Now Bust: 53 1/2in. / 47in. Waist: 55 1/2in. / 40 1/2in. Hips: 57in. / 50 1/2in, Thigh: 35in. / 31in, Calves: 21in. / 20in, Arms: 17in. / 15in. I am so happy. I have reached the 50lb mark.:thumbup: And have lost a total of 35 inches. It just amazes me everyday how well this works. As I said before I am not following any sort of real diet. I just eat when I'm hungry. I don't eat near as much. It's so nice to actually get full. The one rule I do follow is the not drinking for 30 minutes after I eat. I exercise occasionally. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer so I can start walking to work. We have had snow on the ground since Jan 8th. That is just unheard of in this part of Idaho. Anyway- things are good. I am so glad that I got banded. I have no regrets. It is an amazing tool. Hope all you other bandsters are doing good. And good luck on the journey for those of you looking into getting banded. Take care All!  





I haven't written since the 12th of January. I haven't been the best at following all of the rules my doctor wants me to. I do not eat a lot during the day. I haven't been exercising since I started working full time three weeks ago. But the weight keeps slowly coming off. I cannot complain. I actually couldn't believe I was still going down when I got on the scales today. I started this journey at 295 in Sept. of last year. I had a month long pre-op diet that was doable but very unpleasant. And now I am down to 248. Almost 50 lbs. I know I could be losing faster. But I am being normal. I don't know if that makes sense but what I mean is that I am just living each day. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I am full. I don't eat the best foods everyday. I still have chocolate but very rarely and in small quantities. I just hope things keep going down. Even if it isn't 3 lbs a week. I go for a month check up on Tuesday. I will probably end up getting another fill just because I still can eat anything. Turkey gave me a little trouble but it was really dry. It just made my chest hurt. And I can eat close to a cup of food depending on what it is. Hope everyone out there is doing good and getting the support they need. This site really is a great place. I just barely have time to even check my email anymore. Take care. Until next time....





Wow, it's been over a week since I've gotten a chance to even log on. I had started a new job and ended replacing someone and have worked the past nine days straight. Tonight was my Friday- Thank God!!! I am so tired. Things are good. I have been exercising. And being that I work so much (even though I'm a cook) I don't have the appetite to eat. I am to busy. Leads me to realize that I eat out of boredom. I don't even have to be hungery. Now that I am working, I've only been eating between 800-1200 calories a day. The weight has begun to come off again. Yippee!! This morning I was down to 251. I've lost a total off 44lbs so far. I have so far to go, but I am almost to the 50lb marker! I've got to get to bed. I'm too pooped to write anymore :eek: Hope everyone is doing good out there is band-land!   Take care!





Three days and no smoking. Yeah! I have been being a good bandee. I still eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I will see on the eighth if the doc wants to fill me up some more. I had a hard time with some turkey today. It was kinda stringy and I thought that I chewed it enough but apparently not. I think I experience a small amount of slimming although and didn't (and have never) PB'ed. It hurt hella bad and took a good 10-15 minutes to pass. I've been riding my bike and have also incorporated sit ups and stretching into my daily regiment. Tomorrow's my weigh day. We'll see if 3 days of being good will show up there. If not I know by next week I will see some results. Until next time.





Since my second fill I have noticed that I get full a lot quicker. I also have to really make sure to chew chew chew or else OUCH! I haven't though lost any weight since my second fill. This is due to the fact that I have been nothing but naughty. I have been drinking a lot the past two weeks (empty calories and lots of them). I have battled depression on and off in my life. I hate the idea of being on anykind of medication. It's just not my thing. Anyway, I knew the depression was coming back even before my surgery. And it took me until last week to finally go in and see my doctor and get put back on anti-depressant. It just had to be done. I was becoming quite self-destructive. I even started smoking again after having quit back in 2004. Last night hubby and I went out for the new year. We had a good time. And today I have joined the masses with my new years resolution to not smoke, follow the band rules, not drink and to exercize regularly. Granted today is day one but so far so good. I got the patch to help with the smoking. I'm addressing my depression which will help with the rest of my resolutions. We'll have to see how things go. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2008. Take care all.





So today I went for my second fill. It was quite the experience. The doctor reviewed my diet. He told me (of course) that I was eating things that I shouldn't. He wants me on basically the Atkins diet until I get smaller then I can start having carbs again. He also said that by looking at my diet journal that I obviously was not experiencing restriction. So he put 2 more cc's in my band for a total of 4 cc's. After the fill I sat up took a drink of water and everything seemed fine for about one minute. Then I could really feel the fluid in my throat. He could see my discomfort and asked about it. He decided to take one cc out of the band. So I now have 3 cc's in my band. I am still on only liquids until Sunday so I don't know about restriction as far as food goes. At this point I cannot drink as fast as I used to. I'm hoping this last fill will get things really going for me. I definitely haven't been hungry since I got it. I will keep updating on how things go. Hope everyone has a happy holiday! Take care..





Tomorrow is my second fill. I haven't been following the diet I am supposed to. I have been quite naughty. All the baking I do for my gift baskets is breaking my will power. I make a mean cookie. I have also eaten around 3 cookies a day since starting this baking adventure. I've gotten rid of most of the goodies already by delivering the gift baskets. Next year I will have to not do the baking thing and find other gifts to give. I should have thought about that this year. Unfortunately I have more time (to bake) than money to spend on other gifts. I am looking forward to having more restriction. I think I have a little bit but not much at all. I can eat whatever I want and fullness doesn't last too long. I will update after tomorrow. On a good note the two days of liquids will get me to drop another pound or two. Until next time......





Monthly measurements start/now Bust: 53 1/2 in/48 3/4in Waist: 55in/ 43 1/2in Hips: 57in/53 1/2in Thighs: 35in/ 32 1/2in Calves: 21in/ 20in Arms: 17in/ 15 3/4in Total loss of 24 1/2 inches 39lbs lost so far! Bandday 10-18-2007





start weight: 295 surgery weight: 270 8 weeks post op: 256 12-08-2007: first fill 2cc's I look forward to getting my second fill next week. I want to stay full for longer. Not that I'm hungry all the time. I'm not. I still eat six times a day small meals. Some days I splurge a bit but an still losing, albeit slowly. I guess I just want to lose more quickly. We'll have to see how things go. I am just so thankful to not be gaining all the time. Until next time....





I called and scheduled an appt. for next week to get a second fill. Although I have been losing weight I am still eating about 6 times a day. Consuming between 1500-2000 calories. I would like that number to be between 1200-1500. So next Thursday I go in and get poked again. I have been doing a lot of baking for the holidays. I love to bake. I have had a couple of cookies but have not had 4 or 5 like I used to. My little platters I make for friends and family are really pretty this year. I also always make and give gift baskets to family instead of one gift for each person. It really saves on how much we spend during the holidays. Although it takes a lot of time and energy to make them all. Tomorrow is my weekly weigh in. I will update my stats then.





It is nice to be losing again. I am down 4lbs since last Tuesday. I'm still not sure if I have a lot of restriction. It is better than it was before. I get full a bit faster and stay full longer. I still can eat whatever I want. Although I haven't been eating carbs except sometimes with breakfast. My doctor draws a diagram of a small plate. Then he draws a line down the center of the plate to cut it in half. On one side he draws a triangle the size of a deck of cards- this is the amount of meat/protein I'm to have at each meal. The other half of the plate is for a vegetable. That is how he wants me to eat everyday. I'm being pretty strict about it now. I haven't been good about exercise. Gotta work on that. I just wanted to make a note that although getting my first fill didn't hurt at all the port area hurt pretty darn bad the next couple of days. When I would turn or move certain ways it really hurt. It's better now. I was worried for a while there about my port flipping or something bad like that. Until next time.........




12-04-2007 / first fill

So I went ahead and weighed myself this morning for the first time since last Thursday. As I suspected I was up 2lbs. I went to the doctors and the scale was the same as it was 3 1/2 weeks ago. As I stated I was nervous about getting a fill. But it didn't even hurt. It's more sensitive now then it was with the needle in me. Right now if I bend over and my pants push on the area it hurts. Kind of a quick stabbing type pain. Hope it goes away quickly. Back to the fill part, I didn't feel the needle go in at all. He did have to "poke" around a bit to find the top of the port. That didn't even hurt. There was just a sensation of movement. He put two cc's in. He said my band can hold up to 14cc's. I'm not sure which type of band I have. I know it's one that was just approved. I think Johnson and Johnson makes it but I'm not sure on that. I was told to do liquids for the next two days and then return to my regular diet. I got talked to about bread not being one of the foods I should eat. And he said that if I didn't have any restriction after this fill to come in in two weeks and he would put in more. He is actually a real nice guy and seems to be a good doctor (I'm not the biggest fan of doctors). I'm not sure if I have any restriction yet. I can't tell any difference by just drinking so I'll wait and see. Until next time.....





start weight: 295 surgery weight: 270 6 weeks post op: 258 Well, there is still slow weight loss. I actually haven't gotten on the scales since last weeks weigh in. I'm scared it's gone up because I haven't been very good about what's been going in my mouth. Tomorrow is my first fill. Thank God!!! I haven't felt like I have a band for the past few weeks. I want so bad to feel the restriction I felt right after surgery. I feel guilty about going to the doctor and not having lost but 1 or 2 lbs since my last appointment 3 weeks ago. I get tired of feeling the guilt. I want that way of thinking to change. Something for me to keep working on. I'm hoping I get re-motivated after getting a fill and talking with the doc. I haven't been very good about exercising. I need to get back on track with that. I've been averaging only three thirty minute workouts a week. I want to do at least five. Something else for me to work on. I also am not looking forward to getting poked for the fill. I always work myself up about things like this and then in the end think it wasn't that bad. I will give a report on how things went tomorrow. Hope everyone out there is doing good. Take care...





start weight: 295 surgery weight: 270 5 weeks post op: 259 I still didn't lose any weight last week. Today I got on the scale and was finally down a pound. I went two weeks with no weight loss. That's enough to drive me nuts. But hopefully my body has adjusted and is ready to start dropping weight again. My doctor appt. is next Tuesday. I should get my first fill then. I don't know how much or what. I'll have to ask so I can include that in my journal. I am hoping that by getting a fill I will experience the same sense of fullness that I did for the first couple of weeks after surgery. That was amazing. I wasn't hungry and got full so quickly. I was pretty good on Thanksgiving. I did have to have a bite of each of the crisps I made. One was peach and one blackberry. I didn't have a recipe and wanted to see how they were. They were good. Hope everyone out there is doing great. Until next time....





I haven't been very good about writing as often as I used to. I have been (I think I'm coming out of it) a "funk" (as I call it) for over a week now. The scale just seems to be lingering on the same damn number. I was and am impressed with the amount of inches I lost when I measured last week. It can get discouraging when I read about other people who were banded right around when I was and they have lost 20+ lbs since being banded. My doctor said that since some people don't have a 30 day pre-op diet, like I did, that larger weight loss is more normal for them after surgery. I still was expecting more. I need to learn patience. I'm not even sure if I've lost anything this week. I'll find out tomorrow when I weigh in for the week. I have been pretty lax about what I've been eating. I also haven't been calculating my caloric intake everyday like I was before. I figure I still am consuming between 1200-1800 calories a day. I should be able to lose weight with those numbers. I also have put off exercising since I started a new part time job. I haven't had to work on my feet since August and by the end of my shift (as a waitress) my body feels like it's going to die. My hip gives me so much trouble. I actually start to limp. My feet are also not happy about the whole work thing. So that's been my excuse for not exercising. I am recommitting myself to working the band. The past few days I have been very conscious of what I put in my mouth. I'm following the band rules. This has got to work for me. It will work. I don't know if any of you have checked out Youtube and searched lapband. There are some very inspiring stories... as well as some that I'd rather of not seen. But the inspiring ones kinda kicked my butt back in gear. This is an amazing tool that I have. It can and does work. I just need to remember not to expect instant results. Food was/is so instantly gratifying. Losing the weight from eating the food doesn't happen over night. I just need to remember to get refocused every time I get in a funk. Well- we'll see how things go in the next week and a half before my next doctor appointment. I hope to at least of dropped another pound or two before my first fill. I can't hardly wait for my first fill. Although I am apprehensive about getting poked:phanvan. But it WILL be worth it:). I hope all of you out there are doing good. It can be a bumpy road but at least this road is going somewhere good! Happy Thanksgiving!





Start weight: 295 surgery day weight: 270 4 weeks post-op: 259 measurments: start/now bust: 53 1/2in /49 1/2in waist:55in/45 1/4in Hips:57in/54in thigh:35in/32in calf:21in/20 1/2im arm:17in/16in Okay I am having a difficult time the past couple of days. I just can't seem to get and stay full. I am to the point that I've read so many other people talk about where I think I need a fill. It will most likely happen on my Dec. 4th appointment. My weight loss has dropped off quite a bit. It's not at a complete standstill but close. Granted this is only one week. It definitely could pick up next week. I just wish I wasn't getting hungery. My will power after that 30 day pre-op diet and the diet following surgery is running thin. Just a couple more weeks though and hopefully the fill will give me what I need. I started a part time waitressing job yesturday to help suppliment my income while being on unemployment. I just wish that the plant that I worked at would let us know when they plan on starting back up. It's been since August already. I just couldn't get by on what unemployment alone pays. The bills have been backed up. Maybe the stress from that is contributing to my hunger. Maybe it's more head hunger than anything.... hummmm... something to think about and pay more attention too. Until next time!



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