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A start to a new begging

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I did it!

Ok Im officially sleeved my new journey has begun!!!im doing fine except for this excutiating gas pain!!!! It's horrible I've been walking but very like burping!!! Please help me and tell me this is the worst of this!!! Lol I never wanted to burp fart so bad in my life!!!!!!




Today is the day I m getting sleeved !

Today is the day I've been waiting for! In a few hours I have to be at the hospital !!! 5:30 am to be exact ,, not sure what time the surgery will start.. All weekend I haven't really felt good on sat had a headache and The runs! Gross i know but anyways thought i had a hangover cause I had a few to many dirty martins but this morning woke up feeling the same way on now my back hurts and my stomachs cramping..Im not nervous but I am wondering if they will still do the surgery??? Idk every keep me in your prayers please!! Pray everything goes well for me!! Thank u all ill write again as soon as I can get up !!!  




Idk should I eat everything I love now before the surgery?

Ok so I forgot how to ad a new blog haha but here it goes anyways... Idk bout anyone else but I feel like I should keep eating all d wrong things well the things I love in mass quantities before my surgery .. I know I won't be able to eat them anyone more..So I keep telling myself ok eat all u want cause in a few days you can't do it anymore ..I feel like i have to get as much as i can or like I'm saying goodbye ... The goofy thing I know its only food!! Does or did anyone feel this way ??? Im sooooo ready to be healthy but I feel like Im going to miss it ....




I got a date! May 9th at 5:30am !

I finally got a date for my surgery!!! OMG I was having a bad day Friday ..I got home saw d mail n saw d ins letter! I was all man I bet they denied me cause thats just the kinda day I was having... But when I started reading i saw ur ins has approved you!! I was woohoooooo I can't believe it!! I faxed it to d dr on Monday and got my date today!!! May 9th is the day!!!! I'm excited not scared yet maybe as time gets closer but right now I'm more scared of wut to tell my boss!! I don't wanna say why I'll be out for a week or why I'm getting skinny!! Ohhhh lorddddd lol




My ins wants to verify my weight for the last 2 yrs..anyone else had this ?

I finally got a phone call back from the nurse! One i had been waiting for since Jan 30! I gotta admit I was a lil no alot scared to call back thinking OMG I gotta surgery date!! OMG what do I tell my job?? OMG then the what if started in.. after a few hours I called back only for her to tell me my ins whats my records for the last 2 years to check my weight...I think Ive gain 10 maybe 15 lbs idk I keep trying to not keep track! Anyways has anybody else ins ever asked for this? Idk gotta a feeling my ins isnt gonna pay ..




1 more visit to the the dietitian then Il' get my date!

I've got one more visit to the dietition and then I wait for my approval !!!! The nurse sau=id my date should be by the end of fe or first part of march!!! Its all coming so fast.... another good thing is im down 1 lb from the holiday! wooooo soooooo excited!!!!!




All Went Well Today

Went to get my blood work my physc evaluation and dietian stuff done everything seemed to have gone well now I just gotta do my heart scan on Nov.20..Ive tried to get all the info I can on here about the sleeve and peoples experiances So right now I feel pretty good about my desicion




Going For My Crazy & Dietitian Test On Monday!

I finally figured out how to post a new blog haha!!! I went to the Doctor on the Oct.16. myins requires i see a dietitian for 3 months & get a crazy test & do a heart test& blood work.The nurse said since my bmi is only 35.5 i cant diet to much.if i get to low the ins will deny me but at the same time i cant go over board and gain an xtra 30 lbs eaither..ok so that makes me think maybe I really dont need this...Am I i just being selfish?Im going to try the diet thing and if it works then i will try and stick to it but with my past history and haveing low thyroids not sure how this will go.. ok So monday I go for blood work crazy & diet stuff done .on Nov 20 I go for my heart scan... Things seem to be going pretty fast..




A Start To A New Begging

Super excited scared & nervious all at the same time..I finally got my first appt on Oct 16!!! I know its only my first consultion but its a start to a new begging ...



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