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All About My Surgery And Two Weeks Post Op.

things went well with the surgery (9/10). i was in and out quickly. they did find that my liver was way larger than normal, so they took a biopsy. came back and i have early fibrosis/non alcoholic steatohepatitis (fatty liver disease) that could lead to cirrhosis if i dont get/keep the weight off.   in the hospital overnight, couldn't sleep. was on an 8 minute dilaudid pain pump, which i thank heaven for. just don't let them take out your IV/pain pump til they are actually ready to walk you out the door, especially if you have a long way to get home. i had mine out too long and got very agitated because the dr took 2.5h to write my discharge orders... i felt horrible and then started running a fever and my blood pressure and heart rate (things i don't have issues with) skyrocketed. the nurse had a horrified look on her face when she took them right before i left. on the ride home, every bump was horrible. i just wanted my own bed. and it felt like years before my husband got home from the pharmacy with my pain meds.   other than that just poking and prodding. went home the next day, pain for about a day and a half, only gave my oxycodone. phenergan did not touch the nausea, so they called in some zofran. if you have nausea, DEMAND the zofran. much more effective. turned out to have been pain mainly from the nausea from pain meds. i was fine w just zofran the 2 or 3 days after that, then i felt just fine. within the week, i actually felt GOOD. weird.   i did have one night where i laid in bed and felt like there was electricity going through my body. i couldn't sleep and was just restless. it was horrible. i think it was related to an anti nausea patch they gave me to put behind my ear? not sure, but i stopped using it and it hasn't happened since.   so far, down 25 lbs and 25 inches. mostly in my arms, legs, and face. coming off slowly on the abdomen, which is where i carry everything. was initially scheduled for 3 weeks off work.   i feel good. was cleared for soft food, sex, and exercise today, THANK GOD. walking wasn't cutting it. i did get approved for another 2 weeks off of work though. i want to be less exhausted from healing.   my sleeve doesn't hurt. it cramps a little in the am when i am empty and haven't taken my prilosec, but other than that, no pain. no nausea otherwise. i think i am eating too quickly bc i am overly full when i am done. take the time to listen to your body. eat super small bites VERY SLOWLY and you'll avoid getting too full, which feels gross and can make you cough out the extra. it's really not fun.   matrix mint cookie protein and i are bffs. the best flavor! and not too thick.   so glad i did it! best decision i have ever made!   questions? lol



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