So I am in the process of packing to go to southampton to stay at my sister's so I can get to the hospital on time tomo 6am.
I am feeling scared I am going to die! I have been cleaning my house like mad as if it will be the last time.:cry
Anyway I have just got off the phone from my house insurance and had a go at them for not pulling heir finger out with replacing my kitchen after leak at xmas!!! so feel a little better after shouting at the rude bloke.:whoo:still have not got any where but i feel better.
ok bye for now will be back after op:rolleyes
well I am back and the op was fine.
Went down yesterday moring at 8.30 and was back at 10.30 and felt fine.
Today am fine a bit sore by port hole but nothing really bad.
Oh I had not put on weight like I thought I had lost so that was ok.
thats all for now feel a bit tired so am going to watch telly
So here I am 3 days to go!! I am scared I have not lost any weight b4, I have just been eating every thing in sight and am now really pis**ewd of with my self.
Anyway I am having some bad thoughts about Dying, and thinking am I going to come round and all that stuff, I know everyone thinks this way, but I just cant help it.
Oh and the pain I keep reading about is making me even more scared, but I can do this, I have to if I want to have children I have no choice.
Right my plan for tomo and the rest of tonight is to get house tidy and do Dan's dinner, not mine I am going to be good at least for the next 3 days and skip dinner.:phanvan
Oh and Big brother is on so going to go and watch them for a bit.
Bye for now