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only 4-5 weeks to my op

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One Day I Will Be Sleeved

just spent 45 mins typing an update and poof, when i tried to preview it and edit a word it dissapeared basically, still waiting for blood test results, really fed up of waiting, not got my hopes up to have my op in november any more. Today i have cast my cares on the Lord and will have my op when He gives me the date, He knows best. I know i still want my sleeve, and will restart the liver shrinking diet when i have a new date for my sleeve. I am not concerned if it is just before christmas, any time soon will be ok with me, i was motivated and ready for oct 9th and can do it again, but this time without the problem of my blood it will be safer. Hope everyone is doing well, sleeved or to be sleeved, God Bless, xx

pink grace

pink grace


Headache From Pre Op Diet

Started back on liver shrinking diet yesterday, thought i would be ok but wasn't, because i have had some wws puddings etc i found i was really hungry yesterday and have a headache due to lack of sugar and carbs. I had my flu jab yesterday and don't usually have a reaction but feel really yuk today. Rang up dri yesterday to see if my blood test results were back, and was told by one person they will be back on the 29th but the pre op assessment nurse said it could be weeks. all the bariatric team are off until 1st nov, but the preop nurse said she will contact me if the results are back before then. So here i am again shrinking the liver in the hope that i can be fitted in if there is a cancellation if my tests are back and i only need a vit K injection, but if i find i have to wait longer can go off the preop diet, but then the pain will begin again, when i start again. I read today that God doesn't break a bruised reed, am feeling very bruised, but God knows best. Mom was supposed to come home today but was told today it will be early next week now, she is going to be so upset, i am too, all this waiting and dissapointment is really testing, don't understand why, but such is life. I am even more determined to get my operation, if i ever had any doubts, i don't now, i am ready for my sleeve NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW, lol, God give me strength. Found a great web page yesterday, bariatriccookery.com if any one wants to take a look, it has some great post op recipies. Keep up the good work friends, it will all be worth it when we get to our healthier small selves, meanwhile i will keep on learning from all of the great people on this forum, xxx

pink grace

pink grace


New Beginnings

We had hubbies mom's funeral yesterday, i was dreading it, but with my sons and the eldest sons girlfriend with us we did ok. We went out for the day today, just hubby and me to our favoroute seaside town, Scarborough, it was strange to be on our own, but it is just another thing we will have to get used to and we did have a lovely day. I decided to have a few days of my liver shrinking diet , there is no chance of a cancellation until after the 29th oct, the day i should get my blood test results so i figured i would have a few foods that i know i won't be eating for a long while. I am starting back on the diet strict on monday, to be ready for the op any time in november. I was surprised to find that i can not eat as much as i could do and actually knew when i had had enough, the pre op diet has done me some good. I had a fish today, in batter, and 2 toffee apples, the red toffee ones and really enjoyed them. My mom should be home next tues or wed so we have been busy moving things around for her new equimpment and are going to clean her bungalow tomorrow afternoon so it is nice and fresh for her homecoming. When my operation was delayed i was devastated and so down, but now i can see that in God's plans it was for my good. I was very close to my mom in law and it hit me harder than i thought it would and can now see how difficult it would have been to have my op just after she had died and to then have to go to the funeral would have probably been too much for me. I have been very fatigued with the grief, the fibromyalgia has been bad and at least now i get time to recover, but i am so ready for my op now. My sister had her operation the day after i was due to have mine, and has just got back the lab results, it is great news, they got all the cancer cells and she only had one cell in her lymph nodes which was removed, she will have radio therapy and be on tablets to stop the cancer coming back for 5 years, but it was caught early and they expect her to make a complete recovery, so happy for her and her partner. The autumn is really well and truly here now, the misty cold mornings with the crisp chill in the air and all the trees have turned into living fireworks of golds, oranges, reds and browns, they are a delight to the eyes. Next week we put our clocks back in the uk and it will be getting darker an hour earlier, we have long cosy dark evenings to look forward to, and then christmas. I am not a bit bothered wether i will be on liquids or soft food by then, i just want to have the operation and get on with loosing the weight and keeping it off. Some people are beginning to notice how much weight i have already lost, i have gone from a size 34 to a 28 and all my clothes are very loose on me, much more comfortable than been tight. Some are saying that i don't need the op now because i am doing so well, but i am not listening, i am loosing weight to have the operation so that this time i will loose the weight and keep it off for life, i wont have a huge stomach and be hungry all the time, but it is hard to get some normal size people to understand this. Hope everyone else is doing well, we are doing this because we need to, want to and with the tool of a sleeve we can all change our lives for the better, keep up the good work everyone,

pink grace

pink grace


5 Days Nearer

Instead of counting how many days i have to wait, i am counting each day as a day nearer to getting my blood results and a new date. My sis has had her op and they think they have got the cancer early enough for it not to have spread, she gets the reults next friday; My mom may be home early next week, and my husbands mom's funeral is next friday. Hubby's brother has been offered a council bungalow to rent so that is another tick on the things to be done list. I have been reading loads of posts on here to encourage others and to learn even more about the sleeve. I am still on my liver shrinking diet and did less than 1,000 cals yesterday, but today i could eat a lot more, it might help if i knew how long i had to do this for, but at least it will be getting me ready to much less cals after the sleeve. I wa surprised to read today that you can eat 1,300 cals a day after the sleeve to maintain the weight loss, at the moment i have to eat less than 1,000 to loose weight, but perhaps i may have a better metabalism after the op, got to keep the hope up and be positive, I am still battling with the dissapointment with the delay of my op, but getting there, day by day. I must not eat chocolate, i must not eat chocolate, wonder how many times i need to write this to stop the desire, lol, hey ho, on we go, lettuce really is as nice as chocolate, not, lol.

pink grace

pink grace


Had My Blood Test

Had a long talk with my bariatric nurse today, and she has found out that a person 2 weeks ago had the same problem and the treatment was a vitamin K injection and then they had their operation. I have to wait 2 weeks for the results and should have my operation in november, in about a month, meanwhile i am staying on the liver reducing diet so that i am ready for a cancellation at a day's notice, but i am doing 1,000 rather than the 800 and less that i was on. Ive also ordered some milk thistle to help my liver, which was fatty 15 years ago, and presume could still be fatty. I have been researching the fatty liver online and that could be the cause of my blood problem, but no one medical ever suggested anything 15 years ago, bit annoyed about that, but will just have to wait and see what the results are when they come back. My blood clotting time was 49 secs and it should be in the upper 20's,

pink grace

pink grace



i had a phone call today to tell me there is a problem with the clotting in my blood, i have to go for more blood tests on monday and then wait 2 weeks for them to be processed, then the surgeon will consult with the blood specialist to see if i can have my operation. 15 years ago i had my gall bladder out by keyhole and the day before the op they found my blood was too thin and had a problem with clotting, they did some calculations and i still had my op. When i got home i saw my gp for another blood test and he said my results where fine. I have waited 3 xs as long for this op and worked so hard to loose weight i feel really fed up. I know it is better to wait and check out my blood, but it is just so dissapointing, and i will have to do another 2 weeks on the 800 cal a day diet, can i scream I have had a tandori mixed grill and some chocolate, but will get straight back to healthy eating tomorrow, but 1200 cals and not 800. it will be luxury, :wub: Everything will work together for my good, still trusting in God, one day soon i will be sleeved.

pink grace

pink grace


What A Fortnight

My 88 year old mom in law passed away last night, such a difficult time, my mom is still very confused and we still don't know what is causing this. I had my pre op assessment today and was asked if i wanted to rescedule the op but we had talked about it and me and hubby decided we will still go ahead, his mom would want me to, so my op is still on tues 9th, Everything went well, just waiting for mrsa to be clear and the bloods to confirm my blood group. Went to my support group tonight and the dietician explained about dumping and why it happens, also why not to drink when eating, everyone was so positive it really did me good and i met a lady who is having a bypass on the monday and will be in the same ward as me, so i will know at least one person. I had lost 12 lbs today and loads of my waist, was very pleased. Am really worn out so off to bed now, and only 4 days to go, yay.

pink grace

pink grace


6 Days To Go

Had a horrendous time friday to monday, mom has a water infection and was rushed into hospital on friday night, she was delireous and not herself at all. Still managed to stick to the diet even though i wanted to eat comfort food. Mom is on the mend and is getting 24 hour care, so i can relax a little. My period came yesterday after only 19 days, it must be the weight loss on the 800 cal diet. I have my pre op assessment in the morning, praying i will pass everything so that the op is not delayed. Finding the diet easy now, got used to rumbling tum and eating loads of veg to fill me up. Also,i am feeling much better for the healthy diet. It will be interesting to see how much i have lost when the period ends, am so glad it came this week and not next week. Hoping this coming early will not continue, i am 54 and want them to STOP, that is it for today. I

pink grace

pink grace


Got My Admitions Letter

I am going to have to ring my nurse, i was told i would need to go into hospital the day before because of the diabetese been controlled by injections, but, on the letter that came today i am to be admitted at 11am on the day of my op. It also said for the by pass and yet i told them i wanted the sleeve, am puzzled, but will have to wait until monday to talk to anyone seeing as it is 4.15 on a friday afternoon. Had a very stressful morning with mom, still very confused, sat and listened to 5 hours of mixed up memories from mom, really hope these antibiotics get on top of the infection and she gets her mind back soon. The hunger is under control more now, and i am able to stick to the 800 cals and ercord it with fitness pal, which is a great app on my tablet pc. I am aware that i need to be sttrong over the weekend, and then it will be one week done, and one week to go. Now i must sleep and relax, zzzzzz

pink grace

pink grace


So Far So Good

felt elated last night at getting through the first day, managed to stay under the 800 cals, and when i woke up felt good but oh my goodness, this is real, 14 days to go. Got weighed and dropped 4lb but i knew i would because i had many visits to the loo. Keeping busy again today, sorted out the small dishes and cutlery i had bought ready for post op food.

pink grace

pink grace


Can Finally See The Starting Point

hi, I have just found out that my op will bee in 4-5weeks time and I am really happy that I know the approx date. my first appointment was in March 2011, I attended the seminar in June, then I had all the test, physiology etc and then a sleep apnea test, I had sleep apnea and got my cemap machine, which I hate wearing. I had to wait 3months to see if the treatment was working, it was ans the specialist would send this info off to the bariatric surgery team, only, he didn't. finally after no contact from anyone I asked my dietician if she could find out what the delay was. 3 weeks later was told they were waiting for results from apnea clinic. I felt abandoned and depressed that it was one delay after the other. finally in May got an appointment for signing the consent form, it was horrendous I had put about 5 lb back on and was told that i could not sign the consent and would go to the back of the list, devastaed is how I felt. I got an appointment for another consent signing In 6 weeks, and at this one had lost 12 lbs, so was able to sign consent. I had to have an endoscopy and they remove 2 small polyps from my stomach, at which point me and hubby decided I would go for the sleeve rather than the bypass.At the meeting tonight we   e sat next to a man who had the sleeve last Oct and he was 22stone on the day of his op and is now 13stone and was very encouraging, I asked him dozens of questions as did hubby, lol, and we came away happy that we have chosen the right op for me.I cannot exercise due to fibromyalgia and other health issues at this weight, but will be going swimming as soon as I can. to get fitter. It has been such a long wait and at times felt like I had to jump through their hoops, but now only concerned with getting as much weight of as i can before the op.that is it for now . x

pink grace

pink grace

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