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Moving so Fast Now

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Well Since my endoscopy I found out that I have GERD which I should mention I never knew I did have. Secondly I also have H. Pylori so that was fun to find out that I had that. So they put me on a rigourus round of antibiotics and now I have to lose 10-15 lbs pre op. I had my surgery postponed to 10-11-2012 which is fine with me I know I can do it. So if any of you come across my blog and have any tips or tricks in order to lose weight that would be greatly appericiated. I have bought my protien shakes, bought fruits and veggies, etc etc, no carbs either. SO any other advice would be helpful this way when I go there I will be able to get this done. I dont want to get to the surgery center and they say they cannot do it. Please any piece of advice helps THANKS IN ADVANCE




Moving So Fast

OK so first blog ever hope you all enjoy. I have been on this journey since April and my insurance just approved me yesterday WOOT!!! Now I have my endoscopy and things tomorrow. Everything seems to be moving so fast and I am getting anxious and nervous but thanks to my hubby and friends from work and my sleeve buddy also a co worker who have supported me along with friends I know I will be ok. I am ready to start this new journey in my life and ready to do the things I have always wanted. Socially I am ok and really dont care what others think outside of my circle. This is something I want to do for my children and I know there will be ups and downs and lots of emotions. I know magic isnt going to happen overnight but I know with hard work and dedication I will be able to achieve my goal weight and keep it there. I just want to document my journey through photos so I can see the improvement. I have read tons and tons of material and know that im not gonna drop 100 lbs in 3 weeks or something crazy like that. I plan on setting realistic goals for myself and helping and achieving them all. Thank you all for reading this.



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