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Patience...wish I Had Some Of That!
4 Days Postop--10 Lbs Down!
Surgery Tuesday, But Having Sudden Health Complications So Not Sure They Will Do It! :(
Received My Surgery Date This Morning: Sept 4Th!
This Is Really Going To Happen...
I also worry that I won't be able to lose all of my weight. Even knowing mysef and knowing that I will follow the rules and exercise, I have concerns that it will somehow fail which will in turn make my decision a failure.
And, lastly, I worry that something will go wrong and my family will be left without me because I couldn't settle for my current quality of life.
Oh, and HAIR LOSS. This terrifies me. I have long pretty hair, although it is very fine) and I can't fathom having to cut it or lose it to the point that it is not pretty anymore. This really bums me out.
My plan is to have the surgery next week sometime. I am excited and scared, but ready to get this show on the road. I'd love to hear some positive stories or words of encouragement as I gear up for this day. I have made the choice to only share this decision with my husband and mother as I have heard some of the horror stories from other people regarding reactions, etc. The reality is that this is something I am doing for my physical and mental health and having negativity attached to that in any way by people in my life would grossly take away from my experience and I have decided it is not worth it at this time. Perhaps I'll change my mind later on, but I seriously doubt it. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to post more in the future.
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