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What I Was And What I Am Now. Decisions!

Band removal is in 6 days and now I am nervous. I have literally been eating a lot lately and I think it's from complete stress of getting this band off and NOT knowing for sure if the sleeve will work, not to mention if insurance will cover it. I really want to be HEALTHY, go running, go to the waterparks and be able to walk up the stairs without taking 5 breaks! This is not normal for me, I am normally pretty strong but I feel like I am breaking down and losing faith in myself.   I dont want to be a negative nelly, really I don't but saying that I am scared of my failure and lack of control is just an honest step for me. I, ugh, I don't know.   Here are some photos- What I was and what I am.   I want to be that girl again!




Two Weeks Down!

Alright friends! I have been home now for two weeks, I am so happy that I was approved for three weeks off!! I am starting to feel much better, I am still struggling with the 6 inch wound and that healing process is a lot slower than I would have anticipated, however, it does get better each day!   I am starting to feel better every day, sleeping is still a struggle, however the dr. said it will take about 8 weeks before I can lay on my belly. (I am a belly sleeper) so I struggle laying on my back! Each time I had a laporscopic surgery it took 6 weeks before I could lay on my belly so 8 weeks isnt bad for the open procedure!   This week I made a vow to keep busy and NO naps during the day since I have to go back to work next week! This ma be harder than I think but I have to get back to normal sooner or later!   Hope everyone is doing good! Angela




Today Is The Day!

It's 5:22am and I don't have to leave for surgery till 8:30 and I can NOT sleep!! I am so nervous to get my band out, however, I am really excited! Hope my surgery goes well with no problems and no band erosion.   Once this thing is out of me I can strat my 6 week wait for my sleeve (insurance pending)   Wish me luck!




To Be Concerned Or Not To Be Concerned (Band Removal)

Friday is the big day! Band removal day. I was so excited till I started reading about all of the banders that had bad erosion and their surgery got pushed back 6 months to a year.   I am so set on 6 weeks from Friday I can get the sleeve (insurance pending of course) but 6 months! Ahhhh.   I know I am worrying about the unknown but I am stressing and just really want this sleeve. I really wish I would have done this earlier and not waited two years, gave more chance to erosion.   Hopefully I will be able to sleep these next three nights!   Heres to sleep filled nights and NO EROSION!!!!!   Angela PS. If you read this comment for me- I love feedback and really need support!




Surgery Scheduled! October 19Th!

I just got back from the dr. office and it's all scheduled for the 19th! I am so excited and nervous at the same time! I found out that I have to do the surgery OPEN since I had the band put in and removed lap/style, the dr. is not comfy doing it that way again from scar tissue. Hope OPEN style will be okay for the recovery! Help! If you read this comment for me!




Snore-A-Saures Rex Oh To Sleep Sound Again!

I am so excited for the night that I sleep thought the night! I am a snore box, bad, and I wake myself up all of the time. I didn't sleep worth a poo last night because my snoring kept me up. I am really looking forward to losing weight and being able to sleep on my back without the SNORE!




Secret Or Not? What To Do!

Hi I am Angela! I was banded in September 2009. Started out at 320 pounds and am currently at 280. Most of my weight loss was from pre-op, so needless to say I have NOT been successful. I am having a band removal on September 7th and I am very happy to have this band OUT. I have been struggling with the band and feel like a failure. I believe that I have made up my mind that I want to have the sleeve procedure! BUT I want to keep it a secret! I have been such a big failure that I am not sure I want to tell anyone that I am doing it, not even my mom! I wonder if I am the the only one who feels this way? It seems that everyone is so happy to share their journey with friends and family. I want to tell my husband and my best friend, that's it. I am so sick and tired of feeling like i'm being judged that maybe it's the best thing to do, not sure. I should be so excited about my new journey instead of keeping it a secret!!!




Okay, I Lied! Tramatic Events Make You Loco :) I'm Doing This!

Alright, I have decided to go ahead with the sleeve. As a matter of fact I am scheduling it today with Dr. Kemmerling.   I didn't think you could pay me to go back into surgery after my band removal, but my future happiness is too important to me. I want to be happy, healthy, and want a baby! I need this surgery.   I will update with my surgery date later on today!   Today!




No Sleeve For Me!

Okay, so I just had my band removed and it's the worst experience ever. I honestly don't want to have another surgery EVER.   I have been scared before but nothing like this.   I don't believe I am going to go through with the sleeve now, I don't want to go under again or have this much trama.   Weird thing is I almost feel good about that decision!




Hardest Days Of My Life!

I was beyond scared having to get this procedure open. I have had several lap. procedures and most rec. had to have my lap band removed. The last surgery did not go well, a lot of gas was trapped and I was not able to move it out. I had a lot of problems breathing and ended up in the emergency room with an evil potential blood clot in my lung. My dr. decided that he would only move forward with the open approach.   My journey started Friday 7:00am when I was wheeled off for my open sleeve procedure. My husband gave me a hug an kiss and told me he was so proud of me. The procedure went well with no complications! I woke up to see my mom and husband waiting for me in the recovery room. But when I first awoke I was in complete shock at the amount of pain I was in, I was not mentally ready to handle it either! I have had 5 lap type surgeries and none of those pains added together compare to his pain I am experiencing from the open.   Day one, Friday. Shock, pain but loved to hit that little button to relieve the pain. I was told that I had to get up and walk at least 6 times. WHAT? I could barley sit up! So I hit the button and took a walk one lap around the floor. My nurse said that most people with open procedure only make it to the door! (So I did good) Each walk I did one lap. I had some great nurses Friday night! Mom came back with Auntie Cherrie, my sisters Allie and Katlyn of course my husband Jeremy was with me.   Day two, Saturday. I felt worse but got up and walked 8 times. No one but my husband came to visit me but that's okay, I was so out of it and in pain I didn't want anyone around.   Day three. Sunday I felt a bit better my husband came in with some shampoo and conditioner, he washed me up with a washrag, and managed to wash my hair for me. (Such an amazing man!) He also brought me my makeup bag so not only was I clean I "put my face on" to feel a bit better! I had lots of visitors Sunday. My mother and father in law stopped by with a gift of circle a words and some fun socks. My sister in law and her fiancee stopped with a card and cool new drinking cup. During the visit Dr. Kemmerling came in to test my breathing, he was upset that I had to go on oxygen during the night. He got right up in my face coaching "in, in, in,in,in,in, come on Angela." Boy he scared the crap out of me, but made it clear I need to focus on my breathing!. My sister and brother in-law and my two little nieces came to visit with some cards (home made)-the best! The kids have never seen someone in the hospital before so they were a bit shocked, but got over those leg squeezies! Then my aunt, uncle, god son and little cousin came up with a card and a surprise that will arrive ups today! (wonder what they got me?) At one point we had 10 people in the room. I felt like a million bucks!   Day four, Monday. I had a LOT of walks in before my husband got to the hospital. I felt better but the stomach pains were not getting any better, in face I kept feeling that they were getting worse and hard to breath. I really wanted to go home and was in high hopes Dr. would let me go! The dr. came in and said I can try liquids and maybe go home (tomorrow) -WHAT? Ugh! My friend Michelle came to visit me for a bit to get some girl talk in which was so great. Later on my husband, mom and sister kept me company. I worked hard on my breathing and had in 10 walks with double laps!   Day five, Tuesday. I sat till 2:00 before the dr. came in to release me. I was very scared to leave since that night my iv slipped and cause my hand to grow into a baseball, I was in a lot of pain and didn't want to walk away from that magic pain button. But I did it. I managed to get home, my doggies were so excited to see me and did a good job of no jumping, they could tell something was wrong. I had a LOT of pain this day and was happy when my hubby got home with my pain meds, I slept a lot.   Day six, Wednesday. I feel I did okay, I guess considering I was home alone. I took a shower by myself, got pants and a top on. No chance I could do undies and a bra. I slipped on flip fops and took a walk outside down the driveway and back. I really struggled being by myself and again took lots of pain meds and went to sleepy town. I felt better when my husband came home from work! My spirits went up a lot, until he made a pizza for dinner and I was reminded I am only sipping liquids. (Smelled so good). We went for a small car ride to get me out of the house and it felt good to not be cooped up!   Day seven, Thursday. I woke up today feeling a bit better, less pain and a bit easier to move around. I still struggle to move, and can not bend over. I am in high hopes that each day I get better, and just take one step at a time to make it through the day. I got up at 6:00 and that's when I was able to take more pain meds, it's 8:12 and I haven't taken any yet. I am going to attempt a shower and hope that I can avoid that pain med, I have a feeling I will need it soon, I just tried to adjust in my seat and had a hard time! We will see what today brings.   Overall, this pain is unreal, very hard to move, lean over, pick things up, just to do any normal activities. I really hope that I can put my own socks on soon!   Angela





So I would be a big fibber if I said this week was easy. I am kinda falling apart, I am snapping at my poor husband but eat a cupcake (3) in front of a all liquid diet wife. I almost punched him, and his mom for sending them home with him!   I just had a sugar free apple cider and walked away VERY grumpy.   Only 3 more days of this! Then two more weeks, lol.   I am off of my soap box and will realx about this, it's the beginning of my new life.




Amazing What A Day Can Do

Wow, I feel I have progressed 10 fold overnight! I have had such an amazing day, pain is still bugging me where I took a dose of the "hard" meds from the dr. but all in all, great day.   I really want to start the puree diet BAD, I would vow to stay on it for three weeks but I know my tummy inside needs to heal.   :/




4 Weeks Out / Set Back/ Move Forward

Well I am four weeks post and doing good. I made the mistake of trying to progress forward too fast, and wasnt eating the best food. I ate too fast and that caused violent vomiting and had lots of blood coming up. SCARY!   I was out of comission for the afternoon, napped andmy husband frantically looked though my weight loss books to find out what was going on. The dr. scolded be BIG TIME and put me back to purree foods.   Let me tell ya that was one hell of a reality check! My husband and I have cleaned out the cubbords and fridge and did shopping for all foods purree. I really read through all my lit from the dr again and made a few recipes of tuna salad and egg salad my dr provided and my husband and I LOVED them.   Word of advice to all of you new sleevers TAKE IT EASY do not rush! Evalute your habits, how you eat, why you eat, slow down and listen to your new stomach!   I am ready to eat my some mashed tatoes tomorrow! Lesson learned I could have been eating turkey "normal" but I didnt focus and take things one step at a time!   Good luck to you all!!!




10 Days Out

Well, I am doing good today! Maybe because my husband was nice enough to sleep out on the sectional with me last night. It felt like a slumber party!   I have my first post op appointment with Dr. Kemmerling Tuesday and it can't come fast enough, maybe he will clear me for puree two days early!   I feel like I am healing pretty darn good! My 5 inch long incision doesn't look so scary, it looks ALMOST gone, just a few more days and it will just be a pink mark. The doctor will cut my one stitch and it will feel a lot better, I remember that from last time I had a stitch by my incision.   I have only 4 more days and I am onto puree! I will not lie, I cheated a bit today. :ph34r: I was not sure how things would taste so after I made my husband (Golash- Hamburger, noodles, corn, string green beans, milk and cream of mushroom soup) It tasted so freeeekin good. I am SO ready for the puree time to come. I told my husband that I cheated (he ran up north to bait for hunting) and he was really upset at me, and I felt bad but that little cheat gave me some hope that the days will get a bit easier.   High hopes for the rest of my and everyone's recovery! (I am having a little "stabbing" pain every once in a while on my right side but it may just be muscle pain   I just have to keep taking it one step at a time! That't my anthem song, think it fits well.   Stay positive everyone!!!! Ang



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
