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Holly Go Lightly

It will be two weeks tomorrow since I had my surgery. I am amazed at the changes that have taken place. In fact, I want to do the Snoopy dance because I am so grateful. As if this am, I weigh 204lbs unofficially. So, when I began four weeks ago I weighed 227lbs. I had two weeks of the Pre-Op diet and weighed 217. One week after surgery, while on the full liquid diet I weighed 211 pounds. Hopefully, at my two week visit on Tuesday(4 days away) I will be at 200 or (AHHH! Angels singing) One hundred and ninety-nine. Heavy sigh, it's been a few years since I was under 200 lbs. I believe it was 2005ish. I feel like I am getting my body back and I can move without being out of breath, slow and heavy or in pain. It's amazing!




Post Op Week 1

So, tomorrow is my first week Post Op and it's been interesting. I seem to have a lot of head hunger. So, I ended up eating more than usual and drinking less than usual. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. Thank goodness, I one have one more week of liquids. As of this morning, I am down 6 pounds. Amazing! Finally something that works! I cant wait until I am in one-der land. Until then, I need to figure out this new body because I think I'm still eating too fast, too much and too often.




1 day Post Op

Day one: Well let me just say drinking everything I was suppose to drink didn't happen. It was tough to get 1 1/2 servings of protein and a 1/2 a bottle of water. Now what was easy was the walking. I walked a lot today and had almost no pain. I am a little tired. All in all, it was a great day. Tomorrow I will be posting some Pre-Op pics from the hospital. My goal for tomorrow is to get in all of the protein I need.




Post Op!

Wow, the surgery is over and I am home, sweet home. All in all, it wasn't too bad. I found out that I am having a weird reaction to Zofran. When I take it, I turn beet red however, it goes away when I take Benadryl. Funny weird, oh well it's a good thing that I'm not nauseous. The only thing I have to say about this whole process is the wicked gas pains. It's been three days and I have gas but it won't come out. So... now I wait, exercise and drink water like a fish.




Half Way Through Pre-Op Diet

I am finally half way through the this! I have to admit that it's been hard. It's not because I've had stomach hunger or head hunger. It's because I miss eating. Last night, I went to my mother's house and it was tapas night. This morning my roommate made ham, onions and eggs. I love eggs. (heavy sigh) Oh well moving onward, all of this will be over in one week. Woo Hoo! Not to mention that as of friday I've lost 5 pounds. A pound a day is pretty good. If I could only do it for 86 days in a row. Hahah!   I have been think about getting a few tattoos. Here are a few ideas:   1.) Promise tattoo on my pinky finger, for the promise I am making to take the best care of myself from now on.   2.) "You never know how strong you are until being stong is is the only thing you have left"   3.) "Enough" because no matter what anyone says, I am good enough, smart enough, thin enough and beautiful enough. In addition, I have to remind myself that I have enough food and stuff. I think I like this one the most. What do you think?   If you are reading this, good luck in your journey. I wish you the best of everything.




Info to take with you to the ER

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery has developed a chart for the treatment of bariatric patients   in the ER. The download contains information for the treatment of leaks, sepsis, intra-abdominal bleeding, obstructions   etc... The download comes in a PDF format so that you can download it for FREE before you go to the Emergency   Room.   You can download this PDF for here:   http://asmbs.org/store/




Emergency Information

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery has developed a chart for the treatment of bariatric patients   in the ER. The download contains information for the treatment of leaks, sepsis, intra-abdominal bleeding, obstructions   etc... The download comes in a PDF format so that you can download it for FREE before you go to the Emergency   Room.   You can download this PDF for here:   http://asmbs.org/store/




A Whole New World

First I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous new year!   So, I started going to a support group with a girlfriend who is starting her journey towards a RNY. It's so nice to know we have each other during this time.   At the support group we talked about how we think we will look in 6 months. Gosh, who knows. I just hope I am healthy and able to exercise (run). I would love to be one of those people who can just run and run zone out and forget about how far I've gone. My friend was worried about if she will be as desirable as she is now. She already had someone comment on her cup size. What will happen if I am beautiful with clothes on and hideous when I take my clothes off? Oh well... who knows? You, we will have to deal with that when it may or may not come.   So finally my family is totally on board, all because of my sisters wonderful friend Antonia. Hail to Antonia! Thank you for making it easier for me. I owe you one.





I finally went to a support group meeting last night. I had this crazy dream that I was just released from the hospital and I felt great. So great I didn't realize that I had the surgery and I ate something.... I wasn't suppose to and got a huge leak, that was when woke up. Oh no! What do I do now? So, talking about it with the support group really helped. The people were so warm and friendly. Unfortunately, when I told Banner that I was going to Scottsdale Healthcare support group meetings they were not happy. I promised that I would attend a Banner support group at least once a month. How I am going to be able to do this, I don't know. It's crunch time. Dec 7 I have an EGD, Dec 12 will be doing my Pre- op labs/EKG etc... Dec 19 will be the education class and I will just need the surgical consent from the primary MD and I can schedule my surgery. Wow. I think I need to see someone to talk about why I am so scared about changing my life, because my life will forever be changed. Is it a fear of the unknown? A fear that I won't be invisable? Fear of change itself? Or, what if I am beautiful? What will happen then? Yep, I need to talk to someone.




The Countdown Begins

The closer January comes, the more nervous I become. I wish there were some other way to loose weight and keep it off forever. I am convinced that there isn't. The more I research, the more I believe this procedure are sound and will help me, even over the long run. Never-the-less I am scared. I'm sure almost everyone was feeling this, and are now healthier without all of the weight they were carrying around. (Deep Breath) Stay calm and Carry on. If anyone knows of a support group in Phoenix/Scottsdale that anyone can attend please let me know. The one that is offered by Banner is not feasable, as I just can't get there on time.




Psych Eval Day

Well, I had my second psych eval. (The first one was a year ago) No big deal. Except, I have been thinking about going to councilling after surgery. I have had some issues with my mother commenting on my weight throughout my life. I am wondering if I am keeping this weight on for a reason. I mean when I am in new love/lust. I loose the weight. Once I am single or in a dissatisfying relationship, I gain weight. I'm not sure if this is normal. Anyway, I am considering it. So, I really want to suceed. I think that if I don't change my way of thinking or feeling about myself, in 6 or so years I may be back where I started, or worse.   For those of you who haven't had your psych eval. It's no big deal. You don't have to tell them anymore than what they ask.   So, is there anyone out there who does get therapy? Or, do you have some sort of self-help program that will help you discovery why you do one thing or another?   Thanks, Holly





I don't know how to respond to comments so I'm just going to do it here. I agree with the statement of not telling people about my surgery. It's funny how people act towards having bariatric surgery vs plastic surgery. If I told them I was having a boob job it would be totally acceptable. Living and working in Scottsdale I am most likely one of the last people over 16 to get one. Hahah! It's true, maybe one day. Anyway, Its a whole different story when you're trying to save yourself. I really think that soon, I will be at a normal healthy weight and not have asthma, high blood pressure, a fatty liver, low vitamin D and a bleak future. Now, with my decision I can be healthy, happy and live a long life without fat discrimination and co-morbidities. I am happy with my decision. I applaude all of you who have also made this decision for yourself. I have been researching vitamins and found that I can buy most of them at Costco. Yay! On to the Protein Powder. I really like the taste of Vi by Visalus. I think it might be to thick and heavy after the surgery. I wouldnt mind doing it for the 2 week pre-surgical diet. If you havent tasted it. It tastes like vanilla cake. Holy Yum! However, I still need to find something less heavy with less ingredients. Please give me your suggestions. Thanks and have a great day.





So, I told my family. It was difficult to tell my mother. I guess she has been researching on her own and did not start crying again. Thank G-d! So, I finally have the support of my whole family. Woo Hoo! So,this is why the reaction from my co-worker was so funny. She said I was taking the easy way out. I wasn't even obese; and I should just exercise. I laughed and said," Ok, I'm taking the easy way out." I think this is funny. However, I can now see what people are taking about when they say people you don't even know have an opinion. Oh well whatever, I am taking control of my out of control life. I am just thinking about my health and the size 6 I hope to fit into one day. Ahh, the wonderful thoughts of shopping in regular store. I have listed some websites I have found with patient guidelines.   www.peachtreebariatrics.com- Patient PDF Manual www.muhealth.org - Missouri Bariatric Services Guidelines Before and After VSG www.northwestobesitysurgery.com- A comprehensive list of dietary information   PS: Thanks for reading my Blog and pushing through my spelling errors, crappy grammer and dyslexia.




Back To The Surgeons

First thank you for reading my blog. I hope to help others with information that I am digging up on the Gastric sleeve. A few months ago, I decided to go back to the bariatric surgeon because I am not loosing weight. I suspect its because of my Thyroid, the fact that I live with my ex, something deep in my brain and that I hate to exercise. Not to mention I am in Arizona where it so freakin hot. I have already gone through the 6 months of Dr supervised weight loss. So when I went in today, I was told that I just needed another psych eval and pre- op labs. Good! The doctor suggested the sleeve as the gastic band's failure rate is 50% and going higher. I agreed to the sleeve. The thing I am concerned about is long term effects of the sleeve. Not 5 or even 10 years from now but 25 to 30 years. So, I started digging into what could possibly happen. I am doing this to make my life better. I just want to be sure that I am making the right decision. You know, all of those women who silicone breast implants thought they were safe. Now they are having chronic problems. I dont want chronic problems. So, here we go. What I already know. The stomach will be reduced by 80%. The spincter ( tho opening to the stomach) will still be intact. The stomach will still have the ability to digest food, move and absorb vitamins. Although, It will produce less acid and absorb less vitamins and can form ulsers easily. Hense, the no anti-inflamatories. The surgeon will not do the sleeve on anyone who is already being treated for gastric reflux as rhe procedure will make it so much worse. In addition, even if you haven't had reflux you may develop it around the 5-6 year. The surgeons believe this is due to the internal pressure of the stomach and the weakened fibers of the stomach walls. So... if you are worried look up GERD. If it gets too bad, the doctor will ask you to get a RNY or bypass, as they will releave the pain. Which leads to... looking up everything about these procedures. Well, this is enough tonight. I will be back with more concrete info and websites.



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