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Soo Embarrassing Taking Before Pictures

OMG I thought I was going to cry I had my co-worker and really close friend take my before pictures. One I was fully clothed and the other I had leggings with a sports bra (wasn't brave to let her see me in underwear or shorts) After seeing the pictures I felt so bad and upset that I let myself get to this point. I am trying not to torture myself in imagining what was going through her mind but luckily, my body will soon change.





Alright I had a breakdown!!   I am from San Diego and its been pretty hot so living in San Diego and my family was having a pool day at my aunts house. As I was getting ready, I was getting frustrated that I couldn't wear shorts or even sleeveless (haven't in years) My legs and arms looked horrible and I was so upset to the point that I was considering just staying home. My mom was getting upset at my reaction and that's when I broke down. I told her that its hard not being able to get in the pool because you are too ashamed even around your family to wear shorts and a tank top. I told her I was tired of it and that she should understand how I feel since she has been in my shoes before. I was crying this whole time but decided to suck it up and just wore pants and a long shirt to the pool . My dad was listening to everything and he just came and hugged me and of course broke down again and he told me that soon everything will get better and that this is one of the reason's I am doing this surgery. My mom apologized for getting upset at me but that she didn't know what to tell me to fell better.   I am soooo looking forward to being able to wear shorts and wear summer dresses without having to wear a coverup for my arms. I have spent too much time not living life or going out and enjoying simple pleasures of life because of my weight. This has been an emotional roller coaster but since I made the decision to have this surgery, I've changed my mindset. I am excited to see what the future brings and I am happy to have you all to share this experience with because only we understand each other.   XOXO :wub: Viviana MissVVJJ




Hospital Experience & 10 Days Post Op

So I am 10 days post op and I've lost 9lbs since surgery, making it a total of 24.6 lbs total with pre-op. I am feeling great and have been following my diet. I can eat creamy soups, mashed potatoes, apple sauce and yogurt. I get full really fast and will stop as soon as I get that feeling, I don't want to overdue it.   My surgery and hospital experience went good. I had no complications and was up and walking that same night. Dr. Verboonen and his staff are great, specially my nurse Ana Maria. She is very knowledgeable and took care of me very well.




New Member & Introduction

Hi everyone! So I am excited to finally become a member of this website and share with everyone my experience and learn from you all as well.   So a little bit about myself, I am Viviana from San Diego, CA I am 24 years old and I have struggled with my weight ever since I was a kid. 2 years ago my doctor recommended me to do weight loss surgery and I was very negative about it, I didn't want to do it. Well 2 years after and I've gain another 60 pounds putting me at 300lbs...YIKES!! So beginning of 2012 I started doing research and made up my mind about having weight loss surgery and that I couldn't keep going the way I was. Since, getting approved for surgery was so hard through my medical provided I decided I was going to research some doctors in Tijuana, Mexico and pay for the surgery myself. Luckily, I am Mexican and I am very familiar with Tijuana and drive to Mexico often so I know my way around. After researching a couple of doctors and meeting with them, I decided to go with Dr. Verboonen from Obesity Goodbye Clinic. When I went to meet with Dr. Verboonen, I took my mom because she has a very good judge of character and of course for moral support. Since the moment we stepped inside we felt very comfortable. The personnel was very friendly and even a mother of a patient there was going to allow us to talk to her daughter that had just gotten out of surgery. Before meeting Dr. Verboonen I had my reservation because I had read he was convicted for insurance fraud but I still decided to go see him because it doesn't change his expertise and his ability to do a good job. Dr. Verboonen was great at answering all my questions and making me feel really comfortable. Because this is a small clinic (only 2 patients at a time) it felt like they would have more time to assist and the service was more personalized. I feel very confident in my decision and knowing that my mom feels the same way is a great relief. I am very excited to be able to start a new life and will finally be able to things I've always wanted but could never do.   Please feel free to leave your comments and or questions.   Viviana-MissVVJJ ~LiveLoveLaugh~




1St Day On Pre-Op Diet

Alright so today is my first day in the pre-op diet and so far so good. I haven't felt hungry after the shakes but I am starting to feel a little bit shaky and with a headache. I am hoping that by the 3rd or 4th day my body has adjusted.




I am back

Alright so I've been MIA for a while but decided its time to come back and see how everyone is doing. So quick update...I had surgery on 8/17/12 and as of today I am down 66lbs I am feeling awesome and still working on losing about 85-90 more lbs. I am able to eat more than what I was 1-2 months post op but its still a small portion. I am able to eat almost everything but again smaller portions. I have become concerned about this because I don't want to over do it although I do stop as soon as I feel full. Any of you able to eat normal foods(pizza, bread, pasta, etc) but just smaller portions.   Also, I have not worked out whatsoever because I go to work AND school full time. Luckily, I am done with school the end of Feb so my main focus after that will be working out. I've attached a before and current picture of myself



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