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Oh, So This Is Sleeved Life

Hey Guys and Dolls, I know I am not the most frequent blogger but I am working on it. I am day 6 post op, and I am actually feeling much better. My incisions are still a little puffy and bruised but the pain is managed. When I walk my stomach is a little uncomfortable from the movement, and when I sleep on my side it is really uncomfortable. I am able to only take some ibuprofen during the day and be fine, however I do take my lortab elixir at night, especially when I was particularly active. My dog has been making the walking so much easier, in fact today I noticed I was able to comfortably increase my speed. I think I may be ready to hit the gym soon. Which is a good thing before I am worried about lose skin. Everyone keeps telling me that my age is in my favor and the fact that I am on the smaller side of people who get barbaric surgery. But, to be frank I am still worried. Mostly that I will be uglier with the lose skin then when I was overweight. Skin is not quite like elastic, which by the way I have never understood. But I did some counter push ups today and I have been googling some home remedies... Nothing too promising.




The Greener Grass..

Oh boy, today is my second full day home from the hospital. Everyone and everything was so nice. I didnt get released until around 8pm the night after my surgery. I wasnt putting out enough urine and they were thinking about catheterizing me. Thank goodness I was able to force myself to go, as nice as it was I was ready to go home.   But now that I am home my stomach is speaking to me in a foreign language. I dont know exactly what I should be eating/drinking. Water and decaf tea have been working fine with me. But the thought of something more consistent like broth or creamy soups make me not feel so good. Even the thought of the protein shake makes me feel bad. It doesnt help that I got a post op diet plan from my surgeon, a nutritionist and the hospital... ...and they all vary slightly. So here I am putting out the bat signal. What did you post opers do the first week after




11 Hours And 34 Minutes

HOLY "MY SURGERY IS TOMORROW" BATMAN!!! I am having about a million emotions right now. None of which is sleepiness. I am thinking a bubble bath is exactly what I need. A little light reading and some decaf sleepy time tea before my midnight ban on food. I have half of my bag packed.   BUT   My dog is being too cute, he is begging me with his puppy dog eyes for a cuddle.  




Two Days, Twenty-Two Hours, Forty-Eight Minutes

These are my last couple of days being pre-op. I am having a hateful day. Maybe the jitters are finally catching up with me. Maybe I am just hungry. I made sure I did everything I could to make sure this day came as soon as possible, and now that it is just around the corner I am having a hard time articulating my feelings. So, even though this is my first blog and I should be attempting to make a good impression, I think I am going to just dump it all here. I am afraid that I failed my liquid diet. I am big enough of a person (pun not intended) to own up to the fact that I have made a couple mistakes there. Mostly in the first week and I have held strong I am afraid that after my surgery relationships will be weakened. My boyfriend of four years has wanted me to lose weight essentially the whole time. I am worried that all our little problems will be amplified. I am afraid, although I hate to admit it, of what people will think. Of what all the people I haven't told will think. Of what the people I have told are thinking. Easy way out. Weak will. No self control. All bad attributes to a 22 year old. I am afraid that after surgery my confidence wont come That I will always feel like the fat girl. That I will always brush off compliments that are given to me. That I will always be uncomfortable around new people. That I will always be instantly put in the friend zone.   I think its just a bad, hungry day.



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