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finally reached onderland yesterday....yay!!!!! i havent been below 200 in 10 years....it's a wonderful feeling for sure!





did anyone else stall after the first week? i'm 3 weeks out and haven't lost anything since the first week! i'm seriously getting frustrated! i'm not eating jack and am up and moving and nothing is coming off.....is this the whole "body goes into starvation mode" thing????




2 Weeks Out....still In Pain?

hey all, so i;m 2 weeks out and i am geting frustrated! i have been at 222 the last week, how is that possible?? i am not exercising because i am actually still extremely uncomfortable and today when I did actually try to go for a walk i came back with a severe pain in my left rib cage and it hasn't gone away since...everytime i get up to do anything, i have to grab my left ribcage and apply pressure so that it does not hurt!! i feel kind of like (damned if i do and damned if i dont!) so far the last 2 weeks feel like they have not been worth all the pain my body is going through. ive lost 22 pounds the first week(11 of it i know was pure fluid) and this last week i havewent from 222 to 225 back to 222.....i'm super freakin frustrated!!




Pain : (

how long were you guys sore from the incisions? i had my surgery on Monday and i still cannot stand up straight without having to hold my stomach...it's still amazingly painful. i see so many posts on here about how there's no pain or just a little and how people are back to normal in just a few days.....is that really the norm? im feeling a lot of regret for doing this right now!! i dont even want to get off the couch because it hurts so much!




I'm Miserable!

ok so i cant hardly even drink water! seriously i feel all bubbly....everythign i drink comes right back up! i tried to drink a protein shake and its NOT happenin.....is this normal????im getting super frustrated!!




How Much Weight Did You Gain In The Hospital And How Long Did It Take To Lose?

I just got home from the hospital and wieighed myself...i am up 12 punds from when i went in. i had a ot of water retention lastnight and the dr finally caved and gave me some lasix(thank god) he wanted to pump me full of more fluid(that wouldve been my third bag PLUS the reg fluids they were alredy giving me!!!) i actualy had to throw a fit about this.....other than the on call dr, my surgeon was awesome! anyways, how long did it take to lose, and how quickly did you start the full liquid when you got home? that afternoon or did yhou wait til the next day to start?




Question For Post Op

i have a rather large indentation where one of my openings is...im not sure if this is where they took out the unused portion of the stomach...did anyone else have this? if so, will it even out after the swelling goes down? it just looks weird!




2 Days Post Op

must say that the 2nd day is much easier than the first! i have had no gas pains, and the general soreness of the incisions is starting to ease a little bit. i'm still on the morphine pump but using it only when i'm about to get up and walk(getting in and out of the bed is quite painful yet). all in all it hasn't been too bad. i was really regretting it yesterday when i first emerged from surgery,but that passed finally. the doc just came in and seen me and says everything looks fantastic and that i will probably be going home tomorrow YAYY! and the other wonderful news he gave me is that i can have clear liquids now...AMEN somethin with some taste! any advice from you pros about how slowly to start off drinking?? i'm kind of nervous eating/drinking the for the first time.




2 Days Post Op

must say that the 2nd day is much easier than the first! i have had no gas pains, and the general soreness of the incisions is starting to ease a little bit. i'm still on the morphine pump but using it only when i'm about to get up and walk(getting in and out of the bed is quite painful yet). all in all it hasn't been too bad. i was really regretting it yesterday when i first emerged from surgery,but that passed finally. the doc just came in and seen me and says everything looks fantastic and that i will probably be going home tomorrow YAYY! and the other wonderful news he gave me is that i can have clear liquids now...AMEN somethin with some taste! any advice from you pros about how slowly to start off drinking?? i'm kind of nervous eating/drinking the for the first time.




Here We Go

Headin to the hospital....nervous as hell! good luck to all you sleevers who are scheduled today! i will keep you all posted when i am out : )




5 More Days!

Well Monday is the big day!! i have so many thoughts about the whole thing that i cannot sleep! i'm doing ok on the preop diet, i'm down 10 pounds as of this morning. Hopefully i can get at least 5 or 6 more off before Monday.   Yesterday i was sitting in the car with my mom and out of no where i blurted out--what if i look like a big wrinkly prune when it's all over with??!! my mom started laughin and so did i! i realize this is the best choice for my health, but i'm super nervous!




Geting Easier

i had a lot of trouble with the pre op diet on days 3 and 4 but i have to say the last 2 days have not been bad at all.....it is getting a little easier. i'm gettin kinda nervous since my surgery is a week from today, and god knows what i do when i stress-EAT! but i went shopping with my mom today and bought few things that are 1-2 sizes smaller than my current size, so im gonna keep them in sight as a reminder to STICK WITH IT!!!!




This Is Frustrating!

so i'm new to this whole bloggind thing, but I'm sitting here stewing over this whole pre op diet. my surgery date is set for July 23rd and i have been on my diet for 3 days now. i understand that the diet is to help shrink the liver, give you a taste of what's to come, and so on and so forth....but COME ON ALREADY! 25 years of being obese and do you really think i can give up food for 2 weeks......grrrrr! I want this so bad(surgery), but am completely frustrated at this point. food is definitely a mental issue for me. it's my best friend and i really think i need a behavioralist..... I am an extrememly self aware person, and i realize i am an emotional eater, but man this pre op diet is way harder than what i thought it would be. my diet is as follows: 2 sugar free instant bkfsts, 2 1/2 servings of skim milk, 3/4 c steamed veggies, and 3 medium pieces of fruit. that is all i can have in any given day...... i have failed quite a few times, but i at least tried to keep it mostly protein and very small portions when i did.   one issue i am having is my job, i am the boss, so i am working 3rd shift(due to being short staffed) while trying to sleep during the day and take care of 3 kids(needless to say i don't sleep!) then i'm moody and grouchy and OF COURSE i want food! so by the time midnight rolls around, idk if i'm supposed to be starting a new day or logging what i just ate as supper...... ugh! and to top it off i had to make 3 dozen cookies tonite for our residents lunches...and wouldn't ya know it, i ate a cookie.....this is HARD! and i'm not a quitter, but this sucks!!   i have completely quit smoking, i quit drinking pop, exercise doesn't even seem daunting, but i cannot get rid of the control food has over me! please tell me i'm not alone in this!



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