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My day to day stuff

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Hit A Milestone This Week

I hit the lost 100 lb mark this week! I feel so much better. Discovered not haveinga protein drink a day was not a good idea as the weight loss slowed down to a pound or so a week. I have since added a drink everyday and am back up to about 5 pounds a week and the best part is my hair quit falling out by the handfuls.     Toodles ya'll!

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


A New Beginning

Happy birthday to me! Tomorrow I turn 50. According to my bucket list, I was supposed to go skydiving to mark this momentus occasion but was fearful that when I hit the ground I would leave a small spaceship size hole because of my weight! LMBO No longer a worry now that I am down 85 lbs, I decided I should wait until I get my kids out of school first before doing something so daring.   I went shopping and bought new clothes with the help of the best mother in a law a girl could have. Had no idea how many sizes I dropped. Last Christmas I was wearing 34/36. This past weekend I bought size 24s!!! OMG!!! I can buy clothes in a regular store now too. Thank you Catherine's and Lane Bryant - you have been my go to for so long, but now I have other options. Feeling like a kid ion the candy store!   Not missing eating things. My body tolerates all the spicy I can handle - of course that isn't much. But it is a good thing! The tunnel light is bright! No looking back....as Dori says, "Just keep swimming!" I am, and loving every minute of it!   Have a marvelous day everyone. I get on here at a whim so...until next time! K

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


Light Is Shinig Bright!

So, I have jumped back into reality - summer vaction is over and I am feeling very good! I still have issues with some foods 8 weeks out but it is all good. I have to remind myself that I am now a sipper not a guzzler! LOL I like my water in gulps not sips so that is always on the back of my mind but I have finally made it out of the pity-pit! I have a dear friend who just had this surgery 2 days ago, as well as having her bladder lifted. She is experiencing the same pain on her right side I had...made her a hard pillow with a towel and tape to hold against her tummy when she coughs - best gift I have ever given her in our 30 year friendship - HAHA.   Since I am back at school, I am guessing I won't be around as much, but will continue to write as I I can. It is amazing how many emotions I have gone through to get to this point.   Now, if I can just figure out how to get rid of my tastebuds....I would be just fine. Hit my wall (as I have heard will happen - thank you June Sleevers group for your candidness!!). I quit being a scale ***** 4 weeks out. This morning's weigh was disappointing, but I know this too shall pass...not 1 ounce lost BUT not one ounce gained so that will keep the smile on my face this week!   Everyone have a rocking great Friday!

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


Good Day In The Neighborhood

Good day world! I woke in much better spirits today! Feel like the pit I had fallen into is gone and my world is do-able once again. So, got up, had my isopure and headed out to work the cows. Gotta love living in the country! Came home and cooked traditional breakfast for everyone. I got to enjoy a meal with my family...been 3 long weeks since I was able to sit and converse, feel like it was ok I wasn't eating like everyone else but still getting my over medium egg (1/2) and 3 country hash browns (which equals about a tablespoon of potato), I even tried a little piece of bacon (meat part). Chewed the crap out of it until it was liquified and it went down easily. I am 1/2 hour later and I am having no pain and feeling very satisfied. I must have chewed it correctly and to the right consistancy. YEAH!! Feeling right with the world today...yes siree Bob! Have a marvelous Sunday everyone - there is a light at the end of the tunnel and everyday it gets brighter!!!

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming



So, has it been a day or what!? It is amazing how I wander along this crazy journey called life, feeling sane one minute then breaking out in tears the next. Feel like I am reliving every loss I have experienced and now adding the loss of my stomach and the ability to feel normal. I know it gets better with time. I have always beeen one to bounce back quickly after surgery. I was reminded today that this just wasn't any surgery - how quickly I forget and remember in one breath!     It is amzing how the brain plays in a major roll in the everyday get along chores. I am usually positive and can do anything but the last 3 weeks have kicked me into a whole new stratusphere. LOL Time to grow and keep moving forward or as my favorite fish, Dori, says,'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


A New Day Today

So, woke up feeling rather normal this morning. Had my oatmeal for breakfast -(pureed time) YUMMY. I actually started enjoying my oatmeal. Next week I will go back to my oatmeal with flaxseed. Tired of eating suagr free popsicles to help with my hydration. Drinking G2 to help with it. Forgetting to take my vitamin at night, Morning ritual coming along nicely. Still wondering why I went through with this - and trying to let that go as it is time to move forward. My newest friend , Ann M., has assured me things will get better. She is 5 weeks out and sems to to be doing well! I have no pain anymore. Still have numbness which feels wierd... 2 of my 4 sights have healed beautifully. The drain hole still looks strange. Wondering why the doctor didn't stitich it closed once the drain was removed. All the 1uestions come up now that I am no longer fuzzy from any pain meds. HAHA My son hugged me the other day and said, "WOW. MOM! I can hug you, I mean REALLY hug you!". Validation for sure. I think I will hold onto that for today and smile. Have a good day everyone!

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


It's A New Day...

So, been a few days since I have posted anything. Feeling remarkably good. Have my tired spots - out of energy by the afternoon.   Jumped back into life by attending workshops all week as well as assisting with provctoring make-up exams. Feels good to be inthe swing of things again.   I have gone on-line and ordered a variety of protein shooters. I have tried being creative with creamy vanilla - adding a piece of banana, adding some cinammon, using strawsberries...I gag everytime. Tried chocolate, orange... Let's face it. I am not a sweet eater in the mornings and pretty much throughout the day. I would choose salsa and chips over sweeets 99% of the time...a good cheese cake? Take the cheesecake LOL Anyway, I also ordered saomecoffee flavored protein drinks - looks like a Starbucks drink. Looking forward to trying thosse as there are 3 flavors.   Had some incredible itching episodes this week. Dr office recommended Benadryl. Started it a day ago and have seen major imrovement. Redness almost gone and significantly smaller. Trying to figure out what I was reacting too in regards to the surgery.   Thankful for this website. Have met a new friend, Ann, who had her surgery at the beginning fo the month and we live about 30 minutes away from each other. Planning to meet up one day next week. How cool!   Take care all...the light gets brighter with each passing day! My blessing was the ability to drink ice water without it hurting. I have been able to do this since Monday - YEAH BABY!!.

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming


Feeling Overwhelmed

I wish to start off by saying I have nover blogged before so I have no idea if what I am saying is the right thing or if I am even close to what a blog is for. I figure this is my journey so it is all good.   So I am one week post-op and I have begun to question why I did this. I have no idea why this is coming up as I have worked so hard to get this done. I was denied by insurance 4 years ago because I had no co-morbid obesity issues other than my weight. I called my insurance company every 6 months while increasing my weight. Christmas this year, I was given the go-ahead to to go to Southwest Bariatric Surgeons in Austin. I went and all of a sudden here I am! Jumped through every insurance hoop thrown in my face. Went above and beyond losing the 30 lbs before surgery could be performed - dropped 60 (since Christmas) and did most of it after visiting with Jerry, the registered dietician at the surgeon's office - great guy by the way! So, here I am on a Sunday morning and pouring my thoughts out here for someone to read in the hopes I get an affirmation that it is OK to have these feelings - I laugh because there isn't anything I can do about it now! HAHA I am missing my satisfying drink of ice cold water. I have never have been a teetotaler - which to me indicates a tea drinker with the pinky extended and sipping politely - no offense intended. I am a grab the glass and drink kind of gal! Used to be anyways. All I want today is to drink ice water - have one statisfying drink and not have it hurt. Yes, drinking water hurts. Popsicles are going down great with no issues what so ever. But the water? The one thing I miss most, is not agreeing with my insides right now. I am angry at my stmach for not allowing me to have one drink. Other than that, it is all good. Need the good to be more that the otherside of the fence though. LOL The things i nver thought I would ever say...   Well, I hope everyone has a marvelous day. I will continue to seek out the positives to my new tummy in the hopes that it becomes automatic and everyday I awake with a newfound sense of self. Let's do this people!

Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming

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