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One Man's Experience

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Have I Turned A Corner?

Today I am 6 days post surgery and have lost 29 pounds in the last three weeks. This past week has been a total adventure, complete with all the ups and downs. My surgery went well and my one night hospital stay was uneventful. Doctor and nurses were all very pleased. When I came home, I noticed that I was spitting up. Not vomiting but spitting up a little froth. Called the doctor and was told that was saliva. My stomach was swollen and didn't know what to do. Interesting. Hadn't heard that one before.   As soon as I was home the sip, sip, sipping began. Although I had read about others having a hard time to swallow, I had no such trouble. Mostly drank Ensure Clear and it went down great. Pain was manageable and the most pain was due to my hiatal hernia repair, not the stomach. Felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Doctor said that was from the repair on the diaphragm. So far, so good.   Then came 3 days post surgery. The chest pain was gone but I could not get on top of the abdominal pain. I figured my abdominal muscles had been moved during surgery and they were very upset with me. Took several doses do pain meds that day, which very much frustrated me. I really wanted off the pain meds ASAP.   The fourth and fifth days post surgery were a real low point for me. I wasn't sleeping well and my stomach was giving me fits. I read that we are not supposed to be hungry or it is just excess hormones. Ya right. My stomach was growling, grumbling and throwing the biggest fits. My doctor wants me one a clear liquid diet the first week and introduce skim milk the second week. Full liquids on the third week. I was in such turmoil and agony that I finally said screw this nonsense.   Being stupid and brave, I introduced some regular protein shakes. They seemed to go down well but I was still miserable. I tried a little bit of applesauce, just a couple of spoon fills. Didn't bother me but it tasted horrible. In desperation I tried some yogurt. Huge mistake. Only had a third of the container but oh the pain. Finally I found that the regular protein shakes like Atkins and Muscle Milk along with Jello and water through the day helped me and kept me satisfied. Just had to keep sipping.   Woke up on day 6 (a Sunday) and decided I would not let this beat me. My attitude had been very poor and my wife, going into this process, was concerned about making her life miserable. Seems I'm not always a nice guy when I'm sick or frustrated. I had learned through other posts that attitude was the key and mine was bad. So, with determination, I made up my mind that this is the Lord's day and I would rejoice.   I had not shaved in 3 days and that was part of the problem. I felt gross and that affects everything else. So, I shaved and got fully dressed. A friend came over to visit which lifted my spirits and then my wife and I got out of the house, the first time since surgery. I had been off pain meds for 3 days so I could drive. It felt so good to be normal again. One of my household duties is the laundry and Sunday is laundry day. Got the laundry done and that made me feel better because it was normal and I accomplished something.   Now I want to make sure the next few days are normal. Tomorrow is early voting for the primary runoff in Texas. Think I will go vote so it gets me out of the house. I have other tasks planned for tomorrow. The last few days have been idle for me, which is most likely part of the problem.   Here's to another good day tomorrow.




48 Hours Post Op - Very Surprised And Pleased

Having read quite a bit pre-surgery, I knew there would be many different possibilities post-surgery. So far, my story has been a best case senerio. At the hospital, I walked quite a bit and the nurses were quite pleased with the amount and speed I walked. I think, because of this, I have no gas pains at all. Had a gallbladder surgery 12 years ago and my wife said I had terrible gas pains.   The pain I do have is in my chest which my doctor said is due to the hiatal hernia repair I had but it is better today. Been sipping on Ensure Clear and that is going down well. Gain 2 pounds in the hospital, which made me laugh. Figure that will disappear soon enough.   So far, I am happy with my progress and am trying to be good and compliant with my recovery plan.




Had Surgery Today

Had my sleeve surgery this morning. So far, so good. Have been up walking. (Nurses say I sprint down the halls.) Gas pain has not been bad at all but abdominal pain was intense earlier but not bad at all now. Trying to keep an upbeat attitude and the nurses are very happy with my progress. Earlier, sipping was very painful but it seems to be much better now.   I'm sure there will be bumps along the way but my wife and I will get through it together. Thank you to all of you for the incredible information on the website and the aupport. There is no way I could make it this far without all of you so there is no way I can express enough appreciation.




At The Hospital

Well, I'm at the hospital ready for surgery. Must say I'm nervous and excited. Ready to start my journey.




When Will I Have Energy?

One of the reasons I decided upon the surgery was for more energy. I have so much to do at work and things to do at home and no energy to get them done. I'm not a workaholic and feel I have a fairly balanced life. However, when I get home from work, I'm pooped. Forget about doing anything. My surgery is July 16 and I'm on the pre-surgery liquid diet. It is a chore to do anything now, at work or home. My front flower garden is overgrown with weeds and really needs attention. Ug.   My larger concern is after surgery. I live in Texas and my one daughter is moving to Baltimore. She and my wife are afraid to drive a U-Haul truck so it falls to me. My son just graduated from college and will need help moving. Also, my work is going to be very busy this fall. How soon after surgery does your energy level pick up to pre-surgery levels and then increase from there? I have an office management job. How long did you take off work and when were you back up to speed? Yes, the surgery is scary due to the unknowns. But, my personality likes to plan things out and I don't know how to plan. Any insight?




Just Started My Pre-Surgery Diet

It's two weeks to surgery (July 16) and I've begun my pre-surgery diet. It started yesterday and work today has been a bit interesting with my stomach growling and the constant headache. Sure hope this passes soon. I must confess to be quite excited by the surgery and at the same time simply terrified. I've been thinking and researching surgery for several years but insurance would not pay for it. I finally had enough and decided to pay for it myself. Glad I waited as the sleeve surgery was a new concept to me. Had always considered the Lap-Band before. My research tells me the sleeve will be better for me.   Two days into the diet and already fighting the cravings to cheat. Figured if I can't be good for two weeks, why bother with the surgery. My biggest fear of the surgery is how I will hold up over time. So many diets have failed before so I hope this triggers a mental reset switch for me. My wife is supportive, to a point. She has tried to help me in the past and have sometimes bit back at her. Will really need to work on that this time. I've only told a few people about the surgery. There is always the expectations and judgement to deal with and I would rather not deal with it. My business partner strongly encouraged me to tell the managers I work closely with about the surgery so they will understand. Wasn't happy about it but they have been supportive.   We'll see how the process goes. This site has been helpful to me already and I know it will be down the road.



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