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My weight loss journey before, during and after WLS

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It's contagious!

When I started talking about having the sleeve done my sister also started talking about it. She is over weight and has been for most of her adult life just like myself. She is 5 years older than I am but is about 5 inches shorter. She has been my little big sister for many years. Well, she has had a couple of c-sections, laproscopic gall bladder surgery and a robotic hysterectomy and was concerned that she may have adhesions that would cause problems for a sleeve surgery. She talked herself out of the surgery and out of looking into it anymore than what she already had, which wasn't much but still. Well, I've now lost 102 pounds and she has gained about 20 in that same amount of time. She asked me this weekend if I thought she would be crazy to have it done. I was so excited! I have been wanting to encourage her to have the surgery but knew she was afraid to. She talked with her husband and he is supportive too! My prayer for her is that if she is supposed to have it done that God will put her infront of the right surgeon. She lives away from me so will be using someone other than the surgeon that did mine. I am so excited for her and that we could be doing this together. She is one of my best friends and is one of my biggest encouragers. I can't wait for the opportunity to be the same for her!


I found out this past Friday that I won't be having surgery on July 27 as I am scheduled. I won't be doing a preop diet or my EGD in the next few weeks as planned. Instead I'm scheduling my first OB visit. This was a total surprise for us! My husband and I had started trying to get pregnant back in November and had not had any luck. I talked with my OB who told me that he thought my weight could be an issue. I asked what he thought about WLS and he was all for it. He thought that would probably be my best bet. He hasn't had any patients who have had WLS that have had any problems through pregnancy so I met with a surgeon. He also said that he had no WLS patients who had problems with pregnancy after having surgery so we decided to proceed. My surgeon has a policy that you must use protection other than OCPs for at least 6 weeks before and after surgery to help to reduce the risk of blood clots. Well, he didn't say anything about EIGHT WEEKS before surgery to reduce the risk of babies!!! (ha ha ha) I'm planning on calling him tomorrow to find out how long after delivery that I can have surgery. If I could have surgery while I'm off on maternity leave that would be amazing! I'll find out and go from there. I may end up and have to wait until next summer and if I do then I'll do that too. Right now we are letting family and friends know our change in plans. For any of you that read my last blog entry you know that my mom was trying anything she could to get me to change my mind about surgery. Come to find out my mom, dad and aunts have been praying hard and apparently this miracle was the answer to their prayers LOL! What a special blessing we have been given. I know God has His plan and it is far better than my own. He sure does have a sense of humor! Until next time, best of luck on this journey that is our life!   Jeremiah 29:11

I Love My Mom... But Really!?!?!?!

So, I have amazing parents. And I love my mom and my dad like crazy. They have been married for 40 years as of this past March. They are an amazing example of what a marriage should be and what it can be. My dad is a little goofy. He LOVES telling people in public that my mom is off her meds and he just can't do anything with her. My mom, everytime, looks shocked and offended but then he gets her to laugh and then the laughter just contagious. My mom, bless her heart (yes, we are from the south!), is not excited about my upcoming surgery. For years she has been against diet pills. A few weeks ago, she was telling me about a new diet pill that is out that she would like me to try. Two weeks ago it was raspberry ketones that she wanted me to look into. Today, she told me the best one yet. She told me she wants me to get "one of those band things". Now, I think she means a lap band which I have looked into and decided it's just not for me. But, NO! Before I could tell her about my research on the lap band, she continues. She now wants me to go to Home Depot and get one of "those band things" that people use as back support when they are doing heavy lifting. She wants me to wrap it around my upper belly so that it will restrict how much I can eat! She thinks that this will help me get an idea of what my post-op will be like. I laughed so hard that I cried! Her thought process is that when she wears a pair of tight jeans she doesn't want to eat as much because it is so uncomfortable. Again, laughing uncontrollably! She ended our conversation by saying "I just had to get that out there." I thanked her and told her I appreciate her advice but I won't be going to buy a back support for my belly. I'm going to stick to my pre-op diet when it starts and go from there. I'm so excited about my surgery on July 27th and I hope she can find some excitement for me too
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