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Sx Date 07/03/2012-Countdown from 335lbs

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Almost at the 1 year mark!

It' will be close to a year in a few weeks. I've not had the weight loss results as most have reported here. I'm seeing >100 lbs being reported by a lot of my peers. I' not even close to 100 lbs, but on the healthcare front I've remained off my insulin, no longer sleep with my CPAP and have managed to stay relatively free of bing eating.   I'm very disappointed in that I've not maintained an excercise regimen that would be considered a "Life Style Change." I did have some good starts and stops and right now I'm decidedly at STOP. I just don't have the motivation stay on an exercise regimen. I always end up hurting myself in some way, then that give me clearance to give up.   In Oct 2012 I was in the hospital with stroke like symptoms, literally paralyzed on my left side. They r/o a stroke and after 2 days of tests, released me to neurologist for f/up care with dx of hemiplegic migraine. Code word for I don't know WTH is wrong, but she has had migraines in the past, so let's roll with it. I was on restrictions for about 2 month while they tried to figure out what's wrong. All my feeling returned before discharge, but I had total numbness in the last 3 fingers on my left hand. After testing for everything from carpal tunnel syndrome to pinched nerves in my arm and shoulder, the prize-winner neurologist came back with I can give you some cream that may work, I can send you to therapy with sometimes helps, or it may just fix itself on it's on........BUT I see you've not had a sleep study in a while and your plan will bay for it, so let me set you up for a new one. OK. Dr. Neuro's office begins calling me weekly to setup this darn sleep study....I finally told them to NEVER call me again. I still have trouble typeing and my left hand it still giving me problem.   I'm hoping I'm not a stroke risk, but the PCP says get going with the excecise again. In February I start back walking. Doing good. Sporadic, but I'm getting it in at least 2-3 times a week. Weight going down, have to finally buy some new clothes because my black leggings are falling off an my colorful fat girl "pop of color" tops are looking like flour sacks on me 'cause they're too big. I have a chronic pain in my left foot and ask for an x-ray, my PCP says there's nothing remarkable but I may have small bone spurs that will just be a chronic issue for me. SUX.   I start feeling a little soreness in my left leg, it evolves into a limp, but I'm thinking it's just me getting back on the track and I ben-gay it up and bear down. I'm down to 1-2 times a week, but I'm keeping it moving. Garage sale Saturday, I'm digging for treasures and a radiating pain hits my left leg. I can't walk. I yell. The ppl help me to my car and my mom starts freaking me out telling me it's probably a blood clot and I'm going to die if I don't get to an ER soon (She has a flare for the dramatic).   I go to the ER and they r/o a blood clot, discharge to my PCP for follow-up the next day. PCP rotates my leg and refers me to an Ortho Surgeon the next day stating he thinks I'm going to need surgery. Now I"m on crutches. Ortho assesses and no surgery. Just 1 week of total bed rest. I have a grade 2 calf muscle strain!     I'm off my feet for a week and come back, it's healing, but still not out of the weeds for abt 6 weeks so take it easy but do what you can.....To me that translates into DO NOTHING, and I've been faithful to that regimen for about 2 months now. WTH? Really Elle? You going to cop out like that? Why YES I AM. Disappointed in myself, but yes. I did that.   Now I'm at the year mark and reflecting. I want to hit the century mark. I'm wanting a 1XX versus a 2XX at my weigh in. I hope to reach the 100s in about 6-8 months. Kick-off date is July 1,2013. Please pray for me that I can keep this new goal in sight.     I do have concerns that I may have a hernia or something because I feel I am able to eat more than I should in one sitting. As long as I don't drink anything while eating I'm fine. I've drank alcohol sparingly w/o any trouble. I don't do well with chicken or ground beef.   Bread and butter is my weakness, but I can only eat a little bit of it at a setting. I have been bad and do drink from straws on occasion.   My new guilty pleasure is McCafe Hazlenut Lattes and Caramel Frappes. I also enjoy the egg white delight breakfast combo. I can eat the hashbrown and mcmuffin in one sitting (I just throw away one of egg mcmuffin slices).   I can honestly say the term "use VSG as a tool" not a solution is a great message. You will not drop an insane amount of weight just from having this procedure. You have to work at it and change. My health is better and I will praise this procedure to the mountain tops, but you must be willing to put in the work to get the pounds off. My mother recently had the procedure and is doing well. She was not nearly as obese as me, so I'm excited to see if a little competiton will help boost me on the walking track.   Her start weight is my current weight! So we're even in getting out of the gate. My mom had a lot more stuff broken in her health wise so I"m elated that she finally did the procedure.   My marriage is struggling at the moment. Not heading for divorce or anything, just facing some challenges with a blended family. We're working through it, but I'm feeling my old urges and our lack of intimacy isn't helping things at all. I hate being mad all the time.   Work is sucking as well. I don't know if I should move on or stay with them. My company has great benefits but I'm working 16-20 hour days and not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. It's shockingly overwhelming.   Any way in closing. 1 year has been faced with several set-backs, but I'm optimistic that I can refocus and get back on track. Besides my husband and kids, the VSG decision remains one of the best decisions I've made in life. I think I bought myself more years on this earth by just choosing to not die of morbid obesity complications.   This board has been most helpful in letting me know I'm not alone and others are in the struggle with me and offering support.   Thank you all




IDK...I just don't know....Sigh...

I'm almost at my 6 month mark. Since the surgery I have had about 40 lbs down (maybe more), definitely lots of inches. I don't feel the "restrictions" that some of you have posted to a significant degree. Yes, if I overeat, but I'm not 2 ouncing it and getting sick like some are posting. I feel like either 3 things exist: 1. I got a good handle on my limitations with my new stomach so I'm inherently just able to deal. 2. The doc didn't take out the 80% or better and my stomach is a little bigger than it should be. 3. My stomach is just stretched out significantly (but I just don't see that being the case).   I do feel that I'm able to tolerate more food than I should in one sitting though. The biggest issue I have is drinking with my meals. That....I've learned is a BIG no-no for my body. I will get sick. As long as I don't indulge in fried foods and eat slowly, I'm good for almost anything.   I still don't feel the pounds are coming off as fast as I'd like to, but I do confess that I've not been working out consistently for the past 2 months. I've had a couple of health scares with migraines and a neurological condition which I'm still getting dx tests to see what's going on. I just used the hospitalizations to justify my lack of working out.   BTW the reason I'm quoting 40 lbs (maybe more) is because I have held true to my resolution to not be a slave to the scale ("My Precious"). I have done well with that part!   Other good things...I've still not felt a true hunger pain since the surgery. I am battling mind hunger daily and those old tendencies to eat what I see just to feel better. I do give in to my sweet tooth for at least 1 week out of the month, but I now splurge on sugar free Russel Stover's Dark Choc Pecan Delights and sugar free caramels. I know they're still not calorie free, but it's still progress!   My last A1C wad 6.7, which is down from 11.3 (yep. I typed it right!) just prior to my surgery. I was on Metformin too when I clocked 11.3. Since July 14th, I've been off all diabetes meds and I'm sitting pretty at 6.7. That in and of itself was worth the surgery!   I'm no longer on hypertension meds. I have not been using my CPAP machine (sleep apnea) and I've been sleeping well, refreshed, no snoring! Also my lymphedema in my left leg is all but gone.   So even if my weight loss seems slow, healthy wise, I'm still a winner. I will get back on the work out horse and hopefully be in the century club by the time my 1 year post-op comes round.   I am considering visiting a therapist though to address my stress issues and my mind hunger issues. I still feel I have a lot of emotional issues that I need to address with food.   I don't quite have my Sexxy Back, but I'm getting there.   Professionally I'm still struggling with the backstabbing Boss but I'm holding strong for now.....




The Simply Bar....ugh!

I got the Simply Bar "Caramel Peanut Protein Bar." 16 g protein, 150 cals, 3 g sugar, 4 g fiber. Tastes worst that card board. I do not recommend, even with the protein fix.   I'm still traumatized by the taste. I'm so glad I did not get a whole bunch.   DEFINITELY A THUMBS DOWN..... I'm rolling with Atkins. They are my protein bar winners for now.....




Fear Of The Scale....my Precious!

I'm over it. I don't want to look at the scale anymore! I feel like freaking Frodo with that thing. "My Precious" keeps calling me. I have to resist. I don't want my success being tied to a number. My clothes feel loose. I'm getting more energy. I'm sucking it up with my work.... (actually...I started looking for another job last week!).   I'm getting things done. I feel healthier. PPL say I'm looking good. Getting compliments. What's the obsession with the number?   I'm going to try to go a whole month w/o getting on that darn thing! Wish me luck!




New Level Of Frustration....

Ok. I'm not losing as fast as I think I should. I'm stressed to no end at work. I have a boss that is backstabbing me daily and a my indirects are begging for leadership. I'm normally a great leader, but I feel I'm letting them down. I just don't have the passion anymore. It's hard to come in to work when you're walking into a land mine. That's exactly what it feels like....   I am so emotionally compromised when I get home that I'm snapping at my husband and feeling the old bad habits creeping up in me. I've dwindled down to only two true exercise days a week. While I'm still not physically hungry, I'm wanting to eat sweets to make me feel better. Thank heavens I'm clinging to SF popsicles and the occasional SF dove chocolate.   I'm having trouble eating on schedule. I'm not gaining weight, but I'm really not loosing either. (abt 1lb a week now). Reading the other posts of ppl losing 90 lbs in 4 months makes me proud of their success, but questioning my own. I KNOW I SHOULD NOT DO THAT.....I'm envious, but scratching my head at the same time. I had 80% of my stomach removed for heavens sake! I think the scale should move.   I'm definitely not grazing. I'm trying to stay on track with my meal schedule. WTF?   I'm thinking of taking Yoga or some form of meditation to get my mind focused. I hate feeling this way....I'm so disgusted with LIFE at the moment. The grind is taking its toll on me. WORK SUX!




Working My Plan Again...

Ok. I'm slowly getting back to my daily excersie regime. I fell off the track last week dealing with work stress and just overall BLAH in the motivation department. I also gained a pound last weekI   It's really surprising how we do not put ourselves 1st but can put a lot of other BULL CRAP ahead of our own success. I want to hit the 50 LB mark by October. Hope I can make it. I actually put in some good walking time this evening with my heavy duty Sauna suit on and my IPHONE blaring.   I think I may be getting my MOJO back and will possibly JUMP my hubby this week. Poor guy has been through a 6 week drought.   Nite. Nite. All




Privacy Issues At Work

I'm relatively new at my job and, although I did have the time accrued to take off for my surgery, I felt I needed to let my boss know that I was actually having the surgery so that I could have 1 week off and 1 week work from home just to be sure I was not pushing myself too soon.   She agreed and approved the time off, but I suspected she told some of the Sr. Managers of my surgery which I find inappropriate. Recently it was confirmed that she did disclose my surgery to one of the other managers. I'm appalled, but more so in that we had a recent operations meeting and she starts talking about various ppl having surgery and how obesity is affecting the work place.   I held my breath hoping Ms. Unprofessional did not actually name me out or refer to my surgery in open forum at work. I think she could see the expression on my face and it gave her some pause because she didn't expressly mention it. I'm aghast that someone can be so disrespectful to someone's privacy.   I'm on the fence as to whether I should address it with her directly or keep it moving. It's not like she has a history of handling things appropriately anyway, so I don't want to add fuel to the fire. I want to be respected but I also need my job.   I've heard that if you get on her bad side, then that's it. You're doomed. I'm an outspoken person by nature and I can tell some of my comments to date are not to her liking. I'm treading softly, but I don't know how much I can take.   I'm proud of having the decision to do the WLS but it's my business. I don't feel it needs to be fodder for ppl to discuss and I don't want the pressure of losing or not losing as fast as some feel I should. I just want to let my journey be my own and my family's.




I Was Bad...sugar Today

I was bad today. They served us lunch and I gave in to a brownie. I have not had real sugar in over 3 months. I really just wanted to see how it tasted and I also wanted to see if I would experience "dumping." I guess I'm a sadist or something. The other day I was happy to have felt "restriction" and ended up vomiting.   Well I didn't have a dumping reaction to the sugar. I did enjoy the treat while it lasted, but afterwards I felt I'd fall into the old craving of sweets. I surprisingly have not. With it being that time of the month, no less! (I know TMI, but hey this is why we have the forum!).   Overall I feel I've tested something within myself with this cheat...but I don't know what...




Atkins - Post Op?

I've been reading the Atkin's Diet Revolution for a few days. Believe it or not, I've never actually read any of the Atkin's books and was very unfamiliar with the diet other than seeing the shakes in Wal-mart, which I've brought from time to time.   What sparked my interest was when I saw a food pyramid or something that took a snap shot of the FDA program and Atkin's and other low carb plans. The pyramid made sense to me and I've always been a meat eater so with all the emphasis us sleevers have on protein, the approach made sense (at least on paper).   I'm still reading, but I was wondering if anyone has adopted the low carb plan in their post-op life and does it work for sleevers? Does putting your body in ketosis or lypolysis, work for a sleever on regular foods in the long-term? Is the induction phase safe for sleevers.     (Now I definitely plan on having this conversation with my doctor and nutritionist, but I just wanted to hear others chime in on their personal experiences, if they have any).   Right now, it seems to make sense to me. I don't feel it's a feasible option, until I'm cleared for regulars.   Any input appreciated!




1St Post-Op "stall"

It seems like I'm meeting my milestones on schedule as usual. My Sunday weigh in just revealed that I've lost no weight this week. I'm still rocking the 313. As I've seen on the forum, it seems to happen 3-4 weeks post op....the infamous "STALL."   Nice to meet you! I'm staying on course and it didn't even phase me as a negative. It just happens. I'm still working the program and exercising....the dreaded exercise....Man' I'm going to somehow learn to like it.   I also had another milestone yesterday. For the 1st time since surgery, I felt the "restriction" that so many mention. I attempted to eat a small piece of BBQ sausage and got sick. I felt uncomfortable for about 10 minutes and finally hurled. I came home and told my husband that I finally found a food that my sleeve didn't agree with and I hurled. He looked at me and shook his head....He said you're the only person I know that would be happy to have something negative happen.....He just doesn't understand me.   I guess I'm complicated. LOL. Or just crazy as all out, but it was good to experience the boundary and feel the uncomfortableness and know what it feels like.   I hope things can get moving though soon. I had a personal goal to lose 30 lbs by my 6 week check-up.   I'm still finding the eating schedule to be a challenge with my work schedule. I hope once I'm on regular foods that should go away, since I will be able to eat beef jerky and quick protein meal bars by then. Currently I'm bringing my food with me daily. If I"m in a meeting with a client, I can't just get up and go to the lunch room, heat up my food and bring it to the meeting! AWKWARD.   Overall I think I've earned a B+ with staying on schedule and eating the right foods. So far I've given in to a corn chip and salsa craving and a chick-fil-a nugget serving (the small one).




Puree Stage...not So Much

I'm officially 3 weeks post op and have been assigned the puree stage of foods for about a week. I've had an OK time and at first I LOVED having the new textures and being able to tolerate pureed meats. I've kept my calories low and I"m still losing. I've been doing my walking too. I've had no real problems with my restrictions. My sleeve seems to be OK with the foods and I'm playing within the rules regarding portion size. I've not had any real issues with nausea, vomiting or just overall discomfort with my sleeve.   Other than gas, which does not seem to resolve, I'm doing very well by all accounts. I found pureed meats and veggies to be a chore. I have broken the rules during this stage for the past two days by just eating soups and meats, but chewing them really well in my mouth versus blending them to pulp. Nothing too tough and, like I said, calories still low and portion size fine.   Is this really going to cause an damage to my sleeve if I chew the food to a purree texture before swallowing? It's taking me a very long time to eat my cup of a meal, but I find it more enjoyable and I really don't think I"m doing any damage.   Should I really turn on the blender and pulverize my food? Is this cheating? If I was to be really honest I'd say I'm really doing mushies and soft foods about a week ahead of time.   If the sleeve can take it... why not? Again I ask the question....is this cheating? Can I cause damage to my sleeve by doing this?   I feel fine and I notice my energy levels seem to be improving.




No Sugar Energy Supplements? Verdict?

Has anyone used 5-hour energy or any of those no sugar energy supplements / drinks? Are we even allowed to use them? Those who may have used them, post-op, what are your thoughts/recommendations?   What about those pre-workout drinks that are usually orange flavored. Do you find them helpful?   I'm still focused on getting my protein and staying hydrated but I'm dying from the lack of energy even while meeting my bench marks and exercising daily.   (OK. I will cop to the fact that I did not work out today and tomorrow is my official rest day).




No Physical Hunger, Why Am I Hungry?

Since my surgery (07/03/2012) I've not had one actual hunger pain. I had a dramatic day at work (I returned to office this Wednesday). I came home. Couldn't sleep and felt the need to eat. eat. eat. I need help with these emotional triggers. Can anyone recommend a book or give me some tools to work with on this issue?   I'm dreading I will sabotage my sleeve or just give in to old patterns of coping with food. I'm already feeling LOW ENERGY and I'm struggling to hit my protein benchmarks since returning to work. With all my staff meetings, client meetings, training meeting, etc it's making it hard to eat on schedule.   When you add in the constraints of eating with the sleeve in general....eat every 2-3 hours. Don't drink 30 mins before/after your meal. Don't drink during your meal. It's mess.   I honestly didn't know returning to work would be this challenging.




Puree Stage In Progress!

Ok. Today I started the puree phase. Now it's two weeks of blended loveliness. I went a little wild though and felt that I overindulged. My tummy took it all in well. I added pureed Turkey pastrami to the mix! It was WONDERFUL. A very refreshing change from creamy chicken broth and SF jello.   The good thing is that I stopped myself from spiraling out of control and started labeling and prepping my meals in these little cups. I also created a nifty little meal planner worksheet in Excel to schedule my meals and track my calories. (I know there are apps for it, but I think mine will work better for me!).   Since I'm not on full liquids, I'm going to try to focus on the meal guidelines and teaching myself how to not drink 30 mins prior to or 30 mins after my meal. Incorporate that in my new lifestyle changes and train myself to eat on the schedule.   After looking for several timers, apps and watches, I finally just set my scheduled times as alarms in my Iphone to make sure I eat on schedule. I-phone let's you add several "alarms' in a day. Got a new arm band for it so that I can keep it on me in the office too.   I'm fearing that as I progress to "regular" foods my old triggers will come into play and I'll sabotage my progress. The thought of failing after all this surgery bruhaha would be devastating to say the least. I don't want to contemplate a step so far backward that I actually hurt myself with food....On the other hand when I really think about it I've been hurting myself with food for the past 15 years and did a bang up job at it!   Geez, see I just took a step back with that last comment alone. I'm hopeless!   Also I'm having a COPIOUS amount of gas the past two days. It's embarrassing! I'm not hurting just tootin away (I know TMI...my apologies again).   Very tired now...will have more to say tomorrow....BACK TO WORK DAY!




Energy Needed....

I'm hitting a wall with the energy level now. It's taking a lot to get going of late. I'm still enthusiastic mentally about this progress. I'm just beginning to see the scale move post-surgery. I'm hydrating well and tending to the diet of full liquids. Protein intake is on point. I'm working out daily (with the exception of Sundays). I'm doing what's being requested. I even started Biotin today to help with hair loss.   Any other suggestions on getting my energy levels up? I return to work this Wednesday and I want to be up and going. Not drab and tired. I got A LOT on my plate when I return to the office! I need ENERGY.




Libido After Vsg

I'm just wondering how soon after the surgery do you even look toward intimacy? I'm not forseeing any time in the near future me wanting to go there, but how does the tide turn?   As a female I don't find the stitches particular working for my mojo, nor the challenge of learning to eat and adjust to my new stomach. My husband on the other hand is not looking to be 6 weeks or more out of the saddle as he says.   Ladies, how soon after surgery can I realistically anticipate getting my mojo back!   Guys, how about you? What are you thoughts/feelings on this matter. Post Op, were you raring to go quickly or did it take several weeks or months to get back in the saddle.   Just curious and concerned.




Post-Surgery Visit

I had my first post op visit with the surgeon yesterday. Overall I've lost a total of 2lbs since discharge. A bit disappointing since I've not cheated on my liquid diet and have been walking EVERY DAY, sometimes twice a day. I'm taking in less than 1000 calories a day. What gives?   He said not to be focus on the scale, because everything else is looking pretty darn good. I'm not cramping, my swollen feet are all but gone. I'm able to drink my 4 oz w/o much difficulty. No apparent blood clots.   I went to my PCP the day before and they took me off my hypertension meds and well as my metformin (diabetes med) but told me to monitor my sugars and blood pressure to see where they go. This was great news. Since discharge my BP hasn't gone above 130 and my sugar are normal. My surgeon discharged me from hospital with a suspended med regimen noting that if my sugar went above 200, to take half my metformin dose and if the top number of my BP went to 150 to take 1/2 my blood pressure pill until I follow-up up with the PCP. Leading up to my visit with the PCP I did not have to take anything! All was stable and within normal limits! PCP said to stay off them, but continue to check and come back in 30 days. One huge step for me.   Back to surgery follow-up..... My lymphedema in my left leg has improved significantly, but he said I'm still Stage 2. Discoloration, thickened skin and susceptible to ulceration and possible infection. The discoloration may never correct itself. Overall the "leathery" appearance has gotten noticeably better so I have hope.   Doctor wants me to focus on staying fit and moving on to the purree food zone in about week. Overall I'm not feeling any pain. Wounds are healing well. Clothes definitely feeling loose, but scale not reflecting that much of a change.   Will keep trying. I was in pretty bad shape so I think It's going to take me longer to hit my stride with the pounds melting off. I've gotten the hydration down to a science so I don't think that's going to be a problem.   Return to work date is 07/18/2012, but I'm a desk jockey so I don't see it being an issue for me. No abdominal discomfort and overall feeling very blessed.




3 Days Post Op- Water!

I'm 3 days post op now. Discharged yesterday and I'm home. I'm focused on staying hydrated and keeping the water moving. I'm on full liquids for the next two weeks and I'm not even blinking at it. I have NO HUNGER at all. It's a bit shocking. To not be hungry. No cravings.... My mom stopped by a burger joint on my way home to get my boys some lunch and I didn't even salivate at the smells of french fries and bacon burgers! It phased me not one bit. (My mom was hesitant about stopping to get burgers because of my condition, but I told her to let the boys be boys for now. They eat pretty well most of the time).   I tried plain yogurt and it didn't go down well at all. I used to love yogurt with a little bit of lemon juice. I've been able to tolerate creamy of chicken soup pretty well. I tried chicken broth with a little bit of spice and it did not go down well. Vegetable broth is a winner!   I'm pretty sure I will not be able to do spice for a while. I thought I'd be really leaning on the sugar-free popsicles, but I find them a bit too sweet. I"m going to try SF jello today. Right now it's all about the crystal light and water. A sip every 15 minutes! I do not want to get dehydrated and that's my biggest obstacle for now.   I'm also doing deep breathing exercises every two hours to ensure I don't develop pneumonia. That's a challenge, but I'm staying on course. I also have a little machine to work on my legs. It does compressions on my calfs when I'm idle to prevent blood clots. I also have a 10 day regimen of blood thinners in the form of shots in my tummy. It seems like a lot, but my doctor is very thorough and I truly LOVE the office for that. I feel well taken care of.   I'm staying away from the scales until my follow-up. Initial consult weigh was 339 lbs, Day of surgery I registered 325 lbs. At discharge I was 326 lbs (mainly due all the water they were pumping into me). My follow-up is next Thursday. So we'll see where I land.   Taking it day by day.... GOALS: WALK WALK WALK. DRINK DRINK DRINK.




Surgery On 07/03/2012

I finally got sleeved on 07/03/2012. The procedure went well despite a small hiccup with me not meeting my goal weight loss of 15lbs at my pre-op on 06/29/2012. I needed to lose 5 more LBS over the weekend o my surgeon said we may have to push back the date. I told him ABSOLUTELY NOT. We'd keep the surgery date and I commenced to work my A** off over the weekend.   Monday was weigh in date at the office I and met goal by losing 6 lbs over the weekend. I was elated. My mom and hubby were there for the surgery and I checked in at 11:30 a.m. Besides difficulty with my IV I can only say my procedure went rather well. I woke up at about 5 p.m. with the anticipated pains, but nothing severe or overbearing considering I just had 80% of my tummy removed through 5 little holes in my belly.   My only drama was my IV which had to be replaced and since I was already low on water my veins were hard to find. Overall my pain level was never above a 7 on the 1-10 scale.   The gas pains were something else, but I will tell ANYONE. WALK. WALK. WALK. Up and down the hallways as much as you can. It did wonders for me. The nurses were cheering me on because everytime I'd go the restroom, I'd goal myself to do at least 4 laps before getting back in the bed.




Loose Skin Is Freaking Me Out....

For some reason I'm plagued with fears of having all this jiggly loose skin and needing to buy multiple girdles and what nots. I have several friends and even a couple of relatives that have had other WLS, such as LapBand and bypass (more commonly the Lapband) and it's all over the place. Some are fine and just have minimal sagging. Some are plaqued with infection, chafing and ulcerations. Some have complained of smelling due to these skin problems. IT REALLY A GAMUT! Where will I fall?   I'm so scared of getting sick from the skin issues I've seen. To be fair, the worse cases seemed to affect those that I know were over 400lbs and had lost weight VERY fast as a result of the more invasive bypass procedure. If anything I've always been a little off the grid....Sigh....a little late for me. I feel myself rambling....NITE NITE.




Pre-Op: Ready, Set, Go!

My surgery date is 07/03/2012. My Official pre-op visit is 06/29/2012. I went to the doctor on Tuesday to get my meal replacements and pre-op diet guidelines. It's becoming more real. While I'm over the moon with how well everything has gone so far....I got insurance approval before I completed the surgeon's checklist! I guess I AM the ideal candidate for this procedure after all....I'm still scared that things may go awry.   I'm almost forty, BMI is 60 and I'm a mess right now! OSA, Uncontrolled Diabetes and the beginning stages of lymphedema in my left leg! Oh....and did I say I'm only 5'3 inches. Don't even get me started on my family hx.   I'm ready! Goal: 15 lbs.   This week: 1 meal replacement for the 3 main meals. 2-3 snacks (light/sugar-free, high protein, whenever possilble), smaller portions, 30 minutes per meal. Chew carefully. Do not drink with meals. Water, water, water. Protein, veggies, cheese, carbs. NO SUGAR if at all possible; smaller plates, smaller utensils, WALK DAILY if possible......I'm on it.



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