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Bye Bye 27Lbs, I Sure Won't Be Missing You!

So, I went to my first pre op doctor's appt today and am excited to say that I am down 27lbs so far. The down side is that she wants me to stay on the liquid diet for one more week because she says that she does a very tight sleeve. But overall she said I am doing good and I really do feel great!!!!!!!!!!!




Not Hungry........................but

I AM SO FREAKIN SICK OF THIS DAMN LIQUID DIET*lol*, Monday can't get here fast enough just so I can start the puree stage of my diet. How many of you guys know what I am talking about?





How long after surgery did you have your first alcoholic drink, and what was your reaction to it?




1 Week Post Op

I am one week out today and besides feeling a little discomfort I am fine. Actually the discomfort is coming from when I go to sleep and lay on my back. I have big breasts so sleeping on my back is totally uncomfortable. I am going to try to take it easy because I have been feeling so good that I have been running alot instead of resting but I am going to just relax from here on out until I return to work.




Stir Crazy

Hey guys. I have two weeks off from work and am going stir crazy*lol*. I wish that I went back today instead of the 24th*ok that was a drama queen moment*. I can't believe how well I am feelig. Yesterday I surprised my mom and went to see her and we had a great visit. I have a appt to see my surgeon next Monday, so that means one more week on the liquid diet which I am sick of already. I am not hungry nor do I have a appetite I just don't want anymore liquids and jello*poking out tongue* I am actually getting in all of my required protein and my liquids. I am just sick of it. So how are you guys doing?





OMG, are any of you guys experiencing this, it feels so funny when I swallow anything. I can actually feel the liquid go down my throat into my pouch and if I try to do anything other than sip is feels so uncomfortable and hurts. It's so funny before surgery I didn't even take notice to these things. I also feel empty inside like I know most of my stomach is gone. Is this crazy or do you guys feel me on this.




Today's The Day

Today is the big day and I am excited. Getting ready to soak in me a bubble bath and slowly but surely getting ready to be at the hopsital at 10:00 for my 12:00 surgery. This seems surreal because it has happened so fast, I am excited and just a tad bit nervous. I will check in when I get home from the hospital. Thanks guys for all the love and support you have given me.   XXOOXXOOXXOO   Lisa





I received my surgery time for tomorrow and it is at 12:00pm. I will be at the hospital at 10:00am.




This Sh*t Is Harder Than I Thought It Would Be

I am on the first day of my all liquid pre-op diet, and OMG it is way harder than what I thought it would be. Thank goodness I just have to do it for two days. I am peeing out everything I put into me*sorry if that was TMI*. It is weird the regular pre op diet didin't bother me at all, but it has just been half a day on the full liquid and I am starving. This has got to be a head thing.I am not worried about it though because I am definitely going to do it. Have this happen to any of you guys?




My Last Fat Girl Meal*lol*

So you guys all know that Wednesday is my surgery and I have been on my pre-op diet for almost 2 weeks. Tomorrow I start 2 days of just liquids leading up to the surgery and I am not worried about that because I have been really good with this pre op diet. So this is where my problem starts. I want to have a double cheese burger, with fries and ice cream for my meal today because I know I will not have that again in a long time.   Did any off you guys have a last meal*so to say* before surgery,and if so what did you have? Was it worth it? Did you feel guilty afterwards? More importantly did it effect your surgery in anyway?




Update(Venting) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Ok, I am a little frustrated so let me just try to calm down first....................................ok here goes. So I went to my PCP to get my clearance from him and of course there was a problem. He couldn't clear me without seeing all my test results. So I call the hospital I am having the surgery at and of course no one is there but the receptionist because it is after 5:00pm. She was very helpful though and told the doctor that in the morning she will let them know that they have to fax my results over to him.   Not that I don't trust her but I wrote out everything that has to be done and as soon as I get to work in the morning I am faxing it over myself, I know you guys do not blame me right? So, as of now the surgery is still*HOPEFULLY* on for the 5th. My pcp saw me getting upset and was like no stay positive. As soon as they fax him the paperwork he will fax them the clearance. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for that. But I am sure that shouldn't be a problem. I just wished the hospital had let me know the procedure because I thought I was going to get the clearance today.   Next who else is tired of going to appts after appts. I have went to so many appts from May to now that I don't know what to do and am honestly just worn out and tired. The only high light of it all is that I did loss 8 pounds on my pre-op so far. Thanks for letting me vent, sorry this was a long one.




God Is Good All The Time

So I found out yesterday when I signed my consent that my co-payment for the hospital stay is $250.00. How sweet is it that the owner of my company said he is going to pay it for me because he is so proud of what I am doing to improve myself and my health. God is truly good, all the time.




Consent Form Signed*doing Happy Dance*

So, I just came from my surgeon and NUT appts. I signed my consent form, and I saw my NUT. Now only thing I have to do is call my PCP tomorrow and get clearance from him. I was given my pre op diet and I asked when can I start it. I almost hit the floor when I was told tomorrow. Hopefully I will have my surgery date by the end of the week, and have to stay on the diet until then. It's honestly not too bad. It consists of 3 protein shakes per day, For my snack a cup of sugar free, fat free/low fat yogurt and a piece of fruit. Plus a sensible meal that is 6 oz of meat, 2 servings of bread/starch 1 cup of veggies, 1 cup of salad greens with two tablespoons of low fat salad dressing. Considering what alot of other people pre-op diets are, this is really great. Well it sounds great, let us see how it is when I start it*lol*




Feeling Sad

I am feeling sad. My niece and I started this WLS journey a few months apart, to be honest it is because of her wanting the surgery, that I started looking into it and decided that it was the best thing for me. Well I called her excited telling her about tomorrow and me signing the consent and now she is talking about she might not have her gastric sleeve.   Issues has come up along the way for her, she has gall stones, something may be wrong with her kidneys(they have to test it again) and she have a low B1 level. So now she is saying if she doesn't have surgery this year she isn't going to have it. I feel as if my balloon has been deflated and tried to give her a pep talk and she said that she doesn't want to hear it.   I feel so guilty that everything is going smoothly for me and not for her, I don't want her to be mad at me, especially since it is sorta because of her that I decided to do this. I don't know what to do, is it wrong that I am still excited for me? I am just confused right now, any advice will truly be appreciated.





We all get to see our surgeon one last time before our WLS. What are some of the questions that you asked him/her before the surgery that was helpful too you?




Almost There....................................

I wanted to share some good news with y'all. When I go see my NUT on the 21st of this month, I am going to meet with my surgeon also. It looks like all my paper work is in order and I get to sign the consent forms for my surgery the same day. So after I sign the forms they send them to my insurance company and about a week or so after that, I should have a surgery date. I am so excited talk about being one step closer. You guys please pray and send me positive thoughts that all goes as plans.





Even though I have a couple of months left before I get sleeved, I want to start buying lil things now so when I do have my date, I will mostly have everything I need already in the house. What was some things that you guys bought for your surgery and actually used. I know I am definitely going to get a pill crusher because I was told that is a must have.




Pysch Evaluation...........................................

Well, today was the day. I went to see the pysch, and....................................................HE CLEARED ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so quick. It took me longer to fill out all the paper work then it did to see him. He talked to me for about ten minutes then start printing out papers and was like ok here is your copy to keep for your files, and I will e-mail a copy to your surgeon. Then he was like good luck and have a great day. Talk about someone who walked out there with a chesire cat grin on their face.




Words Of Encouragement Needed Please

I have jut been feeling blah lately and am eating everything under the sun. I should be having surgery no later than October and know that I need to get on the right track and start eating healthier. It' like my body knows that something is going to change soon so I am eating more than ever. Has anyone been through this and if so how did you stop it?




Seeing The Psych..................................

I am so excited. I see the psych on August 1st and after that I get my appt with the surgeon to set up my date for surgery. The whole process has gone faster than I ever imagined. I am nervous, scared, a little anxious, but more so excited about the new me that will be emerging soon. What are some of the things you are feeling as you get closer to your surgery.




One Step Closer..................................................

Hey guys how are you all doing out there? I was just sitting here thinking about this journey I have started on May 21st, and how smooth the progress is going along, and God is good all the time. I feel sorry for those who doesn't realize that. Tuesday I go to my PCP and they are going to take an EKG, no worries, nothing is wrong it is just routine . My surgeon told me if I get a copy of it, I won't have to take another one on their end which is wonderful, so that means other than getting my appt for the pysch all my test will be completed.   So this had me thinking.............................do you realize that each thing we do gets us one step closer to reaching our goals and to having surgery, and that is just a great feeling. With this said if any of you are feelin discouraged, please don't give up because your time is going. Every little step we take is really a huge one if we look at it. I so can't wait to be on the LOSERS bench, and just wanted to share this feeling with you. Continued blessings. :wub:




Sharing My Update................................................now Tell Me Yours

Hey guys, I am in a really good mood. I meet with my nutrionalist today and she said that with my insurance Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield she believes that my weight management diet is just 3 months*YIPPEE*. She says of course losing weight is great while on the program, but as long as I maintain and don't gain they will be happy with that. I am planning to lose some weight by following the eating habits that she gave me. Hell it is better to start now before the surgery and get used to it.   So now that you guys know what is going on with me, tell me, what is your latest update and how have you been?



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