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Hoping for a New Start to Re-Invent ME.

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Did It!

Hello everyone,   Well, I DID IT! I was sleeved yesterday (11/16) at noon. I still can't believe it's over already. We arrived at the hospital at 10 a.m., where they checked me and took me back to pre-op area. The nurse there....Kathy, was GREAT. She was very attentive, talkative and interactive. While she was asking me all the health history questions, she asked me how I got to the point where I knew the 'sleeve' was what i wanted to do. I told her that between meeting with my PCP where he recommended it, attending the seminar held by the surgeon and his Nurse Practitioner, I decided it was the one of the 3 that had the best results without being the most extreme. (Yes, I know, taking 85% of my stomach is extreme, but...)   Once pre-op was completed, and it took a specialist to get the IV started in my upper left arm, the surgery nurse came in and took me down to the operating room. There they inflated a new matress they have that when inflated, makes it so those who are moving your from your bed to the surgery table don't have to strain quite as much and it's much easier on their backs. After I was situated, the anesthesiologist started placing the monitoring pads on my upper chest. Then he said he wanted to put this mask on me to give me more oxygen and help calm me down a little. (I didn't think I was having problems stayin calm....but what ever). That is essentially all I remember. I don't remember waking up in recovery, and I don't remember being moved from recovery to my room. All I remember was that my hubby, sister, sis-in-law and mom-in-law were in the room chit chatting until I woke up. Then the nurse explained what everything was, and handed me the morphine drip button. I tried very hard to not use it any more often than necessary. Overnight, the nurses would come it to check my vitals, give me a shot for this, add another bag of something to the IV, ask how I was etc. I have to admit, I don't think I slept for more than 2 hrs at a stretch. At about 5 a.m., the tech came in and asked if I wanted to move to the chair. I did, of course, as I had been lying down since 11 a.m. the day before. My mouth was a dry mess, and all they offered were lemon flavored mouth swabs (YUCK). I would use that to get the most of the try out, and then I would dip it into a cup of water and rinse a little more that way, making sure I did not swallow.   At about 7:30 a.m., Sydney (the tech) came in and announced we were heading down to x-ray where they could do a leak test. While I as standing there, they handed me this tall milk white container with the barium in it. As I stood there the x-ray tech asked me to take a couple big drinks (which kind of scared me with the sleeve!) so he could see it running through my esophagus and to my stomach to witness if there were any leaks. After 4 different views, he was done (it took all of about 10 min) I was sent back to my room to wait for the Dr. with the results.   A couple hours later, the doctor showed up and said he was pleased with how surgery went, and that the leak test showed no issues. He would come back after noon and see how things are going and likely send me home.   After he left, the lead nurse (Deanna) removed the catheter....(damned glad I don't have to do THAT very often) the nurses and my sister helped me shower and change into my street clothes (all but my t-shirt since I was still connected to the IV). Once they got the orders to remove me from the IV, I was able to put on my t-shirts.   Dr. came in about 1:15 or so and asked if I wanted to go home. So, I asked him if he wanted to send me home. He said definitely. Everything is going well, and he wrote orders for the nurses and then wrote a prescription for vicoden for me. Deanna came back in with the final papers for me to sign, and then I got to leave (via wheelchair to my hubby waiting in the car at the door). We then took a trip to the closest pharmacy to get my prescription filled....they didn't have the dosage he was asing for...so we tried another...same issue. Then we tried a 3rd, and by then we realized the dr had added his cell number to the bottom of the prescription, so the pharmacist called to discuss the dosage and find out if it could be modified. He said yes, so we got the medicine and headed home.   I have now declared where I will be the next couple of days while I recover (recliner in the front room).   This first day hasn't been all that aweful, but it hasn't been a cake walk either. I have quite a bit of discomfort where the air bubble is sitting on my diaphram, and from the 1 - 1 1/2" incision at the top of my bellybutton to remove the stomach through. Other than that, the pain is rather minimal.   I hope all that have an upcoming surgery date, will go ahead and do it. By reading all the posts on here, I know that day 2 will be better than today, and day 3 better than that and so on. I can't wait for the New Year and the new me!!

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Thirteen Days To Go.....liquid Diet Day One

Well, I just survived day one of the 2-week liquid diet required by my surgeon for the procedure. List is 5- 8 oz. 2% (but I drink 1% or Skim) milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast no sugar added and any sugar free liquid. I can also have up to 2 cups of soup broth. Today started with a chocolate shake....drank a Starbuck's black iced tea with equal until lunch...2 chocolate shakes for lunch, and then came home a bit early (it is Friday, after all) and took a nap (I miss being a kid). Drank a Special K K20 protein water (5 grams protein) and then 2 vanilla shakes (one I mixed in sugar free caramel syrup and the other I added a couple drops of peppermint extract....YUM). All-in-all, not a bad day. I've not really had any cravings, per se. Mostly, just thoughts of the food I like, but nothing that really tempted me to want to step off the path. One day down.....thirteen to go.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Time Keeps On Ticking

Wow! It's been a month since I posted last. Does that tell you there's not been much going on since I got my date set for 11/16? Haven't heard a peep from the dr's office. Guess they trust me to do what they told me on 9/26. They can, but one would think they could be a little more customer inter-active. Oh well....   This past weekend, my 8-month old niece was baptised! (yeah!)....The whole side of my family was together (2 sisters and a brother...one sister (step) was missing, but no reason was given). Any..who....I had mentioned to my husband during our 3 hour drive to the ceremony, that I was considering telling my parents and siblings (well, my brother since the 2 sisters who were there already knew). He said, please don't, I have to ride home with you tomorrow. (ha)   Well, we were standing in the kitchen cutting the cake and mixing the punch, and there was a lull. So I grabbed my dad by the elbow and dragged him to an empty hallway outside. I didn't want to make a scene or take away from the celebration they were having for Emma. I started off with, "Dad, I have something to tell you and I'm not asking for advice, guidance or alternatives...I'm just filling you in on what I'm planning as a courtesy so you know what's going on". He looked at me like I was talking giberish. I told him I was having wls on 11/16 and that my sister Becky was going to come up and stay with me during the process of hospital and a couple days at home before she returns to her family (or they come up for Thanksgiving, however it works out.) He was a bit shocked and then started asking all the typical questions. What kind? How does it work? How successful is it? How long will recover take? etc. Then once we were done talking (about 5 min or so) he looked at me and said "Sis, what made you think I would try to change your mind or give you advice?" REALLY? Only because you've done it every other time in my life when I've tried to talk to you about a decision I was making or wanted to make? No idea, Dad.   So then, I told my step-mom (whom I've not been that close with EVER in the 32 years they've been married) and she was actually stunned and then hugged me. After I explained everything and answered he questions, she said "I'm excited if you're excited. Whatever will make you happiest is all I can hope for".   Now, I want to know this....WHERE ARE MY PARENTS AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM!? have they been abducted by aliens, injected with some syrum that makes them seem (or at least come across) as normal? When did they become so relaxed and easy going with things? This is the couple who ALWAYS knew what was best and were never bashful for sharing (or strongly suggesting) how they think we should proceed with our decisions.   Today I am 3 days from my second 22 birthday. Yep, I've made it to the point where I get to celebrate 22 for the second time. Then on Friday, I start my 2 week liquid diet. And, just for good measure, as if I need ANY challenges during the liquid diet, I have a wedding to attend on 11/10 with a large reception. I made sure everyone I told on Saturday knew that I would be on a liquid diet at the wedding, so I would not be eating, so please don't make a big deal out of it. They all agreed.   I never thought on 9/26 that 11/16 would get here so quickly. I'm glad it's almost here. I'm excited, anxious and nervous all rolled into one. I have started trying to teach myself the liquid diet just to get ready, so I've been doing liquids only for breakfast and lunch. Only solid foods for dinners. I'm starting to wonder, though, are the sounds/grumblings coming from my stomach from hunger, or nerves?   I hope everyone who is working through the process is having great success. Chins up....our day(s) are coming!!

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


It's A Date!

Whew! Finally. If I'm learning one thing during this process, it's patience. It's been baby steps since May, but as of Wednesday I have a surgery date! November 16, 9:30 a.m. with a 2 week liquid diet prior to lose 9 - 20 lbs. Since our liver stores fat, the idea is the shrink the liver by getting it to purge it's fat and shrink so the surgeon won't have to battle it to get to the stomach. Have my prescription for anti-nausea patch to apply the day prior. Since I have seven weeks from today in which to prepare, I'm going to star working at getting my breakfast and lunches to liquid while eating sensible dinners with the hubby until the first day of the liquid diet (which coincidentally, happens to be the day after my b-day).   I've found some Turkey stock, so while I won't be able to gorge as in years past on Thanksgiving, I will be able to still have that taste of turkey. Patience....that's always been my hardest lesson to learn, but I guess I have no choice, but to count the days and get prepared for the liquid diet and SUCCEED!

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Getting Closer!

Seems this has been moving along slowly. In May I went to the information seminar. June I met with the psychologist. July was the meeting with the bariatrics team (surgeon, nutritionist, physical therapist) and a battle to get the dr's office to do their work to get information to the insurance company for approval (have you ever pushed a rope?). August was the upper endoscopy, and finally today, almost the end of September, I had my EKG, Chest x-ray, and blood drawn for pre-surgery testing. Wednesday I will go meet with the nurse practitioner who will go over all the test results to determine if I'm healthy enough for surgery, and set a surgery date. FINALLY! According to her when we set the date for today's tests, the surgery has to be performed within the next 30 days, or the tests will have to be re-done, and the insurance companies don't like do overs. SO....with any luck at all, this time next month, I will have my sleeve and be on my journey into my new life.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Eyes Opening

Ok, chances are I'm overreacting, and if so...ok.   It's Monday, I'm in the office, and no fewer than 6 people since 8:00 a.m. (it's 12:30 now) have walked down the hall and each one has made a point to either say "hi" or stop and talk to the girl across the hall. Now, mind you, I'm not a wall flower....I'd say I'm pretty outgoing in this office, and I have worked here 13 years. I'm the "go to" when people need things. She's quiet, reserved and an engineer who isn't all that outgoing. The other difference between us is I've been overweight my entire life, so those who have worked with me have only known me as overweight (and in my opinion have a bias against that and feel uncomfortable.....so sorry), I'm 5'7, red hair, fair complexion and 254 lbs. She is 5'6, blonde hair, fair complexion and probably 130.   So the question is, why do they make the effort to say hi to her, and can't be bothered to turn and say hi to me as well? Why is it I only exist and am noticable when it comes to what they need and when they need it?   Well.....times, they are a changin.....and there's a reconin' coming! After I'm sleeved, and the weight starts falling off.....you can BET I won't be interested in their attention. I've known all my life who my "real" friends are and who those are that are only there for the fair weather. I won't suffer fake people. Not worthy of my time or trouble.   It's amazing to me how easily it is for others to be so rude and judgmental against those overweight. I've even noticed that it's actually socially acceptable for talking heads and comedians to poke fun at overweight politicians! How DARE they? Isn't it said that you can't judge a man (or woman) until you've walked a mile in their shoes? Sometimes, I just wish the world would grow up and try to consider those around them and pre-think they're actions.   Kicking the soapbox back into the corner.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


One Step Closer....

Well, yesterday was interesting to say the least. I'm very lucky with the job I have to be able to work from home when situations require (which is handy since I live an hour from the office).   After being delayed from last week for my upper endoscopy, yesterday was the day. My hubby drove me to the hospital where I checked in and they took me back to talk with the nurse and go over all the medical details, repeat for the upteenth time what meds I'm taking and answer all the personal questions we've all answered God knows how many times. One would think when your primary is associated with the same hospital you're having the procedure at, they would already have all that information in yoru electronic file that they all have access through the laptops they carry around. It's the same system!   Ok, moving on... (sorry, time to leave for work) To Be Continued.   Ok, I'm back...whew! What a day.   So I arrived at the check in counter, and the check in tech was very nice and had a great since of humor. She put a wristband on my arm, we waited for my hubby to park the car and come in, and we went toward back to my bed. We met the charge nurse on the way and she walked with us to the waiting room where we sat and went over everything. We then went back to my bed, where I was asked to change into a gown. Once comfortable in bed, they brought a blanket and started looking for a vein for my IV. After 4 tries (2 in the back of my right hand, and once on the inside of my forearm) they finally gave up and brought in a more practiced nurse, who plunged right into a vein just outside my elbow (where I sometimes donate platelets from....which I told them about several times but they didn't want to sue). Anyway.....we got the IV started. (this took about 20 min) I was then wheeled into the procedure room where I had 2 nurses who joked with me the entire way, and as they were setting me up for the procedure. One placed the monitor patches on me as the other double checked my details (name, birthday, etc.)   Once that was done, one walked around the bed and had me open my mouth and said she was going to spray a medicine that will numb my throat (spray, swallow, spray, swallow, spray, swallow....and it did NOT taste good!). The other asked and helped me turn onto my left side. After I told them I could barely tell I was swallowing my mouth and throat were so numb, they said that was the idea. The medicine they had put into my IV had relaxed me to the point where I knew what was going on, but I wasn't really thinking about it. They put a mouth guard in my mouth to help me hold it open while they performed the procedure. I couldn't even tell when they inserted the tube! I never felt it go down my throat, I never felt it in my stomach, and it wasn't but 5 or 10 min, and we were done!   The wheeled me back into my space, let me lay there for a bit. Went and got my hubby, who had enough time to go and get something to eat, and after about 15 min I could get up and change back into my clothes (after they removed all the monitor patches, IV, cords, etc.). They they brought a wheel chair, explained that I was to go home and find a comfortable place to sit, and not even do housework for the next 12 to 24 hours (which is how long they said it would take for the meds to wear off). They told me when I go to get up, I'm to slide to the edge of the chair and wait until my head gets settled before standing up. Once I was dressed and ready to go, I just got up off the bed, and walked over to the wheel chair (with no problems!). The nurse about crapped and told me to slow down! That I was under the influence even if I didn't feel like I was. (Well, I don't think I was.) My hubby went to get the car, picked me up from in front of the hospital, and we stopped and got dinner on the way home.   The only issue I had, was after my hubby left about 6:15 last night to go get my mother in law and go to a church meeting (which this procedure got me out of....thank you LORD), I got up to get something to drink and started getting cold sweats and a bit nauscious. I didn't throw up, I managed to sit down for a bit....and after awhile, I got up and got my pillow from my bed, cuddled up under an afaghan on my couch, reclined back, and fell asleep until he got home. Boy....that did the trick!   I went to bed at the same time I do every night, got up with the alarm this morning and headed off on my hour commute and had no trouble today. I remember everything that happened, and don't remember any trouble, but the IV prep.   Next step is to call the office tomorrow to find out the results. Then I wait until 9/24 to have my chest x-ray, EKG and blood drawn for testing. Then 9/26, I go meet with the nurse to go over the test results, the 2 week liquid diet required priot to surgery, and then set the surgery date! Hoping it can be as early in October as possible so by Thanksgiving, I can participate without making too many people uncomfortable.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet



Well today I was scheduled for my endoscopy at 2 p.m. Told not to eat or drink anything for 8 hours prior. Got up at 6 and was so good to not eat or drink anything. Used lip balm and brushed my teeth to get the dryness to go away. 9:25 a.m. comes, tummy is grumbling (loudly) and the phone rings. The hospital called and said they need to reschedule my procedure due to the dr. having to perform emergency surgery this afternoon.   Now, I'm not selfish in the least. I'll donate anything I have (blood, platelets, tissue, marrow...) as long as I can reproduce it or live without it if someone else needs it. I'm in no way sick, and I'm only in a holding pattern until my next appointment in September for my x-rays, EKG and blood tests, so what's another 8 days to wait for an endoscopy? No sense making a stink about it. If it's an emergency, it's an emergency, and God bless him for dropping everything to help whomever needed him at the time. But I do have to admit to being a bit disappointed. Having this procedure would have been a big step for me in the process to tell me that it's really real and going to happen.   So, I put my patience hat back on, and look forward to next Wednesday (8/29) for my endoscopy. Oh the joys of life and never knowing what's right around the corner.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Finally Moving Forward

Yeah! The Nurse Practitioner called me Friday on the drive home from work. She was working through the files on her desk just like I was told.   Now that things are in her hands, it seems as though the ride from here might be a bit smoother. I am not scheduled:   August 21 - Endoscopy September 24 - Chest X-Ray; EKG; Blood Work September 26 - Review tests with Nurse Practitioner, go over 2 week diet requirement and schedule the surgery date!!   After talking things over with my hubby, and trying to navigate the events we have coming up, I believe I'm going to work to begin the 2 week liquid diet on 10/15. I have a wedding party to do make up for (Mary Kay Consultant) the first weekend of October. We are taking my 88 y/o mother-in-law on vacation the next weekend (10/12). That would put my surgery (if I'm lucky and there's availability) the week of 10/29....which puts it very near my birthday. I'm TOTALLY ok with that, as this can then be my birthday present to myself!!! At 44, I'll be starting a new me! Next year, it will be 2 birhtdays in one! This will also mean (hopefully....if post-surgery recouperating goes well) that I could potentially have turkey and mashed potatoes with everyone at Thanksgiving! And Christmas will be even better because that will be about 8-9 weeks out and things should be showing significant progress. (I know, maybe a bit Pollyanna-ish, but if you're not positive, things won't happen, right?)   WHOO HOO!!! I'm SO excited this is finally moving forward.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Whew! Breakthrough!

Yeah!   After talking to the Dr's office Monday and finding out they still had not received the letter from the insurance company, Tuesday I called again, and they told me it was in nurse review. I called the insurance company and they told me that wasn't so, that I was approved and the letters were all mailed out the same day (7/24). If they still had not received it, they could log into their website and use the reference number (she gave me) to pull up the letter and print it from there. I called the Dr's office back, and gave them the informatino along with the website and reference number. I called back yesterday, and was told they called the insurance company but had not received a call back, and asked if I could fax my letter to them. So as soon as I walked through the door when I got home, I dropped everything and faxed that sucker to them.   This morning I called to confirm they had recieved it. She said they had and that my file was on the coordinator's desk and I would get a call soon to start the scheduling of pre-op testing that was needed. I didn't think anything about not getting a call back. At about 3:50 p.m., my husband called. He had just walked in at home and said I needed to call the Dr's office before 4 p.m., but he had not written down the number. I found the number on the web through my phone (one would think I would have it memorized by now) and called. The receptionist answered and found my paperwork. I was scheduled for an endoscopy on 8/21 at 2 p.m. The file will now go to the nurse practitioner who will call me to schedule a date/time to go in and meet with her to go over the next steps, procedures, what to expect, 2-week liquid diet, etc. She is on vacation next week, so hopefully she will call me tomorrow. I made sure to let them know to use my cell as my primary number, so now we wait......   At least things are moving forward.

Tiffany Talbert Corbet

Tiffany Talbert Corbet


Stuck In Neutral

I swear, two steps forward, three steps back. I'm usually known to be a patient person, but this is REALLY starting to test my limits.   So last Tuesay (7/31), I got the approval letter in the mail from my insurance that I am approved. It's assumed that the dr's office received one the same day and I would be hearing from them soon regarding scheduling the next pre-op tests. OF COURSE NOT! I was patient, and waited until Friday to call the dr's office (keep in mind, I have not talked to them, because they don't bother to return phone calls, since 7/17.....when I called them and found out they had not submitted my paperwork after waiting a week for my psych results they had not requested after THEM scheduling me on 6/10 for the appointment!) {deep breath}   So anyway, I call and the coordinator actually answered the phone (it's 90% the part-time receptionist. I think the coordinator hides from me). I told her that I had received the approval letter on Tuesday and was just calling to find out what the next steps will be. "We haven't received a letter from your insurance. Perhaps it's in the mail and I haven't seen it. I'll go back through and see if it's there. If not, no big deal, I can call the insurance company and get the code needed to move forward.". Ok, cool, no big deal. I didn't not hear back (of course). So I called yesterday, and they said they still had not received the letter and insurance told them it was in "nurse review". (This is where I call bulls***.) So I got off the phone with them, and called the insurance company (UHC) and tell them the dr's office has told me they have not received the letter. She tells me that's odd since it was mailed out on 7/24. (UGH) So I get the reference #, and the website they can go to and print the letter out from there. I call the dr's office back, and get the receptionist again and give her this info. She takes it and my cell #. Do you think I've heard a peep out of them!? HELL NO!   I need a patient advocate, because my ends are about frayed and I can't be responsible for not blowing my cool the next time I talk to them. Are we really sure it's always the insurance companies in the wrong, and not just incapable workers in the dr's office? This is driving me NUTS! I'm going to need the psych all over again when this is finally done just to get rid of my murderous thoughts.   Ok, one more time.....UGH!

Moving Forward

Well, things are moving forward. Dr.'s office got the psych eval (I'm guessing since the guys with the white coats aren't chasing me, this must be a good thing). Today they contacted the insurance company, and low and behold they need more than they told me (twice!) when I called them before and after the seminar. Turns out (even though I've had the same insurance with the same company that last 13 1/2 years I've worked where I am) they need height/weight information for the past 5 consecutive years! Really!? Because over the last 13 1/2 years you've paid every claim I've had for primary and OBGYN, so isn't there somewhere, some way that you ALREADY HAVE THIS INFORMATION!? OMG! Anyway, I called my OBGYN and they pulled up the information and are faxing it to the bariatric center. (2 different hospitals) Now, I'm hoping this will satisfy what they need and I will be able to get approval so we can move another step closer to a surgery date and my new beginning!!

Help In The Strangest Places

I was skipping around reading different posts on Facebook, and found an article by Dr. Laura Berman (you know, the sex therapist on Oprah), and she's talking about her challenge of fighting breast cancer and what it's like going bald during the chemo treatments. While reading that article, she said something that struck me SO deep, that I wanted to share in hopes that it hits someone else too. You see, I'm scared to death of who the "new me" will be. Will I still have my self-deprecating humor? Will I still enjoy what I do today when I'm thinner? Will people still like and love a thinner me even though I've been overweight all my life and this is how people identify me? I'm going to have to learn that my overweight self today isn't want defines me. That being a thinner me and having health and happiness is OK! Here is the quote:   "It is amazingly empowering to let go of something you think defines you, only to discover you are a truer version of yourself without it. It’s like letting go of an anchor that’s holding you down." ~Dr. Laura Berman   I'm ready to meet that truer me!!

Antici-Pa-A-A-Ation....it's Making Me Wait.....

Last Tuesday, at 8 a.m. I met with the surgeon, dietician and physical therapist. I've been VERY good to NOT call the dr. office to bug them to find out if I have been approved by insurance or not. I have faith they're working on it best they can. Only thing is, I called the insurance prior to the information session and then again after receving the paperwork at the information session, and both times was told the only requirements for approval for the surgery (covered 100%, thank you GOD!) is that the BMI be 35+ with co-morbities, or 40+ without and a 5 day notice prior to the procedure. The surgeon told my husband and me that I fit perfectly into the perameters, and that now is the best time for me to do this since everything else health-wise is in great condition.   So why have I not heard anything!? I'm trying very hard to be mature and not throw a fit and become a pest. I'm working to convince myself that I need to wait at least until Friday before calling them to get an update.

Steps 2 And 3

Well, steps 2 and 3 are successfully complete. Last month I completed the psychology review. I'm guessing since the men with white coats haven't been chasing me (or caught me), that I must have been deemed normal (or at least less than a bubble off normal).   Today my husband and I met with the surgeon, dietician and physical therapist. The surgeon was very positive and answered every question my husband and I had and explained things until we "got it". My husband went in with some trepidation, but walked out confident in the decision I have made. I'm a good candidate for the sleeve procedure, and with no co-morbidities, the surgery should go smoothly. I've never had surgery, and never been under anesthesia, so everything will be a new experience for me.   The dietician didn't really tell us anything we don't already know. We aren't "health nuts", but we aren't gluttons either. We know how to eat healthy, we just need to eliminate those little "cheats" that tend to pile up as the nights progress and boredom sets in.   The physical therapist was helpful, in a way. We both walk 4 1/2 miles/night together. The hard part is I have a 1 hr commute to work and then home at the end of the day, so squeezing in an hour and a half to walk, get dinner ready, and find time to unwind from the day (and those CRAZY drivers I deal with on the road), we run out of time for anything else and I'm exhausted! He had us walk down a hall way (about 100 ft.) down and back for 6 minutes. He then placed a device on my finger to measure something (I'm guessing this was to see what my oxygen level is when I work out and how quickly I recover from working ou.)   Overall, it wasn't really anything I have not heard all my life as I've endeavored to try and lose weight. I've always been overweight, and I think it's gotten to the point that my brain and body work so effeciently together, that no matter what I try to do, they're always going to get their way. So having the sleeve procedure will throw a MAJOR curve ball at them both and make them do things my way.   Now we're in "wait" mode. The paperwork is being submitted to the insurance company and we are just waiting for the approval. (I called them twice before this appointment and was told all that was required was a BMI of 35+ with no co-morbidities, and a 40 without) an 5 days notice of the procedure. Once the approval is received, the nurse practitioner will call to start the pre-op required testing and that's when I'll get my surgery date as well. According to the surgeon, they are currently scheduling mid-August. FINGERS CROSSED they make that decision quickly!   Last night I was a bit nervous and apprehensive about whether this was what I really wanted to do. After meeting these people and discussing everything, I think it's not only something I want to do, but it's the RIGHT thing to do.

Step One....complete

The adventure has started. My husband, mother-in-law and I attended a seminar last night. The doctor was GREAT! Very engaging and informative. Lots of questions answered without even having to ask them. Now, decision making. I still think I want the sleeve procedure, but like my husband the only hesitation I have is the long-term results available. Since the sleeve has only been being performed for the past 5 years, it's hard to know what the opinion of the medical community will be in 10 - 15 years. Will doctors stop performing this procedure like they are starting to stop performing the lapband? Will they decide that there is a better option and that those with the sleeve are in a dangerous place because of the choice they made? With it being non-reversable, this is a bit freaky. I've read so many posts that talk about their success so far, that it's hard to think that in 10 - 15 years they won't be continuing on the same path.   I'm looking forward to calling the doctor's office to make an appointment for the next step to go through the meetings with the psychologist, surgeon, dietician, etc. to see where things go from here. I'm lucky, I don't have any of the co-morbity issues that go along with it, I would just like to get my head around my best option to get the 90 - 100 lbs gone. It's been a life long struggle that I'm ready to finally tackle and take the steps necessary to understand why I haven't been successful so far, or that are needed to be successful this time.

Getting Started...

Hello....   Well, here we are. I know how I got here, there's no question as to that. And I know how hard I've tried to not be here. I've been overweight all my life. I have pictures going back to pre-school that show I'm overweight compared to classmates. Even my cutest pictures give it away. Putting my hands together, you can see the dimples in my hands where my knuckles should be. I'm not saying I wasn't a cute little girl, I was, but it only grew into a bigger problem as I got older (we all know, all pun was intended).   I've read other posts, and so many others have gone through similar situations...grandmother who would say "you would be SO pretty if you would only lose weight", the subtle hints of cut out weight loss articles left in strategic places where they know you would find them, name calling in school by class mates, being conveniently forgotten when invites are "spur of the moment" for lunch in the office. All add up to internal turmoil and incessent self-punishment and then finding condolence with chololate or other sugar-laced/carbo-loaded delacacies. Then the evil cycle begins. Each Sunday conjuring up self-esteem and faith in myself to find the strength to get a new habit to form to eat right and exercise, to only have some family drama, or office stress point derail the progress.   In 2007 I started the 3-hour diet by Gorge Cruise. Success! -80 lbs. I was SO proud, slipped into size 12 jeans and was pumped! Then I met my husband and everything that was accomplished was undone with all the fun and spoiling that came along with falling in love. I know he only wants what's best for me, and he's constantly reinforcing me that he doesn't care about my weight, he fell in love with me, not my body. I've tried to explain to him that falling in love with me, means he has to fall in love with a me that is in love with myself, and if I can't stand myself, I can't buy in to the fact that there is someone out there that can love me more than I do.   My most recent physical was a week ago last Friday. All tests were normal. N-O-R-M-A-L. I don't have high blood pressure....my thyroid is fine....I don't have high sugar or diabetes....my cholesterol is fine....I don't have hypertension, aches of any kind, or pains that cause issues. So if I'm so "nomal"....why am I overweight!!?? The doctor has suggested with everything as good as it is now, and the fact that I've been overweight since pre-school, maybe the sleeve procedure is a good bet to help get things where they need to be. I have signed up for the 5/24 information session, and my husband is 100% behind me and wants to attend as well. (Even my mother-in-law wants to go....and she's 88 with her own health issues!) I'm more comfortable telling my inlaws, than I am telling my own family! I told my sister, and she's perfectly cool with it if it's what I think is best for me.   I have a friend in the office who had the lap-band procedure and I watched her lose weight rapidly. She went from a size 22 (230 lbs) to a size 4 (140 lbs) in about 8 months. That was 2 or 3 years ago. She is slowly slipping back up the scale because she gets so busy at work with all the travel required, she doesn't return to her doctor to get a "fill" to keep things in check. I understand this completely, but if that's the result of the lapband, and that you can cheat it that easily, I don't want it. I want something that will help me learn (force me to learn) what portion control HAS to be. Not what is should be, but what it HAS to be because my stomach isn't able to handle what "should" be. (ie. eliminate the possiblity of my subconscious sabotaging me)   Growing up, my parents divorced when I was 10. Six months later, my dad remarried. My stepmom isn't the most understanding when it comes to being overweight. She's been thin most of her life, so doesn't "get" what it means to have a weight issue. Then when I was 16 my mom died in a car accident, followed by my best friend since before pre-school 9 years later. Needless to say, a bit of stress. Moved to college, and was given the news from my dad that no matter what "she is my wife, right or wrong, and I will always back her"....that helped the self-esteem. I have only been his daughter longer than she's been his wife, but "whatever". So in a way, I've been on my own since college, with my sister as my primary cheerleader. I'm not saying I have a bad family, they're as loving as they know to be and they do what they think is right and I love each and everyone of them.   I'm in a place right now, that after talking with my doctor, I belive this procedure is the best avenue for me to re-invent myself. Like I said, my husband is 100% onboard and ok with my choice. I've already called my insurance company, and as long as it's "in network" (which it is), the procedure is covered 100%. My only requirement is to call the patient care line (or the doctor will) 5 days prior to the procedure.   So....next step....May 24, attend information session with the doctor who performs the procedure, and take all the questions I've been able to get from those who have experienced it to ask while I'm there. Any suggestions as to what a "newbie" should ask when they go to the information session?   Thanks, everyone. I look forward to hearing your suggestions.   Tif
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