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My Journey Begins

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Where To Begin

This is just a little about when my journey began. I have been overweight all of my adult life, actually it started in my early teens. So I've always had a desire to lose weight and tried just about every diet out there. It seems that the only time I was able to lose a significant amount of weight was when I was pregnant and that was due to severe morning sickness with both pregnancies. But I surely can't and don't want to be pregnant for the rest of my life just to lose weight. I started hearing about the Gastric Bypass about 15 yrs ago and did extensive research on it and it scared me so I decided that it wasn't for me. As the years passed, as a researcher by nature, I continued to look at the bypass but still was too afraid to go thru with it, but I noticed new procedures opening up, like the lap-band. Of course I did my research on that too and went to informational meetings and thought this was something I would like to pursue. That was probably 7-8 yrs ago and I was never able to get it done for whatever reasons. Well about 2 yrs ago I was on tract to get the lap-band only to realize that the Dr. didn't accept my insurance for the lap-band, but wanted to do the gastric bypass instead and once again I did not want that so I stopped my progress. In the mean time, I was able to lose about 40 #'s and gain about 20 back. I have since heard and researched the Gastric-Sleeve and am now on my journey to receive this procedure. It has been a long journey and I'm just beginning a new me.   Keep Moving Forward!





Well I've started my 5 day pre-op diet and I am really hungry:) My surgery is July 10th and I know that this is important so I will follow it to the T, I will not cheat. I have so much support with this. My husband, 3 sisters and a friend, wow, how much love I have. I appreciate all the support that they have given me. To be able to talk about this with them has been great and has helped me release some of the nervousness. This is only the first official day so we will see how the rest of this time goes.




Stall has ended!

I'm finally coming out of my stall. I've lost a couple of pounds and am going to continue. I need to tweak my eating and exercise when my body allows my to. Fibro is no joke. But I will succeed.   KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!




Sleepy After Meals!?

It's crazy, but after I eat, I get really sleepy and need a nap. I-) My stomach get this funny weird feeling while I eat, but I know it's my new stomach getting used to what I'm putting in it. I also get hot as if the furnace was turned on. I know this sounds so crazy, but what gives? Has anyone else experienced this?





I attended a memorial for a friend this past Wednesday. It was a sad occasion, but really good to see old friends. Everyone I talked to told me how good I looked. It felt good to hear. None of those that I saw this week knew I had the surgery and I left it that way. Although I told one of my oldest friends as she just kept complimenting me. She said I looked like I did back in high school, what a compliment. I really felt good knowing that all my hard work is paying off. Yay for all the nsv's to come.




My Journey Begins

Just to catch up on my progress. I have been to an informational meeting for the Gastric-Sleeve and I had my first Bod Pod done. I have had my surgeons visit on March 27, 2012 and is scheduled for the First Step Class on April 9. I will also start my support group meetings which is mandatory. I also have been under a doctor supervised diet plan for the past 3 months and will continue with that thru-out my journey. As I sit here blogging about my journey I am truly excited and nervous about it. What will this hold for me? I know that I'm ready to give this my all and to do what is needed to use this tool to my advantage.




Moving Forward Quickly!

The last time I posted I just had my psych visit. Well I've since received my date of July 10th for surgery, YAY, and have had my pre-op exam on June 19th. I am so excited and ready to get this journey on its way. I have my visit with the surgeon and the nut on June 26 and I have a lot of questions to ask, already written down. My surgery is approaching fast and although I say I'm prepared, I know that there are things that I still don't know an won't know until after surgery when I go through them. I am thankful for this sight because I have learned so much here and will continue to look here as I continue on my journey and maybe one day I will be of help to someone else just starting out. Thanks to all who have gone before me and who took the time to help me (us) out as we follow you through this journey.




Moving Ahead

I had my psych visit on May 14, 2012 and it went well. The Dr. said every thing looks good and that he would send it right to my surgeon, so I'm on my way. Not much longer now, I hope.




Missing Things Already

I've been on my pre-op diet for only 2 days and I'm doing ok. It's getting better each day, but all the commercials, I'm starting to miss all the food I think I'm not going to be able to have anymore. I know it's a mind thing but these commercials are driving me crazy. I am sticking to my diet to the letter and will not falter. It's not worth it, this is important and I want my surgery to go well. I'm doing this and will succeed. For all those who are at this stage, we can do this. KEEP MOVING FORWARD!




Major Stall :(

5 months out and I have been in a stall for about a month. This is crazy. I'm not really panicking over it because I knew this was going to happen, it was just a matter of when. So now I have to change something in order to get past this stall. I've been thru different things this last couple of months that I haven't been able to exercise so I will start to incorporate that back in, although I have to be careful. I will start slow with maybe 3 days a week and then increase when I'm sure I'm ok. I also need to tweak my diet as it has not been great although I'm still eating only about 3 oz's at a time, I need to change what I'm eating. Get back to basics: protein, water and then everything else. I really have a problem getting those in, especially the water, that has always been my problem. I know this stall will end, I just have to kick in to gear to make it move. I'm ready to be under 200 #'s. I'm so close, so now it's time to get there.




Made It Thru!

I had my surgery July 10th. Learned that the Dr. had a hard time getting the tube down my throat. But other than that everything went well. No nausea or throwing up. The first day was spent in bed. I am a wimp when it comes to pain so I used the pump every 15 min. I had more discomfort that pain though. I did have a moment or 2 where I thought "What the heck have I done" but it passed and I was ready to start the healing process. The second day I started my liquid diet and was able to walk. No issues there. I was released Thurs. at 10am. So 2 days post-op and I'm doing fine other than a little gas. I just have to make sure I get enough fluids in because I do not want to get dehydrated. Well I'm tired and will rest now so I will keep posting how my journey is going.




Gallbladder Issues

I've been having this pain in my stomach on the right and upper part and my Dr. sent me for an ultrasound last week. Well the results came back and it looks like I will have to have my gallbladder removed. It shows I have gallstones, but I don't think this is just happening as I can remember this same pain over the last few years but not really knowing what it was. So I can't blame it on wls, just something that has happened. I'm not happy that I will have to go thru surgery again as it's only been 4 weeks so I'm going to stall as long as I can. I actually see my surgeon Fri. the 10th so we will discuss my options. Surgery is just not something that I want, but we'll see what happens.




Finally had to Shop!

I have not shopped since I've had surgery because I've been sewing as I lose. But you can only sew so much. I started at a size 22/24 and I'm now 14/16 so I've sewed everything that I could and am now tired of sewing and can't take in any more material. I went to Goodwill and bought mostly size 14 skirts and a few 16's. It felt great to buy a smaller size, but since I'm not finished losing, Goodwill was a good buy. Didn't spend too much so I'm happy about that. Now to Keep Moving Forward!





I started exercising Monday and have been able to workout 4 days this week so far. I've been doing Turbo Jam and it feels great to workout again. I will add strength training in as well.       KEEP MOVING FORWARD!




Cleaned out closet

After the shopping Friday, I cleaned my closet out Saturday. I got rid of a lot of clothes that I could no longer fit or sew to fit. I gave a lot away to ones who needed them. But man do I have so much more room in my closet, but enough shopping for now since I plan on losing another 50+ pounds. I'm excited about where I am today. And excited about where I will be in 4 months on my surgiversary in July.     A Month before surgery     8 Months Post-Op




Can't Sleep

Ok, I have to be at the hospital at 6am and it is now 2am and I can't sleep. My nerves are getting the better of me. Well they are going to put me out anyway so I guess I'll be ok. This day is finally here and I'm ready to start my new journey to a new me. I'm going to at least try to close my eyes now and will check back in as soon as I feel up to it. Happy journey to all u sleevers to come.




A really good NSV

The other day I was shopping at Goodwill and I was looking through some items and 2 older women were in the same isle. The first woman left and the second was pushing the cart so I moved closer to the clothes so that she could pass me. Well, when she passed she turned back to me and said "well, thank goodness your small" and she smiled. Can you believe someone actually called me small, WOW. I was really smiling on the inside to be called small for the first time in who knows how long. I still have about 50 #'s to lose so to be called small felt great. Here's to many more NSV's to come.   KEEP MOVING FORWARD!




2 Weeks To Go!

I had the nutrition class this morning and the surgeon visit this afternoon. Everything went good. Now for the count down. 2 Weeks exactly and I'm excited. As I sit here thinking about all the this will encompass I am getting a little nervous but nothing I can't handle. I'm ready for this journey, so let's go. July 10th here I come!




2 More Days

I've been doing good on my 5 days pre-op diet, no cheating. My husband has been hanging with me and really encouraging me. But, 2 days and I will be on the other side of this weight-loss journey.




10 months out and doing great!

I am 10 months out and I feel really good. I've lost about 67 #'s so far. I'm happy with where I am and I have enjoyed the journey along the way. I've had to change things, learn things and implement things so this journey has been very interesting and amazing. I am now jogging using c25k and it feels great. I'm loving my sleeve.   KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!     at my highest weight   during weightloss



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
