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About this blog
A diva's journey to taking control over her health and life.
Entries in this blog
Post-Op - I Am Ready!
I Am Sleeved - Post-Op Day 3
May 17Th Is The Big Day
I chew my food until it is mush in my mouth
I eat my protein first and then veggies
I stop eating when I fill satisfied. (Not full just satisfied.)
No grazing.
Sip, Sip, Sip wait. I take little sips instead of big gulps.
I'm trying hard not to use straws.
I haven't had any alcoholic beverages. (I might this weekend.)
I will keep you folks posted. Hugs
The Waiting Begins Today.....
Round One - Pulmonary Consult
Ready, Get Set.....go!
Letter from my Nutritionist
Pulmonology Consult
Cardiology Consult
Psych Evaluation
Venous Doppler Lower Extremites Bilateral
Filter to prevent Blood Clots inserted
Trans-Nasal endoscopy
I figure I'm on track to get sleeved mid April!