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A diva's journey to taking control over her health and life.

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One Week Post-Op

I'm 8 days post-op. Wow! Last week this time I was in what seemed like a bad dream. LOL I met with the surgeon today and I am down 15.4 lbs. This has been a hard week. I'm learning my sleeve. I'm in constant feel of doing something wrong. I'm not getting in enough fluids. I have to really work on getting in at least 48 oz. I met with my nutritionist yesterday and she reassured me that just a long as I follow the Diet Stages I will be fine. She said take it slow and not to push myself. My stomach is in the healing stage and I don't want to do anything to create a leak. She created me an awesome eating schedule for when I return to work next week. It guides me to make sure I get in all my fluids and proteins.   Prior to the surgery I was given a booklet by the surgeon that showed me the diet progression in terms of weeks. So I figured I would be eating regular food by the end of June. NOT! I really had a hard time dealing with this disappointment yesterday.   Stage 1 is Clear Liquids for One Week (Done) Stage 2 is Clear Liquids, Protein Drinks, SF yogurt, Low fat Cottage cheese mashed (chewed until the consistency of toothpaste), pureed vegetable soups (strained, no rice or noodles), thinned/soupy cream of wheat, thinned stage 1 baby foods for 3 Weeks   WTH - 3 Weeks????????   Stage 3 is all the stuff from Stage 1 & 2 and egg beaters (soft/mushy), tuna, canned salmon, etc; for 2 weeks   It's a bit of a head trip knowing I can't eat real food until July. However, I want to be successful with my sleeve.




Post-Op - I Am Ready!

I am 3 days post-op. My first day was horrible because of gas pain, nausea and vomiting. I was afraid I would hurt my sleeve. Also I was hooked up to a bunch of monitors because my blood pressure sky rocketed. The dry heaves really hurt your belly. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Day 2 was a little better. I asked for pain and nausea medicine like clockwork to help me cope. I also slept a lot. My iron count was very low too. I had to get an iron transfusion. The gas pains seemed to go away but I'm still scared of hurting my sleeve. Day 3 there was little nausea but no dry heaves or retching. I did vomit a lot of foamy stuff. I'm home now and I feel better. I didn't sleep well last night. I have 3 small and 1 big incisions above my belly button. I wasn't scared going into the surgery but I feel a mini meltdown coming over me. I have tons of meds and vitamins to take (approx 10) including levonox shots I have to give myself to prevent blood clots.   I'm keeping it real with you. You have to be strong. You have to know what you want.   This is going to be a lifesaver for me so I keep focused on that. Most people feel like themselves by the 5th day post-op I'm told and have experienced. My friend was sleeved on the 15th and she is going back to work tomorrow. I took a week off from work. The doctor wants me to take two weeks.




I Am Sleeved - Post-Op Day 3

Three days post-op and I'm feeling better everyday. I'm not going to lie and tell you how awesome my experience was. SMH After surgery I felt surreal. I couldn't believe I actually gave consent for 85% of my stomach to be removed forever! I felt like I had been beat up bad! I was hooked up to monitors because my blood pressure had skyrocted!! I had the urge to pee but couldn't. The nurses encourage you to drink and I couldn't get anything in. two little baby sips and I became nauseous and had dry heaves, retching and vomiting up some yucky stuff. I had loose stools and getting to the bathroom was a mess. The nurses did not respond to the call bells so I started unhooking myself from the monitors and going to the bathroom.   A lady came from intergrative medicine to give me pressure point acupuncture to help with the nausea but whatever she did made it worse and I started to vomit. This made my belly sore. I was scare to death all the heaving would hurt my new sleeve. The doc assured me this was normal and most women experience severe nausea because of the part of the stomach being removed. She suggested I take my nausea meds before trying to drink. I could not get discharged until I was able to drink. So two day later I was discharged. Today was my first real day home and I went out to take a walk this morning and too a little stroll in the park too. I came up short on my liquid intake. I should be drinking 3-4 ounces every hour this week and a minimum of 48 ounces total. I have to work on that because I don't want to get dehydrated.




May 17Th Is The Big Day

Okay my fellow pre and post Sleevers! I have a date. May 17, 2012 I get reborned into this world. Right now my head is spinning and unfortunately I have so much stress in my life right now I can't actually sit down and wrap my arms totally around what is about to happen. I do know that I have been pushing along. Getting my tests performed and visiting doctors. I had my transnasal endoscopy yesterday. Whew! I didn't have any anesthesia and it wasn't like anything I have ever experienced before in my life. The tube they inserted through my nose and down my throat was no fun. I'm trying to remove the memory from my mind. LOL I survived it so it's behind me now. I still need to get my antibiotic to take at least 10 days before the surgery becasue of bacteria in my stomach. It isn't covered by my insurace so the drug is $56.00 dollars. I can't get it until next week. (Sigh!) I want to start getting my supplies for the first couple of weeks but of course financially I can't do that yet. So it's like I'm happy and sad at the same time. *I keep praying and telling myself, "And This Too Shall Pass"!   I don't have to do a Pre-Op diet so I guess I'm lucky. However I have been changing my habits to prepare for my journey. I have to do clear liquids the day before and then NPO after midnight.   I did lose 5lbs. At my consultation I was 448.3. Yesterday I was 445.3. This is just from me changing how I eat and drink. I do not eat and drink at the same time.
I chew my food until it is mush in my mouth
I eat my protein first and then veggies
I stop eating when I fill satisfied. (Not full just satisfied.)
No grazing.
Sip, Sip, Sip wait. I take little sips instead of big gulps.
I'm trying hard not to use straws.
I haven't had any alcoholic beverages. (I might this weekend.)
I will keep you folks posted.   Hugs




The Waiting Begins Today.....

Everything is done. Now I wait for the insurance company approval letter. I have my endoscopy scheduled for 4/18/12. When I get my date I will have a vena cava filter inserted probably on Tuesday and then the surgery on Thurday. This is what the girl in the office told me who coordinates your paperwork.   So I'm excited and nervous. I'm excited because I'm getting my life back. I'm nervous becasue I want to do everything correctly and don't want to mess up.   I had my sleep study reviewed today and found out I have severe sleep apnea! Who Knew?! I have to use a cpap machine. I'm not happy! However, I know once I lose weight it will clear it up! Yayy!!   I praying I get my date before the end of the week.




Round One - Pulmonary Consult

Okay today was Round 1. I had my pulomonary consult with Dr. Sussman. He was nice and excited I was taking control of my life and managing my weight. I had to take a test that required me to sit in a little glass booth. WTH? The lady conducting the test was obviously not pleased that she had to test me. She said, sit on the chair in the booth and sat down at her computer. I squeezed behind her chair and tried to figure out how I was going to fit myself into that glass booth atop that little chair. I had one leg out of the booth and she said, Put both legs in the booth. I told her I felt a little uncomfortable and she did not respond. She seemed extremely annoyed with me. I decided I would not talk to her and just do my best at accomplishing the task of breathing and blowing. She then closed the door to the booth and I held my breathe to make sure all of me would fit inside. I was happy when the test was over because my legs and feet were falling asleep. The doctor reviewed the test and wants me to take Advair and Proair to make sure I'm clear for the test. He said I had better results after the nebulizer treatment. He also said he wants me to take a sleep study because 50% of people my size have sleep apnea. He doesn't think I do but wants to be better safe than sorry because if I do and they aren't aware I could have complications after surgery. He is going to get me in soon as to not delay my surgery! Usually there is a two mth wait but he is going to tell them to squeeze me in if there is a cancellation.   Round 2 is on Wednesday. The Psych Consult!




Ready, Get Set.....go!

Monday, March 19 was a very emotional day for me. Today was my first meeting with the surgeon. I was scared, nervous, shaking, stomach pains and sweating profusely. ( It was warm on Monday.) Luckily, the Ambulatory Surgical center had complimentary valet parking. It was a blessing in disguise. As I walked to the building my legs felt like cement beams with every step I took. I glanced at the directory but already knew the office was on the second floor. I was a little thrown off because there were signs for center, west and east elevators. After getting to the secod floor I learned the office was on the west side of the building. I was 30 mins early so I sat for a minute to collect myself and mop up some of the sweat from my brow. The chairs in the lobby were snug so I figured I would be much more comfortable waiting in the doctors office.   The girl at the desk was pleasant, Joan was sweet (Physicians Assistanct), Dr. Nusbaum was awesome and Denise was very informative in a matter of fact kind of way. Denise will be my point of contact because she handles the approval process with the insurance complany. Dr. Nusbaum calmed my fears and I feel completely safe in his hands. He explained the procedure and answered any questions I had. I didn't have many at the time but I'm keeping a journal of future questions to ask. I left the office feeling confident and ready to get my journey started. :wub:   I was surprised that I do not need to follow a pre-op diet. I was hoping I would get to experience how it would feel to consume only liquids. I guess I will have plenty of time to do so my first week. Dr Nusbaum said I will need to stay in the hospital overnight and then after a week I can return to work.   I have tons of tests and appointments with doctors for clearance. I've made all of my appointments and will have everything complete next week. Awesome!! Below is the list of things I have to do before my surgery can be approved by my insurance company. Letter of Medical Neccesity from my PCP
Letter from my Nutritionist
Pulmonology Consult
Cardiology Consult
Psych Evaluation
Venous Doppler Lower Extremites Bilateral
Filter to prevent Blood Clots inserted
Trans-Nasal endoscopy
I figure I'm on track to get sleeved mid April!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
