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My Journey to Weight Loss

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Probably the food I have most dreaded trying was salads. I have put off eating one for fear of it causing an issue. Well, Saturday I tried a small salad, and . . . TA-DA!!! No issues! I've had one almost every day since! Still no issues. So thankful I have missed having salads and now that it seems they aren't an issue, it's such a relief.   I'm down 45lbs today, and am so happy!! This sleeve definitely rocks!   I watched a series of videos on YouTube last night about a 19 year old boy in Houston, Texas who weighed 799lbs. It was heartbreaking. I thought about how easily that could have been me if I didn't get things under control. It's horrifying what "junk food" and "fast food" can do to one's body, and how horribly addictive those things can be. For me, NEVER AGAIN!! I am now in control of what I eat and what I don't eat.   I never knew that the sleeve was an option for me, if not for this forum. I wouldn't have had the courage to go through with it if not for the encouragement and support of folks on this board! Thank the Lord I found it. :wub:




3 Months Post-Op

Yesterday was exactly 3 months since my surgery. The whole process seems so surreal! I can't believe that I'm down 55lbs now. I haven't been this size in over 15 years! I went from a size 24W to a size 16 so far. The changes in how I feel are amazing and seem like a miracle. I feel great, and everyone tells me that I look amazing. My diet has seen some really big changes. I now eat primarily fresh foods, and very rarely eat processed foods. When I do eat out, I'm am extremely cautious on what I choose. Since I hold so much less, I would much rather put in good quality food, than a bunch of junk. Yes, we still eat out about twice a week, but we choose restaurants that have a better quality menu than fast food places do. Also, I drink water all day. I walk 3 miles 5 days a week, and have recently started a Beginner's Yoga CD and really enjoying it. The fact that I weigh less, helps me try things that I haven't tried in 15 years, and I'm thinking about trying bicycling. I really don't want to buy one - they can get pretty expensive - until I know it's worth the investment.   Looking back, it seems like a dream. All the worry, all the liquids and protein drinks, all the preparation was so worth it. Even the post-op diet seems to have passed so quickly - although at the time it seemed to take forever. I thought about the sleeve 24/7, and now it's just a normal part of life,   It's been the best decision I've ever made regarding my health, and I have no regrets. I read some of the posts of others who haven't made their decision yet, and all I want to do is shake them and tell them to just do it! However, everyone is different and just because it's been a great experience for me, doesn't mean it will be the right one for them.   At first, I was very vague about how I was losing weight. When folks would ask me, I would just tell them that I'm eating a lot less. Now I'm much more vocal about the surgery. If someone asks, I tell them that I got the sleeve. So far, no one has been negative about it, and if they are, I'll just tell them to mind their own business. My immediate family has known about it from Day 1 and been extremely supportive.   This forum has been a life saver for me. All the friendships, support, and feedback has been fantastic, and I wouldn't be healthier today if it wasn't for this website.




2 Months Post-Surgery

I haven't been able to get on this website for about 3 weeks due to computer issues, and then family illness. Thankfully, that's all taken care of now!   It's hard to believe that 2 months ago I had a life-changing, mind-blowing experience with the realization of getting my sleeve. After years of major struggles with the lap-band, and 2 years spent searching for a Doctor who would even consider seeing me, God opened the door for me at Dr. Kaler's office. Dr. Kaler had no hesitation in telling me, "Yes, I can do your revision". I remember sitting in his exam room with tears in my eyes, thinking "Finally, someone who can help me". The sense of relief that this ordeal was finally over was surreal.   After years of struggling with the band, the sliming, the sticking, the not being able to eat out in front of anyone other than my DH, my mother's comments of "Oh honey, I just wish there was something that could be done for you", my revision was done in one surgery.   The changes that have occurred in my life since have been amazing. No more sticking, no more sliming, eating out with friends, feeling like I'm 15 years younger, the energy, the ability to get out and move, the improved numbers from my bloodwork, actually enjoy life has been such a blessing.   As of this morning, I am down 42lbs, and 3 dress sizes. I still struggle with my eyes being WAAAAYY bigger than my sleeve. I suspect this will be a challenge for quite a long time. But it's always surprising to me how much is left on my plate. My DH has enjoyed my leftovers many times and isn't complaining.   To have the ability to eat without the expectation that it's going to be a painful experience, has made me realize that I have taken eating for granted. I no longer do that. I know truly enjoy my food, more as a true pleasure, and I'm focusing on making sure that those meals are well worth the effort. I'm learning new recipes, experiencing new foods, and focus on eating whole, healthy, fresh foods. And it's such a great time of the year to do this. With the Farmer's Markets that are open now, my vegetable garden, learning to can and freeze fresh fruits and vegetables, purchasing grass fed beef, free-range chicken, and the most recent addition to our little farm - a Devon pig, who will be filling our freezer this fall, our food quality has increased by leaps and bounds. No more pre-processed food, no more white carbs, a significant reduction in gluten in our lives has made a tremendous difference in not just my, but my DH's life. I never would have made these changes in our life had it not been for the sleeve.   I'm eating pretty much anything I want, just in drastically smaller quantities, and the only thing I haven't tried yet is a salad. For some reason, that's the one thing that looms in my mind as the "The Big One". I'm sure it's just in my head that way, but I still see a Salad and think, "One day I'll be able to eat that and really enjoy it", but I haven't tried one yet. I'm not big on restaurant salads, but prefer to buy my own ingredients and make them at home. That way I can control what goes in to it.   I will always encourage those who are thinking about getting the lapband toward the sleeve, and I will support those who want a revision by sharing my experience. Just as so many of the folks on this wonderful website have done for me.




Catching Up

I haven't been on the forum as much lately. Having to play "catch up" with everything that I put off while recuperating from my surgery.   At almost 12 weeks out, I am now down 50lbs, and in a size 16. Unbelievable! I shopped last week for a few new clothes (don't want to spend too much since I plan on shrinking out of these soon!). I automatically headed to the "big girl" sizes and couldn't find hardly anything that fit! I had to go over to the "normal" sizes, and was able to wear almost everything I picked out - WOW - what a feeling! I bought 5 tops that will I can dress up or dress down, and spent less than $50. As I've said before, I think the dressing rooms are nicer on the other side Of course, it could just be my attitude.   Struggling with my mental image has been interesting. My brain says, "No way you can get in to that", and then I try it on and it's either a bit too big, or it fits just right, and I think "OMG - I can wear this!!!". The other thing is that my eyes are still WAY to big for my sleeve. When I am putting food on my plate, I think, "That's not enough, that won't fill me up", and then I can eat only half of it, my sleeve says "I'm full, STOP", but my brain says, "I WANT MORE"!! I don't know if this is something that I will adjust to or not. As I've said, it took my brain 50 years to reach this point, so it will probably take a LOOOOONG time for it to stop thinking that way.   I went to the first WLS support group last night. There were 2 other lovely ladies there that have had the sleeve surgery. One lady had her's just this past April, another real go-getter had her's in February of 2010. She was amazing! She just turned 62 and looked fantastic. She had also done her very first half-marathon! What an inspiration!!! The setting was just a Q&A of 9 other ladies who were scheduled to get their surgery soon. I think 3 of them were getting theirs in the next few weeks, other's were somewhere in the process of getting approved. They worked for the hospital, and their insurance was now covering their surgery and pre-op testing. They also have the ability to do a flexible spending account to help with their out of pocket. I believe the financial department told them that their total out of pocket would be around the $1650 mark. What a great benefit!! It was great listening to everyone's concerns, and the other sleever's experience. We all had different experiences at the different phases of our journey, but we all felt the same way . . . so very thankful for our surgeon - Dr. Kaler rocks! - and so very thankful for our sleeve! We are going to meet again next month - CAN'T WAIT!!!   I seem to have hit my first major stall - struggling with the same 2 lbs, and I know it's normal. So I think I'll just wait it out and see what happens over the next couple of days/weeks. I know that this is just part of the process and look forward to that next drop on the scale!   I must confess though, that I haven't been tracking my food as well, so that means I've got to get back into it! Gotta be held accountable for my end of the deal, since my sleeve is holding up it's part of the deal!




6 Weeks Post-Op

WOW! - Has it been 6 weeks already??? I remember when my surgery date was finally made, and I thought time would just D-R-A-G! I couldn't wait until my surgery, and that seemed to take forever, and then I blinked, and it was surgery day!! Then it seemed to take FOREVER until I could take in "full liquids", and then it seemed like the wait for "soft/mushees" would NEVER BE OVER!!   Now I'm at 6 weeks Post-Op, and I got the thumbs up from my NUT to eat "regular food". Even though I've been slowly adding soft foods over the last 2 weeks, this seems like a huge hurdle that I've finally past. So, now that I'm on "regular food", what have I been eating???   Not a lot.   Pretty much the same stuff.   That I was eating prior to "regular foods"   Why? Because I seem to have lost my ability to cook "regular food". My brain is having trouble putting together meals again! Did they take that part of my brain??? So this next week, I will be focusing on meal planning. I know DH will be happy. He's been so patient and supportive with this whole process, and he deserves a very special meal.   Yesterday was his 51st birthday, and he is my "cookie monster". I have never known a grown man to love cookies soooooo much. So yesterday I baked "Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies" and I also added Toffee Bits in them. He gobbled down 6 when he got home! I took a bite of one and it was really good, but I really have no interest in eating many more - WAY DIFFERENT than before the surgery. So, this weekend I will be cooking his ALL TIME favorite meal . . . chicken fried steak with homemade gravy, mashed potatoes and polk salad. Maybe that will get my creative cooking juices flowing.   Also, this week I visited my family physician to get an idea of what my bloodwork numbers looked like, and they were really great! He also helped me set a realistic goal on my weight loss. We're shooting for a healthy BMI and so that puts me around the 160 - 165 range. Very doable. When I was doing Weight Watchers, their goal for me was 145lbs, which was ridiculous. I'm not really sure Weight Watchers has a realistic idea of weight. For my DH his goal was 170 and he looked like a refugee from some foreign country. His cheeks were sunken and all his bones stuck out. He looked horrible. I'm so glad he put back on 25lbs. He looks much, much better now.   So, now that I've got to start focusing on "regular food" again, I gotta go print out some recipes from "World According to Eggface", and a few others!   Have a great and blessed weekend!




5 Weeks Post-Op

Yesterday I was 5 weeks post-op. So far, the sleeve has been very good to me, and I have been good to it. I am following the plan the NUT gave me, and I have had no problems. I have lost 32lbs (including the pre-op diet). I count that because to me, that was a part of the sleeve journey that I had to go through. My current challenge is protein - sounds familiar huh? I cannot take another protein shake, shot, etc. I've tried numerous different "unflavored" protein powders, but can't stand the "feel" of the powder mixed with other things. I am also tired of chicken and tuna. I am going to town today to buy some thin sliced turkey deli meat, and will also buy some more talapia (it has 20g in each fillet). I guess I'll eat that until I get tired of it too.   A real challenge for me is that I get bored with foods really quick. I will eat tuna every day then after about 7-10 days, I don't want to see another bite of tuna. Same thing with chicken. I knew going into this that protein was the #1 necessity once I had the sleeve, but I guess it just didn't really hit home how important it was, or how challenging it was going to be to get it. I know that in about 2 more weeks, once I get on "regular" foods, protein will be a little less challenging, but until, onward and forward   My energy is WAY up - even from back before the surgery. I've lost 2 dress sizes (from a 24W to a 20W), and I'm walking 2.4 miles 3x a week. Prior to surgery, there was no way I could have walked even half that far without having to sit down and rest. I walk with a friend, and we even talk during the walk (and yes, we're walking, not strolling). Not that we aren't huffing and puffing that last little bit But just the fact that I can do that at all is amazing to me.   I plan on starting Yoga next week via a DVD (Yoga for Beginners). Thought this might help with some stretching of muscles and flexibility. Since I'm 50, I just don't have the range of motion that I used to have, so I hope this helps. Might even help me to "center" myself a bit more.   I have the Zumba DVD's and I'm a bit hesitant to start those yet. I think I'll save them until I've lost about 30 more pounds. I think it's going to really wear me out   This forum has been such a fantastic source of encouragement, education, and support, and I KNOW I would have never had the courage to take this step if I hadn't found it. What a fantastic group of folks!! Thank you to everyone out there who has been cheering me on, and mentoring me!




Today Is My 1 Month Surgerversary

Hard to believe that it's been 1 month today. I really can't believe the difference! This weekend has been absolutely awesome. Saturday, we worked at the Food Bank, then came home for lunch and a nap (I had tuna salad, hubby had tuna salad sandwich with fresh fruit and potato salad). Then we worked on the fence around our barn, as some of our hens have been sneaking out during the day to go foraging around. We live out in the country where we have foxes, racoons, possums, bobcats and even black bear. Not to mention the dogs that everybody seems to like "dumping" out here. So now the girls can't get out and get eaten. I would dearly miss their fresh eggs! Their eggs have been a god-send during my initial recovery! Later we went to town, and went out to eat. I was nervous about going, but felt that it was time for me to step out and see what I could handle. We ended up at Red Lobster. I ordered the wood-grilled scallops, shrimp and chicken, with asparagus on the side, hold the salad please. I was able to eat 2 scallops and about 5 stalks of the Asparagus - they were super tiny. Got a "to go" container and brought the rest home. DH even ate super slow with me, (got a to go container too) and we spent the time talking and catching up on stuff from the week.DH even confessed that he was absolutely terrified for me having the surgery, but wanted me to be happy, and felt that if this was what it took, then he would support me. He said that he was so thankful that it was working for me, and that I was feeling really good, and he was also very glad that the first month was past.   Today, while I was getting ready for church, I noticed that my pantsuit was way too big. So I had a mild panic attack thinking that I didn't have anything to wear. I looked further back in the closet and found another pantsuit that I hadn't worn in a long time. It was a size 20. I held the pants up to me and told DH that there was no way I could wear them. He said for me to try them on. So I did. And what a shock it was that they went on with no problems, and even after I zipped them up . . . they weren't the least bit tight!!!!! I was so shocked!! I've lost 30lbs so far, but I didn't know it would make such a difference. Prior to surgery I was a 24W, and now I'm in 20's. I keep thinking that maybe they have the wrong size tags in them. After church, DH and I enjoyed our leftovers. I still couldn't finish all of mine, so I had them for dinner tonight too.   On Friday, as I was taking Mom to town for 2 of her doctor's appointment's, she said, "I don't think you notice this, but you have so much more energy". I said, "Well, I'm almost a month out from surgery, and if my energy wasn't starting to ramp up, I'd be a bit worried". She said, "No, that's not what I meant. I mean your energy is much more that it was even way before the surgery. Before the surgery, you always seemed tired. I am really proud of what you've done. It takes a lot of courage to do what you did, and I'm really proud of you for doing it". Wow - Mom made my day! I know my Mom loves me, but I can't recall the last time she told me she was proud of me. And, since she's mentioned it, I have to say, that of course she's right. I hadn't really noticed it, but I DO have more energy than I've had in a while.   What a blessing this has been for me so far! I look forward to the next 30 days to see what is in store for me




3 Weeks Post Op

Wow, yesterday was my 3 week post op "surgiversary". I was in town all day yesterday, visiting the 2 Health Food stores, along with doing a little bit of grocery shopping. Also found out that new Health Food store opened that is even closer to me, so I will have to go see what they carry, next week.   I tried a new recipe and it was really good. So good in fact that I ate too much and got extremely nauseous - I don't know if it was the amount I ate, or maybe the Hot Wing Sauce since my tummy isn't used to spicy yet! I took canned chicken, real mayo, and added a bit of Franks Hot Wing Sauce, and made a "Buffalo Chicken Salad". I will have to eat a bit more today (smaller portion), and see if it still makes me sick - sure hope not - it really made my taste buds happy.   Exactly 1 month ago today, I started the pre-op diet (3/13), and so far, I've lost a total of 25.6lbs. I'm really pleased with that number, and it will be interesting to see how the next month progresses.   Now, I'm going to have to start focusing more on "moving", and increase my walking.




Which Food Lifestyle Should I Choose?

Tomorrow I will be 3 weeks post-op. I've been sleeping better, and my stamina is a little bit better than last week. Easter weekend wasn't as bad as I expected. I was able to eat mashed potatoes with gravy, super soft squash casserole, and refried beans (from Taco Bueno). I even ate a single green bean that was super soft.   So what have I noticed over the past couple of days? My taste buds are really weird. Nothing really tastes the way I remember it. Everything seems to taste "stronger", or "weird". I'm wondering if this is because of the liquid phase, or if it has something to do with me not really being hungry. I had 1 day where I felt like I could never get full, but that was just the 1 day. All my other days have been a struggle trying to figure out what to eat, because nothing interested me. Even pizza, which was all I could think about for about a week after the surgery. Now, I couldn't care less about eating it.   I've been researching various different food lifestyles, trying to figure out which one would be best for me once I'm back on regular food. I'm thinking about the "Caveman" lifestyle, which pushes lots of meats, veggies, fruits, and nuts, and absolutely no grains, pasta, beans, rice, or dairy. I've also looked at some others that limit the "glutens", but I can't seem to make up my mind.   I suspect that once I go back on regular foods, I will have the opportunity to "reorient" my taste buds and I want to make sure that what I choose is the best option for me and my DH. Thankfully, my DH will eat anything I set in front of him, he is not picky. He is also in need of losing a little bit weight, about 30lbs. Which I know he can do if I set the standard and do the cooking -- which I will when I can get back to eating regular food.   So I guess I'm saying that I'm at the point where I need to make a decision on what type of food lifestyle we're going to move forward with. Decisions, decisions. Everyone I talk to tells me something different - how do I know which one is really the best one???? Probably need to start with one and find out. If it doesn't work, then try something different. The important thing is just that I start. A step forward is the only way to move forward.




Easter Weekend

For this weekend, I have been super tired. Not sleeping well at night. Every time I try to lie on my left side, I get a pain (feels like a pulled muscle) in my largest incision sight.   Enjoyed Easter service, and went to Mom's with my DH. Mom had made some things that I could eat (mashed potatoes, squash casserole, super soft green beans). It was really nice to sit down to a meal with others and visit. One of my cousins that I grew up with was visiting. He looked incredible, and I asked him how he was doing. He had been diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis about a year ago, and back then he was in really bad shape. He said he started a gluten-free lifestyle, went to www.mercola.com, and started on what is basically called "The Cave Man" diet. He said he has never felt better, and eats like a King. Lots and lots of meat, fresh veggies, fruits and nuts. No flour, beans, pasta, diary (except butter), bread, etc. I had heard of something similar to this, and since my taste buds are all "screwy", I thought that once I was able to get back on to "normal food", I might start learning how to cook all over again, but in a much, much healthier way.   My weight has stayed the same for the past 3 days, so maybe I'm at my first stall. If so, that's fine. I'm more concerned about making sure that my new tummy is totally healed first.   This coming Wednesday, I'll finally be able to get out and mow. I can't wait. Our yard is in serious need. Since my DH works 65-70 hrs a week, he only gets 1 day off, and that's Sunday. Since I don't work, I handle the mowing and weed eating. It will be nice to finally get our yard in shape. I can also start working on my garden. We do a "deck garden", on a back deck. I can't wait to plant tomatoes, green beans, squash, bell peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, herbs, eggplant. I love having a small garden that is just big enough for me and DH to eat out of.   Well, I sure hope I sleep tonight. Getting up at 5am is gonna be tough if I don't.




2 Weeks Post-Op

What a difference 2 weeks make! I've seen others posting that, and just didn't really understand it until now.   Last night, DH brought me a small refried bean from Taco Bueno, and I could only hold half of it, but my oh my! It was just about the most delicious thing I've eaten in well . . . . about 3 1/2 weeks! No problems with it going down, just took it nice and slow, and savored EVERY bite! He then showed me that he had put 2 other small orders in the fridge for me. He said he knew that I was getting bored with my food, and thought that it might help. He is such a wonderful guy, and I am so blessed to have him!   This morning I tried Greek yogurt for the first time, and have had a hard time eating it. It's about the most disgusting thing I've eaten. But it has 15g of protein in a single serving, so I posted on the Food Forum asking for some input, looking for a better tasting one (if one exists). Hope to have some luck with that.   So I'm down 21.8 lbs in 23 days. I just can't believe that! Tomorrow is my weekly weigh in, and we'll see how it's going.




First Blog Since Surgery

My surgery was on 3/22, and I have to admit that I wasn't even a little bit nervous, until we were actually in the OR. The Head Nurse gave me my "happy juice", I immediately apologized for anything that I might say, then pure oblivion. I had a flash of someone calling my name, and I remember asking, "Laproscopic?". I was concerned that they wouldn't be able to remove my band and do the sleeve laproscopically, even though the Surgeon felt confident he could, he did warn that it might require him to "open me up". Thankfully everything was done laproscopically. I don't remember another thing until I woke up in my hospital room, and my DH was sitting next to the bed holding my hand. I asked him the same question - just in case I imagined the first one - and he confirmed that they were able to remove my band/port, and do the sleeve laproscopically. He told me that the Surgeon said I had a tremendous amount of scar tissue from the band, and that he ended up removing 85% of my stomach. I didn't use much of the pain meds, they made me nauseous, even though they gave me anti-nausea medicine. My pain was about a 7, so I could handle it.The switched my pain meds from morophine to dilaudin, which still made me sick. They waited until the next morning around 10am to do my swallow test, then after that, ice chips. I don't think I've ever taste anything so good in all my life. I've also never had acid reflux before, but I did then, at least until Sunday morning.   BTW - Has anyone mentioned (or experienced) the extreme pain in the head, neck and shoulders? I don't know if it was from the surgery table, being tense, or lack of caffeine and/or food, but my head and neck hurt much worse than my surgery did. It was exactly like the migraine's I used to get.   They discharged me Friday afternoon, and I got home around 6pm. I ended up sleeping on/off until about noon Saturday on the Couch (it has reclining on both ends). Felt a little better Saturday afternoon/evening, but by Sunday was feeling vastly improved. Headache/neckache were finally gone. I ate applesauce, jello, broth, water, and popsicle that day.   Today, (Day 4 - AS) - I get to start full liquids. I'm also feeling almost normal, except for being a little woozy, which I don't know if it's from a lack of food, left over from surgery, or what. I've been working on getting down a protein shake (worth 42g of protein). So far, everything I've consumed has gone down with no issues. No more nausea, no more acid reflux. My big fear now is, how much is too much? How will I know if I've put too much in? Will I vomit (don't want to, that will really hurt), Will my stomach tear (REALLY don't want that), or will I get that sliming/spitting thing I used to get every single day with the band? I'm not willing to push it just yet, so will continue to take "baby sips" all day long.   I have a follow-up appointment for Wednesday afternoon. The Surgeon will remove my drain then. By Friday of this week (if all is going well), I will progress to mushy foods (yayyyy)!.   Also, just a thought, but I KNOW I have never seen so many food commercials in all my life!




Moving Along

Haven't been on the website much the past 2 days, but been busy running errands, and working up at the Fire Dept. Boy, my stamina is pretty much zilch. Don't know if that's due to the surgery, the lack of calories, or what -- maybe a combination of both. At least I'm back to sleeping better at night.   So I'm starting to get a little bit bored with my food choices, and "regular" food is starting to invade my thoughts. I haven't been cooking because I'm concerned that I might "cheat". I've got another 4 weeks before I can get back on regular foods. Right now, my usual food choices are Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Instant Grits, Tuna Fish Salad, Avocado, mashed potatoes with gravy, scrambled eggs, yogurt, jello, and protein drinks. What I'd really like is something crunchy and salty -- that was always my biggest food issues, fried stuff and salty stuff.   Hard to believe tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my surgery. What a difference 2 weeks make!




Oh My!

Yesterday afternoon, I suddenly became ravenously hungry! It was like I hadn't eaten in 3 weeks -- which I really hadn't. It was such a surprise. I also noticed that I could drink without any issues. I guess maybe the swelling in my stomach has gone down . . . I just don't know.   I ate some tuna fish salad, and avocado AND some cottage cheese with pureed peaches.It seemed to take forever to begin to feel any sense of fullness. I ate slowly, and it took me about 45 minutes, but I finally felt satisfied.   This morning I woke up, and I was back to "normal" -- not the least bit interested in eating. Well, I have a TON of errands to run today, and I will be away from home for about 7-8 hours, so it remains to be seen how the day will progress. I am taking my cooler with snacks and drinks just to be on the safe side thought.   CONFESSION - After the "eating binge" I seemed to have had last night, I stepped on the scale . . . terrified that the needle had gone the wrong way, but BEHOLD . . . more weight loss still.




Day 11 - Post Op

Had a really great weekend! Did some walking, and visiting with friends. On Sunday, our church had a cook-out (hamburgers, hot-dogs, all the trimmings) to celebrate everyone who had a birthday the 1st quarter of the year -- and a HUGE cake. My name was on the cake too, so I felt like I kinda needed to attend. I took my food (tuna salad - just tuna and LF mayo; mashed potatoes w/ gravy; and avocado mixed with LF mayo), and I wasn't even the least bit tempted. Even by the cake!   I have lost 19lbs at this point, and really find it amazing. I was worried that when I had the surgery, I might be one of the folks who weight loss was really slow to start, but so far, so good. I certainly don't expect to keep this up, but will enjoy it while it lasts. I'm sure that as I progress through the food phases, and eventually get back on regular food, the weight loss will drastically slow.   I noticed on Sunday that I can drink more than "baby sips". While I don't want to take large gulps, I'm thankful that the swelling in my sleeve has obviously been reduced. I don't really know exactly how much I can eat at any given time. I eat something (very slowly), until I get a "full" feeling. For me, feeling full means I just don't want any more. When I do eat, I take several minutes between bites. I've seen how others take that "one bite too many" and then have to pay the price, so I really don't want to over do it. Especially at this point! So, once I lose interest in whatever it is I'm eating, I stop.   Obviously I'm still struggling to get in the 60 - 70 grams of protein, but 2.5 ounces of tuna get me 21g, so between that and one of my shakes, I'm getting close!




Beautiful Day - Feeling Great

After spending some time this morning reading around on the site, I have to say that I feel especially blessed today. It breaks my heart hearing about those who have had some really serious issues with their sleeve. Either from the surgery, or adjusting. Needless to say, my prayer list is getting longer.   So far, my experience has sheer joy -- I know, can you say "Honeymoon Phase"? I'm gonna enjoy as long as it lasts.   Also, those who have had some very serious issues with their sleeve in the past, but have fought through it, have been inspirational to me. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and determination to go through what some of these folks have been through -- AMAZING!   I am so blessed, and so thankful that I found this site. It really helps when I have questions, or concerns, or whatever. I don't always post on some of the forums, but if I have a question, or a concern, I can just look, and find something that really helps!




1St Day On Pureed/blended Soft Diet

I felt like a kid on their first day at school today! Excited AND nervous. I started my Pureed/Blended Soft Diet. This morning I had 1 super soft scrambled egg, and for lunch I blended tuna (in water) with low-fat Mayo. Both went down easily, since I was eating teeny weeny bites, and chewing, chewing, chewing. Both tasted wonderful! But the most interesting thing to me, is that I am not the least bit hungry. After I got up this morning, it was still about 3 hours before I cooked the egg. Either I'm no longer able to tell when I'm hungry (which would be a good thing), or I've never really known what TRUE hunger is (probably a true fact anyway). I don't know if it's because my sleeve is still new and in the healing phase, or if it will stay. But if I had my choice, I would choose that it stayed this way.   Still sipping water, and protein shake in between the meals -- still have to get all that in.   SLEEP -- I can't sleep more than 4 hours at night, and then NONE during the day. I'm getting really, really tired, and would love nothing else than to lay down and have a nice long nap, but alas, the sleep just won't come. Prior to surgery, I could nap at the drop of a hat. If I'm still not sleeping better by next week, then I am DEFINITELY calling the Doc.   WARNING - TMI Coming up - Okay, I've been wondering this, and I haven't seen it anywhere on the boards, so I thought I would put it on here -- My pee has been super concentrated since the surgery, but today it wasn't. I have to say I'm relieved. I was beginning to worry about it, and didn't think to ask the Surgeon about it.




First Week Sleeved

It's hard to believe that a week ago I was in the hospital getting my lap band removed and my sleeve done. This past week has been really amazing, and in some ways really surreal.   I'm feeling really good, not having any issues with anything that I've eaten so far, and I get to start my "blended/puree" phase tomorrow (1st thing on the list is soft scrambled egg).   If it weren't for this website, and the friends that I've made, I don't think I could have been nearly as successful.   Really looking forward to week 2 and the new things I'll learn!




1St Post-Op Follow Up

Didn't sleep but 3 hours last night, so after DH went to work, I took myself right back to bed! Slept about another 2 then just got up.   When I weighed this morning, it showed I had lose 15lbs since my pre-op liquid diet! I will start the "mushy/pureed" diet on Friday, and then from that point I will only weigh on Fridays. Don't want to become too obsessed with the scale just now. The Surgeon hasn't set a weight goal for me, but the NUT did ask me, when I went to see her, how much weight did I want to lose. I told her that I didn't really have a good idea yet of where I wanted to be. I want to focus more on my over all health, and not just a number given to me by a square piece of metal that I stand on. I'm thinking I'll set a goal weight in about 3 months -- we'll see.   My follow-up with the Surgeon went great! They removed my drain (just burned a little), removed all my bandages, said the incisions looked great. They were really amazed at how well I'm feeling. Told me I had 2 more weeks before I could begin to resume my "usual duties" - riding mower, gardening, and all the other things I do around here on our little homestead.   So, starting tomorrow, I am going to focus on smaller goals: 1) Get as much protein, liquids, etc that I can each day, and sticking with the Post-Op eating plan; 2) Learning better/healthier ways to cook - being from the South, if it ain't fried, smothered in gravy, or slathered in butter, we just don't cook it -- going to search online for some great cooking classes (via DVD's). 3) Work on increasing my activity and working out sessions. For my 50th BDay, my girls got me the Zumba fitness DVD's, and a beginner's Yoga DVD - that's that I told them I wanted. So I can start the Yoga now, but the Zumba has to wait at least 2 more weeks.   I'm still struggling with eating enough, as I am not ever hungry - not even head-hunger pains. It's a really strange feeling, but I know that as my tummy heals, those things will start coming back.




Post Op - Day 4

So far, so good. I got in a 17oz protein shake with 42g of protein, 2 bottles of water, a small coffee, 1 packet of cream of wheat, and a SF pudding yesterday, all with no issues. Just have to take my time and do baby sips.   Slept for 4.5 hours straight last night! That's a record since the surgery. Woke this morning feeling pretty good. I still have brief moments of feeling a teeny weeny faint, but then it passes and I'm good for a while. Don't know if that's lack of food, lack of sleep, or just from the surgery itself.   Today, again I'm going to focus on getting in the nutrition, liquids, and just all around resting. The weather is absolutely beautiful, so the windows are open, and I will go for a few short walks later today.




Just 24 Hours To Go

I can't believe I'm just 24 hours away from my surgery! I've lost 8.2lbs on the pre-op liquid diet. Yesterday I had a few hours there where I almost gave in and ate something more than liquids.But I pushed through it. I haven't gotten nervous or scared yet, just still excited. I have had a moment or 2 (very short moments), where I thought that maybe I shouldn't do this, but then they too passed.   I've enjoyed meeting new folks on this website, and the amount of information and support is staggering!   Don't know how I'll spend this day, but DH took vacation and is home today, and won't be going back to work until Monday. He's such a great guy! Taking time off to help me recoup. Guess I'll get all the laundry done since it will be a while before I can do that again




Struggling This Weekend

Both Saturday and Sunday have been difficult being on the liquid diet - but I haven't slipped yet. I've been having some really harsh cravings . . . like things that are crunchy, or a steak. Just anything I can really get my teeth in. But I know that I have a while to go before I can do that again. According to my doctor, I can't really start eating regular table foods until around the 6th week post-op. I have to be on clear liquids for the first 3 days, then full liquids until day 7. Then I will progress to "Blended Soft Diet" until the 6th week after surgery, which will also happen to be my DH's birthday.   It's only 4 days now until my surgery, and it still seems so surreal . . . like it's a dream. I've done everything on my end to plan and be prepared. Even have some new books to read while recouping.   I've been retaining a tremendous amount of water today, but I think it's from the liquids, since they tend to have a high sodiium content. Even though I drink water almost all day. Thinking about taking a water pill, but will ask the dietician in the morning.   OH - one more thing . . . I've noticed that I'm a lot more tired, but again, I think that's from the liquid diet, and not getting as many calories. I've been averaging around 800 a day.




Day 5 Of Pre-Surgery Liquids

I weighed this morning and lost another pound! That's a total of 5.2lbs in 4 days!! Wasn't as hungry as I had been the first few days. Last night aroud 9:30pm I started getting a little weak and feeling faint, and I realized that I hadn't had anything (except water) since 1pm. So I drank a Myoplex shake, that has 42g of protein. That really helped. I need to remember to eat more often!   Today I'm working at the Food Pantry - giving away food to those who are in need. It's such a blessing. Only 5 days to my surgery and I'm still really excited. I continue to look through this forum, and only just discovered the "photos" tab. Seeing all the amazing before and after shots are really inspiring! Everyone looks so great. I think I'll keep a photo journal, but I don't know if I will be comfortable enough to post it. But, we'll see.




Day 4 Of Pre-Surgery Liquids - Morning

I weighed this morning and have lost 4.4lbs so far on the liquid diet. With all of the "necessities" out of the way (doctor's visits, tests, sleep study, etc), now it's just down to me focusing on staying on the liquid diet. Somehow it seems sorta "anti-climatic" now. I have this sort of "let down" feeling. Not in a bad way, but just that there's nothing in the immediate future for me to focus on, other than my surgery. Down to 6 days now (yayyyy). I'm afraid they will pass really slow, or really fast! I'm looking forward to getting this done, and feeling healthier, but I'm not very good at being patient, so I have no idea how I will be feeling over the next 6 days.



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