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Weight Loss Journey from Start to Finish

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Cotton Mouth And Snoring

A couple of things I have noticed that I am experiencing since surgery on March 28th.   - My mouth dries out HORRIBLY at night. I wake up and my mouth is completely dry and I can't get the saliva to moisten it up. I've been keeping a water bottle by my bed. This has never happened before. I did look it up on line and dehydration is one of the possible causes. I am going to try drinking water closer to bed time (normally I avoid because of the bathroom issue) and see if that helps. Wondering if anyone has experienced that?   - My husband stopped wearing earplugs to bed. He said since I have been back that I haven't been snoring as badly. He asked if they took out my "snoring glands" This is a happy side effect of surgery for me.




Hotel Part 2

I experienced a lot of stomach gurgling yesterday. Leah, who got sleeved at the same time as me, said she did not which is another indication that everyone experiences everything differently. She experienced lots of gurgling the day before on ice chips.   I was too chicken to take my drugs last night with my stomach acting out of sorts. We got a few pain pills, which I don't need but I am keeping "just in case" (the gurgling was uncomfortable but not painful and was only accompanied with liquids I was trying to ingest). Antibiotics and something for my stomach which I believe is acid reducer. I'll try the drugs today.   Not sure why my stomach was all gurgling. Could be that I took the nasty leak test, followed by a popsicle, followed later by some broth, followed later by some super sweet apple juice (all in little amounts but my tummy was letting it all be heard).   I was pretty active yesterday once we hit the hotel. I sat by the pool just to get some sunshine and enjoy the beautiful weather (too cold for pool but nice for sitting). Then I took a cab and went to a place to get a pedicure that the hotel bell hop recommended that was close by called Soleil. It was super close to the hotel and I could have walked but because I was unfamiliar with the area I thought it best to take a cab. I'm going back today and I will most likely walk. While I was there I had my eyebrows waxed and upper legs waxed. All three things cost approximately $50 total american. Totally worth it. You get a 10% discount if you mention you are from the hotel. Leah and her friend braved the traffic walking and went to a Starbucks and a convenience store where she got some Gatorade (I'll go get some this morning at some point).   I am also getting my teeth whitened today. It is something I've always wanted to do. I'll post about that when I am finished.   I tried to be on a semi normal sleep schedule that first night just to get my body back into the routine. I went to bed at 8:30 p.m. which is a little short of my normal 10 p.m. bedtime. I am up at 5 a.m. so I would consider that pretty normal (normally I am up by 6 a.m. at home). I slept in all different positions last night without any problem. Normally I sleep on my side but I woke up in the middle of the night on my stomach. The main incision on my left is hurting a bit but nothing too horrible.   The beds don't have a fitted bottom sheet (it has a flat bottom sheet) so with all my tossing and turning at night (which is normal for me) I managed to rip off the bottom sheet and expose the mattress. That is annoying.   I wish I had thought to bring compression socks with me for the flight home. I am worried about blood clots the most. I think I would add that to any packing list people are making from this point on. Also I would have had my larger bills broken up into smaller ones. I've been running into some problems trying to make change or not having small bills for tipping.   I could have lived without a robe. The night nurse at the Florence Hospital gave me a second gown that I would use as a robe while I was there. Since I don't wear robes at home I might leave the one I purchased here at the hotel and save some packing space.   As I think of more stuff I will post.




Week 2 - Weigh In And Musings

(Weighing in a day early because I am leaving for a trip tomorrow)   Just finished week two. We were allowed to add in milk and protein drinks in at days eight and ten so that was the big “diet change” this week.   Glad I worked those three days I got home from surgery. It kept me busy. I don't do well when I'm bored (I would say that 9 times out of 10 I eat because I am bored). I had a long Easter weekend and found myself battling head hunger which stemmed from being bored (watched tv, read a book, and took up knitting again to try and keep boredom at bay).   I had to lie to my sister-in-law who invited us over for Easter brunch. Which is highly unusual (as in we never get invited to Easter brunch). I didn't tell anyone and I think she might notice if I didn't eat anything she cooked at the brunch! I've also been avoiding a friend who likes to eat out a lot. I've used lots of excuses from "I have to work" to "I just started my period". It will be easier when we both go back to work on Monday and stay busy with the school schedule.   I told another friend that I've eaten out and spent too much money the last couple of months and I have made a vow not to eat out for one month. Most people can relate to that!   My stomach still looks heavily bruised and I need to pull out some nail polish remover to get rid of the nasty tape residue on my tummy.   I've not found any drop in energy. I used to be able to come home from work and take a nap easily but I'm not even tired.   Bowel movements are still watery. Husband and I carefully got "jiggy with it". My enjoyment was slightly marred by being paranoid. His enjoyment not marred at all .   I’ve been collecting South Beach diet recipes on Pinterest and had to stop at one point because it wasn’t helping my head hunger! I like the general South Beach diet better then Atkins because it allows for healthy carbs.   I can easily swallow pills (have been able to since two days after surgery). Currently finishing up antibiotics from surgery and taking two stomach pills he gave us each evening. I also take my celexa in the am. I take a chewable multivitamin gummy, a fiber gummy, and dissolvable biotin pill (hair growth). I like the gummies because it gives me a sense of chewing.   I weighed in this morning at: 227 which puts my total weight loss at approximately 18 lbs. (10 of it preop so 8 of it post op).




Week 11

Last week’s weight – 212.8 This week’s weight – 211.4 Total weight lost this week – 1.4 lbs   Total weight loss since surgery – 34.6 lbs   Average weight loss per week - 3.15 lbs     I’m glad that I experienced a loss this week. This week my battle was with and inconsistent schedule, farewell parties, and alcohol. We finished school and I celebrated by buying the ingredients for a white Russian (vodka and kaluah mixed with milk). I think I would have been fine with one but, even buying the smallest bottles of each, I had enough for two/three each night (for several nights!). Clearly this is a “red light” food that I don’t need to purchase AGAIN. I don’t normally drink a lot of alcohol and definitely not a lot since surgery (I have three quarters of a bottle of wine sitting in my cabinet that has been there for quite awhile). At the time it seemed like a good summer’y idea.   Since I am out for the summer (for the most part) I have tried to get in some deliberate and sustained exercise each day. So far I have hit 4 out of the 5 days (mostly walking…3 miles in our neighborhood. This week I walked a total of 12 miles). I am waiting for my summer schedule to level out and then I will join the Y and take advantage of their indoor lap pool and some of their programs (bought a waterproof MP3 player on amazon that I hope will help motivate me – can you tell I am not in love with working out?).   For any people wondering a “normal life” still continues after surgery. You just learn to adapt to a new normal. This week I ate at the Golden Corral (small portions of items, i.e. mac n’ cheese). I ate out at a local restaurant with out-of-town guests (ate off the appetizer menu and took some home). Tonight I am eating out again with my husband and a friend of his and I already know that I am either going to stick to an appetizer or bring three quarters of my meal as leftovers. My surgery has not stopped me from doing anything. I do think more than twice about the food offerings/options and then decide if I can make it work.   I do want to note that I got sleeved with two other people while I was in Mexico. We have stayed in touch on this forum and I am the slowest loser of our group. One person (as of last week) has lost 39 lbs and the other an impressive 55 lbs. I'm not too stressed about it since I am consistantly losing. I would have loved to have been one of those "I lost 75 lbs in 2 months" kind of gal but I am happy how the sleeve is working for me.   Until next week!




Hotel (And Money)Part 3

For those wondering I paid approximately $500 for my flight round trip from Savannah to San Diego (probably closer to $486 but I am checking my bag on my return flight and that will cost an extra $25). I paid $5,500 for the surgery and used money from a Roth IRA I had set up YEARS ago. I was able to access without penalty or fees (Yay Ron Clark for that idea). Dr. Kelly didn't require a deposit so I gave him a cashiers check when I arrived. I am suppose to get receipts for everything for tax purposes before I leave (already talked to Ana about that). I am not sure if we qualify for a medical tax deduction but I want to have all the paperwork just in case.   Leah and her friend left the hotel at 6 a.m. this morning. Apparently that is normal as it takes awhile to get through customs. I am waiting on her post to let me know just how long it took them to get through. There flights are noon'ish (so is mine on Monday putting my return flight in at an ungodly hour).   Leah changed her flight to today. She was suppose to leave tomorrow but she was feeling well and her friend was going back today. Dr. Kelly gave her the "all clear" and she looks really good. I am staying the full time. Apparently there is another person who will be at the hotel today and leaving on Monday with me. I checked in on her at Florence Hospital before we left for the hotel and she seemed to be doing well although she reported some gas pain in her shoulder.   I got up and went to the store that Leah and her friend told me about. It is right across from the hotel and I want to say it is called "Extra?" or something like that. It looks like a corner gas station but without the gas pumps;. I got over there early because our hotel sits on the "corner" or a roundabout and the traffic is a bit insane. I figured the earlier I went the better chance I had of not playing "frogger" with the traffic   I got a Gatorade and razor for my nasty legs. Total cost? $2/american. Then I saw the Popsicle selection. Whoo Hoo! I got a mandarin flavored Popsicle for 10 pesos (she had given me my change in pesos). I was equally excited about both the razor and the Popsicle   I ate the Popsicle while walking up to one corner past the hotel...turned around...and walked around to the other corner. I finished it while doing laps around the pool deck. Total walking time about 10-15 minutes. I ate slowly. My stomach was still gurgling but not as bad as yesterday (Progress!). I took my antibiotic this morning with water without any problems as well so that makes me hopeful about taking pills when I get back. I haven't started my Gatorade yet but will soon.   Now I am on the balcony surrounded by trees enjoying the brisk morning waiting on Ana's teeth whitening call. I hope it is earlier rather then later because I book my hair appointment for 2 p.m.   I am assuming not much open here on Sunday so that will be my day to just chill and repack.




Week 4 Weigh In (One Month Postop)

Lost 2.4 lbs this week putting my total loss at 22.4 lbs. I am losing at approximately 3 lbs per week after surgery (I lost 10 lbs before surgery).   Happy with my weight loss even though at times I wish I could lose a more impressive amount (i.e. 7-10 pounds per week). I was the same way when I was dieting prior to the sleeve so I know that is unrealistic (but it doesn’t stop me from dreaming my weight loss fantasy!).   The last time I when I lost a significant amount of weight – 30 lbs – I basically stopped and gained it all back and then some. I don’t feel like that will happen this time with the sleeve (so for that I am grateful).   I’m still not exercising regularly. I am doing a Flash Mob performance with the local YMCA on May 5th and went to practice last week and that kicked my butt (I looked like a sweaty drowned rat after practice…but I felt good). I know serious exercise isn’t supposed to be introduced until week 6 but I don’t consider Zumba too serious (at least not the way I do it) and I kept my impact low during practice (less jumping more fake jumping). My problem is that I wanted to chug water like no tomorrow and it was really hard to slow myself down. I am finding the same problem with eating. I was technically allowed to start adding mushies this week but I had pretty much been eating mushies since my DC trip. The problem is I haven’t really got the slow eating down yet (working on it).   To give you an idea of what I am eating (and I am not hungry, just trying to get into a routine)…   Early AM – 8 oz of water and my gummy vitamins (fiber, regular, and dissolvable Biotin tablet) Breakfast – Generally is a protein drink. Something with 15 to 20 grams of protein. Midmorning – more water Lunch – Soup (although today I am trying some tuna and crackers thing I purchased at Walmart) Midafternoon – Water Snack – Peanut butter portable cup that I got at Walmart More water or another protein drink (I like OJ with vanilla protein powder) Dinner – Not sure what I am having tonight but the last night two nights I had a Taco Bell fresco chicken soft shell taco (just took the filling out and ate it..GOOD!) and refried beans (not the whole cup but pretty much the top layer with the cheese and beans). Water after dinner   Yesterday I had an Atkins chocolate/peanut butter bar with 19 grams of protein to see how I would tolerate it (it is 2.4 oz) and it was fine so I might be adding those into my meal/snack roation.   I am suffering from really bad dry mouth during the night so I keep a water bottle by the bed (seems to be a side effect of surgery for me).   The “bad” things I have had this week (lest anyone think I am some giant role model J. Saturday I had a class where they had a bunch of muffins and donuts. I took a Boston cream donut and ate the chocolate off the top and then ate the cream in the middle (none of the breading part).
Saturday after class I went to a hibatchi grill with a girlfriend and I ordered miso soup, edamame (which we split) and an order of gyozas. I did ok with the soup (I had about ¼ of a cup). The half order of edamame was good. I probably should have stopped at 2 gyozas and taken the remaining four home instead of forcing all six gyozas (I felt HORRIBLE and had the burpies).
Sunday went to my SIL’s house for dinner (which was fine – fish and steamed squash) it was the raspberry cream cupcake that made me a bit ill (again I would have been ok with just half instead of the full cupcake).
Monday went out to lunch and had half a small cup of tomato basil soup (good), half a tuna salad sandwich (just eating the tuna out of it – no bread) and then I got a child’s cup of lemon custard ice cream (which didn’t make me sick or ill but probably wasn’t the best choice…thank good there was a lot of walking afterward to move it through)
Tuesday was picture day at school and our photographer brought a ton of donuts. Did the chocolate and cream thing again but tried to eat the breading part. Got about a ¼ of it down and I could feel it sitting in my chest so I stopped.
  I’m not too worried about the bad things. I think a lot of it was a learning lesson for me and it was WAY less than what I would have eaten prior to the sleeve (normally I could have a full hibachi meal, four donuts and a waffle cone of ice cream…so I am considering this progress J).   Friday I have Relay for Life with my school so I plan to be trekking around that track quite a few times. Sunday I have my Zumba practice. Looking forward to both for the exercise.   People are noticing the weight loss in my face (my weight loss usually starts showing in the face, then boobs, stomach, and finally thighs). Nobody knows about the surgery.   I am a solid 20W in clothes size now. My 22’s feel/look baggie. I nearly bought a pair of white capris at Dillards the other day ONLY because I fit into the 16W (they were cut pretty big) but I had to buy a pair of jeans (Levis size 20 and a bit snug but figure they will stretch out normally) and both were around $40 so I opted for the jeans only (which I needed).   I think that is pretty much my week-in-review. Until next week….




Preop Diet Experience

I had to be on the preop diet for 7 days with three of them being clear. I started a little further out at 10 days.   Luckily I had been trying out protein powders and I like them so that was no problem. The full liquid diet wasn't bad. Very doable for that length of time. I had a tense moment when I went to see The Hunger Games and desperately wanted popcorn but I remained strong. The diet went better when I was at work during the work week (busy) but was a little more trying on the weekend when I didn't have as much to keep me busy. I had to get myself off of Pinterest the other day though because all those recipes were testing my willpower!   The three days of clear is not that fun. I am glad I ordered the unflavored protein powder from Unjury. I've added that to my crystal light drinks. It is helping to beef up the protein I am getting and to make myself feel fuller longer. I also ordered their vanilla flavor and the chicken soup mix (although it is extremely annoying to have to use a thermometer to find the water temp). Drinks I have been consuming include Crystal Light, light cranberry, and Mots for Tots Apple Juice (less sugar).   I opened up a couple of ramen noodle packets we had in the pantry and used the packets in hot water for lunch (that was an idea I got on one of the boards).   I weighed myself this morning and I am 10 lbs down. Woo Hoo!




Week 3 Weigh In

I stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in this morning and I was a bit bummed that I only lost .8 pounds. I was hopping for something a little more "wow'ish". I am definitely not eating much - mostly liquids with protein so I am guessing that my body is going into that fun starvation mode where it wants to hold on to every ounce of fat it can.   That puts my total weight loss (including preop) to 19.8 lbs. (10 pounds preop and 9.8 pounds in 3 weeks...which I guess isn't too shabby - 3 pounds a week average).   I currently weigh - 226.2 (from a high of 246)   What cheeses me off is that I weighed myself after my DC trip and I was down 1 lb so I gained .2 of a pound in three days (this is why I can NOT weigh myself everyday!)   I am allowed to go into full liquid mode and mushies this week although I have been sort of introducing them this week. I experienced the burpies that people talk about and I need to slow down my eating (as in pausing longer before eating the next bite). I am happy to write that I can take larger drinks of water (before it was sip and count to 30 before the next sip).   I'm still not exercising   I'm not hungry and I need to develop some kind of eating routine to get all my protein and liquids in. Right now I have a slimfast high protien shake in the AM and OJ with protein for lunch and dinner is pretty much a crap shoot (jello, popsicles, broth). Water during the day. I have normal energy levels (which is good).   My goal for next week is to try and develop a more consistant eating routine (i.e. 6-7 a.m. get 8 oz of water in, 8:30 - 9:30 get protein in, etc.).   Some NonScale Victories - I can take my wedding ring off and on without a struggle. I was sitting at a 22W on pant size (really probably a 21 but they don't make that size ). I can now buy a 20W (I tried an 18W but they were very snug).   Until next week!




Preop Prep Part Ii

I forgot to add in my last post that I started taking vitamins. I am taking Biotin fast dissolve for hair growth, a gummi multi vitamin and a fiber gummi vitamin and sublingual B12. According to other posts I should be taking an iron and calcium pill but it is enough for me to remember the others without adding two more!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
