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Weight Loss Journey from Start to Finish

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At The Hospital

I got picked up at the airport and it turned out to be my fault that the driver couldn't find me! I bought my tickets through United but they put me on another one of their carriers U.S. Airways so that messed up the pickup location (because I said I was coming United in my email to them). It all turned out well (thank god for cell phones!). I tipped the driver $20 only because I am sure she doesn't make that much. She tried not to take it but since I budgeted for it I made her   It took about 40 minutes to get to the hospital and getting into Mexico was a breeze. I didn't need to show ID or Passport. However, the line coming OUT of Mexico was HUGE! I am assuming that is where I will need my passport. The driver said it is very busy for a three hour gap of time (which is when I guess most people are leaving).   Love the hospital it feels cozy and less intimidating then our hospital back home. Staff has been great. I've met with Dr. Kelly and another (female) doctor. I've been attended by two female nurses and one male nurse (and one male aid...he wheeled me to xray). I'm trying not to flash my naked behind too much   Dr. Kelly asked if I would be willing to have my sleeve today instead of tomorrow - he had the space and I've fasted. I said, "Sure, why not!" So I am literally an hour away from being sleeved. I was going to go out with SexySlims friend who accompanied her but that got changed with the operation being today. Right now I am trying to stay awake. I am super sleepy from being up very early today and dealing with the three hour time change.   Dr. Kelly met me in the room and answered any questions I had. I gave him the cashiers check at that time. I was asked to give a urine sample and I spent longer then I would like to admit trying to figure out how to get the darn hospital gown on! I filled in more paperwork and had blood drawn and an IV put in (I didn't think my veins were that hard to find but apparently so!). I rode in my first ever wheelchair to get my chest xrayed. That went super fast. A nurse came in to take my vitals and put on compression socks (to prevent blood clots during the operation). Dr. Kelly said the operation only takes about an hour (in case anyone is wondering). They gave me slippers when I came in as well so that is what I will be wearing when I final walk the halls.   I just had another doctor come in to take an EKG and check my heart and lungs (very nice man). Dr. Kelly just popped his head in and said I am next.




At The San Diego Airport

I'm in San Deigo and panicked a bit when I didn't see anyone to greet me but I got a call from Ana within 5 minutes of finding a comfortable waiting spot. My driver got stuck in traffic but is on the way. Whew! Flight was uneventful although I am springing for the baggage fee on the way home. Having to lug that around two airports was not fun early this morning!   Only have had 4 glasses of water ALL DAY.




My Pre-Op Prep-Work

My Pre-op Prep-work     For anyone interested here is what I have done, or am doing, as far as pre-op prep-work: Stopped drinking carbonated beverages in January (procedure scheduled for March). I drank diet coke probably one to two times a day so I didn’t have a giant habit to overcome (although it seemed like it that first week because it had become so habitual at certain times of the day). I replaced my soda with crystal light and water.
Bought the sample pack of protein powders from Unjury to see if I would like them. I liked the vanilla and chocolate. I wasn’t a huge fan of the chicken soup only because it mixed weirdly and I had to take the temperature of the water. I wouldn’t say I was a fan of the unflavored one but it truly did mix in well, and tasteless, with my yogurt and oatmeal and if it gives an extra protein boost then so be it. Presurgery I ordered 6 packets of the chicken soup, 6 packets of the vanilla, and 6 packets of the unflavored to take with me to Mexico. I also ordered a container of each for the house when I got back home. I wanted to be well prepared for my liquid phase.
I also tried the high protein Slimfast chocolate and vanilla ready to drink mixes and shakes. Liked the chocolate but wasn’t a huge fan of the vanilla.
I also tried the Atkins meal replacement bars and Go Lean meal replacement bars. I love the Atkins chocolate peanut better ones (all can be purchased at Walmart by the pharmacy diet stuff).
I purchased 2 loose workout pants at Target to have when traveling. I love love love them and they have quickly become my go to pants when I am at home. They sit low on my waist, have boot cut legs, and a drawstring. The only drawback is no pockets.
I bought full coverage underwear (I like thongs but thought that might be a bit inappropriate in the hospital new PJ’s and a cheap robe that I am unlikely to wear after this procedure HOWEVER I dye my own hair so I can use it as my hair dying robe so it is not a total waste!
Bought a better bathroom scale. My old one needed replacing so it wasn’t an unneeded expense.
Established the “I’m dieting and exercising” talk at work so that my weight loss is more believable and less shocking (I’m not telling anyone about the procedure).
Started growing out my hair (since Jan.). It is really short and if I might lose some of it I figured I better start growing it.
Joined the three gastric sleeve blogs and looked at posts so I know what to expect.
  The things I haven’t done and feel bad about…. Established a walking workout routine.
Stopped chewing gum (although that is pretty high on my list to quit…I don’t like chewing gum in public but I do like to chew it in the car and it curbs my desire to stop at drive thru’s).
Make the “just in case I die” list for my husband of things he will need to know (will be doing that this weekend)
Stuck to a low carb eating plan (I did for a few weeks but Valentine’s Day at school did me in and I have been back sliding since).
    Things I am worried about…. Complications which will cost a million dollars to fix which won’t be covered by insurance causing a severe financial burden and a strain on my marrage resulting in me having to work until I am 90 years old (that is extreme worst case scenario so you bet it is the one that is worrying me the most).
I won’t recognize the signs of a leak and I die
The leak test fluid (taste)
Getting all my money, passport, and ID stolen while traveling by myself.
Gaining weight
Dealing with my mother-in-law’s love of pushing food on anyone walking into her house (she means well but sometimes it is just easier to eat the food then it is to tell her “no, thank you” a million times).
  Things I am looking forward to… Fitting in airplane seats easily
Buying clothes in the normal section of the store (not the womens or plus size section)
Having more energy
Feeling “pretty”
Enjoying working out
  Things I still need to buy… Heating pad
Travel sizes of shampoo, conditioner, etc.
Another pair of the awesome Target pants.
  STATS:   Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 244.6 lbs (as of 3/13) Pant Size: 20/22 Shirt Size: 2XL




My Story

My Story   I am 42 years old, 5’5” and weigh 243 lbs. I wear size 20/22 pants and 2X tops.   I never really thought about my weight one way or another until I wanted to join the military (18 years old). When I went to check out all the branches I actually choose the Navy because I had to lose the least amount of weight – 30 lbs (I was 180 at the time). I put myself on a crazy crash diet and exercise program to lose the weight as fast as possible. I could only get to 25 lbs down and the day before I had to weigh in I took a bunch of laxatives (NEVER AGAIN!). I was over my weigh in by 2 lbs but they gave me a waiver and I joined the Navy for 5 years. The good thing about the military is that they give you a PT test and weigh in every six months so I kept myself within my weight range (not easily but I did it for five years). The moment I left the military and restrictions of weighing in and exercising came off I started a progression of gaining weight. Getting married, moving, new job, college, graduate school, and an uncertain future helped add more weight on.   I work very hard to not let my weight interfere with my life. We live in a coastal region so summer clothes and swimsuits are a staple. My husband (not overweight) loves the water and I love my husband so I am good about not letting my weight become an issue in our marriage (which means even if I feel uncomfortable in my 22 size bathing suit I fake my enthusiasm for spending the day on the water).   I never thought about WLS until my sister had lapband surgery a few years in Mexico. She actually had a bad situation with her band slipping and had to go into emergency surgery and now she is battling the insurance company to cover the emergency surgery. Up until then I hadn’t know about medical tourism or about the many WLS options.   This past fall I started to research different WLS surgeries. I have to lose 100 lbs and that is beyond overwhelming to me. The most I lost was 30 lbs on WW but gained that back and more.   I liked the sleeve option better then gastic bypass. My insurance does not cover it so I knew I was going to be self pay. My husband isn’t very chatty and I he said if that is something I wanted to do then fine but he is fine either way (I married an easy going guy). He won’t be going with me….no sense in both of us going if he’ll be bored. I am not telling anyone about the surgery. I don’t want to be talked out of it (it is enough to keep myself from talking myself out of it!).   I think I am a good candidate for surgery. My health is very good (minus the 100 excess pounds). My weight related ailments include – lack of energy, knees that bother me, and snoring. Our only son is married and serving in the military (so no small children). I am on temporary assignment outside of the classroom this year so I don’t have the crazy and stressful teacher schedule (which will make recovery easier for me).   I am mentally preparing for a rough few months after surgery (I am not a complainer and can tough out a lot). I am worried about the normal things – complications, insurance not covering complications, dying, long term ramifications, dealing with my eat out friends. However I am looking forward to buying clothes in normal sizes, fitting into airplane seats, crossing my legs, having more energy, enjoying being outdoors.   My surgery is on March 28th.




Preop Prep Part Ii

I forgot to add in my last post that I started taking vitamins. I am taking Biotin fast dissolve for hair growth, a gummi multi vitamin and a fiber gummi vitamin and sublingual B12. According to other posts I should be taking an iron and calcium pill but it is enough for me to remember the others without adding two more!




Preop Diet Experience

I had to be on the preop diet for 7 days with three of them being clear. I started a little further out at 10 days.   Luckily I had been trying out protein powders and I like them so that was no problem. The full liquid diet wasn't bad. Very doable for that length of time. I had a tense moment when I went to see The Hunger Games and desperately wanted popcorn but I remained strong. The diet went better when I was at work during the work week (busy) but was a little more trying on the weekend when I didn't have as much to keep me busy. I had to get myself off of Pinterest the other day though because all those recipes were testing my willpower!   The three days of clear is not that fun. I am glad I ordered the unflavored protein powder from Unjury. I've added that to my crystal light drinks. It is helping to beef up the protein I am getting and to make myself feel fuller longer. I also ordered their vanilla flavor and the chicken soup mix (although it is extremely annoying to have to use a thermometer to find the water temp). Drinks I have been consuming include Crystal Light, light cranberry, and Mots for Tots Apple Juice (less sugar).   I opened up a couple of ramen noodle packets we had in the pantry and used the packets in hot water for lunch (that was an idea I got on one of the boards).   I weighed myself this morning and I am 10 lbs down. Woo Hoo!




Hotel (And Money)Part 3

For those wondering I paid approximately $500 for my flight round trip from Savannah to San Diego (probably closer to $486 but I am checking my bag on my return flight and that will cost an extra $25). I paid $5,500 for the surgery and used money from a Roth IRA I had set up YEARS ago. I was able to access without penalty or fees (Yay Ron Clark for that idea). Dr. Kelly didn't require a deposit so I gave him a cashiers check when I arrived. I am suppose to get receipts for everything for tax purposes before I leave (already talked to Ana about that). I am not sure if we qualify for a medical tax deduction but I want to have all the paperwork just in case.   Leah and her friend left the hotel at 6 a.m. this morning. Apparently that is normal as it takes awhile to get through customs. I am waiting on her post to let me know just how long it took them to get through. There flights are noon'ish (so is mine on Monday putting my return flight in at an ungodly hour).   Leah changed her flight to today. She was suppose to leave tomorrow but she was feeling well and her friend was going back today. Dr. Kelly gave her the "all clear" and she looks really good. I am staying the full time. Apparently there is another person who will be at the hotel today and leaving on Monday with me. I checked in on her at Florence Hospital before we left for the hotel and she seemed to be doing well although she reported some gas pain in her shoulder.   I got up and went to the store that Leah and her friend told me about. It is right across from the hotel and I want to say it is called "Extra?" or something like that. It looks like a corner gas station but without the gas pumps;. I got over there early because our hotel sits on the "corner" or a roundabout and the traffic is a bit insane. I figured the earlier I went the better chance I had of not playing "frogger" with the traffic   I got a Gatorade and razor for my nasty legs. Total cost? $2/american. Then I saw the Popsicle selection. Whoo Hoo! I got a mandarin flavored Popsicle for 10 pesos (she had given me my change in pesos). I was equally excited about both the razor and the Popsicle   I ate the Popsicle while walking up to one corner past the hotel...turned around...and walked around to the other corner. I finished it while doing laps around the pool deck. Total walking time about 10-15 minutes. I ate slowly. My stomach was still gurgling but not as bad as yesterday (Progress!). I took my antibiotic this morning with water without any problems as well so that makes me hopeful about taking pills when I get back. I haven't started my Gatorade yet but will soon.   Now I am on the balcony surrounded by trees enjoying the brisk morning waiting on Ana's teeth whitening call. I hope it is earlier rather then later because I book my hair appointment for 2 p.m.   I am assuming not much open here on Sunday so that will be my day to just chill and repack.




Week 33 (Still In The 190's)

Week 33   Last week’s weight – 191.8 This week’s weight – 191.8 Total weight lost this week – 0   Beginning weight – 246 lbs Total weight loss since surgery – 54.2 lbs   This week I stayed the same weight wise, which I am grateful for. I’m currently recovering from a Breaking Dawn movie theater binge – small popcorn with light butter and a bag of sour gummies (ugh!). Don’t have any giant Thanksgiving plans so I should be ok next week.   Hoping to get into the 180's over the holidays.




Week 3 Weigh In

I stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in this morning and I was a bit bummed that I only lost .8 pounds. I was hopping for something a little more "wow'ish". I am definitely not eating much - mostly liquids with protein so I am guessing that my body is going into that fun starvation mode where it wants to hold on to every ounce of fat it can.   That puts my total weight loss (including preop) to 19.8 lbs. (10 pounds preop and 9.8 pounds in 3 weeks...which I guess isn't too shabby - 3 pounds a week average).   I currently weigh - 226.2 (from a high of 246)   What cheeses me off is that I weighed myself after my DC trip and I was down 1 lb so I gained .2 of a pound in three days (this is why I can NOT weigh myself everyday!)   I am allowed to go into full liquid mode and mushies this week although I have been sort of introducing them this week. I experienced the burpies that people talk about and I need to slow down my eating (as in pausing longer before eating the next bite). I am happy to write that I can take larger drinks of water (before it was sip and count to 30 before the next sip).   I'm still not exercising   I'm not hungry and I need to develop some kind of eating routine to get all my protein and liquids in. Right now I have a slimfast high protien shake in the AM and OJ with protein for lunch and dinner is pretty much a crap shoot (jello, popsicles, broth). Water during the day. I have normal energy levels (which is good).   My goal for next week is to try and develop a more consistant eating routine (i.e. 6-7 a.m. get 8 oz of water in, 8:30 - 9:30 get protein in, etc.).   Some NonScale Victories - I can take my wedding ring off and on without a struggle. I was sitting at a 22W on pant size (really probably a 21 but they don't make that size ). I can now buy a 20W (I tried an 18W but they were very snug).   Until next week!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
