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Weight Loss Journey from Start to Finish
Entries in this blog
Week 17 With Bathing Suit Picture
In a training class two days and it most likely will involve lunch out both days
Taking a friend for a medical treatment out of state and will be eating out 4 days (hoping the hotel has a workout room).
I’ll let you know how I do next week!
Week 24 (Or 6 Months Post Op With Pictures)
Leaving Tomorrow For Mexico
At The Hospital - Part 2
Nice Picture
Two Months Postop (Week 8)
4 oz of left over dinner (i.e. spaghetti, grilled tuna, sliced ham and cheese, usually something with protein, etc.)
4 oz watermelon (this is a recent thing but I have also had sliced cucumbers too)
Sugar Free Jello snack pack
Mid Snack (around 3 p.m.) – Almonds, Atkins bar, yogurt, cheese stick (any of those) Dinner (around 5:30) 4 oz of dinner
4 oz of veggies with dinner (I usually don’t eat the carbs that go with the dinner)
Desert – SF popsicle, cut up fruit, or SF gelatin
Week 29 (And The Vitamix Debate)
Week 25
Shop in the regular (not plus) side of stores
Not struggle to get my wedding ring on and off
Be below my driver’s license weight
Have enough energy to workout (walking and crossfit)
Be under 200 lbs
I did step on the scale this morning (something I don’t normally do but I was curious to see if the water thing was working after the first day…and about a million trips to the bathroom) and I was down to 197.6 so that gives me hope for next Wednesday’s weigh in.