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My VSG Journey

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Been a while...and today saw a colleague I haven't seen for several months....

It's been a while since I've been on this site. It's always good to come back. I simply have been very busy and when I have extra time these days, I am usually choosing to workout rather than get on the internet. Yes, that is a lifestyle change in my new awesome sleeved body!! :-)   So..., I'm at the salad bar at my work and see a colleague coming towards me that I haven't seen for a bit. She says..."I saw you, recognized your hair, took a second look, and thought no that is not her, but then..., YES it is You! YOU look fantastic! You are so thin, healthy, fit and glowing!   I have to contribute it to my sleeve, incorporating a plant-based diet, daily hardcore exercise, and loving life!   Those kinds of comments sure do give a boost and affirmation for all the hard work. YEAH! I can not tell you how fabulous I feel.   VSG = the best decision, for me, EVER!




Had to add my weight loss ticker back on...strange the original one disappeared...

I may have missed something from not checking in on this site for awhile, but I had to add my weight loss ticker back on. I used to have one in my signature that was fed from "Diet Ticker" but it disappeared along with the dates and progression. Oh well, I'm down 97-100 lbs (depending on when I consider the start date) over that past year! WHOOP! WHOOP! Dang do I feel great. I work out most every day at my work gym (which is an AWESOME gym). I do every thing from yoga to Zumba, to weight training, to Tai Chi to bootcamp, to kettle bell and medicine ball workouts, to roller recovery, circuit training. It works! Now to get the last 20-25 lbs off for good!!!! I love my sleeve. :-)   ***** Edit....Ok, well I thought I added a new ticker, but when I published the comments above the ticker didn't show. bummer.   Here is a manual entry: Surgery Date: 1/17/12 Surgery Weight: 276 Current Weight as of 1/17/2013: 176 !!!! YEAH!!!




One YEAR Post Op! It's been forever since on this site....

I will provide updates in the next day or two. I haven't posted on this site since September and I really just logged in to make sure I could still log in.   Jan. 17th will be one year post op and I have to say...getting sleeved was the BEST thing I've ever done for myself!!! I look and feel FANTASTIC! I still watch everything I put in my mouth. I have adopted a 98% plant based diet and I do lots of green juicing. Green juicing has saved me.   More in the next day or two.....




9 Month Follow-Up Appt Was Today...

Hello! I've so much to write, but so little time. I just had my 9 month follow-up appt today. My doc is pretty darn happy with me. However, not as happy as I am with myself!!! I bought my first pair of size 12 skinny jeans a couple weeks ago and I'm wearing them today! From a size 22/24 to a 12 (and a 'skinny' jean at that!)!!!! And, I still have ~40-45lbs still to lose. Crazy, wonderful, exciting! I love my sleeve. Now in saying that....eating is still a challenge. I try to stick close to 100% plant-based, whole food diet, but...once in a while... Anyway, you still have to watch calories and quantity and this will be forever. But, darn this sleeve rocks!!! So happy. Life is good. One Love.




Finally! Under 200Lbs - 8 Mo Post-Op!

Hello!   Well, I don't blog as much as I should or would like to. Life is just super busy and super wonderful! I am finally under 200 lbs (this morning the scale said 197!!!). I know this sounds like a lot to many, but I am thrilled. I haven't weighed under 200 for my entire adult life. Starting out at my heaviest at 270...it is a HUMONGOUS change!   I really feel great. I have tons of energy. I used to say I wasn't a night person, but...I just might be now. Before VSG, I could go to bed at 8pm and wanted to. Nowadays, I look at the clock and can't believe it is already 11pm and I'm still up and going! I do try to get to bed by 11-11:30pm though. I do like my sleep and need it for health and to rest, due to the great workouts I've been doing.   I work out 6-7 days a week. I do something different most every day. Here is a sample of what I have planned for this week's workouts: Monday (today): 1 hr Spinning class and 1 hr Yoga class, after spinning Tuesday: 1 hr Medicine Ball workout; 1 hr power walk Wednesday: 1 hr Outdoor Bootcamp Thursday: either 1 hr Spinning class or 1 hr Bootcamp indoor Friday: 1 hr Spinning class (early morning); 90 min Yoga (lunch) Saturday: Bicycle Ride - 25miles Sunday: Hiking - 8-10 miles   I've been following a really healthy plant based diet, 90% of the time, along with doing some yummy green juicing. The other 10% of my diet has included some dairy (greek yogurt and some cheese) and some seafood and a bit of chicken (I just can't turn down a few bites of my husband's amazing jerk chicken). The weight is coming off, whoop whoop, but it has slowed.   Now 8 months post-op, I definitely can eat more now than I have been post-op. So, I do have to watch most everything I put in my mouth. I just eat real healthy - no or very minimal processed food, dairy, animal products. In retrospect, it is amazing how much food I used to eat. More amazing is how little food I eat now, need to survive and to loose weight.   I have a follow-up appt in September with my doc. At that point I will post before and after photos.   Live is GOOD! One Love.




Feel Fantastic, But Weight Loss Is Slowing Down....

Hello All.   Well, my weight loss is slowing down. However, I still feel like I'm losing and my clothes feel like I'm losing. I'm working out daily. Not eating much. I have to get back to the basic of eating protein first and then veg and fruit. I really think my body is just adjusting and trying to hold on to weight.   Other than the lb numbers, I am down from a size 20, often times it was a 22, now to a solid size 14 jean!!! Pretty darn awesome, I think! I still have over 50lbs to get to my idea weight of 145 or 150. It's crazy to think of what I will look like at that weight as I am loving how I look now and how i feel.   One Love.




A Week Shy Of 5 Months Post-Op....

Man time flies by so fast. I am very happy with where I am at with my weightloss so far. I was down a total of 60lbs at my 4 month post-op appt. My doc is VERY happy with me. The loss has slowed down quite a bit.   I need to get back to basics and make sure I get protein in first. I also need to keep doing 5-6 tiny meals a day rather than 2-3 not as tiny. I know it makes a difference. I've been out of my Premier protein shakes and I need to get some more. They help me tremendously.   I've overdone it by eating a bit too much sometimes and I definitely pay for it - with the feeling of over fullness, belching and throwing up. It is not intentional, but it does happen once in a while.   I'm working out 5-7 days a week and rather intensely - spinning classes, circuit training, yoga, hiking, etc... I actually like to work out.   Great so far! I hope to get off another 20lbs in the next month..or month and a half...then the next 20....   I got a copy of the 'before' photo taken in my docs office....YIKES! I am so glad I got sleeved!!!! I will post before and current photos soon.   One Love.




Almost 3 Months Post-Op...the Best Thing Ever!

Well, I am one week shy of my 3 month post-op date. Everything is GREAT!   I am so loving life. I love my sleeved stomach. I've lost 45 lbs, well actually a bit more, so far - which I think is absolutely terrific. I can now look down without leaning forward and can see my toes and...my pubic area (it has been several years since I've been able to do that). I have 6 garbage bags full of fat clothes to give to a charity. I don't have many clothes left that fit and don't look like I'm still wearing fat clothes. I'm only buying an item here and there to stretch my now sparse wardrobe.   Someone called me skinny today!!!!! WHAT!?! I'll take that, even though I am still over 200lbs. Can't wait to get under 200lbs.   I'm eating anything I want - a bite here and there. I'm certain I need to get more protein in though. I've backed off on the protein shakes lately, but need to add those back in. I'm eating a 90-95% plant based vegan diet and the other 5-10% is a vegetarian diet. The part that is not vegan is dairy - milk for my coffee, a little bit of cheese, and there is often butter or dairy or eggs in a few other items I consume, like in certain breads.   I've been working out 6 days a week - yoga, kettlebell class, ellipitcal, hiking, spinning classes, boot camp classes, etc.   I feel freaking fantastic! I also feel like I don't take up as much space. Love that feeling.   Life is GOOD!   If you are wondering if getting sleeved is right for you....DO IT!!! It will change your life for a fitter, thinner tomorrow. Yes, you still have to work at nourishing your body with healthy food choices, but the sleeve is a terrific tool to help with that. Your food life will never be the same. The sleeve allows you to live your life around other important things other than around food and all the pressures and cravings a morbidly obese person deals with minute by minute. I know, I've been there and been there in a LARGE way.   One Love.




Coming Up On 9Wks Post-Op...life Is Different, In A Good Way

Hello.   Well, I never thought I'd get to the 8wk post-op point, but tomorrow will be 9wks post-op! I am now finally able to eat pretty much anything I want, although I've been taking it easy with every thing especially raw foods, i.e., salads, raw veggies. I will incorporate more salads this week. I've also tried to stay as vegetarian/vegan as possible, although I have had a couple bits of salmon and chicken. I'm not vegetarian for animal rights purposes, although I totally support it, I want to be vegan for health purposes. I am finding it difficult to be vegan but I just need to dedicate time to it and make dishes ahead of time so I have some good food to eat when I need to eat. What is it they say about preparation....?. Time has not been plentiful recently, but I need to stir some up!   When my head hunger is stronger than my new sleeved tummy hunger is when I overdo it a bit and, yes, I've been nauseous many times. Haven't thrown up in a while, but came close. You just can't put much food in a little tummy and be comfortable. It just doesn't work.   It is so strange to go to a restaurant and order a meal and take 3/4 of the meal home with me, or order an appetizer and even share it and be satisfied. Prior to my sleeve, I would have ordered a couple appetizers a meal and would have been thinking about the next meal right after. I figure the $ I save on food, will get me an outfit here and there along the weight loss journey. I haven't weighed myself in several days but will do that tomorrow morning and update my ticker. Hopefully it is down a few more lbs.   So, I know I'm not suppose to drink alcohol for one year after vsg. Well, I blew that this weekend - and I paid for it all weekend! I was at a Reggae event this past Friday evening that we hosted and the bar had a drink special called a "Catch a Cab". It was a largish shooter of what tasted like a Watermelon Jolly Rancher. They asked me if I wanted to try it and I gave my standard answer..., thanks much but I'm not drinking tonight. Well, i caved under peer pressure and had a sip. I then ordered one (it might have been a total of 1.5oz and I sipped on it for a while. I then got a refill, and then another and another!!! I had 4 of them - a total of 6 oz. I must say, I did not catch much of a buzz, but....I was down and out on the couch not wanting to do anything but drink water both Saturday and Sunday. Needless to say, I won't be drinking any time soon as I just can't recoup. I don't know if it is because of the sleeve or just that I haven't had anything to drink for several months.   I am loving this weight loss and looking forward to more of it!   One Love.




7 Weeks Post-Op - Some Thoughts...

Had a some rough food times from week 6 to now week 7 post-op. I tried to move from the pureed phase into more solid food and was not very successful in keeping any food down. I was having to throw it up, which is something that is quite foreign to me. However, in just the past two days, I've been able to eat more solid food with no issue.   I've lost 39lbs in 7weeks. I think this is fan-freaking-tastic! However, I have noticed the weight loss is slowing down a bit. I am also working out pretty intensely to taking long walks 5-6 times a week. I am also down two sizes and finding I don't have very many clothes I can wear in my wardrobe anymore. Believe me, I am absolutely not complaining about this!! I am so ok with buying new clothes, however, I'll likely buy just a couple items along the way until my final resting/goal weight! I've got a huge amount of great clothes from size 22-18 that are all bagged up and ready to be given away or donated. I might try to sell some at the Buffalo Exchange (resale shop) as I still have tags on several items.   So, I still find lots of comfort going back to the protein shakes and I think they will be a standard in my diet from now on. I'm craving raw veggies and a nice mixed greens salad! Can't wait to be able to have that and keep it down.   All is wonderful. I am so happy that I got sleeved and I can't wait to rock some cute Spring and Summer clothing (rather than dread the 'skin showing seasons')!!! I am actually looking forward to wearing cute skirts, shorts and a bathing suit!!! I turn 50 in August and you bet I'm going to be on the beach in a bathing suit and struttin' it! It is so weird to actually be able to look forward to that, when I thought I would never be able to get there before.   One Love.




5 Wks Post-Op - 35Lbs Gone!

Well, everything is going great! I've lost 35 lbs so far! Very very happy about that.   I had my 4wk follow-up visit last Tuesday also. My doc was very pleased with my status/progress and he has encouraged me to keep a food diary. I know I'm suppose to do that, but it is just not my thing. I just do not like to keep a food diary. I went through that numerous diets before on WW and all other diets. To me, my new sleeved stomach, isn't a diet, it is a new way of life, living and eating. I know exactly what I'm eating these days - protein first and there is not much room for anything else.   I did experience the dreaded 'sliming' last Friday. I thought it was a myth, but it is not. I thought I could eat a little something - a few bites of firm tofu, cooked yellow beets and some quinoa salad. I chewed and chewed and chewed it up so it was kind like a puree (since last week and this week I'm on the 2wk pureed phase), but...immediately afterwards, I was so sick and knew it wasn't going to stay down. It didn't and along came the sliming. Ok, can't talk about it much as it starts to turn my stomach again. Needless to say, it was a lesson. Gotta take this eating thing super slow. So, since then, I've been back on liquids, yogurt, silken tofu, soups. I'm making a pureed curried sweet potato soup this evening and will make it kinda thick to move more into the purees. I guess as time goes on, I will at some point eat solid food, but it seems like that is down the road. I would so love a raw green salad with all kinds of veg in it...someday. It still continues to floor me knowing the amount of food or nutrition I put in my body compared to the amount pre-sleeve.   I'm now in my..what I considered pre-sleeve, my skinny jeans, which will soon be my fat jeans! It's nice to get rid of my 2X and 3X ugly clothing. Well, a lot of it was very nice, but I have shrunk out of them. Hee hee!!!   One Love.




4 Weeks Post-Op Today!

4 weeks ago today I had my vsg surgery! That is the day I woke up from what seems to have been several years of hibernation. I am freaking happy, happy, happy! I've lost 30lbs (by my scale) so far and I can't imaging the level of happiness when I hit the -50, -60, -70 and so on and so forth milestones! To celebrate I'm going for a long walk along the San Francisco Bay (right outside my office) and will throw in several flights of stairs this afternoon.   I'm so excited to move on from the 4-weeks of fluids - yes, I made it for 4 weeks. Ok, there were a couple times in the fourth week where I had a couple teaspoons of some mushed up beans and potatoes and some hummus (just needed something with texture), but all is good.   I have my follow-up appointment, Thursday of this week. My doc was out of the country, so I wasn't able to get a 2-week follow-up appointment (I could have seen another doc, but I'm not having any issues). I'm excited for that appointment.   All is wonderful. Life is good. Jah bless, Jah guide! One Love.




Oh, By The Way, I No Longer Snore!

So another positive thing, now 23 days post-surgery...my husband tells me I no longer snore, like not at all! Believe me, I sawed huge logs prior to surgery. Now that I've lost some lbs, I no longer snore. This is incredible to me as before surgery, I was going to go to a sleep clinic to see if I had sleep apnea and also because my snoring was horrendous. I also thought I needed to go and get an official diagnosis to qualify for vsg surgery, but in the end I qualified without that diagnosis.   Lots of restful sleep for me and my hubby these days because I no longer snore!! Now, gotta do something about my husbands snoring!




23 Days Post Surgery - All Good, But Getting A Bit Tired Of Protein Shakes

Haven't blogged in a few days. Today is the 23rd day post-surgery. I'm feeling pretty darn good. I do admit, I am getting a bit tired/bored of protein shakes. I've gone through two containers of Beneprotein so far as I put it in everything. So, I've definitely been getting my protein in. It still floors me that I haven't eaten solid food for 25 days now! I will admit that I did have about three bites of a german potato salad, but I did chew it up to mush before swallowing it though. I've been doing lots of creamy types of soups and adding beneprotein, Bragg Amino Liquid (highly recommend this product on everything savory, so good and a raw life food), and hot sauce. I've been getting the Imagine brand soups at Whole Foods - Corn & Lemongrass (delish!), Tomato & Basil, Sweet Pea. Highly recommend these kinds of soups as a breakaway from the sweet protein shakes. Compared to the food I was consuming pre-surgery to the last 25 days is an extreme difference. I'm not physically hungry at all. I am mind and eyes hungry though. And because of this, I'm feeding my husband like crazy. He told me last night that l have to stop eating through him. It's all been good plant-based healthy food I'm pushing on him, but still. I am looking forward to crunching down on something and I have a huge craving for all kinds of salads and fresh veggies and fruit. So looking forward to that.   I'm going to do my first real workout today and go to a spinning/cycling class at my work's gym. I love cycling classes and will take it easy today, but I really need a good sweat to boost the psyche.   I am loving my new tummy and actually liking to look at myself in the mirror these days.   And the beat goes on and on and on... One Love.




Day 15 Post-Op - Icky Vitamins And Calcium Citrate...

Hello!   Day 15 post-op and I'd say most everything is wonderful. Today I am super crazy busy at work, didn't get a walk in yet, and..haven't gotten all my protein in just yet, and I feel it. I am also have a bit of difficulty getting in my vitamins and the calcium citrate. In the last two days I've gotten about 50% of it down, but these chewable vitamins and calcium citrate make me want to hurl. I would really like to swallow a pill instead of having to chew them. I was ok with it at first, but truly can't stomach them, never really have been able to even pre-surgery. I think in one of my blogs I made the statement...thank goodness for the chewable vitamins, just to have something to chew. Well, I take that statement back! If anyone has any recommendations for palletable vitamins and calcium citrate, I welcome all suggestions.   My husband says I don't snore anymore. Yippie! Also, I've been having really vivid dreams which is something I didn't have previously.   I am copying here a comment I posted on someone's posting about in response to their love and obsession for food and wanting to eat just about everything. I copying/repeating it mostly because I feel it is important and I really want to get the word out about the movie I reference. So, please take a read:   I LOVE FOOD. I went to culinary school, I've done lots of catering, I worked at a winery for 12 years (previously) and did many events with pairing wine and food, I order catering for my group at work all the time and plan parties and great food and wine is always up front and central in my thinking and life. I will not give up good healthy food. However, I now and previously, look at food as nutrition. I want the best nutrition possible. I will use this fabulous sleeved stomach as a tool for a forever healthy, fit, lean, life. I believe down the road I can/could eat anything I want, but it will just be in much much smaller portions to be satisfied. I truly believe poor un-nutritive food, processed food, junk food, SAD (standard american diet) diet is the culprit for the majority of disease and obesity. We all have to make your own decisions on how we fuel our bodies. You can fuel your body with fat, sugar, white flour, processed foods and junk and do not one thing positive for your health, or you can fuel your body with food and calories that count and provide good nutrition for an ultimate healthy life.   I personally will be sporting a plant-based nutritive diet for the rest of my life - once I am done with this liquid phase. Will I ever consume a meat product, dairy or something not all that healthy and nutritious?, yes, very likely, but it will be on a very rare occasion. I highly recommend a movie - Forks over Knives - http://www.forksoverknives.com/ . Just watch it, it doesn't mean you have to change everything you do/eat, but it will enlighten you and will likely change something in a healthy positive direction with your diet. It was life changing for me and many people I know.   Ta-da!   One Love!




Back To Work Today - Day 13 Post-Op...

I am back at work. I was looking forward to it and now that I'm here...happy to be here, but...it seems like I never left. Some people didn't even know I was out, but those that did are happy I am well and back (which always feels good). Keep in mind...I have not told anyone at work that I had vsg surgery, just that I had 'female surgery' (I'm a female and had surgery!).   About an hour ago a friend/colleague presented me with one of her to-die-for homemade carrot cakes to celebrate my return to work (my once-upon-a-time favorite favorite sweet ever!). I thanked her profusely and we put it in our interaction area with plates and forks and a sign for whoever wants some, come get it - in a matter of seconds it was gone. My friend had cut me a piece. I said thank you and that I would enjoy it a bit later with a cup of tea. Well, once my friend was back in her office and working away, I took my yummy looking piece of carrot cake to my receptionist and it is now gone. Whew! In the past I would have gobbled it and gotten a second piece.   I went through most of my clothes last evening and purged all the clothes that currently do not fit, those in larger sizes. I will never go back to that size again and I hate all those clothes anyway. I did keep one nice shirt and pair of jeans - so I can post one of those 'look-at-me-now' photos when I reach my goal weight. I can not wait for that day, but just knowing it will really happen brings me much joy.   Looking forward to tomorrow, and the next day, and the next and so on.....




Day 11 Post Vsg

I have figured out the ticker and my ticker slider keeps going down...I mean going down in a good way - in LBS!   My husband is rather freaked out that I haven't eaten anything in 11+days - from the perspective that I would never miss a substantial meal and snacks prior. I keep telling him that these 'delicious' protein shakes are food and I am getting nutrition and calories. am looking forward to the pureed phase, which is just two weeks away. He is very supportive and has been more conscious of what he is eating also. Love the boomerang effect.   I'm going back to work on Monday and looking forward to that.   It is nice to be able to lie flat in bed without any tugging or pain and this has been so for the past three nights.   Going for a walk/hike today along the coast in Pacifica, CA. One of my favorite places.   Seems strange that I have lost 20lbs in 11 days and I'm not starving nor hungry. I'm in shock that I am under the 100lb marker of how many more lbs until my goal weight.   Life and how I am starting to feel about my body is good, no...pretty darn terrific.   One Love.




Ticker Help Please...?

I seriously need help on how to embed my ticker in my signature. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I found where you can edit your signature and put the ticker code in, but that is only how it shows up, a bar with the code...not the cute little scene with the weight loss progress.




One Week From Vsg Surgery - Need Help Posting Ticker..

I dunno...do I just cut an paste the code created on LilySlim.com? Well, here goes....   <a href="http://lilyslim.com/"><img src="http://swlf.lilyslim.com/NkNXm8.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="LilySlim Weight loss tickers" /></a>   <a href="http://lilyslim.com/"><img src="http://swlf.lilyslim.com/NkNXm8.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="LilySlim Weight loss tickers" /></a>   If anyone can lend some advise on how to put this ticker in my blog, profile, signature or wherevers, I'd be grateful.   Well, it has been one week since my VSG surgery on 1/17/12. I stopped pain meds night before last. Feel really good. Can bend over and pick things up off the floor with out too much abdominal discomfort. Slept well without meds last night. I feel the need to get moving! Will go for a nice long slow walk tomorrow and even drive tomorrow. So excited. So glad, so happy. I put beneprotein in everything, well except water. However, the only 'everything' I've had since surgery is protein shakes, yogurt, strained miso soup, and tonight my buddy gave me a packet of dried hot sour soup, which I strained, and I put 2 scoops in 8oz. Have only drank 4 ozs of it for one meal today (saving the rest for next meal). Not at all physically hungry. Mentally hungry? No not much, but heck I wouldn't dare jeopardize anything to thwart the success of my weight loss goals with my new sleeved tool!   I would like to thank having to take chewable vitamins for getting to chew and crunch on something.




Day 4 Home After Vsg Surgery And All Is Groovy...

Ok, one thing I've definitely learned is at this point, I can really only sip water/liquids (and, that is the instructions given...take sips). It hurts, like heartburn, if I do more than just sips. So, sip I will!   I think today is a turning point as far as the pain factor. YEAH! I've taken the pain meds basically to sleep at night and I think I'm done with that.   I also think I might just go back to work this Thursday or Friday! Whoop Whoop! My original plan or atleast I thought is what I would do prior to my surgery was that I'd be able to go back to work a week after. If I go back this Thursday or Friday, it will be 9 days post surgery, not 7 days. I think is is truly possible.   So I bought my first scale yesterday at Costco. I also walked all around Costco with my hubby and then later in the day walked on the treadmill (slowly) for 30 mins. Anyway, about the scale, if my scale reads the same as the one used right before my vsg surgery on 1/17, then I've lost 12lbs as of this morning. Shoot, 12lbs in 6 days...what, what?!?! Yes, I will take that.   Here's a secret and something weighing on my heart. I told my work I was having 'female surgery' - not bariatric surgery. I feel absolutely horrible that I've lied about this really important life changing action I've taken. It will likely weigh on me to much and I will come clean eventually. It's all about the personal weight embarrassment issues I have. I absolutely do not like to lie, but I have. I'm sure the truth will prevail...or at least catch up with me. I have actually only informed my husband and three friends of mine about the vsg surgery. I haven't lied to my family, but I haven't told them yet either. I want to be healed up before I do.   I've taken a few showers, but my belly is looking rather frightful and I still have the bandage strips and patches on my incisions - five of them. I swear they are iron clad stuck there and will be hanging on like an unwelcome house guest for a while. However, I can fully envision looking at my future flat stomach (yes, there will be lots of hard workouts and time to achieve this) and will only tiny signs of incisions!   Today is the true first day I woke up and the thought.."Why did I do this to myself?"..didn't come first to mind. I totally know why and I an so thankful and proud of myself for having done it.   The excitement continues to grow...   One Love.




Day 3 At Home After Vsg Surgery

I will upload a photo of myself pre-vsg surgery to my profile. :embaressed_smile: I am so looking forward to posting photos along the way of my shrinking self. :smile1:   Each day seems to get a bit better than the last, now on my 3rd day home after vsg surgery. My belly is still very sore. Thank goodness for the pain killer (roxicodone! - discovered I'm allergic to hydrocodone, i.e., vicodin, in the hospital, nausea, hallucinations and an itchy mouth is not my cup of tea) or I wouldn't be getting sound sleep. I am not one to take meds, especially a narcotic, but it truly is necessary in this case to keep from getting too exhausted fighting agains the pain. I have a strong pain threshold, but this is some serious surgery and it is required. I plan to discontinue the roxicodone by tomorrow and change to children's liquid Tylenol, if needed. I'm also meditating and doing some conscious deep breathing exercises for relaxation.   My first blog entry was super long and wordy, but wanted to admit to some things and put it in writing.   Today a trip to Costco is in the plans to buy some protein drinks and a scale with my honey. I'm so looking forward to weighing myself today. (This is a statement I would have never made before.) So far on this 4 weeks liquid diet phase I've had Chiobani Greek yogurts (honey and vanilla) with Beneprotein added and a couple of the sample protein mixes I received from the nutritionist. I've tried the Bariatric Advantage Chocolate and the Unjury Chocolate. The fav out of these is the Unjury Chocolate protein mix shaken up with Plain Soy Milk - just like a chocolate shake, rather tasty. After reading other posts, it seems like the follow-up diet is different in other locations. I'm surprised when I hear people are eating more of a pureed diet 2-3 weeks out from surgery. The instructions from Stanford are a 4 week liquid diet phase, six protein meals a day, post surgery, followed by 2 weeks of a pureed phase diet. The liquid phase includes yogurt, cream of rice/wheat and protein drinks. I've never been a fan at all of artificial sweeteners nor drinking sweet things on the regular. I tried the Gatorade with protein and Crystal Light, but the artificial taste is rather revolting to me. Additionally, I don't think it wise to fuel your body with artificial chemical anything. So, I'm going to stay as natural and organic as possible, well, except for the prepackaged protein drinks and mixes - simply for convenience. I've been getting in the required daily protein amount, thanks to adding beneprotein to most everything. I've really only been drinking water and herbal tea in between and find it much more satisfying than anything with artificial sweetener. I'm also making sure I get all the required protein in 'cause I really don't want hair loss! I'm just not quite ready to lose the dreadlocks yet or have them thin out too much.   The healing continues.....




The Beginning To What I Know Will Be A Hugely Successful End!

Ok, so...This site along with the ObesityHelp.com site (where I started this blog today) seem a bit disjointed and I don't really know how to maneuver through it. Doesn't seem intuitively setup (sorry, but true). However, I want to be a member of this community, tell my story, keep an ongoing blog and be able to make wonderful connections with you people! To start, I thought I should just start telling my story by just starting to write. This is my first blog ever. I started writing my blog at the ObesityHelp.com site and copied it here:     Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery. Hi. Well I'm starting to tell 'MyJourney' (this is from the ObesityHelp.com site). I've been overweight the majority of my life. There were periods of time when I wasn't overweight, but that was rare and only when I did some wacko diet like Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Medifast, etc. (I've done them all!) The most I ever lost was 45 lbs, but those 45 lbs only stayed off for a couple months and then would creep back on and at a fast creep, in addition to more lbs. I could never maintain any weight loss. I'm 49 and started taking anti-depressant meds two years ago. I've been depressed about my body and my weight for so long I went on anti-depressant meds to help make everything seem ok and to be able to make it day by day. I've always perceived myself, in my own brain, smaller that what I really am. I have always been rather athletic and I actually love to work out. In addition, I love a plant based diet, juicing, vegetarian and vegan cuisine. I was even a raw foodist for a year. I live a fairly healthy, large woman, lifestyle. But...I have always been way too much overweight. I do not want to be overweight and 'morbidly obese.' Morbidly obese is just a horrible term and state of being. I have just not been able to stick with anything to truly change my weight and my body. I started this journey and found out about the vertical sleeve gastrectomy at the age of 49. When I turned 49 I started looking in to what new and different or even going back to the same weight loss program but just didn't want to spend the money and fail again. I just really want to be lean, fit, happy and healthy and I want to achieve this by my 50th birthday. I don't want to enter the next half of my life and continue to be a large, fat, morbidly obese woman. I want to want to see myself in photos. I've always been confident, but hate how I look, which would counter act my confidence. I never liked the large woman in any photo I saw of myself. It's like the photo I was looking at was me, but wasn't really me. I hate being the largest woman in the room, any room. I hate shopping at plus size women's clothing stores. I hate that my feet hurt, because I'm too heavy. Like I said, I've always loved working out - spinning class, yoga, kettle bell, boot camp, walking, hiking, swimming..., love it all. Being fat didn't keep me from working out and I would always tell myself..."I'd really be a cow if I didn't work out." I'd always have to adjust though. In yoga I'd have to move my stomach out of the way to do certain poses and things like that. I was looking in to the lap band procedure but was turned on and informed of the VSG procedure, when I saw a friend and former colleague's incredibly successful life change with her VSG. I asked her what she did and she gave me her story and I knew immediately it was what I needed to change my life. When I reach my goal weight, one day, I am going to so repay her for her guidance and the incredible support she has given me from my first inquiry to now and the future. So, like I said, I turned 49, this was in August of 2011, and this is when I started this incredible journey to salvation. It took seven months of all kinds of tests and poking and proding to my VSG surgery date this past week. I had my surgery on Tuesday, January 17, 2012, at Stanford Hopsital in Palo Alto, Ca.   What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight? There are sooo many things that are the worst thing about being overweight and I will name some here: 1. I hate that my thighs rub together (they have all my life) and they rub the color off the jeans in that area so my jeans are thinner in the material and lighter in color that the rest of any particular pair of jeans. 2. I don't feel at all sexy being overweight. My sex life with my husband is pretty much nonexistent. And, believe me, I love sex and I find my husband absolutely delicious. Not fair to him or to me. He loves my body, but I don't and I feel way too bodywise ugly. He doesn't understand, but me being overweight is not an issue for him, but it is 100% an issue for me. 3. In my previous job, I traveled about 2-3 weeks out of each month all over the US. It was grueling travel, but I absolutely loved my job - intellectually stimulating, I loved the professional interaction and making friends across the US. I truly got to a point after traveling for 2 years, where I couldn't get on yet another uncomfortable plane. As a large woman, plane travel is freaking uncomfortable. It was embarrassing to spill over into more than one seat, even a bit. I always wished I just didn't take up so much space. I never had to ask for an extender seat belt, but was close. 4. Not being able to wipe my own ass sometimes. Hey, when there is that much body in the way, it makes it challenging to sometimes properly wipe your own ass. 5. Because you have creases, skin overlapping other skin, sometimes you have an odor. It's simple biology. 6. Always thinking about the next thing I'm going to eat and how much of it I might be able to get away with eating that item. Oh, and never really feeling full, even when I was painfully full! Crazy! 7. Not being able to reach around and scratch my own back. 8. Wanting to meet up with friends or colleagues, but being too embarrassed about my weight to do so. I've made/arranged appointments, dates, outings and have cancelled them on many occassions because I was embarrassed about being overweight. With the facebook craze, I've met up, on-line, with old friends, and have arranged to meet in person to only cancel. Crazy! ****** I could and probably will add more to this section. But, I just want to let you know...I feel all these things still. I am just 5 days from my surgery date. I've got a lot of changes ahead of me and I am so freaking excited about the future, it is just hard to explain. At this point, I'm in the healing process from surgery. I'm sore, but so so so hopeful and so looking forward to LIFE!   If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before? I will have to revisit this section when it is time. The surgery was super intense. It is not easy and no one should be mislead and think it is easy peasey. It is major surgery. I started at 266 lbs, was at 256 on my day of surgery (I didn't follow a pre-surgery diet as my surgery date came up quickly after my insurance was approved, but I had started watching everything I put in my mouth and did quite a bit of green juicing.) I actually didn't think I was going to get insurance approval and started to loose hope that I would. But once approval came through I had just two weeks until the surgery date. Looking forward to writing a bunch of positive step along my way to a new lean, fit, healthy, normal weight, beautiful woman!!! Check me out soon...Soon come... **************   Again, once I figure how to move around this site, I will post photos and many other blog posts. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!   Here are my particulars: Female Age: 49 Starting BMI: 43.5 Starting Weight: 266 Weight on Surgery Date: 256 VSG Surgery Date: January 17, 2012 Duration in hospital: 2 days   NOTE: I am, today, on my second full day home from the hospital. The worst part of the surgery was the swallow test the day after surgery. It makes me want to puke just thinking about it. I had to fill my mouth with the most horrible tasting contrast three times an swallow it all. Well, after the second swallow, I know I was in trouble. After the third time, I puked it up. I was totally nauseous the rest of the day and threw up again. I was so afraid of keeping anything down after that. I had quite a bit of nausea in the hospital. Once I got home, I felt so much better. Started the Liquid Diet Phase. Taking meds is not a pleasurable thing for me. I had another incident yesterday when I took the liquid stool softener and threw that up. I will not be taking that ever again. I will do a little dulcolax (sp?) tab should I need it. However, I think my plumbing at this point is working fine. I've got all kinds of grumbling and rumblings going on internally. I've always been a big water drinking person, and have to keep telling myself to slow down with the water...sips and no gulping! Am I hungry? Heck no! This is a total strange thing for me...not to feel hungry! LOVE IT! Feeling very positive, albeit very sore, and just want to get the insides healed up so I can start exercising. Oh, I'm walking yes, but I want to get to some real workouts and start toning and getting strong. The first thing I'm going out and purchasing is a scale. I've never had one before and never wanted one. I do now!!



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