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5 days post-op

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Week 36

Another week of the weight yo yo for me. I am back to drinking shakes to get enough protein in, and taking biotin to help with the hair loss. I still love my sleeve but not loving me or the choices I have made in the past few days. For every action there is a reaction and so that cookie or ice cream cone adds weight on. Better choices this week for that sweet tooth that has managed to show it's ugly head again. I found those Fiber one brownies are really good and only 90 calories so that is my choice for this week.   I wasn't going to write every week because it was getting hard to put feelings on page, then I thought about it more and am going to continue to write every week. This is the only place I have to put down in words what I am feeling and how having the sleeve is effecting me.   I love that I am getting smaller and changing shape, the down side clothes are expensive , I think I can live with that as a side effect heheheheheh                                 sleeveshakes.doc




Week 35

This is the start of week 35 on my VSG journey. I have made some changes in my diet and exercise programs to conform with the doctors suggestions. I have also changed my weighting and measuring to every other week now, and found I like it better than every week.   Rules to follow concerning my exercise routine: No bending my head down, no running or jogging, no weights heavier then 10lbs, no riding bikes, no sit-ups, no ironing or taking clothes out of dryer, can't bend to pick things up from floor and no monkey sex lol.   Now I am just cleaning everything, I have become very anal in fact about it. I have to have all the dishes done before bed and the floor vacuumed or I don't sleep well. Laundry gets done every other day (oops) and I have started to fix things around the house. My next big task is going to be painting to get rid of the smoke smell then plan to shampoo the carpets. I have been doing old school exercises (jumping jacks leg lifts and such). I hit the bag every time I go by it but don't do the big work outs. This is STILL more then what they want me to be doing but I can't just sit on the couch and do nothing. I may have some health issues but dang it all I'm not dead yet.   I love being sleeved and my new look. The scale is moving slowly but boy have the inches have come off I am down to a size 16 now and my shape is really starting to look good.   Thanking God each day for this amazing life.




Week 33

Week 33 ends the month on July. So far on my journey I have managed to get rid of 99 pounds and about 82 inches off my body. My BMI has come done 16 points it still shows me as obese and that's ok cause I know it will keep coming down.   Even with all the stalls and not being able to exercise much, I am still managing about 8 pounds a month and about 7 inches. I think this is good and has been the pattern for me.   I can't understand why people ask "are you still losing?" I know it has to show. Then I have those who don't say anything at all. People are so strange sometimes. The biggest question of all from people is what happens after you reach your goal how do you maintain your weight with out losing anymore? I just say my body will know and will balance it's self out.   Thank God for the people in my life that care about what is going on me.   Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is my motto




Week 31

I have finally managed to break the stall thought it would never happen. I weighted in at 241 and am tickled pink about it.




Start Of Week 29

These stalls are just madding. For 2 weeks now I have not lost a pound, but have managed to gain 4 pounds. I am retaining fluid like crazy, my feet, legs, and arms are so puffy and when I take off my socks and shoes the indents are big. I hate these stalls I get so down on myself and start to worry about not losing another pound. I make my self crazy with counting calories and how much I drink it is to the point that I keep a log of how I feel when I eat and the time that I eat. It has become an obsession for me. I need to stop the merry go round and get off.   Losing weight is so important to me, I need to lose it so I can live I know I didn't put it on over night and it will take time but time is what I don't have a lot of. I just keep praying that the weight loss gives me more time to lose more weight.   There is such a big push for me to reach that 100lbs gone so that I will quit smoking I think that has been detrimental for me. I want to quit I'm just not ready to. I smoked for 9 years then quit when I learned I was pregnant, then started again until I was pregnant again then started back again, that was 29 years ago. I know that I would feel better but it's just the fact someone is telling me I have to quit. Maybe if it was my idea and my time line it wouldn't be so bad. So I'm thinking if I start the process now of quitting it will take the pressure off me and I don't have to worry about that 100lb mark.   Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is what I pray for me today.




Week 28

These 7 months have passed so very quickly, some of them were easy and some were just horrible. The ups and downs at times seemed to be unbearable. I cried, screamed, and even ran away from home so not to hurt my husband and sister with angry words.   I found a story on this site about the hormones attacking the body well they sure are making me crazy. Even on antidepressants I have had some bad days.   I have not lost a lbs this week but I'm sure the loss will start up again.   I have promised the doctors and my sister that when I reach 100 lbs lost I will quit smoking maybe my body is reacting on that and holding on to all of them.   Well here's to another week cheers




Week 27

I have reached the half way mark to my 1 year and can't believe how much my body and mind have changed. I am so thankful to the doctors for all agreeing that I could have the sleeve done and making it happen s quickly. I never thought I would be losing weight or that I would be healthy again. Thank God for answering prayers. Not only is my body changing but so is my outlook on life,   This weekend out wasn't to bad I only gained a pound and stayed the same on inches, it was all the fast food and the high levels of sodium, so back on track and now. I will have to cut the sodium and really watch the calories for the next week.   This weekend was a blast saw so many people and met some new people. Tia bowled awesome and even won some money on brackets. We had the best time.   Step by Step Day by Day with Jesus is what I pray today.




Week 25

Almost forgot to write this week lol. This week has been better I am starting to feel like myself again and that is wonderful. This weekend I am going to a bowling tournament with my sister to watch her over at the Riverside Casino, it should be lots of fun. It has been awhile since we have gotten away even if it's only 15 miles from home.   Glad to know I did something right with my kids, my son called for a ride home this morning because he was to drunk to drive. Was more than happy to go pick him up and take him home. As he got out of the car he kissed me and said thank you for the ride mom and handed me a $20 made me smile from ear to ear.   As for my weight loss I am still losing YEAH! I can't believe how much I have lost in such a short time the scale read 245.8 and I am down 10 sizes from start. That is a size 18 and 92 lbs gone for good. I will reach my goal of 100 lbs gone by the end of the month and am tickled pink. By doing the weekly weight-ins and charting them I am averaging about 10lbs a month which is awesome.   I don't think I would have made it this far had it not been for this site and the people here. This is a place of lots of LOVE and SUPPORT, Thank you all.




Week 24

It has been 24 weeks since my surgery, there are times when it feels like forever and times it feels like yesterday.   I am still losing but unable to exercise much due to heart doctor. He has put me back on all my medication again and it is taking it's toll. I really wish I didn't have to take it. It makes me feel like crap, I guess I will have to deal with it and overcome it's effects. That averages about 3.5lbs a week not to bad I .guess. Wishing it was a bit more but slow is good.   Blogging weekly is harder then I thought




Week 23

This week has been very mild for me. I had to go in to the hospital on Tuesday with chest pains but all was ok they said. See heart doctor on Friday to find out what is going on. I haven't lost or gained weight or inches this week but I know as soon as I can go work out again it will all change. Life is strange, I think it knows when to make us rest and when to make us get up and go. This is a rest week for me.




Week 22

My weight loss is at a snails pace right now and it is very frustrating. I know I didn't put it on over night but dang it I want it off over night!! I want to look in the mirror and see the person I know, the one that is inside waiting sometimes impatiently to get out.   This is my fault though, I made this body over many years, and now it's time to unmake it.   First step this week is to work out a little more than last week. (without going over what the doctors set for me) Second drop my calories back down to 800 instead of 1100 Third really pay attention to the amount of sugars and fat I intake. Fourth If at all possible try not to stress over things I can't change in my life. and last but not least get on my knees and pray more.   That should be enough to tackle for this week lol   May Jesus continue to bless me on this journey of a life time and help me to follow through with it.




Weekly Entry (21)

Doctors appoint in Vegas went really good. I am above the norm for losing which is where I want to be. He increased the amount of protein he wants me eating and is very happy with my a1c count. He reminded me that as I get closer to goal weight I will have to work harder to lose the weight.   I have reached another goal 255lbs yeah, next goal is 200lbs so will increase the weight training as I can't do much cardio right now. According to the doctors I may never be able to much cardio because of the damage to my heart.   Had to buy new clothes to cover, every thing was falling off, down to size 18/20 tops and pants from 28's and 5x's it just amazes me at how many sizes I have gone through. I am hoping to be n 14/16's b the end of the month.   I am so thankful for all the changes taking place and I owe it all to God and the doctors for letting me have this surgery.   Well time to start a new week and new adventures. Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is my prayer.




Week 20 Still Here

Started week 20 with doctor appointment, it went very well. I am no longer diebetics, "Yea", still off most of my meds except plavix and floic acid am very happy about that. Had to take new picture for my file as the other one was horrific. according to his records I have lost 27 since January not to bad. He was very happy with all the test results except for my ldl levels they will come down in time.   I am still hovering at 260lbs (265 doc scale) but my body is still changing things around I am now a size 20 and 1X in all my clothes, muscles are forming all over what a feeling. I like the way I look in the mirror more and more each week it makes me feel good. I never liked looking in the mirror because this big woman was there looking back, I am not skinny by any means but now I see a totally different person standing there.   I have a doctor appointment with weight doctor in Las Vegas next Tuesday and am hoping for great results with him also.   Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus   On ward and down ward




April Was A Bad Month (Week 19)

I knew this month was going to be bad and I was right. I gained 1.4lbs and 1.5 inches for the month. I can't let this get me down I just need to get on it and stay on top of things. But this does show me that making bad food choices and no exercise will result in a bad month or week.   I think I will write a letter to the hospital about changing the food in the vending machines so there are better and healthier choices. 5 days of that didn't help me at all. I am so thankful Tia (sis) is doing good and home again. She still has to have her wound packed and taped but at least that can be done here at home.   I had a doctor appointment and they have me so freaked out about going to the gym by myself, they are so worried that I will have another heart attack or stroke it is just driving me crazy. So I did some research on my health conditions and found that what they are saying is more serious then I thought. The chances of either of those happening is about 80 to 100% possible if I do to much of anything. So for now I will just be more careful and pay attention to the heart rates of the machines so that I don't over do, there is 1 good thing, they do have emergency buttons to wear at the gym when I'm alone.which is a good thing.   Well time for bed and prayers, tomorrow is another day and the start of a new week. I will do better I don't want to fail.   Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus




Week 18 (5 Months 5 Days)

Typing that I like the weeks better than months, 18 weeks doesn't seem very long but 5 months seems like a long time.   Well as I figured the scale this morning showed 262.4 (darn vending machine food). On a bright side I lost 6 inches (all that walking).   Total overall figures this far out are 75lbs and 49 inches lost.   I wish I knew how to post topics I would like to know if anyone else has ever had an issue with over eating since being sleeved and what it felt like for them. I think it happened to me last night. I eat 2 taquitos at bowling then came home and hubby had fixed dinner so he fixed me a plate 4oz of round steak and half a baked potato and a blueberry muffin (he sat and watched me eat it) even after telling him I had already eaten. I was so sick headache, upset tummy, dizzy, feeling faint, went to bed only to wake up later with running to bathroom throwing up and diariaha. I will never do that again it was bad.   Well better get off here and get ready for work, after work doc appoint and then off to gym and tanning for the first time after working out am excited,   May God continue to bless this journey and everyone that reads this.   Day by day Step by Step with Jesus is my prayer.




Week 17

Boy this week started off with a large bang. Sunday was wonderful with all the family here, I cooked for 2 days and it was great. My sister (Tia) went to church with me for the first time ever. The service was so moving and so emotional what a blessed day. That night Tia found a lump under her arm about the size of a quarter, we thought it was just another ingrown hair but by Monday night it was the size of an orange and really hurt. She still wasn't ready to go to hospital, so we waited until Tuesday after I got home from working for a friend. By this time it was the size of a softball and she was running a fever. So off to the hospital we went.   The doctor on call was awesome he has taken care of her before and knew her history thank God for that. He called the surgen and they decided to admit her right away and do surgery the next day. Needless to say I was right there for her. It was a long night and vending machine food. There went my diet but she is so worth it. Wednesday early afternoon they came and took her in to surgery. Old habits die hard off to the machines I went. The only thing they have in them is junk to eat. by the time she was out of surgery I had eaten a cookie, crackers and drank a full tea. Thank God she did good and they had drained about 20oz of infection out of her underarm.   Well they are still talking about not letting her come home until Saturday. Now we are just waiting for the results of what they found. The doctor says she could have just scratched herself and caused this because her sugars are out of control. He also said that this could happen again because of her sugars, he is going to repack it and check it out if it looks good she may get to come home that would be great.   With all this walking the scale has moved and I have lost a couple of inches but the bad thing is that the darn vending machines bite, I have been so bad about my food intake all junk and very little good food the last 4 days I'm sure it will show up on the scale next week lol.   Enough about my week hope everyone is doing great.




Week 16

I didn't blog for week 15 was nothing to say but I gained 5 lbs and now this week I still haven't lost anything. It is an up hill battle right now. Between the depression and the doctors I feel like I'm losing the battle. I want to be back at week 3 or 4 when I hadn't seen any doctors or started real food.   I thought I couldn't gain weight after having the sleeve done but that is a lie. I have once again failed at something. I have lost 72lbs and if that's as good as it gets then I will have to be happy with that.   I wish everyone out there much success in their journey for a happy and healthier life.   Next week I hope I'm in a much better place then I am right now.   263.6 and no inches lost.




Starting Week 14

I have lost my butt and my boobs but can't seem to get to lose the middle of me. My stomach area is still as fluffy as it was or at least it seems that way. I measured and not many inches gone. So my plan for this week is to really push up the work outs on the stomach area. I hope this works.   I have lost 72.2lbs as of today and am losing my hair by the hand fulls. If I lose to much more I will have to look for wigs lol.   I still don't see a lot of change when I look in the mirror I still look big, but I do see the changes when I look back at photos I wonder why that is? I notice the changes in my clothes I'm almost out of clothes in the closet that fit I hate the thought of having to go shopping.   Well this is short and sweet.   God Bless this journey I'm on. Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is my thought for the day.




Feeling Good

This is week 13 post-opt and feeling good.   I am back to feeling more normal now. I didn't think this day would come after being put back on medications. I really thought I would not loose any more weight and it would all go back on, but with some time it has all come off plus some thank God and His blessings.   I have lost the water weight and am managing to eat a little more now that my stomach isn't so upset from the pills.   I weighted in this morning at 269.2 that is 68lbs in just 13 weeks even with the 7lb gain how amazing is that? I have lost another 6.75 inches and my clothes are getting loose again (time to go shopping).   I so love my sleeve and the benefits from it. I would not change anything I have been through because this surgery has changed my life for the better.   May God continue to bless this journey I am on and keep me healthy.   Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is what I pray today.




Week 11

This was one of the hardest weeks for me. I had to start back on Heart medication the 16th and since then it has been a real witch of a time. To start with all my body pain is back making it almost impossible to work out or shop or cook or anything. I gained 7lbs back from all the water retention from this medication I know it's not the food cause I barley eat because my stomach is so upset all the time, I'm not eating like I should, lucky if I get in 600 calories a day some days only 200. I so hate my heart disease right now, but what the heck I did all this to myself. Years of not taking time or care of me.   I have managed to get those stupid 7lbs back off but it has been hard. I didn't even lose an inch with all this going on, which really bites. I have no clue what this week will bring. I did make appointment with heart doctor again to talk to him about all of this. I don't see my sleeve doing any good if this is how it is going to be week to week (gaining weight and losing the same weight) no loss. I am back at square 1 and don't like it AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have done this and now I have to figure out how to deal with it.   Enough ranting and on the bright side, I am still alive and have lost 62 pounds, 28 inches. So for all of this I am so very thankful for my sleeve and to God.   May God continue to bless me through my journey and keep the devil at bay. Day by Day, Step by Step with Jesus is what I pray today and every day.




10 Weeks Out

Today marks 10 weeks since recovery day. Weight 275.2lbs and down 29 inches so far. This was one of my goals to reach am so happy to be here. Next goal is 225lbs by Easter. Then in the upper onederland numbers by end of June.




9 Weeks Still Amazed And Tickled Pink

Wow it has already been 9 weeks and I still marvel at the changes my body is taking on. I weighted in this morning at 280.6 that is so awesome that puts me down 56.4 lbs. WOW. I have lost 23 inches over all and am feeling so wonderful (other than a stupid cold right now).   The doctor told me not to except large weight loss numbers now that I am further out but they keep coming off and I am so thankful for that.   I am still off all medication until the 16th when I see the heart doctor. I don't feel like I need them anymore but that will be up to him as to weather I get to stay off them. I feel great even while at the gym. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for good news Thursday.   I have only one regret in all of this is that my mom can't be here to see it.   I wish I would have had the sleeve done years ago it would have saved me so much grief over the past years.   Step by Step Day by Day with Jesus is all I can hope for. I thank Him for so much and for making it possible for me to have this surgery.   Oh yeah this is such ego boosting for me, I bought a dress last year for Valentines Day through a catalog. When it got here they had sent me a size 22, no way was I going to fit in that thing being at a size 28. I didn't even send it back I was so upset. I just hung it in the deepest corner of my closet and forgot about it. Today looking for something to wear that didn't fall off, lol, I noticed it hiding there, so I took it out and laid it on the bed. Yeah right, I though, that thing is still way to small for me. I kept staring at it. Oh what the heck I tried it on laughing the whole time but slap me silly it fits and fits good. Will wonders never end, I hope not.   Have a Happy Valentines Day and Good losing all.




8 Weeks Out And Doing Great

I had my check-up in Vegas this morning and most of it was really good. According to their scale I weight 290 but that is good 47 lbs for their records. I still like my scale better 285 this morning = 52 lbs lost.   Was given my card to show the buffet cashiers so I don't get charged a ton. Was cleared to do what ever I want and eat what ever I want (except soda). I don't have to go back for 3 months YEAH!!!!   Picked up a few snack bars and some more hot coco yummy.   It was a good trip all in all.   On the down side I was told I wasn't eating enough calories he wants me at 1000 to 1100 calories a day (instead of 600-900). I will give it my best shot.   Happy Journey trails for all.




7 Weeks Post Op

I can't believe it has only been 7 weeks since VSG and still feeling good. I have lost 48 lbs and my inches have been changing every where on my body. I had appointment with prime doctor this morning and not real happy about the results. He wants me to start taking some of my meds again, and I don't think I really want to. I feel great with out them. I have been called a Biatch more lately and my moods do swing quite a bit but all in all I feel much better. He is sending to me to the heart doc because heart rate was high today (107) and he wants me to take the plavix, guess I'll have to wait and see. He also wants me to start back on lexapro (liquid form) (antidepressant) not sure about that, scares me a little. Oh well people will just have to deal with the REAL me (biatchy) and HEALTHY heheheheheh.   The gym will soon be open and I can work out with my daughter after she gets off work, I am looking forward to this. It has been along time since we have had mother daughter time it should be a hoot. Walking is good I'm up to a block and a half now and punching bag is still 20 minutes every other day. I have noticed the more I work out the more sleep I get. I was averaging about 4 hours or less a night, now I get any where from 6-8 hours of good sleep so awesome.   I don't really have a lot to complain about, but I do have a lot to be Happy about.   Thank God for all His love and care that He put into this body, now I just need to get it back into that shape and keep it healthy for the rest of my life.   Thank you all for your support and well needed advice I truly do appreciate each and everyone of you.   My wish for each and everyone of you is Happy Journeys and Great losses.




Gained & Freaking Out

I can't believe that when I weighted today I had gained 2.4lbs. OMG!! what have I done? I went back over everything I have eaten the past 3 days (thank goodness for www.myfitnesspal.com) being able to track every ounce I put in my mouth. Exercise could be more (walk a block a day and use punching bag every other day for 20 minutes) but don't want to over due and end up in hospital, I just can't figure this out.   Where did I fail my sleeve? Has it stretched out, am I eating to much, not exercising enough, what on earth did I do or not do to gain weight?   I am so depressed over this and ready to go back to just liquids again. I can't fail at this too I have failed at so many things before and I just can't fail at this to many people waiting for me to fail to say I told you so.   Has anyone out there gained in the first 5 weeks after surgery?   Starting 337 Today 294.4 Yesterday 292.0   always weight in pj's nothing different at weight in.



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