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Sleeved Nov 22 and miserable

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Nov 22 Sleeved And Now I'm Miserable Help

I felt so great after surgery, I couldn't believe I had gone through it and felt so good. Day 2 I was able to walk around and I was so ready to get moving. I wanted to prove to myself that I could handle my business, I was given my 30 cc of water and that went down pretty good then move on to the 60cc and that was horrible, I threw up some blood which I was told was from the surgery sitting in my stomach. Okay, that's fine, I guess I can wait another day.. Day 3 drank my water and all was well.. got to have some dinner and boy was I excited!! Day 4 I was released from the hospital and I was so ready to start my new life.   So why my first few days at home went pretty well with the liquids, I was just happy to have WATER!! But day 7 I was so ready to have some tomato soup and it was everything I could've wanted.. Then day 8 was horrible, I tried some scrambled eggs and that was the start of the vomiting!! (TMI sorry) When I went for my follow up appt. I was told that some things will be difficult to process in the beginning so I figured okay take eggs off the list of food, but now it seems like everything is coming up and then it's an all day process and water and juice can't be had either. I throw up the whole day and even after everything has come out I still throw up siliva?? What is up with that. I am so afraid to have anything now, cause I can't live without water or kool-aid.   Has anyone had this happen or could anyone please shed some light.. The hospital where I had this done is in our neighboring state and it's difficult to get an appt with the doctor, so if this continues I guess I will have to go to the urgent care near my home and hopefully they will be able to help me out.. I don't even know if they can handle anything like this??   Anyone out there.. please help!



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