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Mixing it up a little. went protein shopping!! Ill let you know what I like!!




Nj House Wives





Alcoholism Risk










Not Losing

ok so I been very patient with stalls.. now 5 mon out and still very slow at losing.. I do take into consideration I am working out 3 to 4 days a week! but only losing 4 lbs and gaining and loseing the same 3 lbs... what gives? i am I eating something that not helping me? I also feel like i can eat to much? dont get me wrong I am not clearing my plate !! lol very sad.. I am just working so hard and feeling like I am not working hard enough!!




Fat Dude

reading his blog is like reading my own thoughts just a man point of view!   http://formerfatdudes.com/





READ THIS http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html





READ THIS http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html




Good Eats





Good Eats





Carnie Willson






I been having wearied dreams.. Mostly about my Sleeve.. Over eating! its stretching! just strange dreams ..   I do feel some time I am over eating !! but can I possibly be over eating?? lol





All I can say is ACID!! and a whole lot of it! No matter what I do all I can tast smell is acid!!! I brushing my teeth all the time they feel like the are wearing swetters. No matter what I eat drink it sour belly.   My belly makes the gurgling noise .. so loud my dad could hear it! lol   today I had a pice of chese I chewed it 20 times it was so wonderful! I need something to soke up all the acid in my belly! what should I do .. only 9 days out and dont see nutritionist until next tueseday and my Dr, the following week he on vacation!




Day 6 Post Op

hello everyone. I am six day out of sugary. to day is a good day!! woohoo. Yesterday I had trouble headaches all day just felt like i was hit by a truck for most of the day! I had had a hard time drinking so i thin a dehydration was part of it as well! and a bad case of hard burn and no meds were helping!! finally some relief!   I been having A hard time with drinking but today seems to be a lot better! I still having a hard time getting water down no matter the temp. I find that to be a bit strange!   I been drinking a lot of crystal light ,boost proteins shakes, and Tea, tomato soup, jello, pudding, popsicles, are my new love. I all so had french onion soup today minins the cheese bread and onions my dad took care of that for me!! lol   excises has been good doing a lot of walking (in the Mall) little to cold to be walking the beach (i am in cape cod)   Sleeping hasn't been a problem for me. my incisions feel good just have one that is a lot more sensitives than the others. also one already has some of the glue coming off!




4 Days To Go

Wenesday is fast approaching.. i am driving my self crazy. I need to stop reading about VSG! I haven't finished my Christmas shopping!! that's not helping!!   This is all i thing about! needs to stop!! I haven't slept well the past few night! and i have terrible headache .. I am sure lack of caffeine isnt helping! This It's not like this is my first surgery. I had my Achilles Tendon replaced a few years ago and I was less nervous about that than i am this! maybe because I know more about this surgery and the fact its taking me almost a year to get to this point!   i guess I am not looking forward to the pain.. but of cores looking forward to loseing the weight!   todays weight 292.4! ( this os a big step for me!!! I never tell any one who much i weigh!! ) lol anyway thanks for listening to me vent!! sweet dreams..




A Day With My Sister Kate!

Alarm. 7.00 AM   showered, maple and brown sugar oatmeal (for kate). went to make coffee, milk was outdated on November 7th & today is the 11th. suggested kate smell it to see if it was feasible. it was not. have to stop at dunkins donuts. at this point cole realizes banks are closed due to veterans day. now no coffee and no money. enter sisters wallet. 9:00 AM drs appointment mass general hospital downtown boston. seeing hand doctor for hand pain. (and not from slappin kate) he was a total toolbag and his assistant typed out our entire conversation. click click. clickety clicky. CLICK. instead of addressing my hand pain issue he psychoanalyzed me and said the pain is all in my mind. so i said i imagined that my hand hurt so much this morning i could not wipe my ass. his assistant still typing, click click clack. i felt like i was withstanding trial. as soon as we left the office kate declared, your hand doctor should get a foot up his ass. onto Boston common. sister sat on Mrs. mallard and i collected leaves to give to friends who live in tropical places and do not have fall leaves (which i made kate carry in her purse.) alot of men with tight pants, which kate pointed out are referred to as” moose knuckles" if you don’t have a visual of what that is, as kate said 10 times today, google it. especially one guy in yellow pants with yellow shoes. he was looking for his yellow hat, and we were looking for a curious monkey. Sorry we were laughing to hard to snap photo. we then went to the paper store. this is now kate talking now before i explain this, just a reminder that my sister nicole is 35. and i am 24.   [kate] *points at table with miscellaneous items, but particularly a book about cupcakes picture included*   "oh nicole, i almost got you that for christmas last year"   *nicole turns around and looks at table, instead of asking, almost got me what?, she sees a stuffed chicken and with the enthusiasm of a 3 year old says " you almost.... got me.... the CHICKEN!" "really, oh my god"   to which i have to reply, "no nicole, the cupcake book" She slumps down with a big "ooooooo" and frowns. Besides this incident, everything was going smoothly until I purchased 3 rolls of paper to use later to decorate a bulletin board. The lady at the store gives me a small bag that barely contains the long rolls of paper. Picture included. off to the Prudential building but were cool Bostonians so we will call it the Pru. Lunch at Wagamama. asian bistro. miso soup was had,with Japanese pickles and real ramen noodles with chicken. pictures included. this is a big moment people, i introduced kate to pinkberry frozen yogurt. pics also attached. I had a 200 calorie pumpkin with raspberry small frozen yogurt. Kate had a super sized. chocolate , with peanut butter crunchies and to top off the fat already around her liver, white chocolate shavings. 9000 calories. its 10 pm and this was at noon. she still wont stop asking to go back and bellyaching about how amazing pinkberry was. bathroom break lord and taylor. enter Pandora. we check out some charms and get kate sized . we speak to who we at first thought was a nice and normal salesperson. back story. my stupid sister loves the Minnesota Vikings football team who btw are 2 and 6. so we ask her to show us a ton of charms until kate says   "oh can i see the viking, that’s my favorite i want that one for Christmas"   salesperson [silence...................] [but why?, why would you like the viking?] like it was bad luck or something. i mean really lady what kinda question was that?   kate "well i like the Minnesota vikings football team"   salesperson [oh]   nicole*rolls eyes in disgust*   saleslady then forces us both to take pandora catalogs. which i also make kate carry in her purse (Go Pats!)   off to crate and barrel. where i pick up some wine glasses for a xmas present. when we get to the checkout counter the saleslady asks "can i just throw a handle on your box instead of give you a bag?" mind you, there are 6 fat heavy wine glasses in said box, and since were at the pru, were obviously not parked outside and have a long trek back home so a bag would be handy.   Nicole “actually, may i please have a bag?   to which saleslady makes a clicking noise with her tongue rolls her eyes and throws them in a bag. kate was so pissed she was ranting about the stupid b***h at the "Cracker barrel" for the rest of the day. i said kate, its crate and barrel.... to which i get a whatever!   fast forward, Davis square train   you know the picture of the bag with the rolls of paper sticking out because the paper people didn’t have a decent bag. yeah well thats about to come into play .when were leaving the train station and i walk by an up and down escalator and BOOM this is when the bag decides it can no longer handle the paper rolls. i bend over and realize im not going to reach it in time to which i yell to the little sister to go after paper rolls being carried down the down escalator of course there’s 1000 people watching much their joy since nothing exciting has happened all day. kate grabs rolls just in time and we flee with red faces.   we finally make it home and prepare a great meal with swiss chard, chicken, Brussels sprouts, and red mashed potatoes. it was delicious and we washed it down with some ice cold beers. we recanted our day and our full bellies hurt from laughing so much!    





Today I am felling a little nervous ... I been thinking about my surgery alot today! I have this gloomy feeling about it! Like not wanting to do it! This is the frist time in over a year I feel this way. I am hoping I feel better about this tomorrow!! Very Sad!!!




cook books

Does anyone know of any good cook books for after WLS...???? I was lookinf on line and found a few but nothing that looked great!





Ok So I havent told all my friends and family about my WLS..I want sure how some of them would take it?? I am not sure if its me being embarrassed or ashamed ??   I told one of my closed friend (that i was most worried about) she asked a lot of questions and took it pretty well!! lets just hope the rest feel the same? lol





As the day draws closer I have the big pit in (slightly large belly) about giving up beer!!! not that i am a drink a six pack of beer a night kind of girl... I just can imagine going to fenway and not having a beer in my hand... I guess that just being a little crazy.. but that is a thought for today!




About a Girl

Hello My Name is Nicole. I am From Boston Ma . I now Live in Somerville Ma. I am 35 yrs. I am a Nanny in Milton Ma. I love to Travel and Shoppe!! lol . I am a sport nut! love My Pats , B's, Red Sox's.. I love to talking about anything.. so lets chat! and have some fun on our Weight Loss Journey!



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