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Starting my lap band experance 3/29/07

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:faint: Well I went to the seminar on Monday. I thought that it was going to be a little different. Everything that the doctor had told us, I pretty much new already. I have set up an appointment to see Dr. Hayley on Friday the 13th at 5:30. I still am having some bad thoughts about the money problem, haven't figured that one out yet. My Husband is still unsure and very pissed when you bring up how much is going to cost. I sure am excited about seeing the doctor this Friday and hope things go well. Write more later.





Well today is April 9th, and I'm going to the seminar tonight in Mitchell at 7:00. I am excited and somewhat nerves at the same time. I really am feeling that I don't know if I can go thought with this. Some times I wonder if this is for me. I don't know if I can make the life changing food commitment. Or how I will pay for the surgery. I can barely afford anything else in my life right know. I just wish this process was a lot cheaper and affordable to people like me. I will write more after the seminar tonight . Later for know.:puke:





Just feeling a little ducky today. I tried talking to my Husband this weekend about the lap-band. Of course he was like why don't you just exercise and go on a diet, little does he know that its easier said than done. He has never had to deal with being overweight or even has had to go on a diet. He always tells me I love you the way you are. Its hard to believe that when your not happy with your self, the way you look or feel. Many of us know that feeling. I have went on many diets thought out my life time and I still seem to keep bring back the weight. I try to go to the gym and work out but every time I get there, I'm always feeling good, by the time I start into my work exercises I am so wore out and usually its only about 5 Min's. into the work out. Jezz I wish I could just go in and work out for an hour and never be tired. Well I still am going to the lap-band seminar on April 9th, and I am very excited about it. Can't wait to see how it goes. Talk to you later.




Just saying Hi!

Just wanted to say "Hi", just signed up today and I can't wait to start my life with new friends and a new look. I have do not have the lap-band yet, but I'm on my way. I have to attend the lap-band event in my local area on April 9th, I can't wait. I'm so excited. I will be posting my whole experience with all of you. I hope that you all are excited just like I am.   Once again "HI" everyone. Hope to hear from you all. Nikki:)




Sign up day!

:straight Just some thoughts that I have been having, I started to think about the lap-band 2 weeks ago, but my breaking point was Tues. 3/27/07 at the doctors office. I got on the scale and the nurse read my weight to me witch was 247 and I just wanted to cry. That is the heaviest that I have ever been. I was sitting in the doctor exam room thinking to myself that I should ask her about the lap-band, I was a bit nerves about asking but got the nerve to ask. What she said I was not happy about. With the many steps that have to follow before surgery, I wasn't so sure that I want to take all the steps. But as I get heavier the more I realize that I need help. So I have been on the Internet for 3 day studying the lap-band system, and how it works. I was thinking that the process would be a lot easier. As I read the information on the surgery, I find that you have to go thought many steps to get this done. I have found a date and time of a event that is close to me and I will attend this, in hopes to learn all that is needed to be learned. I know that it will not be easy to do this but with the help of my friends and family I think that this would be right for me. I will write in later to keep updated.



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