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Study found that the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima sewage into the sea earlier than speculate

Central Research Institute of Electric Power in Japan, researchers announced the 26, they found the first nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, the water containing radioactive substances as early as March 26 had begun to flow into the sea, early speculation on the date of Tokyo Electric Power Company, and into the sea of radioactive cesium-137 is the Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that more than three times the value.   Tokyo Electric Power Company had speculated that the water main is started from April 1, into the sea, before the radioactive substances are released into the atmosphere and then fall into the sea. The total amount of sewage into the sea for 520 tons, which contains cesium-137 to reach 940 trillion becquerels.   Central Power Research Institute Principal Investigator Daisuke Jin Zhi said, according to his research team led by the half-life and other factors, analysis of sea water contains cesium-137 and iodine-131 ratio, then we can find out by studying the ratio of radioactive substances with the effluent leaking into the sea, or leaks into the atmosphere and later fall sea. Half-life of cesium-137 is about 30 years, and half-life of iodine-131 is about 8 days.   It was found that the first nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, the water containing radioactive substances as early as March 26 had begun to flow into the sea, and until the end of May there is the sewage into the sea. Directly into the sea of radioactive cesium-137 to 3500000000000000 Becquerel, the Tokyo Electric Power announced that more than three times the value.




India or China and Russia will join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has issued a proposed

"India Times" published an article on Monday said the issue of joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is currently in India on new pressures to bear, an early and Central Asian countries to conclude free trade agreements and development of mineral resources in Central Asia share more of China's economic prosperity bring great benefits, India may consider joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The article said, India is the SCO's development trends closely, are not yet willing to become full members.   Report quoted sources as saying that inviting India to join Shanghai Cooperation Organization has become the organization's official discussion issues. SCO's two official members have been to India, China and Russia issued a proposal. The article said, the SCO invited India to join China's performance on the issue seems to be more urgent, because the U.S. economic slowdown and the debt crisis in Europe, two traditional export markets to China under threat, while India has 1.2 billion people are expected to become China's next major export market.   Shanghai Cooperation Organization referred to the SCO, formerly known as the "Shanghai Five" meeting mechanism. April 26, 1996, China, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan held their first meeting with heads of state in Shanghai. Since then, the "Shanghai Five" meeting mechanism was formally established.   June 14, 2001 to 15, the "Shanghai Five" summit meeting held in Shanghai in the sixth, Uzbekistan to join as a full equality "Shanghai Five." And the next day, six heads of state held the first meeting and signed the "Declaration on the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization", the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was officially established. In September, Prime Minister of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states held their first meeting in Almaty. The Prime Ministers in the meeting unanimously decided to start the process of six-nation multilateral trade and economic cooperation, announced the formal establishment within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization prime ministers' regular meeting mechanism.   Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an intergovernmental regional economy committed to international organizations. Currently, in addition to the five Central Asian countries Turkmenistan, but have joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States the total area of ​​nearly 30,189,000 square kilometers, accounting for three-fifths of the area of ​​Asia and Europe; population of 1.5 billion, a quarter of the total world population.



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