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Sleeve reflections

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From: Biggest Loser Secret

I was told by a "trainer" that when a contestant doesn't lose adequate weight for any given week they're extended time. Yep, the contestant is given up to 3-4 weeks to lose the weight you see them lose in the ONE week. Then the producers just say it was one week. That's how and why they seem to have incredible weight loss in such a short time. Plus the time between the announcement of the finale and the finale itself is around 2 months. So no, these people aren't losing 80, 90 or 100+ pounds in 12 weeks. That could make people feel that they aren't trying hard enough. But the reality is that television isn't patient enough to wait for nature. They give a perception that somehow, someway that Jillian and Bob are magic makers that can transform anyone in 12 weeks.     Maybe y'all already knew this. I don't know. Just wanted to share.   Source: Biggest Loser Secret

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: Caffeine

Here's an article I found on caffeine withdrawal.   Beware the perils of caffeine withdrawal Susan Todd loves her daily coffee fix. "I can drink four or five cups, easily,comfortably," said Todd, 59, of Clinton Township, Michigan.   But if she skips her regular dose of caffeine, Todd warned, watch out.   "I feel lousy all over. It's not that anything hurts," she explained. "I just feel sluggish, and a cup of caffeine will cure that."   Todd is among the estimated 80 to 90 percent of North American adults and children who consume caffeine products every day. Experts estimate about half that number will experience headaches and other symptoms from caffeine withdrawal syndrome.   There are a numberof reasons why someone might need to reduce or stop their daily caffeine intake.Experts tell pregnant women not to consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeinea day (about one 12-ounce cup of coffee). Caffeinated products are notrecommended for people who are prone to panic attacks or those who suffer fromanxiety. Some surgical patients may also experience the symptoms of caffeinewithdrawal syndrome on the day of surgery, because they are told not to eat ordrink anything.   Researchers atJohns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, recognized the condition as adisorder five years ago after reviewing decades of studies. They concluded thehigher the caffeine intake, the more likely a patient was to suffer from severewithdrawal symptoms when denied the ingredient.   Researchers also reported that some caffeine users considered themselves addicted to caffeine because they were unable to quit or cut down on their usage.   Michael Kuhar,chief of the division of neuroscience at the Yerkes National Primate ResearchCenter at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, prefers to use the word"dependent" rather than "addicted." Even though he called caffeine a drug, Kuhar wouldn't go so far as saying it has reached the statusof cocaine or heroin.   According toKuhar, caffeine is a mild stimulant. "If you take a cup of caffeine you'relikely to feel good and energized," he said.   Miss that cup of"Joe" or can of cola and don't be surprised if you start feelingfunny, Kuhar warned. He said some people complain of "headache, fatigue,sleepiness, inability to focus and concentrate." Others report experiencing flu- like symptoms, irritability, depression and anxiety after skipping aslittle as one cup of coffee a day.   Kuhar explainedthat caffeine blocks receptors in the brain that can dilate blood vesselscausing headaches. "Withdrawal symptoms can start from 12 to 20 hoursafter your last cup of coffee and peak about two days later and can last aboutas long as a week," Kuhar added.   It is not justcoffee that can lead to caffeine withdrawal. While a 6-ounce cup of brewed coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine, tea and cola have about 40milligrams each, a bar of milk chocolate has about 10 milligrams and hot chocolate has about 7 milligrams.   Kuhar said that means adults as well as children may be suffering daily physiological and personality effects of caffeine withdrawal.   He recommended that people who are motivated to give up caffeine, or cut back on consumption,do so very carefully. "The thing to do is what we do with so many drugs --basically you wean yourself off slowly," Kuhar suggested. "That doesn't mean it is going to be easy at every step, but it should be easier thangoing cold turkey."   Johns Hopkinsresearchers also endorsed a stepped approach to quitting caffeine. Theyinstruct patients to gradually substitute decaffeinated products ornoncaffeinated products over time in order to reduce the likelihood of experiencing withdrawal symptoms.   Kuhar suggested the process also can begin with reducing caffeine consumption by a half to a whole cup a day.   Technology consultant ***** Spillane, 42, of St. Petersburg, Florida, started a step-down program after years of consuming up to three cups of coffee each day. He felthe was "drinking way too much caffeine."   Spillane said heknew right away that he was suffering from caffeine withdrawal when he started getting severe headaches. His wife told him he was cranky most of the time.   He now drinks tea instead, and occasionally sneaks a cup of coffee. Looking back,  he was going through withdrawal was "tough for a while," but he's feeling better these days and he's glad he's not so dependent on caffeine.   Source: Caffeine

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: I feel like time went backwards

Ever have one of those moments? You know, where you have a flashback from a happier time in your past? Yeah? Me too! In fact, I've been having them daily since my surgery. My perspectives have gotten much better. while I'm just starting out on this lifelong journey, I can already imagine the possibilities. I don't wish I did this sooner or anything. I did this right when I was supposed to. Hell, any sooner I would have a lap band or RnY. Neither an option for me.   I envision a nice home, happy family, great career and being a great example for my children (when I do have them). Funny thing is: I've always had that vision. For as long as I can remember I've had that vision. It just seems a lot clearer now. The dream hasn't changed, but the route I thought I'd take has. I must say, everyone was right. With each passing day it does get progressively better!!   I know it's only been a few days but I feel great! I'm sure every single day isn't going to be perfect (and I still have other life obstacles) but to get one MAJOR aspect of my life under control is very satisfying.   Source: I feel like time went backwards

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: This is IT!!!!

In 3.5 hours the surgery begins. At 7:30 PST I undergo Laparascopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy to enhance, prolong, amplify and SAVE my life. Is there any wonder I have the song "Edge of Glory" by Lady GaGa in my head this morning?   I have my phone, so as soon as I can I'll let y'all know how I am. Wish me luck. See ya on the "Loser's Bench"....   Source: This is IT!!!!

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve



I'm not scared (as I mentioned before) but I can't sleep. Anxious like a kid on Christmas Eve. Today I'm on full clear liquids. I am imposing NPO orders on myself after 6pm today and not midnight. I'm mentally getting ready for L.A.S. = Life After Sleeve. This has been a loooooong journey. Three or six months is nothing compared to being overweight for 25 years. I'm finally ready. At 36 I am ready to break up with fat and find another body to get involved with. I've been up a while listening to Killswitch Engage to calm down. People say often that they can't wait. I could but why the HE** should I, LOL? Friday is near.     I feel like the person who's next in line at the bank.   I really want to take this opportunity to thank everyone here at VST for their advice, kind words and inspiration. I honestly believe without this site I never would have gone this far with the Sleeve. I would have nixed the idea and tried another fad diet. I would lose maybe 40lb and gain back 60. Push myself deeper into an abyss and try yet another diet. Thanks everyone. I'm gonna read through posts on here to learn and gain more knowledge.   See y'all on the "Loser's Bench"!!!!!!!!!!!!     N2B8R   Source: TOMORROW IS THE 1ST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: Friday!!!!

Friday morning, at 07:30 a guy is gonna assemble a team that will excommunicate a LARGE part of my stomach. Before noon, something is gonna be missing and not missed. I feel like this is a long time comin'. I am ready. I am excited. My brother said today that he's gonna have to "get used to me being skinny". I said "easy there, one day at a time. gimme a year or so before you do"   Oh I had lamented over things like the crossover addictions and have (long ago) decided to seek therapy. At the same time I started the pre-approval regimine, I started to see a therapist to hash out underlying issues. Why I built a cocoon-like shelter around my body. Why was I fat to begin with.  Discussed psychological changes, changes in tastes, habits, etc.   I feel calm and ready. No longer anxious or fearful, Friday will get here soon enough.   September 23rd, I'm coming and I'm bringing my fundus with me!!!   Source: Friday!!!!

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: Lean Body Mass

Now I've been told that so long as we maintain our protein intake we shouldn't lose muscle mass. This is rather puzzling to me as I am currently at 45% bodyfat. All told this means I have approximately 240lb of lean body mass. I know this includes bones, organs and muscle tissue. This makes sense to me as it does take some heft to haul 400+lb around. What I am trying to wrap my mind around is losing the fat and sitting there with 240lb of lbm and say 40lb of bodyfat. I'd be healthy but I never imagined being 280lb and ok. I'm just gonna be a big guy I guess. No wonder my surgeon said 210lb is not in my cards....   Does any of this make sense to anyone? I wanted to be slim..   Source: Lean Body Mass

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: I'm scared

Two words sum up all of my emotions.   I worry that this is not the way. I worry about what will become of my relationship. I'm worried my new body will illicit changes in me I never imagined. I worry because the procedure is irreversible. There is no turning back. I'm also worried that if I stay the way I am life will get progressively worse.   I'm scared.   Scared to stay where I am. Scared to move forward.   The closer I get to September the more I worry in silence. I fear this unknown. I'm 36 years old and weigh over 400 pounds. I'll certainly not live a long life at 400 pounds. Not many 400 pound 80 year old men around. This should be enough to keep me focused and motivated. I am worried, nervous, constantly second-guessing this decision.   I'm scared....   Source: I'm scared

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve


From: My therapist said.....

I was told that given my past, I may be susceptible to two addictions as my body changes. Sexual and gambling.   I bring this up to illustrate a point my therapist said. I became this size as a defense mechanism to compensate for the loss or nonexistence of something else. While I can't speak foe everyone I will speak for myself. I use/used food as a coping mechanism. Stress from all aspects of my life. Home, work, school, family, inlaws.... You name it there's stress involved.   Food Sex Gambling   All will trigger the release of endorphins to give a feeling of satisfaction that isn't being met elsewhere. People, please address the issues (if any) as to why you're the size you are. Without a viable resolution, the underlying reasons can and often do transfer to another vice. The void that food fills has to be met head on and dealt with. Food addiction is dangerous as is. There are other things out there as bad or worse. Take the time to speak with a trained therapist if possible and address the issues. When the endorphins can't be made via eating the mind will seek out any other avenues to get that "rush".   Take care, VST   We're here to change our bodies, now take care of your mind too!   Source: My therapist said.....

Neoteric Verve

Neoteric Verve

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