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5 days post op and its getting better

my body is feeling really good. i was able to go to the park with my family today and swing on the swings with my kids. they enjoyed a picnic while i drank muscle milk and had about 3 pieces of honey dew melon (really well chewed). i felt pretty good after eating it. i think i feel so much better because i started taking vitamins yesterday along with b12. i have lost 9.5 pounds in 5 days already! i know we arent supposed to weigh ourselves but once a week but i knew i lost weight already because i was able to fit into a size 16 jeans! i just wanted to see how much. i cant wait until my check up with my nutritionist. i bet she will just be blown away. family and friends are seeing the weight loss finally. my mother in law, who never makes comments about my weight other than to tell me that im gaining weight. she doesnt like me being fat, she thinks that her son deserves a skinny wife....but thats another story. she even told my husband that she could tell that i lost some weight. (she would never tell me, but at least she said something to him) she doesnt know about the surgery because i know what she would say. anyhow......the point i was trying to make is that i feel so much better today then yesterday, and im sure i will feel better tomarrow and so on and so forth. i love this sleeve!!!!




incision sites

ok, i am not a shy person at all, but as far as showing off my body in pictures, that just doesnt happen because i hate my fat body! however, when i was considering this surgery i was curious as to what the scars were going to look like and i couldnt find any body volunteering to show there fat tummy's . anyways, i hope this doesnt gross anybody out, but i am going to post on my profile pictures of my incision sites at 4-5 days post op depending on how you count the days. my surgery was on aug 16th, and today is the 21st. i thought that i would show them as they heal so currious pre opers could kinda get an idea of what they should expect. mind you they are still healing, and brused. like i said, the belly aint pretty, but you dont have to look if you dont wanna . so go to my album on my profile if you want to see.




end of day 4 post op

so im at the end of day 4 post op and i feel a lot better. i have a lot more energy, a lot less pain and a lot more hope! i still have pain when i eat and i really havent been able to eat (really drink) much at all. i know that i havent gotten nearly enough water in, but im doing the best that i can. i have managed to eat a little split pea soup, without any of the chewable things in it. i only could get down about 4 teaspoons before i was totally full. popsicles are my friend, so is chicken broth. i cant wait to be totally healed. as far as my incision sights, the doc only used steri strips, no stiches or staples. i dont know if that is common or not but i was plesantly surprized! i dont even think that anybody will be able to see the scars because i heal really well. the outside of the tummy doesnt hurt at all. the inside muscles are pretty soar still, but the lovely lortab is helping me through that. swallowing my food is still really painful. still feels like a brick hitting my stomach. then my tummy makes flip flops and all sorts of noises and painfull twitches for about 2-3 minutes. after that i feel fine. i have already lost more than 3 pounds since surgery and that is increadible! i weighed myself the day i got home from the hospital and i weighed more than when i left for the hospital, but that can be explained by all the iv fluids that they pumped inside of me. then the very next day (today) i weighed myself and i had lost all that weight plus the 3 pounds...happy happy joy joy....i have kinda moved back to clear liquids except for the split pea soup tonight because they feel better. hopefully in the next couple of days i can start to add in more of the full liquids again. i guess its true that i have a babys stomach again and i need to take baby steps. lol time for bed.....have i said it lately???? i love this site!!!!!!




learning that my stomach is different

well my surgery went off very well. i had no hernia, and my gallbladder didnt need to be removed. the whole surgery took less then 45 minutes. i felt great 2 hours post op. the doc gave me plenty of drugs to zap the pain away. then yesterday sucked bad! i was in more pain then the first day. the doc switched my pain meds again, and i am feeling better again. i am currently awaiting a leak test. i thought that i was going to get one yesterday automatically, but apparently my doc only has you do it if you have excess pain post op like im having. i have a high threshold for pain meds. what most people take to knock them out makes me wired. so they should be in here soon for the swallow test, and then hopefully i will be able to be discharged today (early)   So im just wandering is neck pain after this surgery normal? ive heard of shoulder pain from gas, but i havent had that, as a matter of fact i havent had any gas at all. no farts he he   i didnt realize how different my stomach was going to be after the surgery. i think that i sugar coated the procedure for myself. . i swallowed my water way to fast, as well as my broth and it hurt bad. it also made me burp and then have the hicups. that one sucked hard, lesson learned.   well im gonna try to catch some z's before the swallow test c u l8er!!




5 hours post op

ok, well i am on demerol and morphine right now, causes me to be wired and cant sleep, however im in minimal pain right now because of those beaautiful drugs. i feel like i have the stomach flu, the best way to describe it. i went pee as soon as i got into my own room. i also went on a walk after about 1 hour post op. it does feel good to walk as many people have said on here. its helping to get rid of the gas. as for the gas, this is gonna sound bad, but dont judge me please...when i was younger i used to smoke pot and if anyone has ever smoked it then you know it gives you this feeling like you have air trapped in your lungs and your esophogus and you could just get it out if you burped really good, however you are never able to get rid of it until the high goes away. that is how this gas feels right now. its not painfull to me, just annoying. im not supposed to have anything by mouth, but i snuck some gum in because i had a cotton mouth really bad since i havent drank anything since 12am this morning. none of the nurses have said anything about it, and im not truely putting it into my stomach anyways, its just helping my cotton mouth. oh, by the way, i got the whole room to myself! its a singe bed room only so i know i wont have to share with anybody! which is great because i dont really feel like getting sick from somebody else right now. anyhow, i guess i'l post more later......I'm finally on the other side sitten on the losers bench!!!!!!!




pre-op in the morning!

Ok the wheels are starting to pick up speed and I'm stepping on the gas....Finally another big day is here tomarrow. I go do my pre op with the doctor, and then at the hospital. So excited to see how much I have "officially" lost on the liquid diet. I have been really good I think. Only the occational sugar free jello, popsicle or fudge pop...no carbs though. Yesterday I thought I was going to lose my mind, but today I went to the psycologist and got to vent about everything, and I feel better now. Heading off to bed so that I dont crash on the way...gotta 3.5 hour drive to get there, and I have to drive a 1/2 hour backwards to go pic up my daughter from camp first. She tottally wants to be a part of everything. I thank God I have such a wonderful teenage girl! She is the sweetest thing. I know most people are saying the opposite of their teenagers, but I am so blessed that she is so beautiful, inside and out. She has been walking with me and helping me with my journey from the begining. What a blessed life I have. Thank goodness that I am finally getting on track with my weight, and health so that I can be here on this Earth for my family a lot longer!




omg!!! finally figured out this whole ticker thing!

I totally suck at this computer stuff. I know more than some but less then most. Anyways I finally figured out how to add it all by myself! For those of you guys that are like me and cant figure it out, here is how you can do the dummy way....if someone knows how to do it the right way, please feel free to add instructions for us dummies..lol   1) go to www.tickerfactory.com 2) create your ticker penn, and then your ticker...(so easy) 3) highlight the actual picture of your ticker, copy the actual picture of your ticker....not the code they give you 4) go to your profile on sleevetalk and go to change signiture 5) paste picture to signiture, then finally....save info   thats it! hopefully this helped those of you that wanted it but were to shy to admit it...lol good luck




From: everything is looking positive

I just joined about a week ago, and my only regret is not signing up sooner. I am so thrilled to be able to communicate with others that are going through the same things as I am. I love that in every single post that I have read there has been nothing negative or derogitory at all. In a world were it is hard to find people that have kind things to say it is really wonderful to come on here and get the support that I truely need. I hope others are finding this site so rewarding. I love all of the advice out there for us up coming sleevers, those that are hopeful that they can get sleeved soon, and others that have just recently gone through the surgery. There are so many helpful suggestions and such possitive remarks that I find myself being more addicted to being on this site than the food that has been haunting me for years. So just want to really say thank you to all of the wonderful posts that people have made, and say keep it up, it really is helping others on their weight loss journeys.   Source: everything is looking positive




I have my date and its coming up fast!

My surgery day is august 16th 2011. I am currently on the 800 calorie high protein shake diet. Started that on the 2nd of this month and have already lost 6 pounds with that one. My starting weight was 311 pounds in November 2010, and I am currently 266 pounds. My weight has been all that I have thought about for years now. When I go out with my family I'm always thinking about how everybody is judging me and thinking that I don't fit in with my skinny family. My husband is very thin and so are my three children ages 8, 12, and 16. When I'm at a resturant I think that people are watching me eat, and thinking that I shouldn't be eating that. I feel this way for everything, what I eat, what I wear, where I go, or what I do. My weight is always on my mind. For the longest time I haven't been able to picture myself growing old with my husband, and seeing our children grow up and have families of their own. I bought life insurance a few years ago for fear that I was going to die of my weight and leave my family without my income. Finally my insurance has approved me for the sleevectomy and I see a light at the end of the tunnel and its not death, but life! I'm ready to start living without constantly feeling judged about my weight. I'm ready to fit into my family and not have my kids constantly worried that their mom isn't healthy. I'm ready for my husband to look at me and see the woman that he fell in love with years ago!    



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