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tammy 's journal

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yeasterday i got a fill only 1/2 cc and i am hoping that this helps me start to loss some weight i have only lost 30lbs. but i know it is gonig to take sometime and a lot of watching what i eat and excercies. i need to come to this forum and talk to poeple that have gone thur this just like me. i like to be down at lessed 25lbs before we go on our cruise in march or april for our 10th wedding anniversary.i am on a liquid diet for 4 days then go slowly back to solids. we will see in 2 more days :tired

tammy vankirk

tammy vankirk


started soildes

well today i started soildes and i think this fill helped alot i am feeling restricted now i hope it last. and have lost 3lbs.:clap2:

tammy vankirk

tammy vankirk

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