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The Big Day is March 2, 2011

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The big day is March 2, 2011

Well here goes! My name is Wendy, I am 45 yrs. old, and weigh a whopping 261 lbs. I am an Occupational Therapy Practitioner and currently live in Harlingen TX. My Surgeons name is Ashraf Hilmy. I am originally from Westerly, RI but recently traveled down here in August for work and decided to stay, at least for a while! All my family and friends live up in New England so I am down here alone. Luckily my mother will be flying down here for my surgery and the week following. My parents and friends are very supportive, but I feel very alone in this. I know a year from now I will probably be very happy I did this,but right now I am feeling excited and nervous all at the same time. I have never had surgery of any kind before, so the thought of them cutting me open kind of freaks me out. I wonder how much pain I will be in following the surgery? Does the Surgeon give me a prescription for pain killers or do I see a regular doctor for that? The reason I am asking is because I am paying for this out of pocket, and I was wondering how much deeper my pockets need to be? Well any way, right now the dietician has put me on a high protein diet that consists of Meat, eggs, cheese and veges. this diet will last 1 more week ( 1 week down 1 to go). One week before surgery Feb 23. I will be going on a slimfast only diet (low carb or course). I am kind of dreading this, I have never not eatten for a week before! I get to have 5 cans a day. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get through this week? I know this will be hard for some of you to believe, but I hate being hungry!!!!! One week of being hungry sounds about as much fun as running around the mall naked! And If I was able to choose between the two, I seriously may consider a nice jog! If anyone has any words of advice or any suggestions, I will gladly accept them!   Thanks for listening, Wendy  



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