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2011 Journey Begins

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4 days post surgery

Well it's 4 days post surgery and it's my first day home. I was released yesterday afternoon. The surgery went great .. no complications . One thing I wasn't ready for it the amount of air bubbles floating around inside me and the pain that came with that. After my x-ray (day 2) they told me that the opening between my throat and stomach opening was swollen and liquids were pooling there before going into my stomach. That causes a huge stabbing sharp pain. It's better today (day 4) but still there. That makes drinking my 64 ounces of liquids today a little hard knowing I'm going to get a sharp pain. The dr. says it ranges with everyone on how long the swelling takes to go down. Sometimes a few days to a week. My first day home I didn't sleep hardly at all and I'm not sure why because I was totally exhausted. My best sleep was the 2 hours after my husband left for work.   I would like to go on record that I have the greatest mom ever !!! I'm 42 years old and still wanted my mom to stay overnight in the hospital with me. She stayed and was a great help. Having her help me get up in the night and pee or walk around. I didn't have to wait for the nurse. My husband has been great also but we have a 12 year old that had to be taken care of in the evenings.   Last night when we went to bed (I was totally exhausted) I tried to lay on my side and my husband told me he was very proud of me. That meant a lot to me. He doesn't always express his feelings. He has been a great support. He is doing a lot of research about the before/after surgery. He is ready to cook whatever I feel like and is planning for week 2-3 full liquids.   Anyway.. day 4 and doing good.




4 days to go and I'm dehydrated..

I'm on day 8 of 10 day liquid protein diet. Surprising I'm doing really good mentally with it. It hasn't bothered me like I thought it would. I'm really proud of myself. I went to my normal dr. yesterday morning for my pre-op checkup and he did some blood work to check a few things. When I got home from work I had a message to call in. My blood work showed that I was dehydrated. I need to drink lots of extra fluids this weekend and go back in on Monday to have it re-checked. How can I be dehydrated when I'm only drinking all day long? I guess that might explain why some mornings I feel a little light headed and strange. Anyone else have this issue before the surgery?




Telling you kids

Does anyone have good advice on how to tell your kids about your surgery? My date is Jan 18th and I start my 10 day liquid protein on Saturday and still haven't told my 12 year old daughter. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of but I'm nervous.




Date Set

This is my first post and I'm a new member today. My date for my surgery is January 18th. I began this journey last summer and started with the 6 counseling sessions that BCBS requires. When I was on my 3rd visit I found out that my husbands insurance was changing in 2011 and gastric bypass was no longer going to be covered. I was only going to be able to complete 4 of the 6 dietician visits so they would not approve the surgery. On the same day I found out that my own companies insurance was changing and taking out the surgery for 2011. I cried a lot that day. After a lot of soul searching and taking with my husband, I have decided to go ahead with the surgery and pay for it out of pocket. I'm worried about spending my families money and possibly failing. On the other hand, I want to become healthier for myself and family so the money doesn't matter. I've been overweight my whole adult life. I've done a lot of the diets and can lose weight but don't really change my habits so I gain it all back and more. I need a healthy lifestyle change that will last a lifetime.



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